Blake Mitchell Explains Why He’s Lonely: WATCH

It’s hard to date a celebrity, and even harder when that celebrity’s job is having sex with men on camera, according to Helix Studios performer Blake Mitchell, who explained in a recent video why that has made him a lonely man.
Mitchell said that one thing that’s hard for his boyfriends to handle is the things people say to him when they’re out in public: “People are gonna come up to me if we’re out together at a club possibly and make a compliment that if they made it to anybody else society would find it unacceptable.”
He added that travel and filming is another thing that a boyfriend has to deal with: “To me, that’s my job…but I recognize from experience…what it feels like is being in a one-way open relationship and of course that’s not fair…it becomes a very difficult thing….”
“There are people that think they can deal with it and then the months go by,” he added.
Said Mitchell: “I’m missing a piece of life that I could be having right now…and that’s a strangely painful thing to deal with to realize that I’ve picked this job over my personal life…it makes me sad sometimes but mostly it just contributes to that loneliness…the odds are stacked against me to find somebody who’s going to deal with my job, actually accept it, much less support and encourage me…”
Could you date an adult video performer?
The post Blake Mitchell Explains Why He’s Lonely: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

Blake Mitchell Explains Why He’s Lonely: WATCH