What’s new in WeChat 6.7.4 for iOS: Selfie Stickers

What’s new in WeChat 6.7.4 for iOS: Selfie Stickers

Download and install the latest version of WeChat version 6.7.4 for iOS and check out the newest features.

Selfie Stickers

Stickers are already a great way to express your inner emotions in a fun and colorful way. Selfie Stickers take stickers to a whole new level by adding YOU into your stickers. Try them out by tapping the “stickers” button at the bottom of a chat screen, tapping the “heart” symbol in the tray, and selecting the “selfie sticker” option.

Tap the camera button to take a selfie photo or hold it to record a selfie video. Be sure to make a funny face!

Decorate your sticker with a caption or even add another one of your favorite stickers to your selfie sticker.

Your new selfie sticker will be added to your favorite stickers collection so you can use them to get a laugh from your friends and family. Selfie Stickers are a new way to make your sticker communications more fun and personal!

Add a new line to your messages

Sometimes a single line is not enough when writing out a message to your friends. We’ve made it more convenient for you to format your messages. When typing out a message, long press the input bar and a menu will appear with a “New Line” option. Select this option to provide a line break in your message and continue tapping.

This option helps you to better format your messages.


Various other improvements have been added with this new version including better compatibility with the most recently released iOS devices including the iPhone Xr, Xs, and Xs Max, so be sure to download the latest update to WeChat for iOS today!


‘The Trick’ – Isaiah

‘The Trick’ – Isaiah

dainaefsmith posted a photo:

'The Trick' - Isaiah

Studio portraits – the first towards an on-going project about the performance of gender, gender stereotypes and restrictions that we are taught from childhood, and the awareness of feminism as something that includes men as victims of patriarchy as well as women. Isaiah is a bisexual, free-spirited young man who expresses himself androgynously while still being able to be boisterous and “laddish”.


‘Broadway’s ‘The Prom’ Makes History with Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade’s First LGBTQ Kiss: WATCH

‘Broadway’s ‘The Prom’ Makes History with Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade’s First LGBTQ Kiss: WATCH

Caitlin Kinnunen and Isabelle McCalla, lead actors in Broadway’ The Prom musical, made Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade history on Thursday by sharing its first same-sex kiss, broadcast to millions of viewers across the U.S.

Said the musical’s producers Bill Damaschke, Dori Berinstein, and Jack Lane to EW: “Broadway’s The Prom is grateful to Macy’s and NBC for their acceptance and inclusivity of a community and a story that is about acceptance, tolerance and love. These are some of the themes reflected in our musical comedy and we are very proud to be the very first LGBTQ kiss on the Thanksgiving Day Parade.”

REVIEW: Feel-Good New Musical ‘The Prom’ Wears a Big Heart on Its Puffy Sleeve – REVIEW

Here’s what Towleroad’s theatre critic Naveen Kumar had to say about The Prom – from his review: “It’s easy to look around at the theatre and think, “What are we doing here?” — together in the dark, ignoring news alerts piling up on our switched-off phones. It’s always the foremost question on my mind when the lights go down. The Prom’s answer — to help us understand that everyone, regardless of who they are, wants to be happy — is deceptively simple. As we’ve learned the hard way, it’s also all too easy to forget. If you skipped prom the first time around, or simply pretended to enjoy it, trust me — you deserve another chance.”

Read his full review here.

A few reactions from Twitter:

So proud. So thankful. pic.twitter.com/DGTYNsJhxB

— Josh Lamon (@JoshLamon) November 22, 2018

But like… can we talk about how many lives @ThePromMusical just changed?!? We STAN forever. #ThanksgivingDayParade

— Ryan Bloomquist (@ryanbloomquist) November 22, 2018

2 women just kissed on the Macy’s parade and 20gayteen is alive and strong. Also I need to become obsessed with the musical The Prom

— Birthday Kat!!! (@GingerKat222) November 22, 2018

So, the Thanksgiving Day parade just showcased the musical The Prom, which culminated in two women sharing a kiss. Even ten years ago, that wouldn’t have happened. Despite everything terrible in the world, that progress like that can happen gives me hope love can still win.

— Starla Huchton (@starlahuchton) November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving Morning kiss from #Broadways THE PROM. #MacysDayParade pic.twitter.com/2mS9eq0WXQ

— Kevin Galliford (@KallMeKG) November 22, 2018

#macysthanksgivingdayparade The parade is beaming into millions of homes across America. The musical number from Broadway play The Prom was great, and featured gay couples, ending with a lesbian kiss. How to normalize what is normal, but not for too many closed minds. Thankful.

— Carol Harrison (@PuppyPudding) November 22, 2018

The post ‘Broadway’s ‘The Prom’ Makes History with Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade’s First LGBTQ Kiss: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

‘Broadway’s ‘The Prom’ Makes History with Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade’s First LGBTQ Kiss: WATCH

5 Activities That Will Get You Through a Breakup

5 Activities That Will Get You Through a Breakup

Breaking up with someone and being broken up with can be equally devastating. Every day feels like a marathon of emotions – sad, angry, numb, relieved…and repeat. The emotional roller coaster of ending a relationship with your best friend is exhausting and sometimes leaves you in bed or lounging on the couch for days. There […]

The post 5 Activities That Will Get You Through a Breakup appeared first on PlentyOfFish Blog.

5 Activities That Will Get You Through a Breakup

VOX CAROLINA Nijmeegsch Studenten Weekblad

VOX CAROLINA Nijmeegsch Studenten Weekblad

www.lesbischarchief.nl posted a photo:

VOX CAROLINA Nijmeegsch Studenten Weekblad

datum foto: 14 oktober 2017
auteur: An Stalpers
nummer: 171014 22.35.48
document: collectie Regionaal Archief Nijmegen

toelichting: Vox Carolina Nijmeegsch Studenten Weekblad 3 juni 1936 publiceert een motie als protest tegen de verspreiding van het jaarverslag van het Nederlandsch Wetenschappelijk Humanitair Komité. Lees meer op rozegeschiedenis-nijmegen.nl/thema/zedelijkheidswet_schor…

tekst: “Motie, De Katholieke studenten-vereeniging “Sunctus Augustinus” in vergadering bijeen op het “Eigen Huis” Rapenburg 24, te Leiden op Maandag 18 mei 1936,
  protesteert nadrukkelijk tegen de toezending van het jaarverslag van het Nederlandsch Wetenschappelijk Humanitair Komité, dat in een oplage 11000 ex. onder de studenten is verspreid,
 neemt met kracht stelling tegen het daarin vervatte streven om homosexualiteit als gelijkwaardig met heterosexualiteit te doen behandelen, daar zij steeds elke homosexuele daad als strijdig met de natuurwet zal veroordeelen.
 verwerpt de motiveering als zou de wetenschap het verschijnsel homosexualiteit als een variatie van normale menschelijke sexualiteit beschouwen, daar dit berust óf op een misverstand óf op een moedwillige misvatting van de huidige medische wetenschap,
 vraagt het Dagelijksch Bestuur der Unie van R.K. Studentenvereenigingen in Nederland met aandrang stelling te nemen tegen verspreiding van dergelijke perverse geschriften,
 zal deze motie ter kennis brengen van College van Curatoren en den Academische Senaat der Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, van alle Leidsche studentencorporaties en alle Katholieke studenten-vereenigingen in Nederland,
 verzoekt plaatsing van deze motie in dagbladen en periodieken,
 en gaat over tot de orde van den dag.”

copyright: Fotografica [www.fotografica-nijmegen.nl].

Creative Commons: Je mag deze foto alleen doorgeven in de oorspronkelijke vorm. Auteursvermelding is verplicht. Houd rekening met portretrecht. Commercieel gebruik in overleg met de copyrighthouder. Neem bij twijfel contact op.

Creative Commons: If you want to modify this work, get our permission first. Attribution mandatory. Also take into account portrait rights. No commercial use. If in doubt, please contact.

Heb je iets op te merken. Laat het weten! Schrijf hier een commentaar of mail [email protected] ovv de bestandsnaam. Je bijdrage wordt zeer op prijs gesteld!

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1936 Vox Carolina Nijmeegsch Studenten Weekblad

5th Graders Mock Trump in Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘First Trumpsgiving’ – WATCH

5th Graders Mock Trump in Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘First Trumpsgiving’ – WATCH

Donald Trump the Pilgrim is way too cute and kind in Jimmy Kimmel‘s first-ever retelling of the story of Trumpsgiving but the rest is somewhat on point. The sketch features the 5th grade class from Mar-a-Lago Day School in West Palm Beach.

In Kimmel’s Trumpsgiving, after arriving on the Mayflower yacht, young Trump pilgrim picks out the spot for his “yuge”golf course and hotel at Plymouth Rock, which is of course renamed as Trump Rock and Casino.

Trump meets Pocahontas. “I’ll call you Elizabeth Warren.”

The Native Americans invite him to the first feast: “I hope you have taco bowls.”

The Trumps come to the first feast with what the Native Americans determine to be a giant wall of cornbread for the table: “And you’re going to pay for it.”

The Trump children bring an unacceptable dinner: a dead elephant they had shot. So a finger-licking-good tub of KFC arrives to save the day.

“We wish you a Happy Trumpsgiving – except for all the haters and losers.”


The post 5th Graders Mock Trump in Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘First Trumpsgiving’ – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

5th Graders Mock Trump in Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘First Trumpsgiving’ – WATCH