HRC Mourns Brianna “BB” Hill, Black Transgender Woman Killed in Kansas City

HRC Mourns Brianna “BB” Hill, Black Transgender Woman Killed in Kansas City

HRC is deeply saddened to learn of the death of Brianna “BB” Hill, who also spelled her name as Breonna Be’Be Hill, a Black transgender woman who was killed in Kansas City on Monday.

Hill, 30, shot by a man who is currently in custody, was pronounced dead when officers arrived on the scene. Kansas City Police Capt. Tim Hernandez told local press that the alleged shooter remained at the scene until they arrived.

She was a beloved member of her community, a fan of the Kansas City football team and loved spreading joy by sharing funny videos on her Facebook page.

Hill is at least the 21st known transgender or gender non-conforming person killed this year, the majority of whom were Black transgender women. She is at least the 3rd known transgender or gender non-conforming person to be killed in Kansas City this year. Additionally, other transgender and gender non-conforming individuals have died in the last year under suspicious circumstances, including Bubba Walker, Johana ‘Joa’ Medina and Layleen Polanco.

Of the known transgender people killed this year, 14 have died from gun violence. Of the more than 150 known victims of anti-transgender violence from 2013 to present, approximately two-thirds of those killed were victims of gun violence.

In November 2018, ahead of Transgender Day of Remembrance, HRC Foundation released “A National Epidemic: Fatal Anti-Transgender Violence in America in 2018,” a heartbreaking report honoring the trans people killed and detailing the contributing and motivating factors that lead to this tragic violence. 

These victims are not numbers — they were people with hopes and plans, dreams for the future, loved ones and communities who will miss them every day. 

There are currently very few explicit legal protections for transgender or gender-expansive people. While transgender people in Kansas City are explicitly protected across many aspects of daily life, including housing and employment, they are not covered under the state’s hate crimes legislation.  

Despite marginal gains in state and local policies that support and affirm transgender people, recent years have been marked by anti-LGBTQ attacks at all levels of government. We must demand better from our elected officials and reject harmful anti-transgender legislation appearing at the local, state and federal levels because it is clear that fatal violence disproportionately affects transgender women of color. The intersections of racism, transphobia, sexism, biphobia and homophobia conspire to deprive them of necessities to live and thrive.

HRC will continue to hold the Trump administration and all elected officials who fuel the flames of hate accountable at the ballot box.

This epidemic of violence that disproportionately targets transgender people of color — particularly Black transgender women — must cease.

For more information about HRC’s transgender justice work, visit

The whole world goes purple for Spirit Day

The whole world goes purple for Spirit Day


This year for Spirit Day, organizations all around the world have gone purple to stand with LGBTQ youth against bullying. Here are several social media posts supporting Spirit Day from global organizations.


Young #LGBTI people are much more likely to be bullied, abused and isolated – simply because of who they are or whom they love. This #SpiritDay GO PURPLE to show that you support LGBTI youth! #StandUp4HumanRights @glaad

— UN Free & Equal (@free_equal) October 16, 2019

Spirit Day is a means of speaking out against LGBTQ bullying and standing with LGBTQ youth, who disproportionately face bullying and harassment because of their identities.

Please Like Share Comment #RainbowRoo#SpiritDay

— Rainbow Roo (@RainbowRooAus) October 16, 2019

On October 17th, go purple with Open Arms and millions of others to show your support for LGBTQ+ youth in Canada and around the world! #spiritday

— Open Arms (@OpenArmsCanada) October 16, 2019

Hoy celebramos el #SpiritDay, una campaña con el propósito de generar conciencia y prevenir el acoso y hostigamiento a jóvenes de la comunidad #LGBT+ en Estados Unidos. Súmate vistiendo una prenda morada este 17 de octubre.

— Relaciones Exteriores (@SRE_mx) October 16, 2019

On a grey and gloomy Thursday in Auckland, we are celebrating colour and diversity with World Spirit Day, standing with our LGBT employees, friends, whānau and rangatahi, and making a stand against bullying #spiritday #LGBT #LGBTQI+ #rangatahi #ouryouthourfuture #rainbowflag

— Youth Horizons (@Youthorizons) October 16, 2019

Don’t post pics of my outfit but today is special! I promised @inlayterms from @glaad Media Institute I’d wear purple for #SpiritDay on the last day of @EqualityProj_au. For the Aussies out there it’s the US version of @WearitPurple all the #LGBTIQ folks doing it tough

— Giancarlo de Vera (@gdevera) October 16, 2019

October 17th is #SpiritDayand I am showing my support for LGBTQ youth by going purple today. Take the pledge to show your support: @glaad #TeamTroyeMamas™️

— Cazza – TeamTroyeMamas™️ (@cazzawillcock) October 16, 2019

.@mrbenjaminlaw, writer and creator of The Family Law, participated in one of our #GLAADinstitute training in Australia. He’s also going purple for #SpiritDay!

Join him and take the pledge:

— GLAAD (@glaad) October 17, 2019

It’s #SpiritDay – going purple in Australia with @CNBCi – to take a #standagainstbullying #prideNBCU

— Will Koulouris (@WillKoulouris) October 16, 2019

#SpiritDay es un gesto de solidaridad con los jóvenes LGBTIQ que están viviendo acoso escolar, pero también es en remembranza de quienes hemos perdido por la homofobia y transfobia.

Vidas, amores, talentos, sueños.

— Alex Orué (@Alex_Orue) October 17, 2019

Spirit Day

Emily @EmilyCNBC and I going purple to show our support for standing against bullying #SpiritDay #PrideNBCU @CNBCi @cnbcipr @CNBC

— Chery Kang (@cherykang) October 17, 2019

#GLAADinstiute closes Australian tour in Sydney celebrating #SpiritDay. We are proud to have partnered with @GLAAD @inlayterms to deliver a fantastic #LGBTIQ+ media engagement advocacy training program in 5 cities across Australia. #BetterTogether

— The Equality Project (@EqualityProj_au) October 17, 2019

El edificio sede la @SRE_mx se iluminó de por el #SpiritDay @m_ebrard

— Escándala (@escandalamx) October 17, 2019

The purple in the #Pride flag means Spirit. It represents the unwavering courage and resilience of LGBTQ+ youth against discrimination and bullying.

In celebration of #SpiritDay, we are using the original purple logo of PANTAY today. #NewProfilePic

— PANTAY #SOGIEEqualityNow (@PANTAYPilipinas) October 16, 2019

@megangraff reads #sparkleboy to #SIS4c in celebration of #SpiritDay 2019! She’s also wearing purple to support victims of bullying and the LGBTQ community! #GLAAD #NationalBullyingPreventionMonth

— Susan Kim (@susankim421) October 17, 2019

In case you haven’t clocked the matching threads @steve_sedgwick and I are wearing #purple today in support of #SpiritDay #PrideNBCU

— Karen Tso (@cnbcKaren) October 17, 2019

#SpiritDay is a means of speaking out against #LGBTQ bullying and standing with LGBTQ youth, who disproportionately face bullying and harassment because of their identities.

— UEA Chemistry (@UEA_Chemistry) October 17, 2019

‘The company announced a $50,000 donation to LGBT+ advocacy charity GLAAD as it launched the cereal for #SpiritDay on October 17.’

Kellogg’s is launching an LGBT-themed cereal so you can start your day with maximum gay

— It Gets Better UK (@itgetsbetteruk) October 17, 2019

Standup to bullying of any kind #SpiritDay

— Fujitsu Pride (@FujitsuPride) October 17, 2019

While growing up, Helen was bullied in school for her style that didn’t fall into specific gender expectations.

On #SpiritDay, learn how activist Helen Tavares now works to protect #LGBTI

— UN Women (@UN_Women) October 17, 2019

Take the pledge to support 2SLGBTQI+ youth against bullying. 2SLGBTQI+ youth disproportionately face bullying & harassment because of their identities. #SpiritDay is a way to visibly show solidarity & speak out against hate.

— Chandra-Li Paul (@chandralipaul) October 17, 2019

A la lucha contra el #bullying en el #SpiritDay se unen nuestra ex Pdta. Nal. @xoch_azpiazu nuestro Coord. de Diversidad @alexalba y del @AteneoCDMX @Miguel_Adrian01
Únete y mándanos tu foto!#SoyAteneo#AteneoIncluyente

— Ateneo Nacional de la Juventud, A.C. (@ateneo_juventud) October 17, 2019

Today’s Spirit Day!

Speaking out against LGBTQ+ bullying & standing with LGBTQ+ people who face harrassment because of their identities. Wear purple 2 visibly show solidarity with LGBTQ+ people around the world & take part in the largest and most visible anti-bullying campaign.

— Suresh Ramdas (@sureshramdas) October 17, 2019

#SpiritDay өдрөөр цаг зав гаргаж ижил хүйстэн залуустай ДМ-р холбогдож чөлөөтэй үзэл бодлоо солилцоно. ХЭ ойлгож эрхэмлдэг хүн бүр дэмжинэ @tvdaria @oyunlt @Bolorsaikhan @jack_722aj @LGBTMongolia @Lkhagva @ganzorigv @Demberel_S @odbayare @dsainbayar @Uyanga_ts @KhowledgeHub

— ᠠᠶᠤᠰᠢ ᠪᠠᠲᠤ ᠡᠷᠳᠡᠨᠢ (@AyushBate) October 17, 2019

On #SpiritDay, let’s all stand w/ #LGBT youth & speak out against LGBT bullying. Human rights are universal. To make them a reality, we must create safe, inclusive environments for all, free from discrimination & violence #Standup4humanrights @glaad @free_equal

— Michelle Bachelet (@mbachelet) October 17, 2019

Teach love, teach humanity. No one should suffer because of their human nature. #SpiritDay

— Queer Pride Botswana (@PrideBW) October 16, 2019

“Siempre me decían que eran cosas de ‘mariquitas’, pero ese niño ha crecido y puede decir bien alto que estoy muy orgulloso de quien soy”. #ContraElBullying #SpiritDay #TodoMejora

— It Gets Better España (@ItGetsBetter_es) October 17, 2019

El #SpiritDay es una fecha que comenzó en Estados Unidos como un día para hablar en contra del bullying hacia personas LGBT+. El día de hoy vístete de morado, habla con las personas a tu alrededor y muestra tu solidaridad y valores hacia las personas LGBT+. ¡Contamos contigo!

— It Gets Better Col. (@ItGetsBetterCol) October 17, 2019

#Learning2 is proud to go purple this #SpiritDay on behalf of #lgbtq+ learners everywhere. Join @glaad ‘s powerful movement and take the pledge:

— learning2 (@learning2) October 16, 2019

Show LGBTQ youth that we’ve got their back – go purple now for #SpiritDay

Yuk pakai ungu dan pasang tagar #SpiritDay kita perlihatkan kepada adik-adik LGBTQ yang menjadi korban perisakan bahwa mereka tidak sendiri.

— Caregiver Mahel (@McMahel) October 17, 2019

It’s #SpiritDay!

We join the world in commemorating the fight against the bullying of LGBT people, especially LGBT youth who are disproportionately affected by bullying.

If you stand against the bullying of LGBT youth, reply to this tweet with some purple hearts .

— Equality Jamaica (@EqualityJa) October 17, 2019

About Spirit Day

Each year, millions go purple for GLAAD’s Spirit Day to support LGBTQ youth in a united stand against bullying. Started in 2010 by high school student Brittany McMillan in response to numerous young LGBTQ lives lost to suicide, Spirit Day now draws the participation of celebrities, schools, faith institutions, national landmarks, corporations, media outlets, sports leagues, and advocates around the world, all joining together to stand against bullying and support LGBTQ youth.

Presenting partners Pantene and Target, official partners Kellogg’s and the NBA and WNBA, and community partners Amazon, Johnson & Johnson, Kirkland & Ellis, and Wells Fargo will all participate in the anti-bullying campaign. 

As anti-LGBTQ policies, hate crimes, and harassment are on the rise, it is now especially important to let all marginalized youth know they are supported.

This year, Spirit Day is on October 17, 2019. Take the Spirit Day pledge to show LGBTQ youth you’ve got their backs at Follow @GLAAD on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to keep up to date with #SpiritDay news.


October 17, 2019