Vai rolar na semana da 22° Parada LGBT de São Paulo!

Vai rolar na semana da 22° Parada LGBT de São Paulo!

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Vai rolar na semana da 22° Parada LGBT de São Paulo!

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A APOGLBT SP(Associação da Parada do Orgulho LGBT de São Paulo) é a ONG responsável por organizar a maior parada LGBT do mundo e outros eventos importantes no mês do orgulho LGBT em São Paulo todos os anos.

A Coletiva de Imprensa

Hoje no dia 28/05 foi realizada uma coletiva de imprensa com os organizadores e claro, os principais parceiros responsáveis por fazer a festividade acontecer todos os anos. E sim, eu, através do O Gabriel Lucas consegui cobrir essa coletiva para vocês e trazer todas as datas dos eventos nessa semana, e um pouco do que vai rolar na maior parada LGBT do mundo!

Realização da Coletiva de Imprensa. Na foto a Drag Queen Tchaka abrindo o evento.

Foram convidados para esse evento a diretora geral da ONG APOGLBT Cláudia Garcia, os representantes dos patrocinadores masters(Skol e Uber), um responsável pela inclusão de pessoas com deficiência no evento, representante dos Direitos Humanos, e um representante para falar pela prefeitura e governo do Estado de São Paulo, e ainda um representante de cultura e diversidade LGBT. A apresentação do evento foi da Drag Queen responsável por apresentar(também) a parada, Tchaka.

Durante a coletiva foram discutidos o tema e o slogan da parada desse ano. “Poder para LGBTI+: Nosso Voto, Nossa Voz!” no evento desse ano queremos destacar a atenção para as eleições, já que nossa bancada política é em sua maioria conservadora desde muito tempo. Temos de nos unir para um voto consciente, fazer jus à causa LGBT e em toda sua luta, trazendo diversidade e união para nossa política. São milhões nessa, não apenas LGBTs. Mulheres, negros e outras minorias também estão incluídas e merecem voz!

Todo o evento ocorreu de forma tranquila, as perguntas dos convidados foram respondidas com calma, seriedade e respeito pelos convidados organizadores. Houve questionamentos muito comuns como: “A greve dos caminhoneiros influi para a não realização da Parada LGBT?” E a resposta é que não, todos os trios elétricos estão devidamente abastecidos e prontos para o domingo.

Ainda rolou uma polêmica em que um homem se levantou para falar que os deveres e a responsabilidade por ONG’s e casas apoiadoras de LGBT’s em São Paulo é do próprio governo, e não pode ser jogada de escanteio para os patrocinadores e empresas que emprestam suas logomarcas para a causa. (O homem lacrou tudo!)

Mas acima disto, todos presentes pareceram realmente se importar com a causa LGBT e com as minorias. Estarem comprometidos com as pautas da nossa luta, revelando mudanças significativas feitas na última semana pela prefeitura de São Paulo(nome social para Transsexuais e a visibilidade na sociedade) e projetos e leis que se encontram em vigor.

Ainda assim foi feito um apelo pela diretora geral do projeto. Ela disse que se queremos ainda mais visibilidade e que os planos e esse Slogan da Parada dê certo, não podemos nos calar diante das adversidades e lutar, levantar nossas bandeiras. Gritar mesmo por um Brasil mais diverso, unido e colaborativo. Que seja bom para todos sem exceções!

A Agenda Oficial para essa semana foi divulgada e aqui está o que vai rolar por esses dias, antes do grande dia:

30/05 – Rola a Joys Party, a festa oficial da Parada LGBT de São Paulo. (

31/05 – A Feira Cultural LGBT no Vale do Anhangabaú, que contará com a 2° Cãominhada da Diversidade e muitas outras atrações durante o dia. (

01/06 – 18° Prêmio – Cidadania em Respeito à Diversidade 2018 (

02/06 – Miss Brasil Gay Universo 2018 (

03/06 – Para encerrar a semana incrível e super colorida, a 22° Parada LGBT de São Paulo no Vão do MASP na Avenida Paulista. (

Trios Elétricos e Atrações no Dia da Parada LGBT!

Foram confirmados 18 trios elétricos ao todo para agitar a Avenida Paulista no dia 03/06. Além disso a parada desse ano será mais inclusiva segundo o produtor artístico Heitor Werneck. Terá balé com cadeirantes, pessoas com deficiência e mobilidade reduzida e intérpretes de libras. Ao final da parada às 19h no Vale do Anhangabaú, o show de encerramento será feito por artistas: Banana Split, Fíakra e Jade Baraldo, entre outros.

As duas apoiadoras masters do projeto(Uber e Skol) já tem novidades confirmadas. A Skol ainda não apresentou suas atrações e prefere manter mistério até o dia do evento, já a Uber confirmou os seguintes artistas: Pabllo Vittar, Preta Gil, Mulher Pepita, Lia Clark, e April Carron do Reality Show RuPaul’s Drag Race.

Realização do Evento.

A Realização: APOGLBT de São Paulo

Patrocínio Master: Uber e Skol

Co-patrocínio: Burger King.

Apoio: Doritos, Casa Ponte Sky Vodka, Microsoft, IntraGel, Rede AccorHotels.

Apoio Institucional: Governo do Estado de São Paulo e Prefeitura de São Paulo.

Presskit distribuído na coletiva de imprensa. Na foto itens de patrocinador e apoiadores, junto a credencial para os que compareceram na coletiva. Essa credencial que fora distribuida à cada convidado, concede 15 minutos em cada trio elétrico no dia da parada.

Eu gostaria de agradecer ao Gabriel Lucas, pela oportunidade de ter participado do evento em nome do blog. Minhas declarações são de que podemos sim fazer mudança no país como LGBT e ainda mais num ano como este, temos que nos juntar como um só na hora de fazer nosso voto, exercer o poder que temos e que é nosso por direito!

Por último e só para lembrar, A 22° Parada do Orgulho LGBT acontece no domingo, em frente ao MASP na Avenida Paulista. Será realizada no horário das 10h às 18h. Leve sua força e representatividade, além de ser um dia festivo, é um dia para oficializar e lembrar a cada ano essa luta tão bonita em busca da igualdade e respeito!


Presskit e foto de destaque disponibilizadas pela ONG organizadora do evento APOGLBT.

Vai rolar na semana da 22° Parada LGBT de São Paulo!

Monét X Change Sponges Out with Bob the Drag Queen and Boomer Banks in New Music Video ‘Soak It Up’ – WATCH

Monét X Change Sponges Out with Bob the Drag Queen and Boomer Banks in New Music Video ‘Soak It Up’ – WATCH
monet x change

Monét X Change sashayed away from RuPaul’s Drag Race last week and shanted right into the hearts of YouTube viewers with the new video “Soak It Up”, which lifts her trademark sponge tricks to new heights. The clip features Bob the Drag Queen and adult performer Boomer Banks.

Monét told EW: “People think that the sponge thing was a premeditated thing I went into the season with. Yeah, I told RuPaul to design a challenge around a cheap material so that I could do the sponge thing. No, it just happened, and the sponge became a lucky little token for me that I’d taken on the runway. I would put it under my left boob and take it on the runway. And the first time I was in the bottom was the first time I didn’t wear it… and then also, in episode 5, I forgot about it as well… but after that, I took it on the runway with me every time, and I’d do well on the challenges. So I made a video about soaking it up to all these b—es and all these haters, anything you want to say about me, I’m going to soak it up with a sponge, girl.”

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Monét X Change Sponges Out with Bob the Drag Queen and Boomer Banks in New Music Video ‘Soak It Up’ – WATCH

Gus Kenworthy and Matthew Wilkas Mourn the Loss of Their Rescue Puppy Beemo

Gus Kenworthy and Matthew Wilkas Mourn the Loss of Their Rescue Puppy Beemo

Gus Kenworthy / Instagram

U.S. Olympic skier Gus Kenworthy announced on Sunday that Beemo, the dog he and boyfriend Matthew Wilkas had adopted from a dog meat farm in South Korea, died suddenly. Kenworthy’s efforts in South Korea helped facilitate the shutdown of the farm by the Humane Society International, which brought 90 of the dogs back to North America.

Gus Kenworthy Instagram

Explained Kenworthy in a heartbreaking Instagram post:

“Two days ago my beautiful baby Beemo passed away. It was completely unexpected and Matt and I are beside ourselves trying to cope with her loss. For a week or so we’d been worrying because she was showing less and less interest in her food. There were several trips to the vet and on our final visit this past Thursday I asked them do a full body scan in case there was an underlying issue they had missed.

“Beemo went into a panic attack during the x-rays and her breathing became rapid and shallow. The scan revealed that her lungs were deteriorated and that her heart was too big for her body – a birth defect we had no way of knowing about. Unable to treat her there, I rushed her to the emergency vet where a breathing tube was put down her throat. They hoped that with a respirator breathing for her they could get her vitals back to a normal level so she could be treated but they were never able to do so.

“The past two days have been a blur. It all happened so fast that it’s still hard to believe it. The ER doc told us that even if we’d somehow spotted the issue earlier it wouldn’t have made a difference in the end. He said that she’d been living on “borrowed time” from the get go. Beemo was truly the best thing that ever happened to me and I feel so fortunate for our borrowed time together.

“I’ve never loved anything or anyone in the way that I loved that dog and she is and will always be deeply missed. She was so smart and playful. She brought so much happiness to so many people every single day. I’ll always remember being out on a walk with her and every other second she would get stopped by someone wanting to pet her, kneel down and kiss her, hold her in their arms or take a photo and on many occasions a crowd of people would have formed around her. That was her power: she made people smile. She was the kindest, most gentle soul I’ve ever known. She loved people. She loved birds and the snow. She loved me and Matt. But most of all she loved meeting other dogs. If any of you have pets up in doggy heaven please tell them to go find Bee because she could really use a good play date right now. RIP sweet creature – your daddy loves you more than you could ever even know!”

Matthew Wilkas Beemo

Matt Wilkas Instagram

Wilkas mourned the pup as well:

“This is an incredibly sad post, I’m sorry… On Thursday @beemopup passed away. She had gotten sick about a week prior, stopped eating… the vets thought it was worms or possibly fussiness. When she wasn’t getting better we brought her to the vet again and they took x-rays that revealed her heart was too big. She was born with a heart defect we weren’t aware of. It was effecting all of her functions.

“We rushed her to the emergency room in an attempt to save her but there was nothing that could be done. The ER vets brought us down to be with her as she died. I can’t say I’ve ever experienced anything so heartbreaking. We pet her, we kissed her, we said our goodbyes and watched her take her last breaths. Many people who have never owned a dog might think to themselves “it’s just a dog”. But she wasn’t just a dog. She was our friend, she was our family, she was there in the morning when we woke up, she was so happy to see us every time we came home, and she loved us unconditionally. From the moment we met her on a dog meat farm in South Korea we knew how special she was.

“She made a hundred people smile every day. Every walk we took her on was interrupted again and again by people wanting to meet her, pet her, kiss her. (If you are reading this and you met her, then you know what i mean). She loved people. She loved playing with other dogs. She loved birds. Even on her last walks, when she was at her most tired and weakest, she really just wanted to be a puppy and play. She changed peoples lives. She changed my life. She changed Gus’s life. And she brought attention to an important cause (PLEASE RESCUE A DOG! PLEASE DONATE TO @hsiglobal THEY ARE, IN ADDITION TO DOING SO MANY OTHER THINGS, SHUTTING DOWN THE MEAT FARM INDUSTRY IN SOUTH KOREA!) I feel so grateful and lucky to have known her even for a brief moment. And I don’t regret giving her a happy love-filled life only to be so heartbroken now. It was worth it. Goodbye Bee. ?

Sorry for your loss, guys.

The post Gus Kenworthy and Matthew Wilkas Mourn the Loss of Their Rescue Puppy Beemo appeared first on Towleroad.

Gus Kenworthy and Matthew Wilkas Mourn the Loss of Their Rescue Puppy Beemo