Congratulations to Sherri and Jesse from California!

Congratulations to Sherri and Jesse from California!

True happy endings come after a lot of ups and downs. Sherri couldn’t agree more. She writes: “Jesse and I started talking on Zoosk because we both had children and were attracted to each other’s qualities. It gave us a lot to talk about. For our first date, we had a pizza night at his house.

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Neil Jordan says Cruise & Pitt played it “master-slave” in ‘Interview with the Vampire’

Neil Jordan says Cruise & Pitt played it “master-slave” in ‘Interview with the Vampire’
We also chat about the enduring legacy of his masterpiece ‘The Crying Game,’ and the subtle gayness of ‘Interview with the Vampire’

Georgia Republicans Introduce ‘Religious Freedom’ Bill That Would Allow Businesses to Deny LGBTQ People: WATCH

Georgia Republicans Introduce ‘Religious Freedom’ Bill That Would Allow Businesses to Deny LGBTQ People: WATCH

Georgia Senator Marty Harbin

Georgia Republicans have introduced an anti-LGBTQ “religious freedom” bill similar to one vetoed by Governor Nathan Deal in 2016, but this time, Governor Brian Kemp has signaled support for the measure.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports: ‘Kemp said during his campaign last year that he would only sign a “mirror image”of a federal religious freedom law passed in 1993. “Anything else, I’ll veto it,” Kemp said in August. The bill filed this week includes the same language as the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act, but it also includes provisions that would allow plaintiffs who win lawsuits against the government to recover their legal costs in religious cases. Another addition to the bill spells out that judges would be able to order governments to change their laws and practices deemed to infringe on religious beliefs, but it would bar monetary damages.’

The bill was introduced by Sen. Marty Harbin (R-Tyrone).

“SB 221 would allow businesses to refuse service to LGBT customers, among others, and would grant taxpayer-funded agencies a broad license to discriminate against LGBT youth, families, and other Georgians,” said Georgia Equality. “The language mirrors federal language that was recently used by a government-funded foster care agency in South Carolina to justify discriminating against Catholic and Jewish couples looking to serve as foster parents.”

Georgia Equality adds: “The 2016 RFRA sparked massive economic backlash, prompting the Metro Atlanta Chamber to predict a five-year loss of $600 million in convention and sporting events business, and three major movie studios to announce that they would move all future shoots out of state.”

Said Jeff Graham, Executive Director of Georgia Equality: “Here we go again: extremist lawmakers seem prepared to put us in a negative national spotlight yet again, risking Georgia’s economic reputation and putting LGBT people in harm’s way. The freedom for religion is important to all of us, including LGBT people. The idea that treating people fairly and equally under the law somehow erodes religious freedom is, frankly, false. This legislation would send our state in the wrong direction and will spark a painfully divisive debate just by its introduction. Rather than spend yet another year gridlocking over discriminatory measures that would harm our state, they could finally advance a comprehensive civil rights law that protects Georgians from all walks of life.”

Watch a report from 11Alive:

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Georgia Republicans Introduce ‘Religious Freedom’ Bill That Would Allow Businesses to Deny LGBTQ People: WATCH

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: March 1, 2019

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: March 1, 2019

HRC FILES AMICUS BRIEF WITH 32 MAJOR COMPANIES SUPPORTING TRANSGENDER STUDENT IN CRITICAL FLORIDA CASE:  The brief filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit supports Drew Adams, represented by Lambda Legal, who is challenging his school district’s discriminatory policy forbidding transgender students from accessing facilities consistent with their gender identities. “At this critical juncture in the fight for transgender equality, these leading businesses are standing up for the rights and dignity of transgender students,” said HRC President Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin). More from HRC and Metro Weekly.

It’s not every day that Apple, Microsoft, and Google join forces. But they, alongside 29 other companies representing 1.3+ million employees, just filed a brief challenging discrimination against transgender students @HRC @SarahEMcBride

— JP Schnapper-Casteras (@jpscasteras) February 28, 2019

TEXAS SENATE COMMITTEE ADVANCES DANGEROUS BILL THAT COULD GUT NON-DISCRIMINATION ORDINANCES: “Texans don’t have an appetite for discrimination. SB 15 is a wholly unacceptable bill on its face, but the Senate State Affairs Committee has made it into an even more harmful proposition by removing specific language that would ensure that existing non-discrimination ordinances in some of Texas’ most populated cities are not undercut or eliminated,” said Rebecca Marques, HRC Texas state director. More from HRC.  

FEEL GOOD FRIDAY — HRC AND NEA’S NATIONAL JAZZ & FRIENDS DAY OF COMMUNITY READINGS CELEBRATED TRANS INCLUSION, FROM CLASSROOMS TO THE FLOOR OF THE U.S. HOUSE:  Yesterday, HRC National Press Secretary Sarah McBride (@SarahEMcBride) and NEA President Lily Eskelsen García (@Lily_NEA) joined dozens of Arlington, Virginia, kindergarteners to read “I Am Jazz” and “Julian is a Mermaid” — two children’s books about transgender identity and gender expression. The most pressing question the kids had? “Why does Jazz’s headband have dots on it?” The incredible day of readings nationwide help foster safe and welcoming schools and communities for young people who still rarely hear affirming stories of LGBTQ people across the country. More from HRC and The Washington Post.

  • The hundreds of readings across the country included a livestream by Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA), and U.S. Reps. Jackie Speier (D-CA) and Angie Craig (D-MN) led a reading of I Am Jazz from the House floor.

ICYMI: Congresswomen @JackieSpeier and @AngieCraigMN joined @HRC & @NEAToday‘s #JazzAndFriends National Day of Community and School Readings on the House floor.

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) March 1, 2019

A PERSONAL MISSION FOR TRANS YOUTH: “This is why I fight,” writes Rep. Joe Kennedy (@RepJoeKennedy). “Because a country that staked its claim on the radical notion of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness must do better.”  More from Advocate.  

“The voices were different, yet all shared the excruciating pain of having to assure your son or daughter that you count even though your government says you don’t.”

Read why @RepJoeKennedy is committed to fighting for LGBTQ youth.

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) February 28, 2019

HRC URGES CONGRESS TO ADVANCE THE “DO NO HARM ACT”: It will preserve the core protections of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), while clarifying it cannot be used to violate essential non-discrimination protections, including for the LGBTQ community. “Religious freedom is a fundamental American value, and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act was passed to reinforce the right of religious minorities to practice their religion. But some anti-equality activists have distorted and manipulated the legislation to try and justify discrimination against others,” said HRC Government Affairs Director David Stacy (@david_stacy). More from HRC, Advocate and Rainbow Times.

HRC HONORS LGBTQ WOMEN AND ALLIES THIS WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH: HRC celebrates women leaders and the barriers they’ve broken while recognizing the distance we have to go to achieve full equality. Women’s leadership is more important than ever in the fight to move equality forward — not only for women, but for communities of color, minorities and those at the intersection of those identities. More from HRC.  

This #WomensHistoryMonth, @HRC honors #LGBTQ women and allies who continue leading the fight for equality, shattering glass ceilings every day.

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) March 1, 2019

AT START OF BISEXUAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH, HRC CELEBRATES THE POWER OF REPRESENTATION: “In the past few years, more and more celebrities, politicians and others have come out as bi, pan, queer and fluid, putting a spotlight on the bisexual community and making us more visible than ever,” said Chantel Mattiola, co-chair of HRC’s Bisexual, Pansexual, Queer, Fluid Employee Resource Group. “However, even as our visibility increases, we are still fighting to eradicate biphobia and bi erasure within and outside of the LGBTQ community.” More from HRC.

.@HRC Foundation is proud to join @BRC_Central to mark #BiHealthMonth and to raise awareness of the startling social, economic and health disparities facing the #bisexual community.

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) March 1, 2019

HRC FOUNDATION SPOTLIGHTS YOUTH AMBASSADOR ASHTON MOTA: “What truly inspired me was an absence of representation of LGBTQ advocates of color in mainstream spaces. I believe that the LGBTQ community and our allies need to work together to bring more visibility and a voice to issues impacting LGBTQ youth in marginalized communities,” said HRC Foundation Youth Ambassador Aston Mota on his inspiration to become an ambassador. More from HRC.


NIGERIA RE-ELECTS PRESIDENT WHO CALLED SAME-SEX RELATIONS ‘ABHORRENT’: Current laws in Nigeria criminalize same-sex relations and ban same-sex marriage. More from Pink News.

POLISH MAYOR SIGNS DECLARATION RECOGNIZING LGBTQ RIGHTS: Warsaw Mayor Rafal Trzaskowski (@trzaskowski_) signed a declaration affirming LGBTQ rights, and a commitment to an LGBTQ shelter  and community center,  and access to anti-discrimination and sex education in city schools. More from Gay Star News.

READING RAINBOW – Bookmark now to read on your lunch break!
The New York Times highlights Jason Collins (@jasoncollins98) and the landscape of openly LGBTQ athletes in professional sports; South Florida Gay News features powerful story of Candelario Saldana (@saldana1987), an undocumented LGBTQ DREAMer.

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to #AM_Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!

Michael Cohen Gave House Intel Panel ‘Explosive, Game-Changing Information’ in Closed Hearing, Lawyer Tells Rachel Maddow: WATCH

Michael Cohen Gave House Intel Panel ‘Explosive, Game-Changing Information’ in Closed Hearing, Lawyer Tells Rachel Maddow: WATCH

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen offered “explosive…game-changing” information on Trump in a closed-door session before the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday, and that’s why he’s coming back next week to testify again, Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis told Rachel Maddow on Thursday night..

“In a way, Michael was more effective today than he even was yesterday when he exceeded all of our expectations in working with him. Because today new information was developed that really could be game-changing and chairman Schiff and everybody in the room who wasn’t a partisan Republican praised him for his honesty and forthrightness, and the development of this new information is the reason he’s coming back next Wednesday.”

Davis said the new info was “not core to the Russia investigation” but about “lying and obstruction” evidence.

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Michael Cohen Gave House Intel Panel ‘Explosive, Game-Changing Information’ in Closed Hearing, Lawyer Tells Rachel Maddow: WATCH

Celebrating the Power of Representation this Bisexual Health Awareness Month

Celebrating the Power of Representation this Bisexual Health Awareness Month

HRC Foundation is proud to join the Bisexual Resource Center and organizations across the country to observe the sixth annual Bisexual Health Awareness Month. Bisexual Health Awareness Month is dedicated to raising awareness about the startling social, economic and health disparities facing the bisexual community.

BRC, the founders of Bi Health Month, announced that the theme of this year’s campaign is “representation” and will highlight issues of health care, education, politics and advocacy, media and their impact on the day-to-day lives of bisexual, pansexual, fluid and queer people.

Studies show that as many as half of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer population identify as bisexual — making the bisexual community the single largest group in the LGBTQ community.

Yet far too often, the unique needs of the bisexual community go unseen and unheard in LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ spaces alike.

“In the past few years, more and more celebrities, politicians, and others have come out as bi, pan, queer and fluid, putting a spotlight on the bisexual community and making us more visible than ever,” said Chantel Mattiola, co-chair of HRC’s Bisexual, Pansexual, Queer, Fluid Employee Resource Group. “However, even as our visibility increases, we are still fighting to eradicate biphobia and bi erasure within and outside of the LGBTQ community. Increasing bisexual visibility in society — specifically within the systems and institutions that shape our daily lives — is crucial to breaking down the barriers bisexual folks face on a daily basis.”

When outcomes for bisexual people are compared to statistics for both heterosexual populations and their lesbian and gay peers, alarming trends are evident in social, economic and health inequities. Bisexual-identified people face higher rates of mood disorders, substance abuse, eating disorders, cancers and more.

Those numbers are even more alarming among bisexual transgender people, people of color or people with disabilities, making these groups vulnerable to further disparities that occur at the intersections of biphobia, transphobia, racism and ableism.

BRC defines biphobia as “mislabeling bi+ people as lesbian, gay or straight, even when they come out as bi+.” Biphobia seeks to undermine the legitimacy of bisexual, queer, pansexual and fluid identities, and it comes in many forms: jokes, stereotypes, non-inclusive language and even abuse. The fear of being dismissed as “too gay” or “too straight” often makes it hard to be open.

This March, we celebrate role models including Stephanie Beatriz, Robyn Ochs, Terrence Stone, Evan Rachel Wood, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, Janelle Monáe, Sara Ramirez, Keiynan Lonsdale, Gov. Kate Brown, Alan Cumming and Margaret Cho who unapologetically and fiercely live their truths, paving the way for bisexual, pansexual, queer and fluid youth to be proud of their identities.

Let’s all reaffirm our commitment to creating inclusive, welcoming spaces where bisexual, pansexual, queer and fluid people see themselves reflected and can celebrate one another openly without fear.

For more resources and information on HRC’s work with the bisexual community, please visit

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Plan to Raise their Baby In a ‘Genderless’ Environment

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Plan to Raise their Baby In a ‘Genderless’ Environment

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who recently learned the gender of their baby on the way, have apparently left Kensington Palace shook with the announcement that they intend to raise their child in a gender neutral atmosphere because they understand the fluidity of gender.

They also understand how this could fundamentally revolutionize an institution that was the ultimate expression of European patriarchy.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle going to church at Sandringham on Christmas Day 2017.
Photographs by Mark Jones 

The Daily Express said, a Vanity Fair magazine source commented: “Meghan has been talking to some of her friends about the birth and how she and Harry plan to raise their baby. Her exact word was fluid.

“She said they plan to raise their child with a fluid approach to gender and they won’t be imposing any stereotypes.”

The source was not clear on exactly what Meghan meant by gender “fluid”.

Elle magazine said, “Meghan’s baby shower in New York City was gender neutral, despite buzz on social media that somehow the decorations or gift bags hinted the baby’s gender. Five-star chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten created treats in gender neutral tones.”

Meghan’s makeup artist Daniel Martin shared a glimpse of one on Instagram below.

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Such an incredible day celebrating #babylove

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Plan to Raise their Baby In a ‘Genderless’ Environment