The sequel to “Nightmare on Elm Street” made this closeted actor’s life a living horror

The sequel to “Nightmare on Elm Street” made this closeted actor’s life a living horror

Mark Patton, Scream Queen!, documentary, Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge, gay actor
Mark Patton get some glove love in “Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge”

The 1985 film Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge became one of the queerest horror movies of all time for its homoerotic overtones and its young male lead, a then-closeted actor named Mark Patton.

Patton’s character in the film has a high-pitched scream, goes to a leather bar, dreams of his P.E. coach showering,  and speaks of his interior battle against the film’s murderous bogey man with the double-entendre line, “He’s inside me and he wants to take me again!” Patton’s character gets scared and runs away while making out with his gal pal and he prefers sleeping over at his male friend’s house.

Related: Who Knew Nightmare on Elm Street 2 Was the Gayest Film of the 80s?

At the time, Patton thought that playing the male lead in a successful horror franchise would launch his career, but the homophobia he faced afterwards effectively ended it. Not only would people come up to him at horror conventions and tell him how much they hated his film, but Hollywood rumors about his sexuality amid the rising HIV epidemic made life (in his words) “a nightmare.”

In a trailer for Scream, Queen! a 2019 documentary about Patton’s experience with the film, Patton says, “I wasn’t an out gay actor. I was a gay person and I was living in terror. My lover was dying, people went through our trash, and my agents are waiting to see if I can play straight.”

The documentary explores the effects homophobia had on his prematurely ended acting career, how the sequel was eventually taken up by gay fans as a cult classic and Patton’s confrontation with its creators to understand whether it was intentionally created as homoerotic and its legacy and effect on him more than 30 years later.

Here is a trailer for the documentary Scream, Queen!:

The film isn’t out yet but is currently making it way through the film festival circuit.

Delusional Gay Conservative ‘Log Cabin Republicans’ Endorse Trump for Re-election

Delusional Gay Conservative ‘Log Cabin Republicans’ Endorse Trump for Re-election

Log Cabin Republicans logo

Log Cabin Republicans, the gay conservative political group, has endorsed Donald Trump for re-election despite his administration’s ongoing attacks on the LGBTQ community.

Write Robert Kabel and Jill Homan in a delusional endorsement in the Washington Post: ‘For LGBTQ Republicans, watching the 2016 GOP convention before Donald Trump took the stage was like a dream fulfilled. The distance between that event and Pat Buchanan’s hate-filled exhortation against the LGBTQ community in Houston in 1992 is a powerful measurement of how far we’ve come. Some of the moral leaders who stood with Buchanan back then were still there three years ago in Cleveland, to be sure. But this time, they refrained from passing judgment on gays and lesbians. And in an extraordinarily uplifting moment, Thiel uttered the words for the first time, “I am proud to be gay. I am proud to be a Republican. But most of all, I am proud to be an American.” He was met with thunderous standing applause from the body of the Republican Party. … To be treated equally, fairly and justly under the law is our goal, and we know that “Inclusion Wins” is a mantra we share with the president. The Log Cabin Republicans endorse Donald Trump for reelection as president.’

Log Cabin Republicans declined to endorse Trump in 2016.

Jerri Ann Henry, the executive director of the Log Cabin Republicans, in 2018 characterized Trump’s attacks on the LGBTQ community as “hiccups.”

The post Delusional Gay Conservative ‘Log Cabin Republicans’ Endorse Trump for Re-election appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

Delusional Gay Conservative ‘Log Cabin Republicans’ Endorse Trump for Re-election

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: August 16, 2019

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: August 16, 2019

AMID ATTACKS FROM TRUMP-PENCE, HRC RELEASES ANNUAL HEALTHCARE EQUALITY INDEX: A record 680 health care facilities actively participated in this year’s survey, and, even as Trump-Pence continue their assault on LGBTQ-inclusive health care, 406 of them earned a top score of 100. “As the Trump-Pence administration continues to attack the most fundamental rights of LGBTQ people, including rolling back non-discrimination protections in the Affordable Care Act and promoting a license to discriminate in health care, it is more important than ever that health care institutions stand with the LGBTQ community,” said HRC President Alphonso David (@AlphonsoDavid). “The health care facilities that participate in HRC’s Healthcare Equality Index are making clear that they stand on the side of fairness and are committed to providing inclusive care to their LGBTQ patients.” More from HRC.

ICYMI — HRC PRESIDENT ALPHONSO DAVID ANNOUNCES HISTORIC ENDORSEMENTS & INVESTMENT IN VIRGINIA ELECTIONS: In one of his first moves since taking the helm at the organization, HRC President Alphonso David at an event Thursday in Richmond made clear his commitment to electing new leadership to the House of Delegates and establishing pro-equality majorities in the Virginia legislature. HRC’s six-figure, 27-candidate investment marks the most endorsements and money invested in Virginia’s state legislative elections in HRC’s history. HRC’s endorsements also underscore our commitment to diversity — seven of nine Senate endorsements and 11 of 18 House endorsements are women; and three of nine Senate endorsements and seven of 18 House endorsements are people of color. More from The Associated Press.

Working with our partners at @EqualityVA & across the state, @HRC field organizers will be deployed to mobilize 1.2 million Equality Voters to elect new leadership in Richmond that will put the needs of Virginians ahead of the needs of special interests.

— Alphonso David (@AlphonsoDavid) August 15, 2019

FEEL GOOD FRIDAY — CHECK OUT THIS BEAUTIFUL BEACHSIDE PROPOSAL THAT’S GONE VIRAL: X Factor Australia contestant Andrew Price proposed to his partner Naisa Lasalosi at a surprise seaside picnic. More from Advocate.

Full video ❤️❤️����. How beautiful is love??!! I said yes!!!! ��������

— Naisa Lasalosi (@OyNAISA) August 12, 2019

HRC DEMANDS JUSTICE FOR TRACY SINGLE, A BLACK TRANS WOMAN KILLED IN HOUSTON: According to multiple reports, Single was killed in Houston, becoming the 15th trans woman of color and 16th transgender person that we know of to die by violent means this year. Though Single, 22, was found dead at a gas station on July 30, it took nearly two weeks for law enforcement, with the help of local LGBTQ activists, to identify her. To honor Single, the city lit up City Hall and bridges in colors of the transgender flag. More from HRC.

WHO RELEASES NEW GUIDANCE ON ED-PrEP: The World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its guidelines for PrEP in men who have sex with men to include “event-driven PrEP” (ED-PrEP) in addition to daily PrEP. More from Avert.


LGBTQ ADVOCATES IN LANCASTER, PA., SPEAK OUT AGAINST ANTI-TRANS SCHOOL POLICY: The policy bars students from using sex-segregated facilities that align with their gender. More from Lancaster Online.

NEW REPORT FROM ANTI-VIOLENCE PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS ANTI-LGBTQ VIOLENCE DURING PRIDE: The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) report, Pride and Pain: A Snapshot of Anti-LGBTQ Hate and Violence During Pride Season 2019, outlines the incidents and trends of violence documented nationally in the two-month period from May 15 to July 15, 2019. Read the full report here.


ROCKO’S MODERN LIFE FEATURES TRANS STORYLINE: “It is critical for young people to see art that reflects the full diversity of humanity, including in the television characters they watch,” said Sarah McBride, HRC National Press Secretary. “Affirming portrayals of transgender characters help to remove stigma and counter the negative messages that too often permeate our politics and culture.” More from MTV News.



READING RAINBOW – Bookmark now to read on your lunch break!

South Florida Gay News reports that HRC’s Sarah McBride (@SarahEMcBride) will speak at the Southern Comfort conference; Miami NPR interviews University of Miami’s new law school dean, who is gay; Tampa Bay Times reports the city will host the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce International Business & Leadership Conference; Page Six interviews Billy Porter (@theebillyporter); Sacramento Bee sits down with a trans Vietnamese immigrant and their mom to discuss the coming out process.

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to #AM_Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!

Faye Dunaway Sued by Gay Personal Assistant, Says She Called Him ‘Little Homosexual Boy’ Before Firing Him

Faye Dunaway Sued by Gay Personal Assistant, Says She Called Him ‘Little Homosexual Boy’ Before Firing Him

Faye Dunaway’s former personal assistant on the Broadway-bound play Tea At Five, from which Dunaway was recently fired over her behavior on set which included physically assaulting people, is suing his former boss, saying she “regularly and relentlessly subjected plaintiff to abusive demeaning tirades” and used his sexual orientation to “demean and humiliate him at work,” Page Six reports.

Dunaway allegedly called Michael Rocha “a little homosexual boy” before he was fired, and called other workers “little gay people.” Rocha says he has a recording to back up the claims. Rocha apparently reported Dunaway’s behavior and two weeks later was fired.

The post Faye Dunaway Sued by Gay Personal Assistant, Says She Called Him ‘Little Homosexual Boy’ Before Firing Him appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

Faye Dunaway Sued by Gay Personal Assistant, Says She Called Him ‘Little Homosexual Boy’ Before Firing Him