A Conversation About Minority Mental Health Month with HRC’s J.P. Regis

A Conversation About Minority Mental Health Month with HRC’s J.P. Regis

Since its official designation in 2008, July marks Minority Mental Health Month in honor of the work of advocate Bebe Moore Campbell, bringing awareness to the mental health experiences of minority and marginalized communities.

HRC is proud to join Mental Health America’s nationwide #MyStoryMyWay campaign to bring awareness to the ways in which diverse populations talk about mental health.

Although the LGBTQ community reports high rates of anxiety and mood disorders, studies have shown that living at the intersections of LGBTQ and minority identities compounds rates of mental health issues due to racism and heterosexism.

HRC sat down with Jean-Phillipe Regis, senior manager of HRC’s Children, Youth and Families Program, to learn about his journey with mental health as the queer child of Haitian immigrants.

For Regis, the compounding intersections of his identities have uniquely impacted not only his mental health but the ways in which he interacts and discusses mental health with health care providers.

“Growing up, my gender expression was highly visible to bullies,” Regis said. “The resulting traumatic moments were a key trigger for my first experiences with symptoms of depression.”

Regis said that he resisted seeking treatment for his symptoms for years because there was no way to separate his mental health and LGBTQ identity.

“I didn’t know how to talk about my mental health without ‘outing’ myself,” Regis said. “But the majority of the trauma that initially brought me to therapy was related to stigma and discrimination I was facing based on my sexual orientation and gender expression.”

“In order to effectively help me and others like me, a mental health professional has to understand how anti-LGBTQ discrimination impacts my mental health and overlaps with negative experiences about other parts of my identity — such as my race,” Regis continued. “It’s not easy to find therapists who have the skills and experience to see and understand all of me.”

Civil rights advocate Kimberlé W. Crenshaw coined the term “intersectionality” to describe the way systems of power exclude and oppress people with minority and marginalized identities. Far too often this is the experience for people of color, particularly who identify as LGBTQ.

“Much of my identity is shaped by the need to survive complex systems of discrimination,” Regis said. “And unfortunately my mental health challenges, sexual orientation and gender expression can be seen as vulnerabilities rather than strengths. To survive in these systems, I often feel pressured to be at least ‘twice as good’ in order to be heard.”

If you are struggling, check out Mental Health America’s screening tool to take confidential mental health screenings and learn more about potential treatment options. Your story matters, and you are not alone.

“It doesn’t matter if you use clinical terms like ‘depression’ or ‘anxiety,’” Regis said. “It is so important for LGBTQ people, especially those in communities of color, to share our stories and our struggles in any way we can to build community and find support.”

HRC is committed to promoting racial and ethnic diversity within the LGBTQ movement and to fighting bias and discrimination in all forms, including many of the unique challenges facing LGBTQ communities of color. For more information, click here.


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Summer sun somethings begun but oh oh the summer nights! Summer is a favorite season for many; the days are warm and the nights cool(er) and calm. It is also the perfect time of year to get your feet wet by stepping back into the dating world. If it’s been a solid year of Netflix binges […]

The post Turn Your Summer Night Into The Perfect Date Night! appeared first on PlentyOfFish Blog.

Turn Your Summer Night Into The Perfect Date Night!

Luke Evans, Nikki Haley, Sean Spicer, Ryan Lochte, Hocus Pocus, Criminalizing Gay Sex, Voltron, Henry Cavill: HOT LINKS

Luke Evans, Nikki Haley, Sean Spicer, Ryan Lochte, Hocus Pocus, Criminalizing Gay Sex, Voltron, Henry Cavill: HOT LINKS
maxs souza

ADAM SCHIFF. A disturbing number of Trump campaign members met with Russians and lied about it.

sean spicerSEAN SPICER. New book “riddled with inaccuracies.”  “Mr. Spicer has not been well served by the book’s fact checkers and copy editors,” Karl wrote. “He refers to the author of the infamous Trump dossier as ‘Michael Steele,’ who is in truth the former chairman of the Republican National Committee, not the British ex-spy Christopher Steele.”

OOPS. Ryan Lochte banned from swimming for using IV after posting photo on Instagram.

OF COURSE. White House used China-made silverware at yesterday’s Made in America showcase.

Heather NauertLIFE AFTER SARAH. White House looks at replacements for Sarah Huckabee Sanders: “At the top of the list is Heather Nauert, the current State Department spokeswoman and former Fox News host. Nauert has impressed White House aides with her steady performances in Foggy Bottom. Multiple people close to the White House pointed out that Nauert remained in Trump’s good graces even when the president soured on former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.”

QATAR. New York Times’ LGBT coverage censored. ‘In several pictures shared with ABC News, entire articles published from April to July were excised from the Doha edition of the New York Times International Edition, leaving in their places large swaths of empty newspaper and a small note explaining that the offending pieces had been “exceptionally removed.”

MICHELANGELO SIGNORILE. The religious right appears intent on criminalizing gay sex again. ‘The reality of that may sound crazy and horrifying, but just a year and a half ago, many things sounded crazy and horrifying. The U.S. is separating children from their parents at the border (and dragging its feet on reuniting them, even under court order) and the president of the United States publicly sided with a longtime adversary over American intelligence, which he continues to attack. And it appears Roe v. Wade will be overturned. So anything can happen.’

POOL BOYS. Luke Evans and rumored boyfriend Victor Turpin hang get wet in Italy.

SHIRO. Voltron: Legendary Defender Paladin is gay. “The revelation on the panel is significant for a few reasons. First, it establishes the leader of the Voltron paladins as an LGBT character, a rarity in sci-fi or genre programming. Shiro is almost universally beloved by his fellow paladins and is a respected war veteran and pilot even before the series began.”

Nikki HaleyNIKKI HALEY TO YOUNG CONSERVATIVES. Stop the online “own the libs” mentality: “I know that it’s fun and that it can feel good, but step back and think about what you’re accomplishing when you do this — are you persuading anyone? Who are you persuading? We’ve all been guilty of it at some point or another, but this kind of speech isn’t leadership — it’s the exact opposite. Real leadership is about persuasion, it’s about movement, it’s bringing people around to your point of view. Not by shouting them down, but by showing them how it is in their best interest to see things the way you do.”

HOCUS POCUS. Disney sequel is a lesbian love story? “Last week Disney released a novelized version of Hocus Pocus. The first third of the book is just a retelling of the movie; the second is a whole new story, which is rumored to be the basis for the new Hocus Pocus Disney Channel movie. AND IT IS GAAAAAAY.”

LIQUOR DAY OF THE DAY. Happy National Tequila Day.

MELTDOWN OF THE DAY. Andy Cohen at LaGuardia.

ENGLISH SLANG OF THE DAY. From Henry Cavill and Simon Pegg.


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The post Luke Evans, Nikki Haley, Sean Spicer, Ryan Lochte, Hocus Pocus, Criminalizing Gay Sex, Voltron, Henry Cavill: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

Luke Evans, Nikki Haley, Sean Spicer, Ryan Lochte, Hocus Pocus, Criminalizing Gay Sex, Voltron, Henry Cavill: HOT LINKS