Breaking News: Delta Airlines has pulled its sponsorship of event honoring Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro over his vocal opposition to LGBTQ rights.
Forbes, Bank of America, Citi Bank, HSBC, Santander, J.P. Morgan, and others are listed as sponsors for the Brazilian-Chamber’s upcoming gala
GLAAD, Hoylman call on New York’s Marriott Marquis to Cancel Event
The Financial Times, Bain & Company, and the American Museum of Natural History have all withdrawn supportBrazilian-American Chamber of Commerce’s “Person of the Year” event honoring Bolsonaro
NEW YORK – GLAAD, the world’s largest LGBTQ media advocacy organization, and New York State Senator Brad Hoylman today urged companies to drop their sponsorships of the upcoming Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce“Person of the Year” gala that’s scheduled to occur on May 14 at the New York Marriott Marquis, located in Times Square. Hoylman represents the district that includes the Marriott Marquis.
Already, The Financial Times, Bain & Company, and Delta Airlines have dropped their sponsorships for the event that was originally scheduled to happen at the American Natural History Museum. The Museum canceled the event’s booking following outcry from GLAAD and a variety of organizations and influencers. Actor and LGBTQ advocate Debra Messing also spoke out against Marriott for booking the event featuring the anti-LGBTQ tyrant.
The following companies remain as sponsors for the Chamber’s “Person of the Year” event: Banco Maxima, Bank of America/Merrill Lynch, Bradesco, Bradesco BBI, BTG Pactual, Credit Suisse, Citi, Febraban, HSBC, Forbes, Itaú BBA, Safra National Bank, Santander, UBS, Valor, XP Investments, ModalMais, BNY Mellon, Citrus Products Inc, Cosan, First Data, FS, Instituto Ling, JP Morgan, Lide, Mattos Filho, Merrill Money Report, Nelson Wilians, Skadden, United Health Group, ABBC, Modal, Cacique, Delta Bank, Morgan Stanley, São Martinho, Amerra, Banco Do Brasil, BNP Paribas, Campos Mello Advogados, Consulate General of Brazil, Datagro, Diebold Nixdorf, Machado Meyer, Maringá Turismo, McLarty Associates, Neoway, Nomura, Refinitiv, Shearman, S&D Sucden, Veritas Capital Management, Fundaçāo Lemann.
“It’s imperative that the companies and organizations associated with this event understand the egregious anti-LGBTQ record and rhetoric of the Brazilian President and stand by LGBTQ people in Brazil and everywhere by withdrawing their support,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD. “His brand of anti-LGBTQ activism is actively harming LGBTQ Brazilians and companies that host or participate in this celebration of him need to take a stand.”
“Celebrating a man who embraces an agenda of open homophobia, misogyny, and racism is a slap in the face to the LGBTQ community. The only award President Bolsonaro has earned is ‘Bigot of the Year.’ Given President Bolsonaro’s sordid record of public comments, I’m appalled that a business in my district would host an event in support of him, and that other businesses would provide sponsorship,” said State Senator Brad Hoylman. “I am also deeply concerned about the message such an event would send to these businesses’ employees and New Yorkers in general, including LGBTQ young people, many of whom are struggling with their identity.”
Hoylman added, “I urge Marriott and all of this event’s sponsors to withdraw their support for the event immediately. As the only openly LGBTQ member of the State Senate, this is personal for me—and it is especially hurtful that we are fighting against an honor for a notorious homophobe as we approach the 50th anniversary of Stonewall. It’s time for these businesses to decide: do they truly stand for LGBTQ New Yorkers, or are they willing to trade equality for one night of business?”
Brazilian President has a horrific and barbaric anti-LGBTQ record, and since his election last year, President Bolsonaro – like the Trump Administration – has systematically tried to erase LGBTQ families from the fabric of Brazil. Just recently, President Bolsonaro even praised the anti-LGBTQ efforts made by President Trump and his administration since taking office in 2017 – a total of 104 attacks on LGBTQ Americans overall.