People are FaceApp-ing Donald Trump and the results are truly terrifying

People are FaceApp-ing Donald Trump and the results are truly terrifying

Everyone’s been talking about FaceApp, the new photo filter app that allows users to modify pictures of themselves to appear older, younger, with a different hairstyle, as a different gender, and so on, often to very creepy results.

It was all fun and games until people realized that the app was owned by the Russian company Wireless Lab and that it was farming their private data. Given how Russia used people’s data to meddle in the 2016 election, everyone started freaking out.

Related: Should LGBTQ people be worried about using FaceApp?

In response, Sen. Chuck Schumer called for a federal investigation into Wireless Lab over what he believes are potential national security and privacy threats to the millions of Americans who have downloaded FaceApp.

But that hasn’t stopped many from continuing to download it. And just to add a layer of creepiness to it all, they’ve started uploading pictures of Donald Trump, creating images that are truly, truly terrifying.

Scroll down to see… if you dare…

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#dumptrump #clown #mostaccurrate #donaldtrump #trumpold #evenolder #lmfao???????????? @realdonaldtrump

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#TheDonald #donaldtrump

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Related: Big name adult video stars use FaceApp’s “aging filter” to look like sexy grandpas

Berkeley, California to Rename ‘Manholes’ as ‘Maintenance Holes’ in Effort Toward Nonbinary Gender Inclusivity

Berkeley, California to Rename ‘Manholes’ as ‘Maintenance Holes’ in Effort Toward Nonbinary Gender Inclusivity

Photo by 7 SeTh on Unsplash

Berkeley, California will be renaming “manholes” as “maintenance holes” in official city documents in a bid to recognize nonbinary gender inclusivity.

In addition fraternities and sororities will be referred to as “Collegiate Greek system residences,” “manpower” will be termed “human effort,” pregnant women will be referred to as “pregnant employees,” and “watchmen” will be called “guards.”

CNN reports: ‘The item passed without discussion or comments and was not controversial, said Berkeley City Council member Rigel Robinson, the bill’s primary author. The revised city documents also will replace instances of gendered pronouns, such as “he” and “she” with “they,” according to the ordinance.’

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Berkeley, California to Rename ‘Manholes’ as ‘Maintenance Holes’ in Effort Toward Nonbinary Gender Inclusivity

Netflix is even gayer than we imagined

Netflix is even gayer than we imagined

If Netflix’s legal department is half as queer as their social media department, they aren’t kidding around.

The streaming giant with more queer content than an angsty gay teen’s AP art sketchbook will not be bullied by anyone, least of all a group of far-right rabble-rousers hell-bent on clutching onto their imagined thread of cultural relevancy.

After learning that the organizers of Boston’s so-called Straight Pride Parade were using the company’s logo on their website and touting them as a “prospective sponsor”, Netflix issued a cease-and-desist order.

Related: Netflix destroys homophobe with just 3 simple words

The response it received from organizers is next-level troll trash.

Here’s the letter Netflix sent the group, which goes by “Super Happy Fun America”:

“You are using the Netflix logo to promote your event, which despite its name is about hate–-not pride. That’s gross and deeply hurtful, but it’s also deceptive misinformation and infringes our legal rights. Netflix has nothing to do with your organization or event. Indeed, it’s telling that you feel the need to lie to gain legitimacy. … You should know that we’re unafraid of bullies. Our legal department is here, it’s queer, and it’s telling you to steer clear.”

“Super Happy Fun America” – the organizers of the Boston “Straight Pride Parade” have apparently received a cease and desist letter from Netflix over apparently claiming that Netflix supports them.

The group says Netflix “is a heterophobic company steeped in hatred and bigotry.”

— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) July 17, 2019

Related: Netflix takes $60 million stand for LGBTQ rights

And not ones to miss an opportunity to broadcast another intentionally idiotic statement in the hopes of riling up the left (for the record, we are not riled, just watching this all with an eye-rolling curiosity while we wonder who hurt these people to make them want to spend their time on this “cause”), here’s how the organizers responded:

“Sadly, we have learned that Netflix is a heterophobic company steeped in hatred and bigotry. They not only rejected our offer but threatened us with litigation if we did not stop using their name and logo, which is perfectly legal for editorial or informational purposes. Netflix labelled us bullies and declared that their legal department “is here, it’s queer, and it’s telling you to steer clear.” Obviously, Netflix has no qualms about using their position of power to threaten marginalized groups who are exercising their 1stamendment rights. It appears that their legal department is staffed by gay supremacists who are so accustomed to privilege that our goal of equality for straights feels like oppression to them. In fact, it is Netflix that is acting like a bully. We have every right to inform the public about our attempts to gain sponsors for our parade and their hate will not stop us.”

There’s now a campaign to end pro-LGBTQ corporations’s donations to anti-queer politicians

There’s now a campaign to end pro-LGBTQ corporations’s donations to anti-queer politicians

Google, LGBTQ corporation, anti-gay, Zero for Zeros

This last Pride month, a site called Popular Information revealed that at least nine American corporation were donating millions to anti-LGBTQ candidates while receiving a perfect 100 score on the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) Corporate Equality Index ranking the “Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality.”

Now there’s a recently unveiled campaign called “Zero for Zeros” which is revealing these companies and asking them to stop their harmful donations.

These companies include many that you probably use every day like Amazon, AT&T, American Airlines, Best Buy, Chevron, Coca-Cola, Dell, Facebook, General Mills, Google, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Mastercard, Microsoft, PepsiCo, Pfizer, T-Mobile, UPS, Visa and Whirlpool. But the campaign’s first-wave is focusing on just 12 companies.

The campaign is asking companies to stop giving to members of Congress who’ve received a 0 percent rating from the HRC’s Congressional Scorecard over the last two congressional sessions.

“They’ve been given many opportunities to show a minimal level of support for the LGBT community and have rejected those opportunities at every step of the way,” writes Longtime LGBTQ activist and Zero for Zeros’ campaign manager Lane Hudson to the CEOs. “Their actions and the values that they represent are completely out of step with your company’s support for the LGBT community.”

Related: This gay student’s family is fighting a major corporation over a suspected gaybashing

In a statement, Husdon said, “These companies are some of the most well-known companies throughout the world and they support LGBT equality in many ways. Their political contributions to the most anti-gay members of Congress do not reflect the values they have expressed to their employees and the public.”

Even if corporations slap on a rainbow logo and call themselves “allies,” many may give to anti-LGBTQ politicians because of their policies benefitting corporations.

Zero for Zeros is asking people to join its Facebook group as it works to defund anti-LGBTQ politicians.