Emin, Jamal Jordan, Matternet, Suri Cruise, Steve Schmidt, Jimmy Fallon, Lucky Charms, LGBTQ Monument: HOT LINKS

Emin, Jamal Jordan, Matternet, Suri Cruise, Steve Schmidt, Jimmy Fallon, Lucky Charms, LGBTQ Monument: HOT LINKS
knin michael

STEVE SCHMIDT. Trump’s “only affinity for reading anything were the Adolf Hitler speeches he kept on his nightstand.”

$2. Suri Cruise sold lemonade from a stand at NYC Pride. “They had rainbow Rice Krispies treats and lemonade with signs all around their table for Pride. She was very sweet and kind, telling everyone to enjoy their day and would smile whenever someone walked past! Very sweet.”

COLLUSION. Robert Mueller planning to accelerate probe: “Mueller and his team of prosecutors and investigators have an eye toward producing conclusions — and possible indictments — related to collusion by fall, said the person, who asked not to be identified. He’ll be able to turn his full attention to the issue as he resolves other questions, including deciding soon whether to find that Trump sought to obstruct justice.”

JIMMY FALLON. Clapping back at Trump’s tweet:

GOOD FRIENDS. Bryan Adams was asked if he had a romantic involvement with Princess Diana.

NO DUE PROCESS. Trump doesn’t want judges. “I want ICE and border patrol agents.”

DEPLORABLE. Trump supporter berates Mexican man in racist rant:

StarbucksSTARBUCKS. Expanding benefits for transgender people: “Starbucks health insurance plans include not only gender reassignment surgery (which had been covered since 2012), but now also a host of procedures for transgender partners that were previously considered cosmetic, and therefore not covered, such as breast reduction or augmentation surgery, facial feminization, hair transplants and more.”

MONUMENT. Tribute to the LGBTQ community debuts in NYC. ‘Nearly a year after it was first announced, New York City’s first official memorial dedicated to the LGBTQ community is set to debut in Hudson River Park. Governor Andrew Cuomo, along with City Council speaker Corey Johnson, Senator Brad Hoylman, and other elected officials, unveiled the monument, two years in the making, which is intended to honor “the LGBT community, those lost in the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting in June 2016, and all victims of hate, intolerance and violence.”’

CONCERT NEWS. Madonna rumored to headline Glastonbury Festival. “Despite a career spanning more than 30 years, she has never appeared at Somerset’s Worthy Farm and is the top pick for the event as she gears up for the release of her 14th studio album.”

UNBELIEVABLE COMBO OF THE DAY. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus. “It wasn’t hard to spot the men from the chorus; they were the ones wearing purple T-shirts with the name of the organization emblazoned across their chests. But otherwise, they blended in with their fellow performers as choir conductors Mack Wilberg and Ryan Murphy led them through segments of songs to be performed at Monday night’s concert, the fourth stop of the choir’s 2018 Classic Coast Tour.”

JAMAL JORDAN. Photographer seeks to bring people of color into the imagery of queer life. “As a visual journalist, I believe pictures can connect with people in a way that other forms of media can’t. To this end, I decided to give a gift to my younger self: the imagery of queer love I’ve never seen. Queer love in color.”

MATTERNET. Drone delivery service raises $16 million. “Matternet’s technology and proven track record make the development of a safe, global autonomous air mobility system a near-term reality,” Boeing HorizonX Ventures Managing Director Brian Schettler said in a statement. “Between the company’s success in Switzerland and being selected by the FAA to test unmanned aerial networks in the U.S., we are excited to work together to reimagine how the world connects and shape the next generation of transportation solutions.”

PRESIDENT NEWS. George H.W. Bush visits with Bill Clinton.

Special visit today with a great friend — and now, a best-selling author. Luckily I had a freshly laundered pair of @BillClinton socks to mark the occasion. pic.twitter.com/v9jb4sRexh

— George Bush (@GeorgeHWBush) June 25, 2018

RECIPE OF THE DAY. Gourmet Lucky Charms.

PEE TAPE VIDEO OF THE DAY. Trump-linked singer Emin. “The singer, who goes by just his first name, fills the video with scandalous Trump nods. There’s even a reference to the 2013 Miss Universe pageant complete with a hotel room party.”


Instagram Photo

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Emin, Jamal Jordan, Matternet, Suri Cruise, Steve Schmidt, Jimmy Fallon, Lucky Charms, LGBTQ Monument: HOT LINKS

LGBTQ Athletes Make History in ESPN The Magazine’s 2018 Body Issue

LGBTQ Athletes Make History in ESPN The Magazine’s 2018 Body Issue

The 10th anniversary edition of ESPN The Magazine’s Body Issue made history this week by featuring three out LGBTQ athletes — the most in the history of the striking annual photo portfolio. WNBA All-Star Sue Bird, women’s soccer standout Megan Rapinoe and skating Olympian Adam Rippon all grace the pages of the 2018 issue.

Bird and Rapinoe, who are pictured together and have been dating since since 2016, became the first LGBTQ couple in the magazine’s history to pose together.

“Having a gay couple on there hopefully just becomes the norm,” Bird said in a video interview with Rapinoe for espnW. “For us to be on it is the first step in that direction.”

Past issues have featured LGBTQ athletes including Rapinoe (2014), duathlete Chris Mosier, the first transgender athlete to be featured, and Olympic diver Greg Louganis (2016) and Olympic freeskier Gus Kenworthy (2017). LGBTQ representation in athletics is incredibly important, with visibility paving the way for other athletes to feel more comfortable living their truths.

In an interview with espnW last summer, Bird came out as lesbian and confirmed she was in a relationship with Rapinoe. The Seattle Storm star reflected on her journey, saying she decided 2017 was the right time for her to come out publicly. She also encouraged others to come out at a time that felt most authentic to them.

“It’s happening when it’s happening because that’s what feels right,” Bird said in the interview. “I have to be true to that. It’s my journey.”

HRC highlighted Bird in our 2017 National Coming Out Day campaign.

#Body10 #BodyIssue ⚽️�� pic.twitter.com/svYJxOtYhD

— Sue Bird (@S10Bird) June 25, 2018

This is the second time Rapinoe has posed for the Body Issue — she became the first openly LGBTQ athlete featured in the magazine in 2014.

Rapinoe is a professional soccer player who competes for the Seattle Reign FC in the National Women’s Soccer League. As a member of the 2015 U.S. Women’s National Soccer team, she helped Team USA to a FIFA Women’s World Cup gold medal.

Rapinoe came out as lesbian in 2012 in an interview with Out magazine and since then has been a trailblazer working tirelessly for the rights of LGBTQ athletes.

“I feel everyone is really craving [for] people to come out,” Rapinoe said in the interview. “People want — they need — to see that there are people like me playing soccer for the good ol’ U.S. of A.”

A longtime HRC supporter, Rapinoe joined HRC’s #LoveConquersHate campaign in 2013 in support of Russia’s LGBTQ community ahead of the Sochi Olympic Games.

.@S10Bird and I got nudie���� @Espn #BodyIssue pic.twitter.com/ttqs5MGYiz

— Megan Rapinoe (@mPinoe) June 25, 2018

Rippon made history as the first openly gay U.S. American male figure skater to compete in the Winter Olympics. Before heading to Pyeongchang, he sat down in an exclusive interview with HRC’s Mark Lee to discuss this powerful moment and what it means for LGBTQ history.

“I couldn’t have done this [shoot] while I was in the closet,” Rippon told ESPN. “I think that with my experience of coming out, I felt so liberated in so many ways.”

Earlier this year, we presented Rippon with the HRC Visibility Award at the HRC Los Angeles Gala, where he gave an impassioned speech about being a role model to LGBTQ youth and empowering and encouraging those around us to be confident in their authentic selves.

Getting to shoot @espn’s Body Issue was amazing, but being one of their covers is so awesome, unreal, and honestly WTFFFF!!! ☠️������⛸ pic.twitter.com/xLe6cdoUhA

— Adam Rippon (@Adaripp) June 25, 2018

The 2018 Body Issue hits stands on Friday. Flip through the digital photo shoot here.


El gran coraje que pasó Lorena Herrera en Marcha LGBT

El gran coraje que pasó Lorena Herrera en Marcha LGBT

HUNI GAMING posted a photo:

El gran coraje que pasó Lorena Herrera en Marcha LGBT

El gran coraje que pasó Lorena Herrera en Marcha LGBT Lorena Herrera es considerada un icono para la comunidad LGBT por su ritmo musical y su gran apoyo al colectivo, el día de ayer acudió a la Marcha Gay de Monterrey donde fue la encargada de dar un concierto con todos sus éxitos. Pero la sensual rubia no se fue para nada contenta de su presentación y… SUSCRIBETE ES GRATIS!! www.youtube.com/channel/UCiFBDYHiRQ5ph4nGKYhyIQg?sub_conf… SUSCRIBETE para no perderte nada, aqui seguiremos activos Dando a conocer mas de HUNI News , deja tu comentario y tu like, nos motiva a seguir adelante Hasta la Proxima!! #El #gran #coraje #que #pasó #Lorena #Herrera #en #Marcha #LGBT

El gran coraje que pasó Lorena Herrera en Marcha LGBT

Fashion Designer Christian Siriano and Husband Brad Walsh Split

Fashion Designer Christian Siriano and Husband Brad Walsh Split

Fashion designer Christian Siriano and Brad Walsh have separated after almost two years of marriage, Walsh revealed in an Instagram story (below) on Monday.

Wrote Walsh: “Bit more than a month ago my husband and I separated. I was contacted by a writer for a website who somehow found out, so rather than let them break it, I’m telling you myself. It’s nobody’s business and I don’t want to discuss, but that’s what up.”

The couple was together for 11 years and married in July 2016.

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Fashion Designer Christian Siriano and Husband Brad Walsh Split

Hollywood show runners stand up for refugee families

Hollywood show runners stand up for refugee families


Like so many of us, writer and showrunner Tanya Saracho of Vida, on Starz, was shocked at media images of refugee children separated from their families. Saracho decided to get her writer’s room involved in raising money and helping to call attention to the issue. She then challenged show runner Gloria Calderón Kellett of One Day at a Time to do the same. She did and, since then, the duo has recruited as many 59 other writers rooms, who have stepped up with messages of love and support and financial donations, including Orange Is the New Black, Grey’s Anatomy, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and many others. The writers and producers are raising money for RAICES, a Texas group working to help refugees. Read more about their efforts in Variety and Deadline.  And don’t forget to find a march near you Saturday, June 30–wear white to show you care about all human beings, and watch Vida and One Day at a Time, which have LGBTQ and Latinx characters.

June 26, 2018


Homofobia pode estar ligada a desejos reprimidos

Homofobia pode estar ligada a desejos reprimidos

@oarapuka posted a photo:

Homofobia pode estar ligada a desejos reprimidos

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O Brasil possui muitos casos de violência ligada a homofobia, como já foi, diversas vezes, transmitido na mídia. Será que essa forma de violência não pode ter relação com desejos sexuais reprimidos? O especialista João Alexandre Borba, afirma que sim!

No ano de 2013, no Brasil, foram assassinados 313 membros da comunidade LGBT, segundo pesquisa do Grupo Gay Bahia (GGB), ou seja, um assassinato há cada 28 horas. Se compararmos nossos números com os do Chile, que teve apenas quatro assassinatos de transexuais, travestis, lésbicas, bissexuais ou gays no mesmo período, podemos perceber que crimes ligados à homofobia acontecem 80 vezes mais no Brasil que no país vizinho.

Crimes realizados por razões homofóbicas são feitos por pessoas que sentem antipatia, desprezo, preconceito, aversão e, até mesmo, medo, por homossexuais, bissexuais, travestis e transgêneros. Ao longo dos anos, a mídia brasileira expôs muitos casos de agressões físicas e verbais cometidas por pessoas que possuem a percepção de que a orientação não heterossexual é negativa e “errada”.

Segundo pesquisa de cunho psicológico, a homofobia pode estar ligada a um sentimento reprimido que o agressor possui. Por exemplo, homens que foram criados em lares machistas, opressores e homofóbicos possui grandes chances de se descobrirem homossexuais, com o passar do tempo.
Em um estudo, em que os pesquisadores analisaram as diferenças entre o que as pessoas dizem sobre sua orientação sexual e sua orientação verdadeira (baseando-se em reações que os pacientes apresentaram), foi possível perceber duas coisas. A primeira é que os participantes que possuíam pais mais abertos e compreensivos estavam mais em contato com sua orientação verdadeira, seja o indivíduo hetero ou homeafetivo. A segunda constatação foi a de que os filhos de pais conservadores apresentavam desejos homossexuais, porém escondiam isso, e, muitos, possuíam tendência a um comportamento homofóbico.

Segundo o psicólogo João Alexandre Borba, quem agride o próximo por ter convicções diferentes das suas, é porque não tem maturidade para sustentar suas próprias convicções. Ou seja, muitas vezes, ao agredir o outro por ele ser diferente de si, é provável que você seja mais parecido com ele do que pensa.

Borba afirma que teve um paciente com um caso evidente de repressão de sentimentos. “Ele agredia homens que mostravam afeição por outros rapazes, e sempre demonstrava muita raiva ao falar sobre isso. Após algum tempo, eu sugeri que essas reações eram uma negação de seus desejos; ele se ofendeu e demorou um mês para voltar a se consultar comigo”, conta o psicólogo.

Um mês depois do ocorrido, entretanto, o paciente retornou ao consultório, para dizer que havia “ficado” com um amigo, e não sabia o que fazer com isso. “Hoje, anos depois, eles namoram. Meu paciente está feliz e parou de agredir a si mesmo e aos outros homens”, explica o profissional.

O especialista afirma que a partir do momento em que as pessoas passam a se aceitarem verdadeiramente, a violência acaba e o respeito e a compreensão ao próximo passam a tomar lugar da antiga raiva contida, afinal, só podemos oferecer respeito quando antes o auto respeito acontece.



[email protected]

Homofobia pode estar ligada a desejos reprimidos

RuPaul Crowns a Winner, Dan Reynolds’ ‘Believer’, ‘Gorgeous Ladies’ Return to the Ring and More TV This Week

RuPaul Crowns a Winner, Dan Reynolds’ ‘Believer’, ‘Gorgeous Ladies’ Return to the Ring and More TV This Week
dan reynolds imagine dragons

Check out our weekly guide to TV this week, and make sure you’re catching the big premieres, crucial episodes and the stuff you won’t admit you watch when no one’s looking.

Dan Reynolds, lead singer of alt-rock outfit Imagine Dragons, takes his message of positivity to the stage in the new doc Believer, tonight at 9:30 p.m. ET and on demand on HBO2. The film focuses on the singer’s work spreading LGBTQ acceptance within the Mormon church with his LoveLoud concert.

If you’ve been loving Pose as much as we have, you’ll want to catch up with Viceland’s original docuseries, My House. Get a look at the real-life queer and trans people of color that are ruling the ball scene today. The series first season wraps Wednesday at 10:30 p.m.

It’s time to crown a winner on this season of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Will it be Asia, Eureka, Kameron or Aquaria named America’s next drag superstar? Tune in to VH1 Thursday at 8 p.m. to find out.

Our favorite Netflix original series GLOW returns for its second season Friday. As if 1980s ladies’ wrestling wasn’t implicitly queer enough, this season adds a lesbian wrestler to the already stellar ensemble.

Speaking of Pose, a new episode lands Sunday at 9 p.m. Eastern on FX. The focus shifts to James Van Der Beek’s sleazy character, Matt, and his blossoming feud with Stan (Evan Peters).

What are you watching this week on TV?

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RuPaul Crowns a Winner, Dan Reynolds’ ‘Believer’, ‘Gorgeous Ladies’ Return to the Ring and More TV This Week