Gay Man Loses Primary Bid to Unseat Kim Davis

Gay Man Loses Primary Bid to Unseat Kim Davis
David Ermold

David Ermold

David Ermold, one of the gay men denied a marriage license by Kim Davis in Rowan County, Kentucky, lost his primary bid on Tuesday to unseat her.

The Courier-Journal reports: “David Ermold sought the Democratic nomination in Tuesday’s primary in Rowan County, Kentucky. He lost to Elwood Caudill in a four-way Democratic primary, despite a campaign that raised more than $200,000 with donations from at least 48 states. Caudill will face Davis, the religious conservative who said in 2015 that ‘God’s authority’ prevented her from issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, in November. No one challenged Davis for the Republican nomination.”

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Gay Man Loses Primary Bid to Unseat Kim Davis

National Foster Care Month: Meet Dameon, David, Marcus, Lucina & Timothy

National Foster Care Month: Meet Dameon, David, Marcus, Lucina & Timothy

In partnership with FosterClub, HRC’s All Children – All Families project has launched its #FosterEquality campaign to share stories throughout National Foster Care Month of young LGBTQ leaders who have experienced foster care. Their stories underscore the importance of learning from and advocating for LGBTQ youth in care who all too often struggle with understanding their identities without the support of an affirming adult.

This week, we are proud to highlight the stories of Marcus Bell, Dameon Caldwell, Timothy Dennis, Lucina Kayee and David Oyola, who are working to make a difference in the lives of other young people across the U.S.

Marcus Bell

Bell was raised in foster care for 16 1/2 years, eventually emancipating from the system when he was 17. Bell knew from a very young age that he wanted to find a career that would allow him to help other youth raised in foster care. He worked to help pass 2010 California law AB12, which granted youth the option to stay in care until age 21. Although Bell was too old to benefit from the law, he said, “it was a blessing to have been able to help with the passing of the bill.” Bell loves being able to talk with young people about their hardships and how they overcame them, and he hopes to be more involved with the community and provide support when he can.

Dameon Caldwell

Caldwell spent 12 years in more than 10 foster care placements across Ohio. Currently, the 23-year-old serves as an advocate for LGBTQ equality, foster youth and domestic violence victims. He is close to completing a criminal justice degree and hopes to become a juvenile probation officer. Caldwell also volunteers as often as he can, whether it’s showing up at Pride, working in his community or attending a rally. Caldwell’s life goal is to open a music studio for inner city youth as an option to the streets. “I will always want to change the system to make it easier for the kids coming back into the system,” he said.

Timothy Dennis

Dennis spent all his teenage years in foster care. Dennis graduated high school in Knoxville, Tennessee, and then obtained his certified nursing assistant license. Dennis’ passion in life is to give back to current foster youth who are have similar experiences to his own. He dreams of eventually working with the Department of Children’s Services in the Independent Living Department or Child Protective Services Division. Dennis wants to ensure that teenagers are aware of all the opportunities available to them that will help them successfully transition out of foster care and into adulthood and a prosperous future.

Lucina Kayee

Having already experienced the trials of emigrating from Liberia to America, foster care was just one more obstacle for Kayee. Her first placement was at St. Joseph’s Home For Children where, unfortunately, she’d end up returning 16 times between placements in homes. From a young age, Kayee displayed a passionate ability to take initiative to help others, often teaching peers and even older youth in her facility. She eventually turned her skills into a job with her agency, becoming the youngest person ever employed there. She is a powerful advocate, honored for both her personal aptitude and courageous work on behalf of other youth. Kayee aspires to one day complete a degree in political science and become an international immigration attorney.

David Oyola

Oyola was in and out of Connecticut foster care from the age of three to 24. He  entered care due to his father’s negligence and eventual arrest. Oyola had multiple stints in care because of his to his father’s abuse, entering the system for the final time at age 15 when his mother passed away. He stayed with DCF voluntarily at age 18 with the help of an independent living program, which allowed him to live in his own apartment as long as he attended school or worked full time. At age 24, Oyola aged out of care. His lifelong goal is to one day own his own home.

Having an affirming voice and a caring adult can be immensely powerful for young people in care. HRC advocates for foster youth year round through our All Children – All Families project, which helps agencies improve their services for LGBTQ youth in foster care.

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a foster parent and supporting LGBTQ youth in care, check out HRC’s resources about foster parenting.

Learn more about All Children–All Families’ work to promote LGBTQ cultural competency in adoption and foster care at Want to stay up-to-date on All Children – All Families resources and activities? Subscribe to “Field Forward,” the program’s monthly e-newsletter at

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: May 23, 2018

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: May 23, 2018

HRC AND LAWYERS’ COMMITTEE REQUEST INVESTIGATION INTO ANTI-TRANS INCIDENT IN CALIFORNIA: HRC and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law released a letter asking California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to ensure a thorough review and investigation into Jazmina Saavedra, a political candidate in California who recorded a non-consensual video of herself following a transgender woman into a bathroom, harassing her and repeatedly and intentionally misgendering her. “Jazmina Saavedra’s actions are dangerous. She invaded a woman’s privacy while harassing and misgendering the victim. This type of discriminatory behavior is unacceptable, especially from someone seeking to represent the people of California,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. More from HRC, Bustle, and INTO.

Jazmina Saavedra:
-invaded a woman’s privacy
-filmed her without her consent
-repeatedly misgendered and harassed her
….all while asking the people of California to send her to

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) May 22, 2018

HRC RESPONDS TO FEDERAL COURT DECISION REAFFIRMING PROTECTIONS FOR TRANSGENDER STUDENTS IN GAVIN GRIMM CASE:  The court ruled that Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects transgender students from discrimination — including being forced to use separate bathroom facilities. “No student should feel unsafe at school, regardless of gender identity. Transgender students are covered by Title IX and are entitled to the same rights and protections as every other student,” said Sarah Warbelow, HRC Legal Director. Grimm had challenged his Virginia school district’s policy that prevented him from using the restroom that corresponded with his gender identity. More from HRC

With the Trump-Pence administration’s barrage of attacks on #LGBTQ people in this country, including children, @HRC is pleased that yet another federal court has reaffirmed legal rights and dignity of #transgender people.

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) May 23, 2018

OUTRAGEOUS — BETSY DEVOS TELLS CONGRESS SHE’LL CONTINUE TO IGNORE CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS AGAINST TRANSGENDER STUDENTS: The Secretary of Education, during a House committee grilling, said she would not take action on violations “ntil the Supreme Court opines or until [U.S. Congress] takes action.” More from The Hill.

HRC-ENDORSED CANDIDATES GINA ORTIZ JONES AND TIPPI MCCULLOUGH WIN THEIR PRIMARIES: Congratulations to Gina Ortiz Jones (@ginaortizjones) on her victory in Texas’s 23rd congressional district primary runoff. If elected in November, she will be the first openly gay, first Iraq War vet and first Filipina-American to represent Texas in Congress. And last night in Arkansas, Tippi McCullough (@ElectTippi) won the primary in the 33rd state House District.

  • Also last night, Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez became the Democratic nominee for Texas governor — the first openly lesbian Texan to do so. More from Advocate.

WHAT WE’RE READING WEDNESDAY — LGBTQ ELDERS FORCED BACK INTO THE CLOSET BY LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES:  The Merion, a senior living community in Evanston, Illinois, is the first in the state to achieve a credential from SAGE  in LGBTQ competency. The number of LGBTQ people in the state over age 50 is estimated at 2.7 million, and is expected to grow — as are reports of anti-LGBTQ  bias and bullying. More from Chicago Tribune.

The discrimination and bullying LGBTQ elders face is too often overlooked. @sageusa and @Adams_SAGEUSA are doing crucial work to ensure senior living homes are welcoming to all.

— Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) May 22, 2018

U.S. SENATORS INTRO BILL TO ENSURE RFRA CAN’T BE USED TO HARM OTHERS: Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Mazie Hirono (D-HI) yesterday introduced the Do No Harm Act, which would clarify that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is intended to protect religious freedom without allowing the infliction of harm on other people. More from HRC and The Washington Post.

PRINCIPAL REMOVED TO SETTLE CASE BROUGHT BY TWO LGBTQ STUDENTS IN OREGON TARGETED BY SCHOOL STAFF: The agreement calls for the North Bend School District to fire the principal and improve the school climate for LGBTQ students. “In Oregon, we want our children to thrive in inclusive environments and to be able to focus on learning,” Gov. Kate Brown, who is openly bisexual, told the AP. “Every student deserves to feel welcomed at their schools, and to know that they are safe — no matter where they come from or how they identify.” More from The Associated Press.

GLAAD RELEASES INDEX OF LGBTQ REPRESENTATION IN MOVIES: It reveals that representation in major motion pictures in the past year has been the lowest since 2012. More from The Daily Beast.

TRANSGENDER CUSTOMERS ALLEGEDLY DENIED SERVICE AT NASHVILLE IHOP: They were attending a local conference and reported being laughed at by staff and denied service. The group was comprised primarily of people of color. More from CBS19 and The Hill.

DETROIT-AREA CHURCH CREATES SUPPORT GROUP FOR TRANS COMMUNITY: After a Detroit-area church made headlines when it held a workshop promoting practices similar to the dangerous practice of “conversion therapy,” another church created a support group for the transgender community. More from Detroit Metro Times.


DESPICABLE — GHANA’S STATE-OWNED PAPER ATTACKS LGBTQ EQUALITY: The article was titled “Let’s Unite To Reject LGBT.” More from NewNowNext.

CANADA JOINS GLOBAL EQUALITY FUND: The fund brings together governments, foundations and corporations to support LGBTQ equality, including HRC. More from Washington Blade.

BELARUSIAN INTERIOR MINISTRY ATTACKS LGBTQ COMMUNITY IN STATEMENT: It makes the specious claim that  “same-sex relationships are fake”. More from RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty.


READING RAINBOWBookmark now to read on your lunch break!

Project Q Atlanta congratulates its new editor, Patrick Saunders (@patricksaunders); Comicbook reports that the show ‘Supergirl’ will feature a transgender character; Advocate honors LGBTQ advocates in all 50 states; INTO profiles 10 LGBTQ candidates in Ohio; Miami Herald looks at the American presence at Havana’s LGBTQ Pride festival

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to #AM_Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!

Senators Introduce Bill to Ensure RFRA Can’t Be Used to Harm Others

Senators Introduce Bill to Ensure RFRA Can’t Be Used to Harm Others

Today, Sens. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), and Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) introduced the Do No Harm Act, which would clarify that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is intended to protect religious freedom without allowing the infliction of harm on other people.

“The freedom to worship is a founding principle of this nation as well as the right to live free of discrimination or fear that one’s civils rights will be undermined because of race, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity,” said Harris in a statement. “The Do No Harm Act will ensure we protect both these rights for all.”

When RFRA was passed into law more than two decades ago, it was designed to protect minority religious groups’ constitutional right to freely exercise their religious beliefs. RFRA prohibits the federal government from “substantially burden[ing]” a person’s religious practice unless doing so is the least restrictive means of furthering a compelling governmental interest. RFRA was supported by a broad coalition of organizations including many in the civil rights community, who welcomed the law as an important shield from the tyranny of majority rule.

Despite this focused, straightforward intent, individuals and businesses have worked to distort RFRA into a blanket license to discriminate or to impose their religious beliefs on others. In the 2014 Supreme Court case Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, the Court ruled that closely held for-profit corporations are exempt from complying with the Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate based on the company’s religious belief under RFRA.

In her dissent, Justice Ginsburg expressed her concern that Hobby Lobby could lead to RFRA being used to permit discrimination against minority groups. In August 2016, this concern materialized in EEOC v. R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes, where a federal judge ruled in favor of a Detroit-based funeral home who fired a transgender employee due to her gender identity, stating that RFRA could be used as a defense in a sex discrimination claim under Title VII—exempting the employer from Title VII’s non-discrimination requirements. The Judge specifically relied upon Hobby Lobby in his decision.

Although the 6th Circuit overturned the district court decision in favor of the transgender employee, the case may be appealed to the Supreme Court. Both Harris Funeral Homes and Hobby Lobby illustrate how individuals and businesses are attempting to use RFRA to refuse to comply with federal non-discrimination protections and other federal laws.

That is why today’s introduction of the Do No Harm Act is so important. The Do No Harm Act clarifies that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act is intended to protect religious freedom without allowing the infliction of harm on other people. It would amend RFRA in order to restore the legislation’s original intent by specifically exempting areas of law where RFRA has been used to bypass federal protections.

HRC applauds Sens. Harris, Leahy and Hirono for their leadership and for introducing this important bill for the first time in the Senate. HRC is committed to working with Sens. Harris, Leahy and Hirono, as well as Reps. Joe Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Bobby Scott (D-Va.) who reintroduced the bill in the House of Representatives last year, to advance the Do No Harm Act.