Momentum for Equality Act Continues Three Years After Vital Bill First Introduced In Congress

Momentum for Equality Act Continues Three Years After Vital Bill First Introduced In Congress

Today, HRC released the following statement on the three year anniversary of the introduction of the Equality Act — critically important federal legislation that would finally add clear, comprehensive non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people to our nation’s civil rights laws. Discrimination is a real and persistent problem for far too many LGBTQ Americans. HRC polling has found that nearly two-thirds of self-identified LGBTQ Americans report experiencing discrimination.

“Momentum is on our side as a growing majority of Americans, 115 leading businesses and more than 240 bipartisan Members of Congress have announced their support for the Equality Act,” said JoDee Winterhof, HRC Senior Vice President for Policy and Political Affairs. “The harsh reality is that in 30 states, LGBTQ people are still at risk of being fired, denied housing, or turned away from a business simply because of who they are. LGBTQ people shouldn’t have to wait any longer for the vital protections ensured by the Equality Act. That’s why we are working harder than ever to turn out the vote this November and send a pro-equality majority to Congress to finally pass this crucially important legislation and pull the emergency brake on this administration.”

Currently, 50 percent of LGBTQ Americans live in states that lack statewide legal protections, leaving their residents and visitors  at risk of being fired, denied housing, or refused service because of who they are or whom they love. The Equality Act would extend existing civil rights protections to LGBTQ people by prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity across key areas of life, including employment, housing, credit, education, public spaces and services, federally-funded programs and jury service.

In addition to having bipartisan support in Congress, 115 major corporations have joined HRC’s Business Coalition for the Equality Act. While the overwhelming majority of America’s leading businesses have already started addressing workplace fairness for LGBTQ employees, these major employers know how important the need is for a federal standard that treats all employees the same no matter which state they live in. The slate of companies endorsing the Equality Act have combined operations in all 50 states, headquarters spanning 23 states, and collectively generate $2.6 trillion in revenue. In total, these companies employ more than 5.8 million people across the United States.

The Equality Act was first introduced in Congress on July 23, 2015, by Senators Jeff Merkley, Tammy Baldwin, Cory Booker, and Representative David Cicilline, with more than 165 original cosponsors in the House, including Representative John Lewis, and 39 in the Senate. It was reintroduced in Congress with unprecedented support on May 5, 2017. Today, 199 U.S. Representatives and 47 U.S. Senators are co-sponsors of the legislation.

Audience Erupts in Laughter When GOP Senate Candidate Claims Trump is Standing Up to Russia: WATCH

Audience Erupts in Laughter When GOP Senate Candidate Claims Trump is Standing Up to Russia: WATCH
corey stewart

Virginia GOP Senate nominee Corey Stewart, who was taking part in a debate against incumbent Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) on Saturday night, was met with a wall of laughter when he tried to claim that Donald Trump stands up to Russia.

The Hill reports: ‘He was attempting to attack Kaine’s responses to acts of Russian aggression during the Obama administration, such as when Russians shot down an aircraft over Ukraine, or invaded Crimea. “We have a president who is standing up to the Russians,” Stewart said.’

Debate Audience Erupts in Laughter After Republican Corey Stewart Says Trump “is standing up to the Russians.”

— PoliticsVideoChannel (@politvidchannel) July 22, 2018

The post Audience Erupts in Laughter When GOP Senate Candidate Claims Trump is Standing Up to Russia: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.

Audience Erupts in Laughter When GOP Senate Candidate Claims Trump is Standing Up to Russia: WATCH

Reply feature lets you quote messages and answer them directly

Reply feature lets you quote messages and answer them directly

Here’s a new feature that we think a lot of people are going to find very helpful — it’s called “Reply” and it allows you to quote messages and answer them directly during a chat.


Sometimes when you’re chatting, it’s easy to lose track of what message exactly someone is responding to. Like when you’re trying to answer a friend’s question, but just as you send your answer, your friend asks a second question.  

With Reply, you can quote the exact message you’re responding to, so your meaning is always clear.

Easy to use
It’s a snap using Reply. Just tap and hold the message you want to reply to. When the option menu pops up, select Reply, then you can write and send your message. 

You can use Reply with many types of messages, including texts, photos, videos, stickers and emoji.

The message does not need to be from another person, either. You can reply to your own messages.

Just make sure you’ve upgraded to the latest version of the LINE chat app (at least iOS ver. 8.7.0, Android ver. 8.10.0, or desktop ver. 5.8.0), and you’ll be good to go!



Miguel Discart Photos Vrac 2 posted a photo:

2018-05-19_16-18-59_ILCE-6500_DSC08890_DxO – Pride 2018 – Your Local Power

Feeling free and at home in your neighborhood, town or city. Be and show yourself in the streets. Holding hands with the person you love and smiling at each other in public. Our personal lives occur in the public space. Considering the approaching communal elections, everyone (youngsters, seniors, families, couples and all people – no matter what gender or orientation) asks the local politicians: How do you make a difference? What do you do to improve diversity in our everyday life? Where the rain makes way for the sun, we will walk proudly under the rainbow!

We will all be heading to the voting booths for the local elections on 14th of October. Deciding which circle to colour in is an important decision. A conscious decision can lead to a better living environment in your city or municipality.

And we’re not just talking about the redesign of the local park, the policies in the municipal school, or the proper functioning of the local Public Centre for Social Welfare. Your local municipal or city administration can also make a real difference and turn the place where you live into a true rainbow bubble, if that’s what you’d like, of course.

So it’s no wonder that this year’s Pride is focusing on the local elections. Belgian Pride is putting the municipalities and cities in the limelight in 2018, or better yet, at the end of the rainbow! We want the slogan ‘Your Local Power!’ to encourage municipal and city administrations to enact explicit, integrated local LGBTI+ policies.

Municipalities and cities can and must make the difference. They must accept responsibility for the well-being of all their residents. Flying the rainbow flag at the local government offices during the Pride period is a symbol of this. This is also a way that the municipality or city can show their solidarity with the LGBTI+ community. This symbolic gesture is not an infringement on neutrality. On the contrary, we can only actively work on ending all forms of discrimination once there is recognition for diversity and inclusion.

Policy-makers can make the lives of many citizens that much rosier by taking both small and large actions: by introducing a diversity charter in sports clubs, by making information on gender and sexuality available at the local libraries, by providing logistical and financial support to local associations, testimonials, and courses in the municipal education system, by holding a queer film festival in the local movie theatre or cultural centre, by holding LGBTI+ actions in community centres and youth centres, by providing information on what to do if you are the victim or witness of discrimination, by offering space for intimacy and (LGBTI+) sexuality in assisted-living centres, by training local police precincts and municipal officials, by including Equal Opportunity as an explicit competence within the city administration, etc.

The list of things that cities and municipalities can do is endless. Plus, many of these actions are very easy to implement. Sometimes, your local administration only needs a little boost, and you can give them that boost in the voting booth on 14th of October. A good local administration meets the needs and requirements of all residents. What does the LGBTI+ community in your city or municipality need?

You can already send the politicians a signal that is loud and clear on Saturday, the 19th of May. Make your wishes heard during the Belgian Pride.

We hope to see you there! Everyone is welcome!

( Chaque annee la Pride attire des dizaines de milliers de visiteurs vers la capitale et colore Bruxelles aux couleurs de l’arc-en-ciel. Il y a aussi le PrideVillage et le PridePodium autour de la Bourse. n’est pas seulement la plus grande fete de Bruxelles, mais c’est aussi un evenement avec un message politique. Avec cette manifestation, nous essayons d’obtenir plus d’egalite de droits pour tout le monde et surtout pour la communaute lesbigaytrans. )