Mayor changes rules so she doesn’t have to sign Pride proclamation, insists she’s not homophobic

Mayor changes rules so she doesn’t have to sign Pride proclamation, insists she’s not homophobic

Donna Schmitt is the mayor of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis with approximately 20,000 residents.

She’s facing criticism from constituents after she refused to sign a proclamation supporting the city’s upcoming Pride festival, which is scheduled to happen this weekend.

But there’s more to the story than just that.

In her refusal to do so, Schmitt cited new guidelines that were put into place after LGBTQ groups initially contacted her about signing the proclamation.

According to local station FOX9, organizers from the Columbia Heights Pride Organization reached out to the mayor’s office several weeks ago to ask if she would sign a proclamation officially recognizing this Saturday as LGBTQ Awareness Day in Columbia Heights.

Their emails and phone calls went unanswered until last week when Schmitt finally agreed to meet with them only to say they hadn’t followed the appropriate guidelines for getting a proclamation and, therefore, she could not abide by their request.

But here’s the thing: The guidelines Schmitt cited didn’t exist when organizers first contacted her about the proclamation weeks earlier. They were created the same week she agreed to meet with them, after she had been blowing them off for weeks.

“It is not about a group, it’s about, let’s follow the guidelines,” Schmitt told local station ABC5. “They can go out and celebrate, they are more than welcome to rent our parks and have a family friendly event, as they have requested.”

During a town hall meeting held on Monday, Schmitt told organizers, “You do not need a piece of paper from me to do this.”

“Nowhere does it state or has been implied that I’m against individuals in the LGBTQ community. We have denied three other proclamations in the last couple of months.”

As tensions in the room built, Schmitt slammed her gavel on the table and scolded: “I will be asking some of you to leave if you do not stop!”

Speaking to local media after the meeting, she confirmed the new guidelines were put in place after LGBTQ organizers contacted her but insisted it was not motivated by antigay animus, saying, “I just hope they realize, they don’t represent everyone in the city either.”

Related: Mayoral candidate caught on tape shouting antigay slurs at cyclist says he was exercising free speech

PETA Calls Out for Using Alligator as ‘Prop’ for Gay ‘Everglades’ Scene

PETA Calls Out for Using Alligator as ‘Prop’ for Gay ‘Everglades’ Scene

The Everglades /

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is criticizing the adult film studio for its use of an alligator in a scene from its new film The Everglades starring Diego Sans and Kaleb Stryker. You can view the wk-unfriendly trailer here.

Director Marc MacNamara shared footage of the shoot to his Instagram account.

View this post on Instagram

On location in the #Everglades #filming #comingsoon #alligators #behindthescenes #nastyboys @nasty_boy_productions

A post shared by Marc MacNamara (@marcmacnamara) on

Said PETA Director Elisa Allen to GSN: “No matter what humans are getting up to on set, wild animals should be left to their own private lives, never used as props or decoration. They deserve to be spared the confusion, stress, confinement, and exposure to bright lights and loud noises that are inevitable on a film set – and the distress caused by shifting them from place to place – which is why PETA urges all film directors to work only with willing, human actors.”

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PETA Calls Out for Using Alligator as ‘Prop’ for Gay ‘Everglades’ Scene

Congratulations to Nicole and Ahmed from California!

Congratulations to Nicole and Ahmed from California!

Some people are worth melting for. For Nicole, it was Ahmed. She writes: “Ahmed sent me a message on Zoosk and and we hit it off instantly. We met for coffee the following week. When I first saw his smile, my heart melted and it felt like magic. By the end of the date, we both knew we

The post Congratulations to Nicole and Ahmed from California! appeared first on Zoosk.

Labor Secretary Alex Acosta Resigns Over Plea Deal Offered to Sexual Predator Jeffrey Epstein

Labor Secretary Alex Acosta Resigns Over Plea Deal Offered to Sexual Predator Jeffrey Epstein

U.S. Labor Secretary Alex Acosta has resigned over the plea deal he facilitated for sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein.

The Hill reports: “Acosta announced his resignation Friday, saying that he phoned President Trump that morning to tell him he was stepping aside because he does not want his handling of the Jeffrey Epstein plea agreement to consume the administration….Prosecutors alleged that Epstein, 66, engaged in sex acts with girls as young as 14 and had young women recruit other girls to be part of an alleged sex trafficking operation. Epstein has denied any wrongdoing.”

Acosta defended his plea deal in a press conference earlier this week:

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Labor Secretary Alex Acosta Resigns Over Plea Deal Offered to Sexual Predator Jeffrey Epstein

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: July 12, 2019

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: July 12, 2019

BREAKING — U.N. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL VOTES IN FAVOR OF INDEPENDENT EXPERT TO PROTECT LGBTQ PEOPLE WORLDWIDE: HRC celebrates the vote today in Geneva to renew for a second three-year term the mandate of the U.N. Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (IE SOGI). The resolution passed 27-12, with seven abstentions. “As LGBTQ people around the world face unprecedented challenges and the rolling back of previously secured protections — including by the Trump-Pence administration in the U.S. — it is heartening that the U.N. has taken this bold step once again to protect our communities from violence and discrimination, ” said HRC Director of Global Partnerships Jean Freedberg (@FreedJean). Read more at HRC.

As LGBTQ people around the world face unprecedented challenges & the rolling back of previously secured protections it’s heartening that @UNHumanRights has taken this vital step to protect our communities from violence & discrimination. #RenewIESOGI #HRC41

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) July 12, 2019


“The Trump-Pence administration’s trans troop ban goes against medical experts, military leadership and budget analysts; it is unsound, unpopular, and unpatriotic. We are grateful to Congresswoman Speier and the strong, bipartisan majority of the House who voted for this amendment to ensure all transgender military service members have equal non-discrimination protections,” said Sarah McBride, HRC National Press Secretary (@SarahEMcBride). Read more from HRC, Advocate and The Hill.

NINTH CIRCUIT REFUSES TO BLOCK TITLE X GAG RULE: The gag rule threatens the health and welfare of millions, including LGBTQ people. More from HRC.

Title X provides reproductive care to millions, including women, LGBTQ people, people of color, people with a low income & more.

We continue to join with @PPFA and others to #ProtectX.

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) July 11, 2019

FRIDAY FEELING — AMBER HIKES, EXEC DIRECTOR OF PHILLY MAYOR’S OFFICE OF LGBT AFFAIRS & ADVOCATE OF “MORE COLOR MORE PRIDE” FLAG, LEAVES FOR NEW POSITION: Hikes (@AmberHikes) leaves a “legacy of inclusion,” writes Anna Orso (@anna_orso) for The Philadelphia Inquirer. “Hikes, who is nationally known in LGBTQ circles for her activism, advocated to make Philadelphia’s Home Rule Charter more gender-neutral, and worked with the police department to develop a new policy for interacting with transgender and nonbinary people.” However, Hikes’ most well-known contribution is likely the Philadelphia Flag, or More Color More Pride flag, which adds black and brown stripes to the six-color rainbow flag to include LGBTQ people of color. Read the full piece here.


WHILE MUCH POLITICAL PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE FOR THE LGBTQ COMMUNITY IN PUERTO RICO, CHALLENGES REMAIN: “We’ve done a lot with very few resources, and that tells you a lot about the strength of the Puerto Rico LGBT community,” said LGBTQ rights activist Pedro Julio Serrano (@PedroJulio).


“I am proud to be a co-sponsor of the #EqualityAct. It is not just something that we should do, it’s something that is the right thing to do and it’s time we move forward on that.”@SenDougJones stopped by @HRC HQ to issue a call to action to pass
this vital legislation now.

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) July 11, 2019





READING RAINBOW – Bookmark now to read on your lunch break!

Billboard suggests six ways to be an ally to the LGBTQ community after Pride month.

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to #AM_Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!

Man Donates Kidney to Protest U.S. Ban on Gay Men Giving Blood

Man Donates Kidney to Protest U.S. Ban on Gay Men Giving Blood

Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

Barton Lynch, a 24-year-old Virginia man, donated one of his kidneys to a random recipient to protest the U.S. ban on gay men giving blood.

The Washingtonian reports: ‘For years, Lynch regularly gave blood as a way to honor his father, who was diagnosed with cancer during Lynch’s freshman year of college. However, recently Lynch, who works for a consulting firm, started dating both men and women and per FDA policy, all men who have sex with other men cannot donate their blood unless they refrain from same-sex intimacy for a year.’

Lynch called his donation “philanthropic activism” and said he hopes his gift will raise awareness and inspire others to do the same.

As far as who got the kidney, Lynch said, “It goes into the other person the same day. I don’t know anything about the other person. I sent them a letter, and they can either read it or not, and reply or not. As far as I know, they have not done anything. But I did hear that it was a successful surgery. “

The post Man Donates Kidney to Protest U.S. Ban on Gay Men Giving Blood appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

Man Donates Kidney to Protest U.S. Ban on Gay Men Giving Blood

U.N. Human Rights Council Votes in Favor of Independent Expert to Protect LGBTQ People Worldwide

U.N. Human Rights Council Votes in Favor of Independent Expert to Protect LGBTQ People Worldwide

Today, HRC celebrated the United Nations Human Rights Council’s vote to renew for a second three-year term the mandate of the U.N. Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (IE SOGI). The resolution passed 27 to 12 with 7 abstentions during the 41st session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. 

Earlier this month, HRC joined more than 1,316 organizations from 174 countries and territories in a letter of support calling for the renewal of the mandate.

“As LGBTQ people around the world face unprecedented challenges and the rolling back of previously secured protections — including by the Trump-Pence administration in the United States — it is heartening that the United Nations has taken this bold step once again to protect our communities from violence and discrimination,” said HRC Director of Global Partnerships Jean Freedberg. “Today’s vote ensures that the vital work begun by Vitit Muntabhorn and Victor Madrigal-Borloz on behalf of LGBTQ people will continue, and that countries will be held accountable to protect their LGBTQ citizens. Yet even as we celebrate this victory, there is so much more to be done to truly protect even the most vulnerable among us, including transgender and intersex people — and to advance our path towards full equality.”

Established in 2016 by the U.N. Human Rights Council, the IE SOGI, working collaboratively with U.N. and regional leaders, has helped nations develop policies and actions to protect people from discrimination and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The Independent Expert  oversees the implementation of international human rights law, raises awareness, engages in dialogue with stakeholders and provides advisory and technical assistance. 

Victor Madrigal-Borloz, the current mandate holder, has led this effort by analyzing barriers created by criminalization, pathologization and stigma while assessing crises through an intersectional lens that respects local strategies. He is the second person to assume the role, following the leadership of Thai human rights expert Vitit Muntarbhorn who stepped down in 2017.

For the past year, global advocates have lobbied to secure the renewal of the mandate by the 47 member states of the Human Rights Council. And now with this successful vote, these efforts will, as suggested in a recent report, further cement “the emerging conceptual frameworks of [sexual orientation and gender identity] as part of international human rights law,” and send a signal around the world that the momentum for equality is unstoppable.