Pete Davidson Talks About Jerking Off to Leonardo DiCaprio, Being a Straight Dude with Gay Friends

Pete Davidson Talks About Jerking Off to Leonardo DiCaprio, Being a Straight Dude with Gay Friends

Pete Davidson shows off all his doll parts in PAPER magazine’s Break the Internet issue. In a wide-ranging interview, the Saturday Night Live player talks about what it means to be an LGBT ally, and his sexual awakening with the star of Titanic.

Said Davidson on being an ally: “Well, nothing’s cooler to me than seeing my friends crush it. I also have the most talented friends ever. And I think my friends are a good reflection of me…anybody that I f**k with is sweet and morally sound, you know? I find it super weird that it’s weird that a straight dude has gay friends…like, some straight dudes do have gay friends, but like they make like a big show of it as opposed to them genuinely being a friend…I really feel like I have to be careful when I’m saying this, but I do feel like a lot of women in entertainment use gay men as props. If you really listen to any of the songs that they’re doing, or any of the things that they’re doing, it’s to promote them[selves]. It’s rarely for the LGBT community. It’s to make them look good. Like, how cool they are that they’re hanging out with gay people.”

On his sexual awakening, Davidson added: “Well, I used to jerk off to Leonardo DiCaprio… Uhh, like his acting. Yeah. I used to have a HUGE crush on Leonardo DiCaprio. I had this huge poster of him from The Beach in my room, and there used to be, like, ‘Leo love books’… Do you remember? Like, right when Titanic came out [when I was] in like third or fourth grade, he was just like, ‘teen milk.’ There were love books and I had all of them. He was the coolest. I’ve met him twice and I’ve just shaken hands and run away fast, like…”

Read the full interview at PAPER

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Pete Davidson Talks About Jerking Off to Leonardo DiCaprio, Being a Straight Dude with Gay Friends