Are Great British Bake Off Contestants Michael and Henry the Show’s First Sweet Gay Romance?

Are Great British Bake Off Contestants Michael and Henry the Show’s First Sweet Gay Romance?

Henry Bird and Michael Chakraverty, two of the bakers from this season’s Great British Bake Off, are rumored to be a couple, and fans of the show are thrilled to see the sweetness come together.

Alice Fevronia, another of the show’s bakers, was thought to be dating Bird, but that rumor was extinguished when she posted this Instagram, captioned, “Brother from another mother.”

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Brother from another mother #gbbo

A post shared by Alice Fevronia (@alice.fevronia) on

Alice later shared this photo to her Instagram story, showing Bird and Chakraverty in an intimate embrace over a bowl of chocolate, captioned “BAE-ke Off ”


— Tequila-Inspired (@yosoymichael) October 27, 2019

Then there was this post, from back in September:

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But how many couples can you see…? #GBBO

A post shared by Alice Fevronia (@alice.fevronia) on

Still, the rumored show-mance has not been confirmed by either baker, but it could be the showstopper of the season.

The post Are Great British Bake Off Contestants Michael and Henry the Show’s First Sweet Gay Romance? appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

Are ‘Great British Bake Off’ Contestants Michael and Henry the Show’s First Sweet Gay Romance?

How I became aware – and proud – of my asexual identity

How I became aware – and proud – of my asexual identity

Content Warning: This article includes mentions of sex, but no graphic or explicit descriptions. Note: All descriptions of asexuality presented in this piece are defined by the author. Click here to learn more about asexuality from Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN)

Growing up, like many kids, I was often confronted with sex and sexuality in ways that perplexed me. My siblings and I would often talk about celebrities: their looks, their lives, and who are crushes were. My sisters would all gush about boys they found attractive, even when these men were easily twice our age. I was baffled. I didn’t know these people. How on earth could I possibly be attracted to them?

Then when I came out to my parents as pansexual in high school, my mom’s reaction was to ask how I could possibly enjoy sex lots of “different ways.” My face turned bright red, and I stammered, hastily assuring her this had absolutely nothing to do with sex, but that I just felt the same way about people of all genders. And whenever I went to the mall with friends or family, I would determinedly avoid looking at the Victoria’s Secret window. The lacy lingerie on display made me incredibly uncomfortable, as if I was looking at a naked body, some sexual secret that I didn’t want to be a part of.

It wasn’t until I was in college, and dating an asexual person, that I finally acknowledged my sexuality. We had a long discussion one night in May of my freshman year, and everything I had been keeping hidden since eighth grade came bubbling to the surface: I had never experienced sexual attraction.

As an outspoken queer person and activist, I was ashamed that it had taken me so long to realize this. Why? The answer was simple: I had no information on the intricacies of the asexual spectrum, and I was confusing sex drive for sexual attraction.

Explore the spectrum: Guide to finding your ace community#AceWeek #AceAwarenessWeek

— GLAAD (@glaad) October 22, 2019

Since that initial conversation, I’ve had to reevaluate everything I thought I knew about sex, sexual attraction, and everything in between. Since I assumed that my experience was allosexual (the opposite of asexual; someone who experiences full sexual attraction), I now had to learn about a world that I had no clue existed.

An asexual person experiences a lack of sexual attraction, and the asexuality spectrum refers to the full range of individuals under the asexual umbrella, including but not limited to, identities such as greysexual and demisexual, who may experience little to no sexual attraction. Well, that’s all fine and dandy, but what even is sexual attraction?

Sexual attraction is a form of attraction in which someone finds another person sexually appealing, becomes “turned on” by that person’s physical appearance or qualities, and wants to engage in sexual activities with them due to their “erotic appeal.”

That’s great, now what about sex drive? I have a high sex drive, and that factor stopped me from learning more and accepting my asexuality for many years. Sex drive (libido) is the physical state of wanting or not wanting sex in general. Just because someone has a high sex drive and wants to engage in sex often (in theory), doesn’t mean they are willing to have sex with anyone and everyone they see. Likewise, someone could be sexually attracted to their partner, but have a low sex drive, and not want to have sex often, even though the attraction does not diminish.

#AceWeek is a prime time to learn about asexuality and the related topics of romantic orientation and relationship (@Dictionarycom) October 23, 2019

Representations of asexual people (refering to all people on the asexual spectrum) are few and far between. This lack of representation can lead to negative stereotypes, such as assuming that the community is incredibly homogenous, with all of us hating sex and being anti-sex. This could not be farther from the truth. The ace community is just as diverse as any group in terms of attitudes towards sex.

Two scales are often conflated with each other, and that is: general attitudes towards sex and personal attitudes towards sex. When thinking about sex in general, one can range from being sex positive (believing sex to be something that people should be free to engage in if they so choose); to advocating for sexual freedom; to being sex negative (believing that sex is a bad and evil act that should not be engaged in or talked about.) A sex neutral individual has no stance on the matter or is indifferent.

When thinking about attitudes towards sex personally, the scale ranges from sex favorable (desiring to have sex, finding pleasure and enjoyment from sex), to sex neutral (indifference towards sex, would be okay having or not having sex); to sex repulsed (finding the act of sex personally unfavorable, regardless of general feelings towards sex: a strong desire not to engage in sexual actions.)

An asexual person could be sex repulsed, and have zero desire to engage in sex. They could be sex neutral, and would not initaite sex for pleasure, but might enjoy being able to please their partner. An asexual person could also be sex favorable, have a high sex drive, and desire sex often. All of these descriptions, as well as everything in between, are equally valid representations and ways to be ace. None of these attitudes and actions would make anyone less ace.

I am asexual, I have a high sex drive, and I am sex favorable. My partner is also ace. We have sex relatively frequently, and this baffles most allosexual people we talk to. How on earth can we enjoy sex if we’re asexual?

Having sex is one of many intimate acts between me and my partner, just like sharing secrets or breaking down in front of them. It is emotional, and it is physical, but it is not sexual. I am not turned on by my partner’s naked body. Thinking of them does not make me want to have sex. To me, sex is not sexual. It is simply one experience of many that I engage in.

Many asexual people do not like having sex. However, some do and some have no preference. It is ludicrous to always ask that ace people reveal their sex lives, histories, and preferences over and over again just because it is harder to understand. We owe no one anything—not sex, not explanations, not a detailed infographic explaining our personal journey and attitudes.

Asexual people are simply those who experience little to no sexual attraction. That statement alone has no effect on or relation to: how many people we’ve had sex with, whether we like sex, our libido, our ways of dressing, or anything else. Asexuality is natural, and there is nothing wrong with us or our bodies. We are here, we are queer, and we are diverse. There is no gender, no race, no ability status, no language, no class, no body type that is the “standard” asexual look. We are many, and we are one. To all my a-specs reading this: you are loved, you are valid, you are real. Go, be proud.

Sage Skyler is a GLAAD Campus Ambassador and sophomore at Connecticut College. On campus, they are a mentor in the QueerPeer program, a graduate of the Student Support Network initiative, and part of SafetyNet, a group of peer educators about sexual violence. They are also a published writer and TEDx speaker, and pursue queer activism in everything they do. 

October 28, 2019

Chris Martin, Dracula, Michael Che, Katie Hill, Stunt Kissing, Hal Fischer, John Oliver, Cameroon, Jane Fonda: HOT LINKS

Chris Martin, Dracula, Michael Che, Katie Hill, Stunt Kissing, Hal Fischer, John Oliver, Cameroon, Jane Fonda: HOT LINKS

RIP. Former U.S. Senator Kay Hagan dies at 66: “Hagan’s three-year battle with encephalitis, caused by Powassan virus, ended when she died in her sleep at home.”

FELLA. Michael Che under fire for deadnaming, misgendering Caitlyn Jenner on SNL.

HORROR MOVIE (OF THEIR OWN MAKING). GOP lawmakers lost and adrift: “In hushed conversations over the past week, GOP senators lamented that the fast-expanding probe is fraying their party, which remains completely in Trump’s grip. They voiced exasperation at the expectation that they defend the president against the troublesome picture that has been painted, with neither convincing arguments from the White House nor confidence that something worse won’t soon be discovered.”

KATIE HILL. Congresswoman to resign amid allegations of relationships with staffers: “This is what needs to happen so that the good people who supported me will no longer be subjected to the pain inflicted by my abusive husband and the brutality of hateful political operatives who seem to happily provide a platform to a monster who is driving a smear campaign built around cyber exploitation.”

It is with a broken heart that today I announce my resignation from Congress. This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but I believe it is the best thing for my constituents, my community, and our country.

See my official statement below.

— Rep. Katie Hill (@RepKatieHill) October 27, 2019

SOUTH CAROLINA. Pete Buttigieg reaches out to Black voters after memo says sexual orientation may be a barrier for them: ‘Many of the 24 uncommitted black voters in the groups, men and women of ages 25 to 65, were deeply uncomfortable discussing Mr. Buttigieg’s sexual orientation, the memo said, adding that “they felt the mayor was ‘flaunting’ his sexuality by the very mention of having a husband.”’

THE GAY SEVENTIES. Hal Fischer’s Castro scene photos revived. “San Francisco’s gay world in the late 1970s was a cultural event unlike any previously seen in the city, from its political activity to an overall feeling of social and sexual liberation following the Stonewall riots in New York. Photographer Hal Fischer knew it demanded documentation.”

DEEP DIVE OF THE DAY. John Oliver digs into Trump’s position on Syria. “I’m not saying that it is easy, or even possible, to get a situation this difficult completely right. But it’s genuinely hard to get it this wrong. We took a fundamentally stable situation, betrayed a strategically vital ally, and immensely damaged our reputation.”

JONATHAN CHEBAN. Kim Kardashian’s famous best friend legally changed his name to Foodgod. “If you don’t know, FG’s been all about the eats for a while now — being a bonafide foodie is kinda his thing, and he proudly showcases it all over his social media pages. Literally, it seems like just about every post is related to good grub … he even sleeps with food.”

BIG APPLE CIRCUS. Neil Patrick Harris played ringmaster, and his family was there to watch.

BELGIUM. Former teacher caught selling meth over Grindr: “I have been dealing for several months now. Sometimes about 30 to 40 customers a day pass by, earning me around €400 a day,” he said after the police caught him, reports Bruzz. “I sell to finance my own use,” he added.

HONORED. Jane Fonda accepts BAFTA award while getting arrested.

Our movement is rising like the water. Today 31 activists were arrested calling on a #GreenNewDeal, #NoNewFossilFuels, and protection of our oceans. #firedrillfriday

— Fire Drill Fridays (@FireDrillFriday) October 25, 2019

CAMEROON. Secret video room gives gay men respite: “The flickering light of a video screen illuminates faces of young men sitting on benches — members of a video club catering exclusively for gay men, a haven in a society where it is perilous to be same-sex attracted.”

MALE MODEL MONDAY. Chad White, Stephan Petrov, Victor Pinheiro, Dean Perona, Lucas Loyola and more HERE.

NYC. Jury awarded $1.75 million to gay man who said cops beat and slurred him: “Jurors in Brooklyn Federal Court deliberated 16 hours before deciding that four cops used excessive force on Louis Falcone in a June 19, 2015 incident that started when his mother called 911 because Falcone was fighting with his brother.”

STUNT KISS OF THE DAY. Ellen and Jennifer Aniston.



POP INTERVIEW OF THE DAY. Chris Martin on Coldplay’s new album.


The post Chris Martin, Dracula, Michael Che, Katie Hill, Stunt Kissing, Hal Fischer, John Oliver, Cameroon, Jane Fonda: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

Chris Martin, Dracula, Michael Che, Katie Hill, Stunt Kissing, Hal Fischer, John Oliver, Cameroon, Jane Fonda: HOT LINKS

They challenged discrimination at Georgetown: 1980

They challenged discrimination at Georgetown: 1980

Washington Area Spark posted a photo:

They challenged discrimination at Georgetown: 1980

A group of gay Georgetown University students filed suit against the university and its law department April 30, 1980 charging the school “created a chilling effect upon the speech and association rights” of gay students by denying charters to their organizations.

Some of those involved in the suit are (from left to right): James J. Ryan, student; Clint Hockenberry, student; Ronald Bogard, attorney; and Laura J. Rayburn, adjunct law professor.

Two student groups: The Gay People of Georgetown University and the Gay Rights Coalition of Georgetown University Law Center were both denied charters by the school, despite being approved by the student government in the former case and the student-faculty governing body in the latter case.

The suit relied on the city’s 1977 Human Rights law.

The suit worked its way through the courts until the full U.S. Court of Appeals ruled in November 1987 that the University did not have to officially recognize the groups, but could not deny them funds.

A settlement in the case followed where it was agreed that Georgetown would fund the groups, but not recognize them and that the groups could not hold events on campus where the majority of participants were non students.

The court decision and settlement caused a riff within the Catholic community that led to Sen. William Armstrong (R-Col.) offering an amendment to cut off city funding if D.C. didn’t change its Human Rights law.

The amendment passed, but was struck down by the courts.

Armstrong then offered another amendment—directly modifying the city’s laws that passed both houses of Congress.

The law permitted religiously-affiliated institutions to refuse to recognize gay student groups.

Gay legal rights continue to be under attack with the U.S. Supreme Court rulings that religious objections must be taken into account. A pending case will determine whether LGBTQ people fall under 1964 federal civil rights act prohibiting discrimination.

For more information and related images, see

Photo by Brig Cabe. The image is courtesy of the D.C. Public Library Washington Star Collection © Washington Post.

They challenged discrimination at Georgetown: 1980

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