A Man Was Fired for Being Trans. This is Why We Need the Equality Act Now
Carter Brown was living the American dream. He not only excelled in his career, but bought a home and settled down with his wife and newborn daughter in Texas.
All of that changed in an instant when Brown was outed by his colleagues as transgender. What followed was months of discrimination and harassment by his peers, managerial staff and even human resources. Brown was ultimately fired simply because of who he is — that is unacceptable. That’s why HRC is working to pass explicit, guaranteed federal protections for LGBTQ Americans across the country.
Brown is not alone. An estimated 50 percent of LGBTQ Americans live in states where they’re at risk of being fired, denied housing, or refused service because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
The Equality Act would fix the patchwork of protections and finally add explicit and comprehensive federal LGBTQ non-discrimination protections under our nation’s existing civil rights laws, protecting LGBTQ workers like Brown. The Williams Institute released a new report highlighting the millions of LGBTQ Americans the bipartisan legislation would protect in employment, housing, education, credit, public accommodations and other key areas of life.
Following the historic election of a new pro-equality majority in Congress, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and leadership have made clear that passing the Equality Act is a top legislative priority this session. Earlier this week, Brown joined HRC on the Hill to meet with lawmakers to advocate for shift passage of the Equality Act.
1/ Outed as transgender at work, Carter Brown faced months of harassment before he was ultimately fired.
He continues to advocate for the #EqualityAct to protect him and countless other LGBTQ people from discrimination in the workplace. pic.twitter.com/XIUT0XtjuM
— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) March 13, 2019
2/ “I was eventually fired from work simply because of my identity.”
Carter Brown and all LGBTQ Americans should have a fair chance to earn a living and provide a home for their families without fear of harassment or discrimination. pic.twitter.com/UwEzrxlQZa
— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) March 13, 2019
3/ Millions of LGBTQ Americans like Carter Brown still lack basic legal protections in states nationwide. Congress is introducing the #EqualityAct ���������� so that LGBTQ people across the country like Carter are protected against discrimination. pic.twitter.com/B6XWUDCiKt
— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) March 13, 2019
4/4 “If we had laws like the Equality Act in place, I would have had something to support me.”
Join Carter Brown and @HRC in urging Congress to pass the #EqualityAct. We must provide permanent non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people. t.co/E3J54NKGst
— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) March 13, 2019
As Americans, we all share the bedrock value that every person deserves to be treated equally under the law. Join HRC as a Community Co-Sponsor in urging Congress to finally pass the Equality Act and finally add explicit federal LGBTQ non-discrimination protections to our nation’s civil rights laws.