#AM_Equality Tipsheet: April 3, 2019

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: April 3, 2019

 HISTORY MAKING! LORI LIGHTFOOT ELECTED AS CHICAGO’S FIRST OPENLY LGBTQ AND BLACK FEMALE MAYOR: “HRC was proud to endorse Mayor-elect Lightfoot and help turn out the vote for her historic candidacy,” said HRC Senior Vice President for Policy and Political Affairs JoDee Winterhof (@JoDeelive). “We look forward to working closely with her as the first openly LGBTQ and Black female mayor of Chicago to ensure the city moves forward to be an inclusive and welcoming place for everyone.” More from HRC, Advocate and NBC.

Congratulations to @LightfootForChi on her historic victory tonight as she becomes the first out LGBTQ person and first Black woman elected mayor of Chicago! @HRC looks forward to working with you to advance LGBTQ equality across Chicago! t.co/Y2C9ldJMdD

— Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) April 3, 2019

AS BRUNEI IMPLEMENTS BRUTAL ANTI-LGBTQ MEASURES, U.S. LAWMAKERS REINTRODUCE INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE ACT: “With the awful news from Brunei and the silence once again from this White House, we are grateful that human rights champions in Congress are stepping up to demonstrate that our nation should be better than this,” said HRC Government Affairs Director David Stacy (@david_stacy). More from HRC and Washington Blade.

  • Brunei’s LGBTQ community fleeing as nation imposes laws sanctioning torture and murder of LGBTQ people. More from BBC and CNN.
  • “Barbaric to the core”: The world weighs in on the laws  sanctioning whipping and stoning to death LGBTQ people — including “children and foreigners”. Read Annabelle Liang’s report for the Associated Press.

HRC URGES INDIANA GOV TO VETO HATE CRIMES BILL THAT EXCLUDES TRANSGENDER HOOSIERS: “HRC will not support any proposal that is not fully-inclusive of the LGBTQ community and our allies, full stop,” said HRC Senior Vice President for Policy and Political Affairs JoDee Winterhof (@JoDeelive). “All LGBTQ Hoosiers are deserving of protection, and leaders in Indiana must act to protect all of us from bias-based crimes. We ask Gov. Eric Holcomb to reject this bill.” More from HRC.

TEXAS SENATE PASSES CRUEL AND DISCRIMINATORY ANTI-LGBTQ BILLS: “Today’s vote on SB 17 marks a dark moment for Texas: the passage of one of the most broadly discriminatory bills under consideration across the country,” said Rebecca Marques, HRC Texas state director (@_RebeccaMarques). “We implore the House of Representatives to not take up this harmful bill.” More from HRC.

  • Five anti-equality bills are scheduled for action in the Texas legislature this week. More from HRC.      

VICTORY FOR ERIC GENRICH, HRC-BACKED CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR OF GREEN BAY, WISCONSIN: “Eric Genrich has been a vocal and supportive ally of LGBTQ people during his time in the state legislature, and we look forward to working with him to continue moving LGBTQ rights forward in the great city of Green Bay,” said HRC Wisconsin State Director Wendy Strout. More from HRC and Green Bay Press Gazette.

WHAT WE’RE READING WEDNESDAY — GET TO KNOW FLORIDA’S FIRST LGBTQ CONSUMER ADVOCATE: Nik Harris, an HRC Board of Governors member, was appointed by Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner Nikki Fried (@nikkifried), who said: “It’s paramount that LGBTQ Floridians have a voice in defending their safety, economic security, and well-being.” More from HRC.


During @HouseJudiciary today, I shared why the #EqualityAct is so personal to me and my family. My child is finally free to be who they are. With that freedom comes a responsibility, for us as legislators, to legislate with love and not fear. pic.twitter.com/VfpiD9aDyY

— Rep. Pramila Jayapal (@RepJayapal) April 2, 2019


  • Trans women, women of color and non-binary people are disproportionately impacted by the pay gap. More from Bustle.

Today, April 2 is #EqualPayDay.

It’s time for ���������� ������ for ���������� �������� for ���������� ������������ ������������. pic.twitter.com/PvPQKJ9F7F

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) April 2, 2019

MARYLAND VIGIL HELD IN REMEMBRANCE OF MURDERED TRANSGENDER WOMAN: Ashanti Carmon, a Black trans woman, was killed last Saturday in Prince George’s County, Maryland. More from WUSA9.




 READING RAINBOW – Bookmark now to read on your lunch break!

OutSportsDawn Ennis (@lifeafterdawn) highlights a 15-year old transgender athlete being honored by San Jose Sharks (@SanJoseSharks); NBC looks at how affirming mosques could help LGBTQ Muslims reconcile faith and sexuality; HRC’s Nicole Greenidge-Hoskins was the recipient of the 2019 BU Law (@BU_Law) DC Public Service Award.

.@BU_Law alum & @HRC Senior Vice President & General Counsel Nicole Greenidge-Hoskins with colleagues Asia Arminio and Molly Meagan & New England Board of Governor Brent Parrish (@enowsh) at reception where she received the 2019 BU Law DC Public Service Award. Congrats, Nicole! pic.twitter.com/4J5yCcSy7O

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) April 2, 2019

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to #AM_Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!


Trump Makes Bizarre Claim That Noise from Windmills Causes Cancer: WATCH

Trump Makes Bizarre Claim That Noise from Windmills Causes Cancer: WATCH

At a speech to House Republicans on Tuesday night, Donald Trump went on a bizarre rant about windmills, called them “a graveyard for birds” and made the false claim that the noise they make causes cancer.

“If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75 percent in value,” he told the National Republican Congressional Committee spring dinner. “And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, okay? Rrrrr rrrrr!”

Writes Jonathan Chait at New York magazine: “Wind turbines do not cause cancer. Some people blame the noise for causing a variety of other health ailments, but these charges have zero scientific validity. Cancer is not caused by noises of any kind. A power source that does cause many health problems, including cancer, is coal, an extremely dirty fuel Trump loves and has attempted to bolster, with almost no success. Aside from costing more to produce energy than other sources of power, and in addition to enormous air pollution side effects, coal also emits greenhouse gases in large amounts. Though this of course is another aspect of science Trump rejects.”

“Someone’s going to leak this whole damn speech to the media,” Trump tells NRCC in a speech that is being broadcast live by C-SPAN.

— John Fritze (@jfritze) April 3, 2019

In related news, Trump met with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s Secretary General and said that his father was born in Germany.

Trump’s father Fred was born in the Bronx.

Trump just said “my father is German, was German. Born in a very wonderful place in Germany.” Fred Trump was born in New York. pic.twitter.com/U6eWYPzjrJ

— Tommy MMXIXtopher (@tommyxtopher) April 2, 2019

Trump also replaced the word “origins” with “oranges” — three times.

Wow — Trump repeatedly mangles the word “origins,” on three separate occasions saying “oranges” instead. pic.twitter.com/EZggYhIAO7

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 2, 2019

The post Trump Makes Bizarre Claim That Noise from Windmills Causes Cancer: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

Trump Makes Bizarre Claim That Noise from Windmills Causes Cancer: WATCH

Victory for Eric Genrich, HRC-Backed Candidate for Mayor of Green Bay, Wisc.

Victory for Eric Genrich, HRC-Backed Candidate for Mayor of Green Bay, Wisc.

Today, HRC reacted to the news that Eric Genrich has won the election for mayor of Green Bay, Wisconsin. Earlier this year, HRC announced its endorsement of Genrich, a staunch ally to LGBTQ Wisconsinites.

“HRC is excited to congratulate Eric Genrich on his victory in the mayoral race in Green Bay,” said Wendy Strout, HRC Wisconsin state director. “Genrich has been a vocal and supportive ally of LGBTQ people during his time in the state legislature, and we look forward to working with him to continue moving LGBTQ rights forward in the great city of Green Bay.”

Eric Genrich previously served as the State Representative for the 90th Assembly District in Wisconsin. Genrich has stated his commitment to raising the Municipal Equality Index (MEI) score for Green Bay, Wisconsin’s third largest city. The MEI examines how inclusive municipal laws, policies and services are of LGBTQ people. Green Bay scored a 28 out of 100 on HRC’s 2018 MEI while Milwaukee and Madison each scored 100. Genrich is also committed to making Green Bay city government an inclusive and welcoming place to work for LGBTQ people.
