Michael Avenatti Blasts Rudy Giuliani After New Disastrous Set of TV Appearances: ‘It’s a Train Wreck’ – WATCH

Michael Avenatti Blasts Rudy Giuliani After New Disastrous Set of TV Appearances: ‘It’s a Train Wreck’ – WATCH
giuliani avenatti

Rudy Giuliani appeared on ABC News’ This Week (above) with George Stephanopoulos and continued to unload about Trump and Michael Cohen even though he admitted he’s just “halfway” up to speed on the facts.

And it showed.

Asked if Cohen could have paid off more women in addition to Stormy Daniels, Giuliani replied, “I have no knowledge of that. But I would think if it was necessary, yes.”

Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti followed Giuliani as a guest on This Week, and had a lot to say about Giuliani’s appearance:

“It’s an absolute, unmitigated disaster for Rudy Giuliani and the president. It’s a train wreck. I can’t believe that actually just happened. I mean what we witnessed by Rudy Giuliani may be one of the worst TV appearances by any attorney on behalf of a client in modern times. He now expects the American people to believe that he doesn’t really know the facts. That as to every key question you ask, he hasn’t communicated with the president about it. I mean this guy’s all over the map over the last 72 hours on some very simple facts that should be very straightforward. I think it is obvious to the American people that this is a cover-up, that they are making it up as they go along. They don’t know what to say because they have lost track of the truth.”


Stormy Daniels’ attorney @MichaelAvenatti calls Giuliani’s interview with @GStephanopoulos, “an absolute, unmitigated disaster for Rudy Giuliani and the president… I think it is obvious to the American people that this is a cover-up; that they are making it up as they go along.” pic.twitter.com/cURpRlV3Ce

— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) May 6, 2018

Giuliani also appeared on FOX News with Judge Jeanine on Saturday night.

As think Progress notes, Giuliani repeated his statements that he was not up to speed with the facts, he told Pirro that the payment ‘would be legal “even if it was a campaign donation.” According to Giuliani, it was legal as a campaign donation because “the president reimbursed it fully.”’

Think Progress notes: “This, however, is false. While candidates can donate unlimited money to their own campaigns, all campaign donations, and loans, must be reported to the Federal Election Commission (FEC). The failure to report the donation is a violation of federal law.”

Giuliani also called the payment an “expenditure,” the term the FEC uses to describe expenses related to a campaign.

The post Michael Avenatti Blasts Rudy Giuliani After New Disastrous Set of TV Appearances: ‘It’s a Train Wreck’ – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Michael Avenatti Blasts Rudy Giuliani After New Disastrous Set of TV Appearances: ‘It’s a Train Wreck’ – WATCH

Colton Haynes Speaks Out After Reports of Split from Husband of 6 Months

Colton Haynes Speaks Out After Reports of Split from Husband of 6 Months
colton haynes split

Late this week it was reported that actor Colton Haynes had split from his husband of six months, Beverly Hills florist-to-the-stars Jeff Leatham after Haynes erased photos of the couple from his Instagram page.

Haynes also released a new song called “Man It Sucks” which tells the story of a broken relationship.

That song is not about Leatham, according to Haynes, making his his first statement on Twitter since the rumored break-up.

Tweeted Haynes: “Jeff would never cheat. He’s an amazing man. Please stop being mean to him. The song I wrote was about a past relationship.”

Jeff would never cheat. He’s an amazing man. Please stop being mean to him. The song I wrote was about a past relationship. ❤

— Colton Haynes (@ColtonLHaynes) May 5, 2018

The post Colton Haynes Speaks Out After Reports of Split from Husband of 6 Months appeared first on Towleroad.

Colton Haynes Speaks Out After Reports of Split from Husband of 6 Months

Something tells me

Something tells me

Julie Bracken posted a photo:

Something tells me

Oh baby, something tells me, something’s gonna happen to you
The smile on my face is the smile you’ll wear in a moment or two
So get it together, you see it’s gonna be alright
Something tells me something’s gonna happen tonight
~Cilla Black

Makeup and styling by the talented Kelayla of www.transvista.co.uk/

9 Feb 18

Something tells me

Ciro Gomes 05mai2018-134

Ciro Gomes 05mai2018-134

plopesfoto posted a photo:

Ciro Gomes 05mai2018-134

Giselle Bezerra, namorada do pré candidato a presidente do Brasil Ciro Gomes, participa da abertura do I Congresso Nacional do PDT Diversidade, na cidade de Guarulhos (SP), neste sábado (05).

AVISO: Imagens protegidas pela lei do direito autoral 9.610/98.
É proibido o uso ou cópia sem permissão do autor.
Sujeito às penalidades legais.

Ciro Gomes 05mai2018-134