Wake up with soggy diaper on Tuesday morning with the Mario Cuties onesie. Time to back to work to process some order. ?#cuteboys ?#twink ?#niceboy ?#shota ?#otaku ?#diaper ?#diaperlover ?#twinkboy :ange
Joey Cuties posted a photo:
Wake up with soggy diaper on Tuesday morning with the Mario Cuties onesie. Time to back to work to process some order. ?#cuteboys ?#twink ?#niceboy ?#shota ?#otaku ?#diaper ?#diaperlover ?#twinkboy :ange
Joey Cuties posted a photo:
#lovelife #love #life #Nithyananda #quotes #romance #pleasure #divine
Nithyananda On Cosmic Union posted a photo:
#love #life #Nithyananda #quotes #romance #pleasure #divine“>live.staticflickr.com/65535/48352263101_e423a9184e_m.jpg" width="240" height="240" alt="#lovelife #love #life #Nithyananda #quotes #romance #pleasure #divine“>
via Instagram ift.tt/2JJ4Rne
Congresswoman Introduces Bill to Protect LGBTQ Rights Worldwide
Dina Titus’s GLOBE Act would require the U.S. to document persecution abroad and assure access to asylum.
‘Adam’ Director Rhys Ernst Addresses Critics and the ‘War on Nuance’
The film — about a cis teen who pretends to be trans to date a lesbian — has stirred controversy in the LGBTQ community.
Photos: The cosplay cuties of Comic Con 2019
We’ve assembled a Legion of Super-Lewks of the most Uncanny XXX-Men.
Texas Gov. Celebrates Signing Antigay Legislation With Chick-fil-A
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed the anti-LGBTQ bill during Pride Month. Last week, he celebrated again by supporting the notoriously homophobic chain.
Antigay priest accused of sex abuse uses altar boys he DIDN’T molest to show his innocence
An antigay priest from Detroit accused of molesting a teenage boy in the 1970s and supplying alcohol to at least two minors has produced a letter signed by over 50 former altar boys saying he’s not a predator because he never acted inappropriately towards any of them.
Last month, the Associated Press ran a story about a former altar boy who alleged Rev. Eduard Perrone had molested him at a lake house in the late 1970s. The alleged molestation happened while the altar boy and Perrone were wrestling together in the water.
70-year-old Perrone, who once outed several of his gay colleagues in a salacious dossier he secretly sent to the Vatican, told the AP there wasn’t any “inappropriate touching” and maintained that he “never ever would have done such a thing.”
But the Archdiocesan Review Board found the allegations against Perrone credible, meaning it has a “semblance of truth.” In response, he has been removed from public ministry while the situation is investigated by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which handles all cases involving sexual abuse by clergy.
Now, in an effort to clear his name, Perrone, who once helped found a nonprofit organization offering support to priests accused of sexual abuse, has rounded up 51 former altar boys to sign a letter saying he never molested them, thus proving his innocence.
“We are all altar boys who have served with Fr. Perrone at some point over the years,” the letter states, before listing all the various types of interactions they had with him, including canoe trips, overnight retreats, and one-on-one meetings, during which Perrone never made any moves on them.
“Collectively, we have spent tens of thousands of hours with Fr. Perrone in circumstances like these, among others,” the letter continues. “None of us have ever experienced, or observed, any immoral or inappropriate behavior by Fr. Perrone in connection with his interactions with altar boys or any other parishioners.”
Perrone was also accused by at least two others of serving alcohol to minors, which he initially denied and then, in the same sentence, admitted to.
“I may have had wine in their presence,” he told the AP, “but I’ve never given them a drink. In fact one time I remember being with one of our altar boys and his dad in the rectory and I said, ‘Do you want him to have a little bit of this glass of wine?’ and it wasn’t the dad, it was the kid that said, ‘No, I don’t want any of that.’”
In a church newsletter earlier this year, Perrone decried sexual abuse inside the church.
“The real shame is not the publicity of horrid, secret sins but the venting of lewd passion, the foul degradation of the flesh, the mortal sins committed,” he wrote. “Where did holiness go?”
Earlier this month, Perrone’s name was added to the website protect.aod.org, which lists priests who have faced credible allegations.
Elizabeth Warren, Victor Pinherio, Marvel’s LGBTQ Superhero, Jasper Clinton Mezvinsky, Citizenship, Great Escape: HOT LINKS
2020. CBS News poll shows Elizabeth Warren gaining on Joe Biden in early voting states. ‘The former vice president enjoys a 5 point lead over his closest competitor, with 25 percent of likely Democratic voters in states holding their primaries before or on Super Tuesday saying they would vote for Biden if the primary or caucus were held today. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is the second choice of voters in the 18 states surveyed, coming in at 20 percent.’
SNAKE ARMY. Taylor Swift’s fans come for Kamala Harris after Scooter Braun fundraiser.
CITIZENSHIP TEST. The Trump administration is revising it: ‘Cuccinelli spoke with The Washington Post about changes to the U.S. citizenship test, which the USCIS plans to launch in December 2020 or early 2021. “Isn’t everybody always paranoid that this is used for ulterior purposes?” Cuccinelli said. “Of course, they’re going to be sorely disappointed when it just looks like another version of a civics exam. I mean that’s pretty much how it’s going to look.”‘
IT’S A BOY. Chelsea Clinton announces birth of third child.
This morning we welcomed our son, Jasper Clinton Mezvinsky. We are overflowing with love and gratitude and can’t wait to introduce him to his big sister and brother.
— Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) July 22, 2019
THE NEXT WOLVERINE. Taron Egerton? “I think you need better beard game for Wolverine than I have.”
DISASTER. The Commerce Department under Wilbur Ross: “Because he tends to fall asleep in meetings, they try not to put him in a position where that could happen so they’re very careful and conscious about how they schedule certain meetings,” said the former outside adviser. “There’s a small window where he’s able to focus and pay attention and not fall asleep.”
ECONOMIC CRASH. Elizabeth Warren says it’s coming: “I warned about an economic crash years before the 2008 crisis, but the people in power wouldn’t listen. Now I’m seeing serious warning signs in the economy again — and I’m calling on regulators and Congress to act before another crisis costs America’s families their homes, jobs, and savings.”
WHITE ANXIETY. New survey shows: “fears among some white people that they are losing status in America, and those holding such views are increasingly aligned with the Republican Party. These voters perceive anti-white discrimination. A growing share say the nation risks losing its identity because of openness to foreigners. And many are concerned about what it will mean when non-Hispanic whites lose majority status, as demographic projections suggest will happen around 2045.”
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Victor Pinheiro (@victorpiiinheiro) on
MALE MODEL MONDAY. Victor Pinherio, Harry Goodwins, Nick Truelove, Lucas Loyola and more HERE.
RUSSELL BRAND. How I became confident.
GREAT ESCAPE OF THE DAY. Nest security cam video shows kid hiding for 30 minutes in trash can after being chased by police officer. “I just wanted to add, it was 90° and the garbage was full. Also had baby diapers and cat litter. It literally smells of cat piss and baby poop. I don’t know how he made it for 30 minutes in there. Also I had a few people saying no way it was 30 minutes. But, look at the shadows from the sun in-between edits. It’s was roughly 30 mins.”
AL FRANKEN. The former senator regrets resigning: ‘Despite his current isolation, Franken is recognized nearly everywhere he goes, and he often gets stopped on the street. “I can’t go anywhere without people reminding me of this, usually with some version of ‘You shouldn’t have resigned,’ ” Franken said. He appreciates the support, but such comments torment him about his departure from the Senate. He tends to respond curtly, “Yup.” When I asked him if he truly regretted his decision to resign, he said, “Oh, yeah. Absolutely.”’
TRAILER OF THE DAY. Tom Hanks as Mister Rogers in A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.
TV TRAILER OF THE DAY. Helen Mirren in Catherine the Great.
The post Elizabeth Warren, Victor Pinherio, Marvel’s LGBTQ Superhero, Jasper Clinton Mezvinsky, Citizenship, Great Escape: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.
Shopping for Shoes
Brandy Madison posted a photo:
Dress – DE Boutique
Pantyhose – Braham Design
Silver Heels – Cheeky Parrot Boutique
Purple Stiletto – New Kitty
Bag – B@R
Necklace – Luxe
Hair – Fabia
Background – Getty Images
More of my Feminine Fashion pics here:
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