Pulse Shooting Survivors & Family Members Lead Hundreds of HRC Members in #MarchForOurLives

Pulse Shooting Survivors & Family Members Lead Hundreds of HRC Members in #MarchForOurLives

Today, Pulse Nightclub shooting survivors and family members led hundreds of members and supporters of  HRC in the March For Our Lives in Washington, DC. Before stepping off, the survivors and family members addressed HRC’s annual Spring Equality Convention to talk about the Pulse Nightclub shooting and the importance of mobilizing the LGBTQ community against gun violence. 

Christine Leinonen, mother of Drew Leinonen; Brandon Wolf, friend of Drew and Drew’s boyfriend Juan Guerrero, who were both killed; and José Arraigada — the three of which appeared and spoke on stage at the DNC one month after the shooting in 2016 — joined with fellow survivor and Pulse survivor, Ricardo Negron, onePulse Foundation Board Chair Earl Crittenden, and HRC President Chad Griffin to lead hundreds of HRC members and supporters. The marchers were also led by Karamo Brown, one of the hosts of Queer Eye and a graduate of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Brown knew Aaron Feis, the football coach who was killed in the Parkland attack. He is the co-founder of 6in10.org, which combats HIV stigma and provides support and education to the Black LGBTQ community. Brown has partnered with the Los Angeles LGBT Center, the Center for Disease Control, and the National Black Justice Coalition through his advocacy.

“Today we’re proud to be led by Pulse survivors and family members and join the hundreds of thousands of students and their supporters from across the nation in the March For Our Lives,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “As the tragedy at Pulse showed us, hate can turn deadly when coupled with unfettered access to military style weapons. The safety of LGBTQ people and other marginalized communities that face disproportionate levels of hate and violence requires the adoption of common-sense gun safety measures.”

“We cannot only come together in the wake of tragedy. Every day, we have to muster the strength to fight with the same pride, courage, and unity we witnessed after the tragedy at Pulse, and now after Parkland. The legacy of those whose lives were taken must be our action,” added Griffin.

In 2016, after a gunman killed 49 people — most of them LGBTQ and Latinx — in Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub, HRC’s Board of Directors adopted a resolution that addresses both the epidemic of hate that has fueled anti-LGBTQ-motivated murder, assault, and discrimination, as well as common-sense gun violence prevention policies that would help keep the LGBTQ community safe. The resolution established HRC’s organizational position that the safety of LGBTQ people in the United States requires the adoption of common-sense gun violence prevention measures, including limiting access to assault-style rifles, expanding background checks, and limiting the ability for suspected terrorists — and those with a history of violence against women — to access guns. Since 2013, HRC has tracked 111 incidents of fatal violence against transgender and non-binary people. Of these, 62 have been victims of gun violence. In 2017, 16 out of the 28 deaths were the result of gun violence.


Jimmy Kimmel Opens a Window on the Invasive Anal Procedure We’ll All Need to Have: WATCH

Jimmy Kimmel Opens a Window on the Invasive Anal Procedure We’ll All Need to Have: WATCH
gay colonoscopy jimmy kimmel

A certain medical rite of passage at age 50 involves anal insertion and it’s the kind most look upon with dread: the colonoscopy.

Body Conscious Gay Men's Health, Sex, and SelfJimmy Kimmel opened a window to the procedure this week in an enlightening segment that should help a lot of people who fear anything that requires them to put on a hospital gown.

Accompanied by friend and comforter Katie Couric (Couric’s husband died of colon cancer at the age of 42), Kimmel allowed a film crew to film his journey to the hospital to have the procedure, which takes about 20 minutes to an hour, requires sedation, and involves what many describe as the most unpleasant part of the procedure – the prior night’s bowel prep, which involves drinking a laxative liquid that makes you go to the toilet, frequently.

“You’re about to watch a camera go where no camera has ever gone before,” said Kimmel before embarking on his procedure.

“Colorectal cancer annually strikes about 140,000 people and causes 60,000 deaths, but is potentially curable if detected in its early stages,” according to the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. “More than 90 percent of patients are over 40, at which point the risk of contracting the disease doubles every ten years.”

So, kudos to Kimmel for opening up (so to speak) and bringing attention to this necessary procedure with humor.

Colonoscopies can also detect other health issues, ones of specific significance for gay men.

Anal cancer caused by chronic or persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is one issue gay men should be aware of, particularly if HIV-positive.

Writes The BodyPro.com:

Almost 620,000 gay and bisexual men in the United States were living with HIV in 2014, and 100,000 of these men were not even aware of their infection. These men are 100 times more likely to have anal cancer than HIV-negative men who exclusively have sex with women.

…Initiation of anti-retroviral therapy in the 1990s greatly reduced the AIDS-related death rate and improved survival. However, this improvement in survival led to an increase in the lifetime risk of developing anal cancer, especially among HIV-positive gay and bisexual men.”

…Anal cancer is typically preceded by persistent HPV infection that often leads to precancer. HPV is common among U.S. men; about one out of two men in the general population has HPV infection. HPV typically clears naturally; however, under certain circumstances, it might persist longer and might progress to anal precancer. If it remains undetected, untreated or inadequately treated, this precancer can progress to anal cancer.

Aside from cancer detection, colonoscopies can also reveal other anorectal issues like fissures, and STIs such as herpes, HPV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and peri-anal disease, though many of these can also be detected using less invasive methods.

Which is why you should have regular check-ups with a gay-affirmative doctor.

Body Conscious: Gay Men’s Health, Sex, and Self is a new regular twice-monthly feature from Towleroad covering the unique issues gay men face with regard to physical and mental fitness. 

If you are a writer/professional with a background in gay men’s health interested in contributing to this regular column, shoot us an email at jobs-at-towleroad.com.

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Jimmy Kimmel Opens a Window on the Invasive Anal Procedure We’ll All Need to Have: WATCH

Students ‘March for Our Lives’ in the Wake of Parkland: WATCH

Students ‘March for Our Lives’ in the Wake of Parkland: WATCH
march for our lives watch

When the survivors of the Parkland, Florida, massacre began channeling their grief into a call for change, 18-year-old Sean Jenkins, a student at a Pennsylvania high school, knew this school shooting would be different. The Pennridge High S chool senior and his classmates are among a new generation of student activists making their voices heard in…

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Kathy Griffin to Attend White House Correspondents Dinner as Guest of LGBTQ News Outlet

Kathy Griffin to Attend White House Correspondents Dinner as Guest of LGBTQ News Outlet

Kathy Griffin

Kathy Griffin will attend the White House Correspondents Dinner for the first time on April 28 as the guest of the LGBTQ news outlets Washington Blade and Los Angeles Blade.

Tweeted Griffin: “Honored that I’ll be attending the White House Correspondents Dinner for the first time this year. I’ll be the guest of the great team at the @WashBlade @losangelesblade!”

Honored that I’ll be attending the White House Correspondents Dinner for the first time this year. I’ll be the guest of the great team at the @WashBlade @losangelesblade!

— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) March 23, 2018

Griffin earlier this month sat down with Bill Maher after her time in exile following the publication of the infamous Trump beheading photo. She also announced a return to the stage.

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Kathy Griffin to Attend White House Correspondents Dinner as Guest of LGBTQ News Outlet

Trump Issues Late Night Policy Memo Banning Most Transgender Servicemembers

Trump Issues Late Night Policy Memo Banning Most Transgender Servicemembers
james mattis military transgender

james mattis military transgender

The Trump administration issued a new policy on transgender servicemembers late Friday night that was immediately slammed by LGBTQ and civil rights groups as discrimination masked as policy.

The Washington Post reports:

The decision revokes a full ban that Trump issued last summer but disqualifies U.S. troops who have had gender reassignment surgery, as recommended by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis…

…Current transgender service members who have not undergone reassignment surgery should be allowed to stay, as long as they have been medically stable for 36 consecutive months in their biological sex before joining the military and are able to deploy across the world, Mattis recommended.

“The plan has no immediate effect, as four federal courts have already issued nationwide preliminary injunctions stopping his ban from moving forward,” noted the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR).

RELATED: Trump Mulled the Transgender Military Ban for Just 10 Minutes Before Announcing It on Twitter: BOOK

The White House released this statement at 9:45 pm Friday night:

Today, the President rescinded his previous memorandum on transgender service in the military in order to allow Secretary Mattis to implement a new policy developed through extensive study by senior uniformed and civilian leaders, including combat veterans.

The experts’ study sets forth a policy to enhance our military’s readiness, lethality, and effectiveness.  On the advice of these experts, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security have concluded that the accession or retention of individuals with a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria—those who may require substantial medical treatment, including through medical drugs or surgery—presents considerable risk to military effectiveness and lethality.

This new policy will enable the military to apply well-established mental and physical health standards—including those regarding the use of medical drugs—equally to all individuals who want to join and fight for the best military force the world has ever seen. The Secretary of Defense’s memorandum and accompanying report have been made public today.

The ACLU blasted the new policy:

“What the White House has released tonight is transphobia masquerading as policy. This policy is not based on an evaluation of new evidence. It is reverse-engineered for the sole purpose of carrying out President Trump’s reckless and unconstitutional ban, undermining the ability of transgender service members to serve openly and military readiness as a whole.

“The policy effectively coerces transgender people who wish to serve into choosing between their humanity and their country, and makes it clear that transgender service members are not welcome. Transgender people in our military deserve more from their government than a myth-driven proclamation about their unfitness for full civic inclusion.”

Lambda Legal responded:

“The ban was to go into effect today, March 23, based on the August 25, 2017 memorandum that followed the tweets, but has been stopped by preliminary injunctions won by Lambda Legal and others. On Tuesday, March 27, Lambda Legal and OutServe-SLDN will be in court asking a federal judge to make the injunction permanent.”

Said Lambda Legal Senior Attorney Peter Renn about the implementation plan:

“The “plan” unveiled today is nothing more than a transparent ruse cobbled together with spittle and duct tape designed solely to try to mask discrimination. A plan to implement an unconstitutional decree is an unconstitutional plan. In 2016, after careful and deliberate study, the Pentagon determined that the prohibition on open service by transgender people lacked any foundation and lifted the ban. Since then, transgender troops had been serving openly and successfully — until President Trump unleashed his incendiary barrage of uninformed tweets. We, along with our sibling organizations, moved quickly to block implementation of the plan, and every single federal court to look at this policy – six to date – has found that it reeks of undisguised and unlawful discrimination against qualified transgender people willing and able to serve our country, and blocked its implementation. That block remains in effect, notwithstanding the release of the plan today.”

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Trump Issues Late Night Policy Memo Banning Most Transgender Servicemembers