State Legislatures Pass 10 Pro-Equality Bills This Year

State Legislatures Pass 10 Pro-Equality Bills This Year

Post submitted by Elisabeth Rutledge

HRC is celebrating the passage of 10 pro-equality state bills during the first half of 2018. At the peak of legislative activity this year, 43 state legislatures were in session. Since the beginning of the year, HRC has been tracking more than 112 anti-LGBTQ bills and 185 pro-equality bills. As the November elections approach, only 16 state legislatures remain in session.

Of the 10 pro-equality bills passed by state legislatures, six have already been signed into law and four await gubernatorial action.

Four of the 10 bills are designed to protect LGBTQ youth from the dangerous and debunked practice of so-called “conversion therapy,” which has been proven to pose devastating health risks for LGBTQ young people such as depression, decreased self-esteem, substance abuse, homelessness, and even suicidal behavior. Every major medical and mental health organization, including the American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association and American Medical Association, condemn the practice.

In Connecticut, Governor Dannel Malloy signed SB 13, a bill allowing transgender inmates to be housed according to their identity and ensuring they will be searched by officers matching their gender, have their pronouns respected and have access to clothing and toiletries matching their gender.

Last Friday in Hawaii, Governor David Ige signed SB 270, an anti-conversion therapy bill.

Earlier this month, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan signed SB 1028, a similar anti-conversion therapy bill.

In April, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed SB 2371, a broad criminal justice reform bill that includes a provision prohibiting the placement of LGBTQ prisoners in solitary confinement solely due to their identity.

Vermont Governor Phil Scott signed H. 333, a bill requiring a single-user restroom to be identified by a sign that marks the facility as a restroom and does not indicate any specific gender.

Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed SB 5722 in March, making it the first anti-conversion therapy bill to become law in 2018.

In New Hampshire, two pro-LGBTQ bills await action by Governor Chris Sununu: HB 587, an anti-conversion therapy bill, and HB 1319, a non-discrimination bill for transgender people. HB 1319 would update the state’s laws prohibiting discrimination in employment, housing and public spaces to explicitly include protections based on gender identity.

In New Jersey, two bills related to gender markers and gender identity on birth and death certificates were passed and sent to Governor Phil Murphy. S. 478, a birth certificate gender marker update bill, modernizes the process for updating one’s birth certificate gender marker by removing the current surgical requirement. S.493, a death certificate gender identity bill, clarifies that the sex of the decedent is to be recorded on their death certificate so as to accurately reflect the decedent’s gender identity. It also creates a process for accurately determining and recording the gender identity of the decedent if conflicting information exists.

Unfortunately, two anti-LGBTQ bills have also been signed into law so far this year. Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin signed SB 1140, a bill that would allow child welfare organizations — including adoption and foster care agencies — to turn away qualified Oklahomans seeking to care for a child in need, including LGBTQ couples, interfaith couples, single parents, married couples in which one prospective parent has previously been divorced, or other parents to whom the agency has a religious objection. Kansas Governor Jeff Colyer signed SB 284, which is a license to discriminate with taxpayer funds against prospective LGBTQ foster or adoptive parents, single parents, or other qualified families.

HRC continues to work with partners, allies and advocates across the country to pass pro-equality legislation and defeat anti-LGBTQ bills.

Federal Court Refuses to Toss Criminal Indictments Against Former Rep. Aaron Schock

Federal Court Refuses to Toss Criminal Indictments Against Former Rep. Aaron Schock
Aaron Schock

Aaron Schock

A federal appeals court dealt former Rep. Aaron Schock a major legal blow on Wednesday, refusing to throw out his criminal indictment on 22 corruption charges including filing false tax returns, mail fraud, wire fraud, submitting false reports to the FEC, false statements, and theft of government funds.

Politico reports: “Schock’s arguments for appealing the indictment centered on two main points. First, under the Speech or Debate Clause, a constitutional protection given to lawmakers and staff for legitimate legislative activities, he can’t be charged with falsifying reimbursement claims. Secondly, in a more technical argument, Schock’s lawyers asserted that since reimbursement regulations were created by House rule, it would be a violation of separation-of-powers principles for the executive branch, via the Justice Department, to charge him with a crime. Under Schock’s approach, only the House could interpret whether he violated House rules.”

Schock has been trying to get the charges, which originally numbered 24, thrown out for years. His last unsuccessful attempt was last fall.

In August 2017, Schock’s lawyers asked for the case to be dismissed because, according to the attorneys, witnesses were asked “distasteful, offensive,” and “prejudicial” questions about every part of Schock’s sex life including whether he is gay and if his girlfriend was a beard. The lawyers accused investigators of “prosecutorial misconduct on a variety of grounds” over the invasive questions and asked for the case to be dismissed.

Schock’s troubles began when photos of his Downton Abbey-inspired congressional office leaked and it was then discovered that he illegally accepted a designer’s services for free. 

In March of 2015, the FBI began an investigation into Schock’s spending habits, an investigation that ultimately revealed “untoward allegations” about Schock that would damage his reputation, according to his lawyers. Schock faces a 24-count indictment for filing false tax returns and covering up fraud schemes, and using government and campaign funds improperly.

The disgraced anti-gay Illinois lawmaker resigned from his seat in 2015 after questions arose about his alleged misuse of funds.

Schock can appeal Wednesday’s ruling to the full 7th Circuit Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court.

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Federal Court Refuses to Toss Criminal Indictments Against Former Rep. Aaron Schock

Resenha – O Mau Exemplo de Cameron Post

Resenha – O Mau Exemplo de Cameron Post

@oarapuka posted a photo:

Resenha – O Mau Exemplo de Cameron Post

via WordPress

O Mau Exemplo de Cameron Post é um livro com temática LGBT escrito pela autora Emily M. Danforth. É um lançamento de 2018 e foi publicado pela editora Harper Collins no começo do ano. O livro se passa nos Estados Unidos, mais especificamente nos anos 90 numa cidadezinha no interior de Montana. Como seu livro de lançamento, Emily traz Cameron Post como protagonista e toda a vida confusa e complicada de uma garota lésbica nos anos 90.

É muito simples desde o começo, Cameron é uma jovem normal que tem uma melhor amiga e vive com seus pais e avó. Mas o que marca o ponto inicial dessa história envolvente é quando Cameron se vê num desafio feito pela sua melhor amiga, Irene Klauson. Irene desafia Post a beijá-la, e as duas de fato se beijam. O que Cameron não esperava era que esse desafio bobo fosse se tornar algo tão importante e um ponto de descobertas na vida dela. Post descobre que talvez sinta atração por garotas e não tem nem tempo para pensar nisso, pois uma avalanche de informações vem logo depois, com a notícia da morte de seus pais.

“— Aposto que não consegue me dar um beijo – Disse ela, congelando o olhar por um instante.

— Você está me desafiando de verdade? – Perguntei.

Ela fez aquela cara de “dã” e assentiu. Então, eu dei um beijo nela na mesma hora, antes que a gente tivesse mais tempo para falar sobre o assunto ou que a mãe dela nos chamasse para jantar.”(p. 15)

Depois da descoberta da morte dos pais, Post acha que seus problemas todos se resolveram pois não precisaria contar a vergonha de que é na verdade atraída por mulheres. Ela mal poderia imaginar o que estava a vir pela sua frente. Além de perder os pais numa noite qualquer, ainda se vê obrigada a morar com sua tia Ruth que é super conservadora e chega a cidade para ficar com ela e sua vó, que até então não sabia de nada.

Agora, como a menina sem os pais, Cameron tem toda a atenção das pessoas na pequena cidade, Irene que supostamente era sua melhor amiga se afasta dela e vai embora. Post se vê sozinha naquela cidade do interior, com um segredo que ninguém sabe e que ela prefere manter para ela mesma. Cria hábitos estranhos para lidar com sua própria pessoa e a falta de seus pais. Um deles está em assistir filmes excessivos, nos quais ela encontrou conforto e segurança, e também conhecimento sobre quem ela mesmo era ou estava se tornando.

No ensino médio tudo acontece. Sua tia Ruth super conservadora decide frequentar a igreja evangélica na cidade Portões da Glória, e leva Cameron com ela. Lá Cameron faz amizades com alguns meninos e parece estar tudo bem. Até Coley Taylor. A garota mais bonita da cidade e também hétero. Cameron se apaixona pela garota e guarda isso para si até certo ponto, frequentando as reuniões da igreja com a tia, saindo com os amigos e se tornando amiga muito próxima de Coley. Cameron até tem uma relação com um de seus amigos, James, mas infelizmente para descobrir que o que ela sentia por meninas não era uma simples brincadeira, como na época com Irene.

O relacionamento de Coley e Cameron parece evoluir bastante. Cameron se vê cada dia mais apaixonada pela menina mais popular de toda cidade, e em certo momento se abre com seu melhor amigo sobre seus sentimentos. Tudo poderia dar certo e nos planos de Cameron, o possível romance entre ela e Coley também poderia dar certo, se sua tia Ruth não descobrisse sobre seus comportamentos homossexuais.

Cameron Post é pega. Ruth revela à sobrinha que sabe dos últimos acontecimentos e seus comportamentos pecaminosos. Post se revolta com a decisão da tia que manda a garota para um centro de reabilitação para pessoas gays. Sim, um centro de CURA GAY. Sem muito o que fazer e de volta a confusão de seus próprios pensamentos, Cameron se vê forçada a mudar quem ela é, mesmo que ela não queira. Todos os seus privilégios são tirados, a garota parece estar numa prisão para gays, como se tivesse feito algo errado com ela mesma e que pudesse ser consertado.

A Promessa de Deus, no entanto, não parece ser tão chata assim a não ser pelo fato de eles quererem consertar pessoas que não precisam de conserto, no pensamento de Cameron. Ela descobre que alguns dos discípulos no lugar não se comprometem de verdade e nem acreditam naquele programa, como Jane e Adam, seus novos amigos. Cameron descobre mais do lugar, com sessões de terapia em grupo e individual, fumando maconha e fazendo tarefas taxadas como femininas e certas. Ao longo do tempo no lugar ela só sente que deve ser ela mesma e que isso não é ruim e nem um pecado, ignorando todas as formas de santificação e cura que a todo momento são jogados sobre seus ombros e criando uma filosofia para ela mesma.


Logo de cara você já sabe que será um livro com temática LGBT. A capa do livro deixa isso bem claro, junto com o subtítulo “Descubra quem você é. Viva de acordo com suas próprias regras”. Foi um livro que me deixou bem contente por toda a representatividade LGBT e ainda mais com uma protagonista lésbica. As críticas à igreja e toda sua doutrina nesse livro são simplesmente incríveis, eu fiquei de boca aberta lendo cada linha.

A Cameron se tornou uma personagem bem especial para mim, pelo seu jeito de pensar e em tudo o que ela passou. Eu particularmente amei esse livro, e achei a filosofia dele muito boa. É absurdo como a autora conseguiu retratar a verdade dos anos 90 em relação a homossexualidade, detalhando e escrevendo com muita segurança e verdade como as coisas eram naquela época. Comportamentos, personalidades, lugares e cultura. A leitura é fácil e nada massante, prendendo a atenção do leitor. Eu SUPER indico esse livro, ainda mais no mês do orgulho LGBT.

Título: O Mau Exemplo De Cameron Post
Autor: Emily M. Danforth, Alice Mello,
Genre: Young Adult
Publisher: Harper Collins
Release Date: January 12, 2018
Páginas: 448

Quando os pais de Cameron Post morrem em um acidente de carro, a primeira coisa que ela sente, para sua própria surpresa, é alívio. Alívio que eles nunca vão precisar saber que, algumas horas antes, ela estava beijando uma menina. Mas o alívio não dura, e Cam é forçada a morar com sua tia ultraconservadora e sua bem-intencionada, mas antiquada avó. Ela sabe que, daqui em diante, tudo será diferente. Sobreviver nessa pequena cidade rural de Montana exige que Cam finja ser igual a todo mundo e evite assuntos indelicados (como diria sua avó), e ela é boa nisso. Até que Coley Taylor chega à cidade. Coley é perfeita, e tem um namorado perfeito para completar. Ela e Cam forjam uma amizade intensa, que parece deixar espaço para algo mais. Mas assim que isso começa a parecer possível, a religiosa tia Ruth decide que é hora de “consertar” sua sobrinha, a mandando para Gods Promise, um acampamento de conversão que deve “curar” sua homossexualidade. Lá, Cam fica frente a frente com o custo de negar quem ela é – mesmo que ela não tenha certeza que sabe realmente quem é.

Resenha – O Mau Exemplo de Cameron Post

Reality star Ryan Cleary says he’s proud to be bisexual, poses for smokin’ hot photo shoot

Reality star Ryan Cleary says he’s proud to be bisexual, poses for smokin’ hot photo shoot
“A lot of people who are bisexual are not open about it because it’s easy not to be if you are going more toward the heterosexual side of that bisexuality.”

P!nk, Studio 54, Elizabeth Warren, Intellivision, Roseanne, Balenciaga, Dan Helmer, World Cup: HOT LINKS

P!nk, Studio 54, Elizabeth Warren, Intellivision, Roseanne, Balenciaga, Dan Helmer, World Cup: HOT LINKS

NASHVILLE RALLY. Trump ratches up the rhetoric: ‘Tuesday’s comments about MS-13 come after Trump faced backlash for calling some immigrants “animals” earlier this month, saying, “We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in — and we’re stopping a lot of them — but we’re taking people out of the country. You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people. These are animals.”’

NEW MEXICO. Transgender woman who was part of migrant caravan dies in ICE custody: “Roxsana Hernandez, 33, died in the custody of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at a hospital in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She had been taken to another hospital in New Mexico more than a week earlier with symptoms of pneumonia, dehydration, and complications associated with HIV.”

ELIZABETH WARREN. “Not there yet” on impeachment. “Where I am is that we need this independent investigation without political interference.”

FASHION WUT? Balenciaga trolling fashionistas by selling $1,500 t-shirt with button down shirt pinned on the front of it.

A TEXAS FIRST. Three openly gay candidates running for Congress. “Lorie Burch is a candidate for the 3rd Congressional District…Burch joins Gina Ortiz Jones, who is running in San Antonio, and Eric Holgiun, the Democratic nominee in Corpus Christi.”

UNDER THE BUS. Roseanne slams co-stars for speaking out against her tweet.

WHERE IS MELANIA? White House silent.

RUSSIA. Racist and anti-gay chants on the rise ahead of World Cup: “Nineteen incidents of abusive chants were recorded this season, according to an annual report from the anti-discrimination Fare Network and the Moscow-based Sova Center released Wednesday. That compares to two cases the season before, and 10 the year before that.”

DAN HELMER. Virginia congressional candidate compares Trump to Bin Laden, says he’s the greatest threat to our democracy. After 9/11, the greatest threat to our democracy lived in a cave…Today, he lives in the White House.”

ISRAEL. Police withdraw demand for fences at Gay Pride parade.

VIDEO GAME NEWS. The return of Intellivision….’”I grew up playing Intellivision with my parents and younger brother,” says Tallarico.  “It was always my favorite system because the games were cutting edge, yet fun and simple to play so our entire family could enjoy them together.  I find those important elements to generally be lacking from our industry with the current modern gaming consoles.  Our goal is to change that by focusing on bringing all age groups and levels of gamers and non-gamers together while introducing new generations of people to the legacy success of the Intellivision brand.”’Flashback:

FASHION. Why Studio 54 still defines dancefloor dressing: “Bianca Jagger in red Halston on a horse. Cher in a sequinned bodystocking. Grace Jones in knickers and batwing blouse. Diana Ross in a cloud of marabou. For the throwback-inspo world of Instagram fashion, Studio 54 remains – 41 years after its grand opening in spring 1977 – the gift that keeps on giving. And, as a new documentary, Studio 54, reveals, Ian Schrager and Steve Rubell’s club had a dress code that has defined what you wear after dark for four decades and counting.”

P!NK. Making America Gay Again.

— P!nk (@Pink) May 29, 2018

BREAK A LEG. The annual cheese rolling contest in the UK.

REMIX OF THE DAY. Kylie Minogue “Stop Me From Falling” (Cerrone Remix).

HUMP DAY HOTTIES. TaeDaTea and Mel’Vontae.

Instagram Photo

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P!nk, Studio 54, Elizabeth Warren, Intellivision, Roseanne, Balenciaga, Dan Helmer, World Cup: HOT LINKS

6th Annual Bisexual Book Awards will kick off Pride Month this week

6th Annual Bisexual Book Awards will kick off Pride Month this week

Bi Writers Association

On Friday, June 1, the Bi Writers Association (BWA) will be celebrating it’s 6th Annual Bisexual Book Awards at Westbeth Community Room in New York City’s West Village neighborhood. The ceremony, which is drawing a crowd from around the globe, will honor bisexual artists and writers and celebrate bi-themed culture and literature that promote community visibility and dismantle harmful stereotypes surrounding bisexuality. BWA Founder and Director Sheela Lambert hopes the awards will “help bi-themed books find an audience.”

Sheela told GLAAD in a statement:

We want authors and publishers to know that their books with bisexual or pansexual characters or content have somewhere to go to find an audience and won’t just slip through the cracks. We believe our efforts are working because every year more bi+ books are published. Because of the Bisexual Book Awards, authors and publishers have so many more bisexual categories to enter and can actually be rewarded for their efforts, if their books are good.” 

The event kicks off with a book signing at 7:30PM and is followed by readings from select  Bisexual Book Awards finalists starting at 8:00 PM. The full list of finalists can be found here. The program will end with the Awards Ceremony and an after-party at Malaparte Restaurant.

The finalists who will be reading their works include:

  • Fiction: Karen Connelly / The Change Room
  • Romance: Kelly Jensen / Block and Strike
  • Speculative Fiction: Julia Ember / The Seafarer’s Kiss
  • Fiction: Amanda Kabak / The Mathematics of Change
  • Poetry: Julene Tripp Weaver / Truth Be Bold: Serenading Life & Death in the Age of AIDS
  • Non-Fiction: Mary-Anne McAllum / Young Bisexual Women’s Experiences in Secondary Schools
  • Memoir/Bio: Monica Meneghetti / What the Mouth Wants: A Memoir of Food, Love and Belonging

Live music will be provided by Diana Fuller, a bi singer-songwriter, who will be playing original music.

Tickets are $15 and can be purchased in advance or at the door.  If you would like to purchase tickets in advance, click “Buy Now” on BWA’s website.

To RSVP and/or find more information about the event , please go to their Meetup or Facebook page.

For more information on the bi+ community, visit, and check out GLAAD’s resource guide for covering the bisexual+ community in the media.

May 30, 2018

Genderqueer Student Brilliantly Trolls Betsy DeVos with Transgender Pride Cape: WATCH

Genderqueer Student Brilliantly Trolls Betsy DeVos with Transgender Pride Cape: WATCH
betsy devos trans pride

Eighth grade genderqueer student Torin Hodgman trolled anti-LGBTQ Education Secretary Betsy DeVos during a visit she made to Grand Rapids Public Museum School on Wednesday by wearing a Transgender Pride cape they had made at home.

Michigan Live reports:

Hodgman – who identifies as “gender queer” and whose preferred pronoun is “they/them” – came prepared with a question: What is DeVos doing to ensure schools are safe learning environments for LGBT students and others who are questioning their gender identity?

Hodgman, 14, didn’t get a chance to pose that question to DeVos during a roundtable discussion Tuesday morning.

But Hodgman is hopeful she recognized the flag – and what it stood for – and that she realizes that transgender students are a real presence in America’s schools.

“Public schools are a place for all children,” Hodgman said.

DeVos definitely got a look at the Cape, as you can see in the video above.

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Genderqueer Student Brilliantly Trolls Betsy DeVos with Transgender Pride Cape: WATCH