Amy Schumer Pays a Mother’s Day Visit to SNL’s ‘Weekend Update’ – WATCH

Amy Schumer Pays a Mother’s Day Visit to SNL’s ‘Weekend Update’ – WATCH
amy schumer

amy schumer

SNL’s Weekend Update covered Trump’s “pretty good week,” securing the release of the American prisoners in North Korea.

“Sure, this is a decent week for Trump,” said Michael Che. “The same way a decent date with R. Kelly is to go home dry.”

Trump has also been fairly quiet on Twitter this week, which Che said scared him:

“Personally, I don’t like when Trump is this quiet. It’s like when I’m babysitting my nephew and he’s quiet for too long and I’m like, oh no, he’s eating out of that litter box again.”

WU also covered revelations that Michael Cohen was paid millions of dollars by corporations like AT&T seeking influence in the Trump administration.

Said Che: “AT&T could not be reached for comment because, they use AT&T.”

Colin Jost reported that Trump attacked the Russia investigation, insisting that obstruction of justice is a “made-up, phone crime.”

Said Jost: “Oh, the one that you’re accused of? That one’s made up? It’s funny how when it comes to immigration, Trump is like, ‘the law is the law’ but when it comes to himself, he’s like, ‘laws aren’t real. They’re just stories we make up to scare poor people.”

And the segment touched on Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal.

Said Che: “President Trump announced  he would be withdrawing the U.S. from the Iran nuclear deal. And look, I’m not going to pretend I know anything about the Iran deal. But Trump is. And, you know, the only part of that deal Trump has read is the signature at the bottom that said ‘Barack Obama.’ That is all he needed; Trump has undone so much of Obama’s work that Obama’s gonna start fading away in pictures like Back to the Future.”

Rudy Giuliani, Jeff Sessions, and Melania Trump’s “Be Best” campaign were also the target of Che’s and Jost’s jibes.


Millennial film critic Bailey Gismert returned to talk about the summer blockbusters Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and Avengers: Infinity War:

And Michael Che’s stepmom (Amy Schumer) stopped in to check on him, informing their audience that he once wrote a touching poem about horseshoe crabs and has a set of juicy buns:

Weekend Update also closed with the honorary degree being awarded to Vin Diesel, Best Buy’s new logo, a legless woman arrested in Florida, the black Yale student arrested for napping, Starbucks’ new bathroom policy, and a harassed moose:

The post Amy Schumer Pays a Mother’s Day Visit to SNL’s ‘Weekend Update’ – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Moms For Equality: Kelly Rippon on Treating Everyone Equally with Dignity and Respect

Moms For Equality: Kelly Rippon on Treating Everyone Equally with Dignity and Respect

In honor of Mother’s Day, a star-studded lineup of Moms have joined HRC in advocating and standing up for their own kids and millions of LGBTQ youth across the country.

Today’s post featured below comes from Olympian Adam Rippon’s mom, Kelly Rippon, who urges HRC members and supporters to protect young LGBTQ people.

I’m so thrilled to be celebrating this Mother’s Day with you –– in my “Fight Like A Mother” t-shirt, of course! Today, I put it on to remind me of what my family is all about: treating everyone equally … with dignity … and with respect.

Everyone, LGBTQ or otherwise, should get to live as freely as Adam does –– and, as one of HRC’s Moms for Equality, I’m committed to making that happen. Will you join me as an HRC member today?

This whole campaign has become such a family affair. All of us are in this fight for LGBTQ equality … for Adam, of course, but also for all those young people like him who haven’t had an easy time openly being themselves. They need allies to support them, now more than ever!

Adam went to PyeongChang to represent the United States as a member of the 2018 Olympic Team. He offered more than three impeccable performances. He offered hope to many who watched an openly gay man evolve as America’s sweetheart. Adam’s honest, engaging interviews and incredible composure under pressure exemplified the true spirit of the Olympic Games.

I am very proud of his selection to the Olympic team, even prouder that his stellar performances contributed to his team medal, but most proud of him for making “being yourself” popular again and sharing his Olympic platform with the fight against discrimination that many LGBTQ people still face today.

As his mother and a member of HRC, I’ll support him at every turn. On behalf of all the Moms for Equality, I hope you’ll join me as a member of HRC and work to build a better tomorrow.

Whether you’re a Mom for Equality, a parent, a friend or part of the LGBTQ community, we hope that you join HRC and snag a limited-edition ”Fight Like a Mother” t-shirt today.