Lando Calrissian is Sexually Fluid, ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ Writer Confirms, and Many are Unimpressed

Lando Calrissian is Sexually Fluid, ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ Writer Confirms, and Many are Unimpressed
donald glover lando calrissian

donald glover lando calrissian

Lando Calrissian is sexually fluid, according to screenwriter Jonathan Kasdan, who co-wrote Solo: A Star Wars Story with his father, Lawrence Kasdan.

Said Kasdan to the Huffington Post: “I would say yes. There’s a fluidity to Donald and Billy Dee’s (Lando in the Star Wars trilogy) sexuality. I mean, I would have loved to have gotten a more explicitly LGBT character into this movie. I think it’s time, certainly, for that, and I love the fluidity—sort of the spectrum of sexuality that Donald appeals to and that droids are a part of. He doesn’t make any hard and fast rules. I think it’s fun. I don’t know where it will go.”

The Daily Beast’s Ira Madison isn’t impressed: “This queerbaiting is the best they can do? It is condescending, somehow even more so than the vague insistence that two male characters in the new trilogy, Finn and Poe, might possibly have a relationship. The chemistry between the two, much like Han and Lando’s, inspired fans to create fan fiction and fan art shipping a supposed relationship between them. It’s part of why everyone continues asking Star Wars writers and directors if anything is going to happen on the queer front. But it’s also a lot of pandering on the studio’s part.”

Neither is Megan Farokhmanesh from the Verge: “Kasdan’s assertion that Lando ‘doesn’t make any hard and fast rules … it’s fun’ falls into a long, damaging tradition of conflating pansexuality with promiscuity. Embracing sexual attraction to whomever catches your interest isn’t about being a rule-breaker. Portraying it as such is lazy shorthand for ‘wild and free’ thinking.”

Adds Madison: “Teasing the possibility of characters being gay in the media, however well-meaning, isn’t useful. Particularly if it’s not actually in the text. This is reminiscent of JK Rowling’s claims that Dumbledore is gay after the conclusion of her Harry Potter franchise. An LGBTQ audience does not benefit from interviews wherein the creators retroactively attach specific sexualities to their characters. It’s not representation, it’s queerbaiting and playing both sides of the fence. No one will actually admit that they’re worried what including a queer character might mean to fans or international sales. No one will admit that there aren’t any queer people writing and directing Star Wars films either, so maybe those creators are reticent to write something they don’t know.”

Bonnie Burton at CNET, who is ‘pansexual’ herself, has a different view: “…as a fan, I love that we’re at least getting more diverse characters in Star Wars films at all. Knowing that Lando — a popular character in the franchise who might get his own movie — could be pansexual is more than just groundbreaking for mainstream sci-fi films, it’s a personal affirmation that I might finally feel represented in Star Wars.”

The post Lando Calrissian is Sexually Fluid, ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ Writer Confirms, and Many are Unimpressed appeared first on Towleroad.

Lando Calrissian is Sexually Fluid, ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ Writer Confirms, and Many are Unimpressed

Ayden John: Feeling Alot Better After Accident

Ayden John: Feeling Alot Better After Accident

Thanks for all the support everyone I’m finally leaving CT and heading to NYC in 3 days I appreciate all the generosity over the past 4 days when I was out of commission!! I’m feeling 75% back to myself a few more days and I’m ready for whatever you can throw at me!!!

Visit Ayden John’s Chat Room

Out Country Singer-Songwriter Adam Mac Has a Musical Message of Unity for the World: WATCH

Out Country Singer-Songwriter Adam Mac Has a Musical Message of Unity for the World: WATCH
Adam Mac


Nashville-based out gay country singer-songwriter Adam Mac hopes to spread a message of equality, love, and resisting hate to all people with his new track “Black and White”. Mac released the video for his song last week.

Mac told us: “It’s been difficult trying to find my groove in a town driven by heteronormativity — boots, trucks and beer. I wrote this song the night before Donald Trumps inauguration in hopes that it’s never too late to be the change that brings a better tomorrow.”

Enjoy the video up top.


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Out Country Singer-Songwriter Adam Mac Has a Musical Message of Unity for the World: WATCH

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: May 21, 2018

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: May 21, 2018

KANSAS GOVERNOR SIGNS ANTI-LGBTQ BILL INTO LAW: It will have a sweeping, harmful impact in child welfare services by enabling discrimination against LGBTQ people, same-sex couples, interfaith couples, single parents, married couples in which one prospective parent has previously been divorced, or other qualified parents to whom an agency has an objection. “Kansas now joins Oklahoma as the only states to allow anti-LGBTQ state bills to become law this year,” said JoDee Winterhof, senior vice president of policy and political affairs. “Kansas lawmakers, from the legislature to the governor, are clearly stating that it is more important to them to discriminate against their own constituents than it is to find loving homes for children in need. Make no mistake: this law will harm the kids, families and reputation of this state.” More from HRC, Advocate and Slate.

HRC RESPONDS TO TRUMP-PENCE ATTACK ON WOMEN’S HEALTH CARE THROUGH A GAG RULE: “This is an unprecedented attack millions of women and LGBTQ people who rely on health care facilities, including Planned Parenthood, for reproductive health care,” said David Stacy, HRC Government Affairs Director. “The Trump-Pence Administration is once again attempting to undermine access to care for women and LGBTQ people, putting lives at risk. Planned Parenthood and similar health care providers offer a wide variety of crucial services, including 700,000 HIV tests each year, birth control, cancer screenings, STD testing and treatment, and general health exams.” More form HRC.

This is yet another reckless attempt by the Trump-Pence admin to rip away healthcare from millions of Americans. This rule would restrict birth control, cancer screenings, STD testing and treatment, even general women’s health exams. We won’t stand for it.

— Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) May 18, 2018

LAWMAKERS MUST TAKE ACTION TO END TO SCHOOL SHOOTINGS PLAGUING OUR COUNTRY: Our hearts are with those grieving in the wake of yet another tragic shooting, this time at Santa Fe High School near Galveston, Texas. We demand action from our lawmakers in the face of more lives needlessly taken, more hearts broken and more dreams shattered due to gun violence. More from NewNowNext.

At least eight innocent lives were taken in Texas at the 22nd school shooting — and third in the past eight days — in America this year. We demand action from our political leaders on common-sense gun safety reform.

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) May 18, 2018

CONNECTICUT INITIATIVE TO WELCOME LGBTQ PROSPECTIVE FOSTER AND ADOPTIVE PARENTS: The Connecticut Department of Children and Families’ new outreach campaign, backed by Governor Dannel Malloy, is a rare statewide system to support LGBTQ prospective parents. More from The Associated Press.

BOARD OF IMMIGRATION APPEALS MUST ADDRESS ASYLUM PETITION OF TRANS WOMAN, SAYS NINTH CIRCUIT COURT: Francisco Javier Flores Medina, a transgender woman and asylum seeker from Mexico, was denied asylum. The court ordered the board to reassess her petition, specifically addressing the fact that she is trans. More from Law360.

FDA APPROVES USE OF TRUVADA FOR ADOLESCENTS: This important move will expand the number of people who will benefit from the drug’s ability to prevent the spread of HIV. More from Poz.

THOUGH SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES GROW FOR LGBTQ STUDENTS, NEEDS REMAIN: A recent survey found that 83 percent of LGBTQ students pay for school themselves, compared to 53 percent of their straight and cisgender peers. This illustrates the acute — and growing — need for scholarships in the LGBTQ community. More from NBC Out.


COLLEGIATE HOCKEY REFEREE COMES OUT AS GAY, FINDS ACCEPTANCE: When Alex Valvo came out a year and a half ago, he was heartened by the support from those around him. “All that referees want is a fair game between two teams,” he says. “And that’s all the LGBT community wants — the same fair treatment as everyone else in our everyday life.” Read more from USA Today.

HRC CELEBRATES MORE THAN 600 PRO-EQUALITY BUSINESSES IN LAS VEGAS:HRC Foundation recently celebrated the 2018 Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality, honoring over 600 businesses achieving a perfect score in the 2018 Corporate Equality Index.




BRITISH PRIME MINISTER ACKNOWLEDGES ROLE COLONIAL RULE HAS ON GLOBAL ANTI-LGBTQ LAWS: At a recent Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting, Theresa May said: “As the United Kingdom’s prime minister, I deeply regret both the fact that such laws were introduced and the legacy of discrimination, violence and death that persists today.” More from Quartz.


READING RAINBOWBookmark now to read on your lunch break!

HRC interviews Youth Ambassador Sean Bender-Prouty; Khmer Times reviews Cambodia’s fight for LGBTQ equality; Forbes takes a look at the needs of nonbinary employees

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to #AM_Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!

Church of Scotland is Drafting New Laws Allowing Ministers to Conduct Same-Sex Marriages

Church of Scotland is Drafting New Laws Allowing Ministers to Conduct Same-Sex Marriages
Church of Scotland

Church of Scotland

A lengthy process has begun which may ultimately lead to gay people being able to be married by ministers in the Church of Scotland.

The Guardian reports that the general assembly passed a motion 345 to 170 to begin drafting the new rules:

The legal questions committee now has two years before it has to report back, with a final poll expected in 2021.

Speaking before the vote, the Rev Tom Gordon said: “I have two daughters, both of whom are married. I have one gay daughter in a same-sex marriage. When my older daughter got married she had a choice – to ask me to conduct her service as a minister or for me to walk her down the aisle as her dad. But when my younger daughter got married, she had no such choice.

“Give people a choice: allow their marriage to be conducted by a minister. With God’s blessing.”

The motion passed “outlines that the legislation would allow ministers who wished to perform same-sex marriages to do so. It also sets out that the draft law should provide safeguards for those who did not wish to.”

The post Church of Scotland is Drafting New Laws Allowing Ministers to Conduct Same-Sex Marriages appeared first on Towleroad.

Church of Scotland is Drafting New Laws Allowing Ministers to Conduct Same-Sex Marriages



Miguel Discart Photos Vrac 2 posted a photo:

2018-05-19_15-27-29_ILCE-6500_DSC08385 – Pride 2018 – Your Local Power

Feeling free and at home in your neighborhood, town or city. Be and show yourself in the streets. Holding hands with the person you love and smiling at each other in public. Our personal lives occur in the public space. Considering the approaching communal elections, everyone (youngsters, seniors, families, couples and all people – no matter what gender or orientation) asks the local politicians: How do you make a difference? What do you do to improve diversity in our everyday life? Where the rain makes way for the sun, we will walk proudly under the rainbow!

We will all be heading to the voting booths for the local elections on 14th of October. Deciding which circle to colour in is an important decision. A conscious decision can lead to a better living environment in your city or municipality.

And we’re not just talking about the redesign of the local park, the policies in the municipal school, or the proper functioning of the local Public Centre for Social Welfare. Your local municipal or city administration can also make a real difference and turn the place where you live into a true rainbow bubble, if that’s what you’d like, of course.

So it’s no wonder that this year’s Pride is focusing on the local elections. Belgian Pride is putting the municipalities and cities in the limelight in 2018, or better yet, at the end of the rainbow! We want the slogan ‘Your Local Power!’ to encourage municipal and city administrations to enact explicit, integrated local LGBTI+ policies.

Municipalities and cities can and must make the difference. They must accept responsibility for the well-being of all their residents. Flying the rainbow flag at the local government offices during the Pride period is a symbol of this. This is also a way that the municipality or city can show their solidarity with the LGBTI+ community. This symbolic gesture is not an infringement on neutrality. On the contrary, we can only actively work on ending all forms of discrimination once there is recognition for diversity and inclusion.

Policy-makers can make the lives of many citizens that much rosier by taking both small and large actions: by introducing a diversity charter in sports clubs, by making information on gender and sexuality available at the local libraries, by providing logistical and financial support to local associations, testimonials, and courses in the municipal education system, by holding a queer film festival in the local movie theatre or cultural centre, by holding LGBTI+ actions in community centres and youth centres, by providing information on what to do if you are the victim or witness of discrimination, by offering space for intimacy and (LGBTI+) sexuality in assisted-living centres, by training local police precincts and municipal officials, by including Equal Opportunity as an explicit competence within the city administration, etc.

The list of things that cities and municipalities can do is endless. Plus, many of these actions are very easy to implement. Sometimes, your local administration only needs a little boost, and you can give them that boost in the voting booth on 14th of October. A good local administration meets the needs and requirements of all residents. What does the LGBTI+ community in your city or municipality need?

You can already send the politicians a signal that is loud and clear on Saturday, the 19th of May. Make your wishes heard during the Belgian Pride.

We hope to see you there! Everyone is welcome!

( Chaque annee la Pride attire des dizaines de milliers de visiteurs vers la capitale et colore Bruxelles aux couleurs de l’arc-en-ciel. Il y a aussi le PrideVillage et le PridePodium autour de la Bourse. n’est pas seulement la plus grande fete de Bruxelles, mais c’est aussi un evenement avec un message politique. Avec cette manifestation, nous essayons d’obtenir plus d’egalite de droits pour tout le monde et surtout pour la communaute lesbigaytrans. )