GLAAD spotlights Laura Ingraham’s extensive anti-LGBTQ record

GLAAD spotlights Laura Ingraham’s extensive anti-LGBTQ record

As advertisers drop from Ingraham’s Fox News show, media should include Ingraham’s full history of attacks

NEW YORK – GLAAD, the world’s largest LGBTQ media advocacy organization, today released research on Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s history of anti-LGBTQ rhetoric. This follows Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg’s call for an advertiser boycott of Fox News’ The Ingraham Angle. The boycott was first initiated by Hogg following Ingraham personally attacking the activist over Twitter. Faced with losing ad dollars, the Fox News host did issue a weak apology which has been since been rejected by Hogg.

“Laura Ingraham’s cowardly, public bullying of the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is consistent with her vile views including her ongoing targeting of the LGBTQ community,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD. “From hateful remarks about marriage equality and the transgender community to attacking youth activists and the communities we lock arms with, advertisers must question if they want to be associated with her fringe opinions.”

Ingraham has an extensive record of attacking the LGBTQ community including repeatedly calling medically necessary transgender healthcare “child abuse,” fearmongering by comparing LGBTQ rights to incest, and using her platform to aggressively target the transgender community.

Read more information on Laura Ingraham’s anti-LGBTQ record below via GLAAD’s Commentator Accountability Project.


  • Called it “child abuse” to provide transgender transition-related healthcare to transgender youth.

  • Repeated her “child abuse” claims during a June 2015 interview [at 12:50].

  • Linked LGBTQ rights to incest: “I think we’ve moved on beyond gay marriage to transgenderism and then maybe polyamory…Maybe some type of incestuous relationship will be validated by the state as long as it’s not consummated. Right? I mean, who knows?”

  • Insisted she can no longer allow her daughter to use public restrooms due to transgender non-discrimination protections.

  • Suggested listeners wear adult diapers in order to avoid trans-inclusive restrooms.

  • Dismissed a transgender high school athlete as “just more gender bending” from “those who want to mix up the traditional social mores.”

  • Infamously outed fellow students while a student at Dartmouth. From Rory O’Connor and Aaron Cutler’s 2008 book Shock Jocks: Hate Speech and Talk Radio: “She went to Dartmouth University and became the first female editor of the conservative Dartmouth Review, where conservative author Dinesh D’Souza, a former boyfriend, also worked. While there, she secretly sent a reporter with a tape recorder to a campus gay students association meeting; she then outed the students in print and sent tapes of the meetings to the students’ parents. In the magazine she called association members “cheerleaders for latent campus sodomites.”

  • Suggested parents of an eight-year-old transgender student should be “kind of embarrassed” about seeking fair accommodations at school.

  • Claimed a transgender conference was “killing the culture.”

  • Claimed that LGBTQ equality will criminalize anti-LGBTQ religious beliefs and that marriage ruling would turn anti-equality Catholics like her into “persona non grata”

  • Claimed Caitlyn Jenner’s transition is “too much” for children to see.

  • Promoted anti-trans activist Meg Meeker in attempt to discredit trans identities (ends the crude segment with the song “Dude Looks Like a Lady”).

  • Branded President Obama “Emperor Obama” for backing trans-inclusive military and pushed the idea that he was trying to “fundamentally transform America” through his support.



March 30, 2018