Gay Prom Date Goes Viral After NJ Bachelor Party Bros Offer Enthusiastic Approval: WATCH

Gay Prom Date Goes Viral After NJ Bachelor Party Bros Offer Enthusiastic Approval: WATCH
theodore vidal

A gay NJ high school couple’s prom date has gone viral on Twitter, catching the attention of ABC7 New York, who spoke with Theodore Vidal about he and his boyfriend Colin Beyers’ stroll on the Seaside Heights boardwalk last Friday.

Watch ABC7’s report up top.

Good Morning America producer Michael Del Moro saw the couple walking on the boardwalk after their prom. He also noticed a group of “rowdy bros” at a rooftop bar obnoxiously yelling at various couples to kiss as they strolled by.

Del Moro was concerned about what would happen when the gay couple passed the group, but he, and others who were apparently watching on the boardwalk, were relieved when the group enthusiastically cheered after instructing Vidal and Beyers to kiss one another, rather than taunting them with a gay slur – something Del Moro said was not uncommon in that town.

Vidal told ABC7: “The way it went down was amazing. It was so positive and so reinforcing that I could be myself and not get made fun of and I could be myself with who I love and not get made fun of for that.”

You can reach Del Moro’s full thread in the screen cap below or on Twitter:

The post Gay Prom Date Goes Viral After NJ Bachelor Party Bros Offer Enthusiastic Approval: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Gay Prom Date Goes Viral After NJ Bachelor Party Bros Offer Enthusiastic Approval: WATCH

Reese Witherspoon, Deadpool on Colbert, Matt Dillon, Black Panther, Michael Cohen, Jay Hernandez: HOT LINKS

Reese Witherspoon, Deadpool on Colbert, Matt Dillon, Black Panther, Michael Cohen, Jay Hernandez: HOT LINKS
Mauro Gama

MONOLOGUE CRASHER OF THE DAY. Deadpool crashes Colbert’s monologue: “And President Trump spent the day complaining on Twitter about leaks inside the White House, because we all know Trump prefers his leaks inside of Russian hotel rooms. You get it, Stephen? Because the president watched two Russian prostitutes urinate on a hotel-room mattress?”

Michael Cohen

Michael Cohen

FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE. Trump discloses reimbursement to Michael Cohen for Stormy Daniels hush payment.

THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT. Cannes audiences walk out of grisly Lars Von Trier film starring Matt Dillon as a serial killer.

ANTHONY WALL. Man choked by police officer outside Waffle House says restaurant worker taunted him with gay slurs.

TRANSCRIPTS. Senate Judiciary Committee releases thousands of pages of interview transcripts on Trump Tower meeting with Russians: “The bulk of records released are transcripts of the committee’s interviews with that meeting’s participants, including the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr.; his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner; and members of the Russian contingent led by Ms. Veselnitskaya. Most of them have already publicly described their version of events. Nonetheless, the records reveal some new details about the players involved and what happened after the meeting was reported by The New York Times last summer. The transcripts highlight how lawyers for the Trump Organization tried to manage the fallout by coordinating the statement of Mr. Goldstone and others. Donald Trump Jr. acknowledged that his father may have helped draft the statement that he put out to the press after the meeting became public.”

SHADOW CAMPAIGN. Mike Pence’s presidential ambitions….

TONY PERKINS. Compares transgender people to a suicidal bird-man.

CRACKDOWN. Lebanon’s Gay Pride halted

GINA HASPEL. Senate panel advances Trump nominee to lead CIA. “The Intelligence Committee voted 10-5 behind closed doors to approve the nomination, which was expected after two of its seven Democratic members, Vice Chairman Mark Warner and Joe Manchin, both said they would join the panel’s eight Republicans in backing Haspel.”

TRAILBLAZER FLICK. Reese Witherspoon producing documentary on Martina Navratilova.

Wilbur Ross RussiaMAD COW DISEASE. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross shoots down reports that American beef is tainted: ‘Ross shot down concerns raised by the Chinese in recent trade talks that American beef was tainted with mad cow disease and hailed Trump’s mental health as proof the meat is safe. “I pointed out to them that both the president and I eat quite a lot of American beef,” Ross said at the National Press Club Monday. “And other than the fact that we’re in public office, there are no signs of mental instability as a result.”’

EVERYTHING OLD NEW AGAIN. Jay Hernandez is the new Magnum P.I.

CALIFORNIA. Supporters of harmful and discredited gay conversion therapy rally in Sacramento: “Conversion therapy has already been outlawed for minors. The new bill would make it illegal for anyone to take payment for it, regardless of the age of the patient.”

MALCOLM KENYATTA. Gay Philly candidate for state House is subject of anti-gay posters: ‘The posters depicted a picture of Kenyatta and his former husband, Terrell Green, on their wedding day. A red, circular “No” symbol was superimposed over the picture.. A message to the right of the photo reads “SAY NO!!!!!” The picture includes a caption from Kenyatta thanking Green for his love. “Thank you for always being in my corner and for being more than my best friend,” the message reads. “Thank you for this 1st year of marriage – I look forward to many more.”‘

RHODE ISLAND. Lawmakers consider ban on “gay panic” defense. “The bill, introduced by State Rep. Kenneth Marshall (D-Bristol), would outlaw the use of arguments stating that a victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity was sufficient justification for a person’s disproportionate response, such as using excessive force or violence, even in cases where the victim made a pass at the defendant or if the two had been engaged in a romantic or sexual relationship.”


SUMMER TUNE OF THE DAY. Poolside “Feel Alright”.


Instagram Photo

The post Reese Witherspoon, Deadpool on Colbert, Matt Dillon, Black Panther, Michael Cohen, Jay Hernandez: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Reese Witherspoon, Deadpool on Colbert, Matt Dillon, Black Panther, Michael Cohen, Jay Hernandez: HOT LINKS

HRC se asocia con IBM para promover la igualdad LGBT en centros laborales de Latinoamérica

HRC se asocia con IBM para promover la igualdad LGBT en centros laborales de Latinoamérica

Hoy, la Fundación Human Rights Campaign (HRC, por sus siglas en inglés), el brazo educativo de la organización de derechos civiles de personas lesbianas, gais, bisexuales, transgénero y queer (LGBTQ) más grande de los Estados Unidos, en asociación con IBM, la multinacional de informática más grande del mundo, inicia una serie de talleres empresariales en cinco países de América Latina con el fin de promover la inclusión LGBT en los centros de trabajo. Los eventos reunirán a cientos de líderes corporativos y colaboradores de la sociedad civil para consolidar una mayor inclusión LGBT en Colombia, Chile, Perú, Argentina y México y aprovechar el éxito de Equidad MX: Programa Global de Equidad Laboral y Equidad CL: Programa Global de Equidad Laboral, los programas de HRC en México y Chile.

“A medida que HRC amplía sus alianzas en las Américas, nos complace trabajar con IBM para empezar el diálogo con empresas latinoamericanas y globales, compartir estrategias para lograr las mejores prácticas y, sobre todo, crear centros laborales más acogedores e inclusivos”, dijo Deena Fidas, directora de HRC Equidad MX y el Programa de Igualdad en el Centro Laboral de HRC. “A través de esta iniciativa, buscamos explorar nuevas oportunidades para expandir nuestros esfuerzos y elevar el nivel de compromiso con la comunidad LGBT en las Américas”.

“Promover talento y centros de trabajo inclusivos para nuestro personal es parte fundamental de nuestros valores corporativos. Nuestro histórico compromiso por la igualdad LGBT ha logrado llevar estos esfuerzos más allá de las fronteras”, dijo Tony Tenicela, líder global, diversidad de mercado y servicios de fuerza laboral de IBM. “Cuando establecemos políticas y prácticas inclusivas en nuestra empresa, estamos creando oportunidades para que los trabajadores alcancen su mayor potencial. IBM se enorgullece de servir como ejemplo de diversidad e inclusión para todas las empresas de América Latina y de proporcionar un ambiente laboral donde los trabajadores son libres de ser quienes son”.

Respaldados por esta colaboración y el apoyo de Pride Connection, la principal red empresarial de inclusión LGBT, los talleres de negocios del Programa de Equidad Laboral de HRC reunirán a un grupo diverso de expertos para discutir las tendencias de inclusión LGBT a nivel corporativo y el impacto económico en la región. El programa ofrece nuevas herramientas comerciales en español que facilitan la capacitación de líderes corporativos y promueven la creación de entornos inclusivos.

A principios de este año, el Programa de Equidad Laboral de HRC estrenó de manera exitosa dos encuestas evaluando la inclusión LGBT en las principales empresas y multinacionales de México y Chile. HRC Equidad MX y HRC Equidad CL utilizan un modelo de evaluación empresarial basado en el Índice de Igualdad Corporativa de HRC, la principal herramienta comparativa de políticas y prácticas LGBTQ en los Estados Unidos, para evaluar y promover la inclusión LGBT en el lugar de trabajo.

La presencia de HRC en América Latina conecta a líderes y las principales empresas para avanzar la inclusión LGBT en centros laborales y desarrollar estrategias que logren un impacto regional duradero basado en el argumento económico. A través del Programa de Equidad Laboral de HRC y el Índice de Igualdad Corporativa, la Fundación HRC ha establecido pautas de inclusión LGBT, herramientas de negocios y recursos para promover esta iniciativa a nivel global.

HRC se enorgullece de unirse a IBM, Pride Connection y organizaciones asociadas para dar inicio a sus talleres de negocios en las siguientes ciudades:

Bogotá, Colombia – 16 de mayo

Santiago, Chile -18 de mayo

Lima, Perú – 21 de mayo

Buenos Aires, Argentina – 23 de mayo

Ciudad de México, México – 25 de mayo

Para obtener más información sobre el Programa de Equidad Laboral de HRC en México y Chile u obtener acceso a las herramientas de negocios en español visite y