Education Must Be At The Heart Of Our Mission To Boost The North, But That Can’t Be Done From Whitehall

Education Must Be At The Heart Of Our Mission To Boost The North, But That Can’t Be Done From Whitehall
Talk is cheap when it comes to the Northern Powerhouse, and platitudes are plenty. The thorough and detailed report from the Northern Powerhouse Partnership is a stark and timely reminder that frustrated life chances are at the heart of what drives the productivity and inequality gap between regions.

In early years, schools and skills, we’ve seen cuts and centralisation hobbling local areas’ ability to tackle the deep root causes of disadvantage. That’s why I welcome the comprehensive report from the Northern Powerhouse Partnership, and the change in direction it represents.

Whilst the overall headline trends in this report make sober reading, there are fantastic pockets of excellence across the North, where education leaders at all levels are making huge progress in challenging circumstances to achieve excellent results. Yet at almost every age and stage of life, the North lags behind London particularly.

As the IPPR North has shown, the development gap between poorer children and their better off peers pre-school in the North is almost twice as large as it is in London. The biggest factor in how well a child does at GCSE is the developmental progress that child has made by the age of five. That’s why the early years is such a crucial policy area, and why the strong focus of this report on more investment and reform of support services in the early years is right. Success in the early years is crucial to transforming life chances through the rest of a child’s education journey and beyond.

As the Greater Manchester Reform Board meets today to discuss Early years, I’m delighted that Mayor Andy Burnham has asked me to lead on transforming School Readiness in Greater Manchester. Our ambition is to do for the early years in Greater Manchester, what the London Challenge did for secondary education in the capital. We are already reaping dividends and we will continue to apply innovative approaches, leadership and collaboration to ensuring all children, regardless of birth or background, have access to excellent services and support that can tackle problems early and set them on the best path for the future. This is an exciting agenda which, with a small bit of government support, could be an exemplar for other places to follow.

While we understand the key ingredients of success, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution and we should have learnt over many years of trying that real change and transformation comes from placed-based strategies which bring together all the players with communities themselves. In other words devolution. When it comes to education, though, I’m afraid we’ve seen an opposite direction of travel with schools and post-16 provision increasingly run (often with little oversight) by the DfE and new provision popping up with little understanding of local demand. I’m pleased to hear George Osborne – the author of the defunct forced academisation plan – now have a change of heart about where decisions need to be made.

With Brexit negotiations snarling up the government machinery, wise Ministers would do well to grasp this opportunity of metro-mayors and local areas doing their heavy lifting for them.

Resources need levelling up too. Early years and schools spending is higher in the South than the North, skills budgets too are skewed to more prosperous areas, and the apprenticeship levy will be concentrated in the South East.

The route to higher productivity and a country which works for everyone starts in the North. There is a job of work for everyone to make this happen. Whilst Northern leaders are coming together to tackle the root causes of disadvantage and low productivity in our communities, we must now see a renewed commitment from the new Cabinet and Ministerial teams to put their money and motives where their mouth is and make this happen.

This isn’t rocket-science. We know what works. Despite some of the gloom painted in today’s report, the North is full of resilient and brilliant people, and is showing real signs of becoming that powerhouse of ideas, innovation and knowledge we know we can be. So, please, free us up, let us fulfil our ambition by giving us the support, powers and resources we need.

Lucy Powell MP is the Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament for Manchester Central, the Chair of the Greater Manchester APPG, and leads for Mayor Andy Burnham on improving School Readiness in Greater Manchester

US-Astronom hat errechnet, wie lange ein Flug zu Aliens dauern würde

US-Astronom hat errechnet, wie lange ein Flug zu Aliens dauern würde
In den unendlichen Weiten könnte es auch Aliens geben.

  • 20 Millionen Jahre würde eine Reise zu möglichen außerirdischen Nachbarn dauern
  • Das ergab die Berechnung des US-Astronom Seth Shostak 

Einige Menschen sind sich sicher, dass es Aliens gibt. Andere sind skeptisch.

► Der angesehene US-Astronom Seth Shostak findet Ungläubige ziemlich selbstgefällig. Schließlich gibt es zwei Billionen Galaxien in unserem Universum.

Schon allein durch logisches Denken ist für den Astronom des berühmten SETI-Institutes  (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence – Suche nach außerirdischer Intelligenz) klar: Es gibt Aliens – und die Reise zu ihnen ist derzeit zu lang, als dass sie ein Mensch überleben kann.

► Denn nach seiner Annahme sind unsere außerirdischen Nachbarn zirka ein- bis zweitausend Lichtjahre entfernt.

Um mit ihnen in Kontakt zu treten, benötigt die schnellste Rakete der Welt 20 Millionen Jahre.

Aber wie kommt er darauf? Mit Mathematik und ein bisschen Vorstellungskraft.

US-Astronom Seth Shostak (Credit: SETI) 

 Jeder sechste Planet könnte eine andere Erde sein

► Shostak nimmt als Ausgangspunkt aktuelle Untersuchungen. Demnach ist einer von sechs Planeten so geschaffen, dass Leben entstehen kann.

Aber wir wissen ja: Alles kann, nichts muss.

► Die Erdgeschichte legt für Shostak nahe: Jeder zweite Erd-Zwilling bringt wirklich Leben hervor. Wie intelligent das dann ist, ist wieder eine andere Frage.

“Die Dinosaurier waren eine gute Lebensform, aber in der Schule nicht gut”, sagt Shostak zum Beispiel. 

Mehr zum Thema: Aliens? So wird nach außerirdischem Leben gesucht

Aliens sind eine Seltenheit – das sagt die Mathematik

► Seine Annahme: Jeder zehnte Planet, der Leben hervorgebracht hat, hat auch irgendwelche intelligenten Bewohner. Manche “Klingonen”, eine Alien-Gruppe aus der Serie “Star Trek”, würde nach der sogenannten Frank-Drake-Formel sogar 10.000 Jahre überleben, bevor sie sich selbst zerstören. Einen Atomkrieg nennt er als mögliche Ursache.

Danach wird es mathematisch und das Ergebnis ist sehr ernüchternd: Eins von 100 Millionen Sternensystemen hat laut Shostak technisch versierte Bewohner. 

 Aliens zu finden, ist also so wahrscheinlich wie im Lotto zu gewinnen.

Daraus resultiert auch der lange Flugweg zu unseren Alien-Nachbarn.

Mehr zum Thema: Stephen Hawking warnt: “Aliens würden versuchen die Menschheit auszulöschen”

Wo ihr schon jetzt Aliens sehen könnt

Wer in diesem Leben noch Außerirdische sehen will, sollte “Star Wars”, “Star-Gate” oder andere Filme schauen.

Denn irgendwo da draußen sind sie. Da ist sich der Wissenschaftler sicher. Nur der Weg ist zu lang. Noch.


백악관은 국방부가 더 많은 ‘대북 옵션’을 가져오길 원한다 (NYT)

백악관은 국방부가 더 많은 ‘대북 옵션’을 가져오길 원한다 (NYT)

약 8개월 전, 북한은 대륙간탄도미사일(ICBM) 시험발사에 성공했다. 미국 백악관 국가안보회의(NSC)는 곧바로 회의를 소집했다. 제임스 매티스 국방장관, 렉스 틸러슨 국무장관 등도 참석했다. 허버트 맥매스터 국가안보보좌관도 물론 있었다.

맥매스터가 먼저 자리를 떴다. 매티스와 틸러슨은 아직 다른 참석자들이 남아있다는 걸 의식하지 못한 채 대화를 이어갔다. 이들은 북한에 대한 옵션을 검토하기 위해 NSC가 연달아 소집한 회의들을 불평했다고 한다. 너무 공격적인 방향으로 움직이고 있다는 것. 

1일 뉴욕타임스(NYT)가 전한 에피소드 중 하나다. NYT는 익명의 정부 관계자들을 인용해 대북 군사옵션을 둘러싼 백악관과 미국 국방부의 미묘한 갈등을 소개했다. 백악관은 국방부가 대북 군사옵션을 도널드 트럼프 대통령에게 제시하기를 주저하고 있다고 보고 있으며, 이 때문에 불만이 커져가고 있다는 내용이다.

양쪽의 견해차는 꽤 오래전부터 있었으나 최근에는 갈등이 더 커지고 있다는 게 기사에 등장하는 관계자들의 설명이다.  

렉스 틸러슨 국무장관, 도널드 트럼프 대통령, 제임스 매티스 국방장관.

 맥매스터(백악관)는 북한을 향한 트럼프의 ‘경고’ 메시지가 효과를 내려면 잘 준비된 대북 군사계획이 실제로 있어야 한다고 본다. 말만 하는 게 아니라는 점을 어느 정도는 보여줘야 한다는 것.

반면 매티스(국방부)는 백악관이 북한을 겨냥한 군사 행동 쪽으로 너무 급하게 움직이고 있다는 점을 우려한다. 또 백악관에 너무 많은 옵션을 주면 트럼프가 이를 행동으로 옮길 가능성 또한 높아진다고 본다.

NYT는 매티스와 조지프 던포드 합참의장이 외교적 해법을 모색할 것을 강력하게 주장해왔다고 전했다. 북한의 보복공격을 초래하지 않을 선제 군사옵션은 거의 없다는 이유에서다. 

특히 국방부는 최근 부쩍 언급되고 있는 ‘코피 때리기 전략’ 같은 가장 제한적인 수준의 공격이라 하더라도 막대한 희생을 초래할 위험이 있다고 보고 있다고 NYT는 전했다. 한마디로 ‘대북 군사옵션은 사실상 없다’는 얘기다.


도널드 트럼프 대통령, 허버트 맥매스터 국가안보보좌관.


사실 이건 꽤 널리 알려진, 모두가 잘 알고 있는 미국의 오래된 딜레마이기도 하다. 북한을 겨냥한 군사 작전이 얼마나 큰 재앙을 불러올 것인지에 대해서는 거의 모든 전문가들의 의견이 일치한다.

다만 미국으로서는 대북 군사 압박이 효과를 발휘하려면 이 ‘카드‘가 살아있다는 걸 보여줄 필요가 있다. 국방부가 ‘조용히’ 북한을 겨냥한 군사작전 계획을 준비하는 것도, 한반도 주변에 전략자산을 보내고 군사훈련을 계속하는 이유도 여기에 있다. 

NYT는 틸러슨이나 매티스가 대북 예방타격 문제로 백악관과 완전히 ‘결별’한 건 아니라고 전했다. 현재로서는 이같은 구상이 북한을 상대로 억지력을 발휘하고 있다고 보기 때문이다. 특히 그들은 우려에도 불구하고 결국에는 ”더 차분한” 대응이 이뤄질 것이라고 자신하고 있다고 이 매체는 전했다.

「SS-520」5号機とは? 「悔しさをバネに」世界最小の衛星ロケット打ち上げへ(写真・動画)

「SS-520」5号機とは? 「悔しさをバネに」世界最小の衛星ロケット打ち上げへ(写真・動画)


















Carillion Collapse: 377 Workers Made Redundant

Carillion Collapse: 377 Workers Made Redundant

The collapse of outsourcing giant Carillion will result in 377 staff being made redundant, the official receiver has confirmed.

Some 919 workers at the construction firm have had their jobs protected.

But “despite best efforts” it has not been possible to save the jobs of 377 staff, a spokesman for the official receiver said.

The spokesman said: “As part of the ongoing liquidation of the Carillion group I am pleased we have been able to safeguard the jobs of 919 employees today.

“Most staff are transferring on existing or similar terms and I will continue to facilitate this wherever possible as we work to find new providers for Carillion’s other contracts.

“Despite best efforts it has not been possible to secure the jobs of 377 staff, who will be made redundant.”

The spokesman added: “I am expecting many employees working on other Carillion contracts to transfer in the coming weeks and we are continuing to keep the workforce updated as these arrangements are finalised.”

The staff whose jobs have been saved are involved in infrastructure projects, central and local government, and construction contracts and are transferring to new employers who have taken on this work.

Those who have lost their jobs will be entitled to make a claim for statutory redundancy payments.

A spokesman for the Official Receiver said: “I recognise that this will be a worrying time for all those affected, their families and local communities. I would like to thank all staff for their professionalism throughout the liquidation.”

Politisch verfolgt: Familie muss aus der EU fliehen

Politisch verfolgt: Familie muss aus der EU fliehen
Eine Passkontrolle an einem Flughafen

  • Eine Familie aus Tschechien musste aus dem Land flüchten
  • Der Grund: Sie hatte Todesdrohungen erhalten – und bekam keine Hilfe von den Behörden

Es ist ein trauriger Fall, über den der neuseeländische Radiosender RNZ berichtet: Eine Familie aus dem EU-Land Tschechien fühlte sich dort so unsicher, dass sie keine andere Möglichkeit mehr sah, als aus Europa zu flüchten. 

Sie bekam Asyl in Neuseeland, nachdem ein Gericht beschlossen hatte, dass die dreiköpfige Familie politisch verfolgt wurde. 

“Schwarzer Abschaum” und “dreckige Roma”

Der Grund: Der Vater ist Roma. Aufgrund seiner Abstammung sei die Familie so einer Hetzkampagne ausgesetzt gewesen. 

Auf offener Straße seien die die Eltern und ihre Sohn als “dreckige Roma” beschimpft worden, berichtet RNZ. In einem Drohbrief an die Familie seien sie als “schwarzer Abschaum” beschimpft worden, den “jemand wie Hitler” beseitigen werde. 

In einem weiteren Brief an die Familie soll gestanden haben: “Gas riecht großartig, nicht wahr?” – eine Anspielung auf die Ermordung von Sinti und Roma in den Konzentrationslagern der Nazizeit. 

RNZ berichtet unter Berufung auf die Entscheidung des Asyl-Gerichts auch von Anschlägen auf die Familie. Gegen ihr Haus seien Molotow-Cocktails geworfen worden, an einem Abend seien zwei mit Messern bewaffnete Rechtsextreme davor aufgetaucht. 

Die tschechische Polizei habe sich nicht für den Fall interessiert. 

Häufige Hassverbrechen gegen Roma in Tschechien

In Tschechien kommt es häufig zu rassistischen Taten gegen Sinti und Roma. Die Menschenrechtsorganisation “Amnesty International” wirft der Regierung des Landes vor, das Problem zu ignorieren.

Auch die EU selbst wirft Tschechien vor, Sinti und Roma nicht genug vor Diskriminierung und Attacken zu schützen. 

Im neuseeländischen Urteil zum Fall der Tschechen heißt es deshalb: “Die Familie war Diskriminierung, Anfeindungen und Gewalt ausgesetzt.” Sie werde eindeutig politisch verfolgt. 

Den Schutz der Familie übernimmt nun Neuseeland.


비트코인 800만원대 추락…거품 ‘희열’→‘고통’ 거쳐 ‘공포’ 단계로

비트코인 800만원대 추락…거품 ‘희열’→‘고통’ 거쳐 ‘공포’ 단계로

비트코인 가격이 급락하면서 국내 시세가 외국보다 되레 낮은 ‘김치 역프리미엄’이 발생했다.

2일 가상통화 사이트 업비트의 시세를 보면, 비트코인 가격은 오후 4시 현재 12% 가량 내린 개당 888만원에 거래되고 있다. 비트코인 가격이 1천만원 밑으로 내려간 것은 지난해 11월25일 이후 처음이다. 정점을 찍었던 지난달 5일 2744만원에 견주면 한달도 안돼 68% 폭락했다. 이더리움 등 다른 가상통화 시세도 줄줄이 급락하고 있다.

국제 시세도 폭락하고 있다. 가상통화 정보업체 코인마캣캡 시세를 보면, 비트코인 가격은 같은 시각 15% 내린 8620달러를 기록 중이다. 원화로 환산하면 931만원대로 국내 시세가 이보다 4.6% 낮은 ‘코리아 디스카운트’ 현상이 일어났다. 국제 시세도 지난달 31일 1만달러가 무너지는 등 지난달에만 30% 급락해 월별 기준 사상 최대 하락폭을 나타냈다. 영국의 <이코노미스트>는 비트코인이 거품의 5단계 중 ‘희열의 단계’(지난해 11월)를 지나 ‘고통의 단계’를 향해 치닫고 있으며 마지막으로 ‘공포의 단계’에 이를 수 있다고 보도했다.

최근 가상통화 가격은 거래소 해킹에 따른 불안과 각국의 강력한 규제가 맞물려 추락하고 있다. 지난달 일본 가상통화거래소 코인체크에서 580억엔(5천700억원) 규모의 가상통화 해킹 사건 이후 일본 정부는 모든 거래소에 대한 긴급 실태조사를 벌이겠다고 나섰다. 미국에서는 가상통화 거래용 코인의 실체에 대한 의혹이 증폭되고 있다. 미국 상품선물거래위원회(CFTC)는 최대 가상통화거래소 중 하나인 비트피넥스와 가상화폐 거래용 코인을 발행하는 테더에 소환장을 발부했다고 <블룸버그>가 지난달 31일 보도했다. 비트피넥스는 가상화폐 거래 때 미 달러화 대신 테더가 발행한 코인을 사용하는 것으로 알려졌다. 테더의 코인은 1개당 약 1달러의 가치로 거래되고 있다. 하지만 테더가 코인의 가치에 해당하는 만큼의 달러를 실제로 보유하고 있는지에 대해 의혹이 제기되고 있다. 두 회사의 최고경영자는 같은 인물이다.

가상통화거래소는 외부 해커는 물론 설립자의 기술적인 조작 가능성에 취약한 것으로 지적돼왔다. 2014년 일본의 비트코인 거래소 마운트곡스가 해킹으로 파산할 때도 최고경영자가 거래시스템을 조작해 비트코인 계좌 잔액을 부풀린 혐의로 경찰에 체포되기도 했다.

미국 증권거래위원회(SEC)는 지난달 30일 사기 혐의가 있는 가상통화공개(ICO)를 통해 투자자들로부터 모은 자산을 동결하고 추가 가상통화공개를 금지했다. 중국은 가상통화 거래 금지에 이어 거래소와 유사한 기능을 가진 웹사이트나 모바일 앱에 접근하는 것도 차단했다. 우리나라 정부는 가상통화 거래실명제를 도입했다.

‘Dancing On Ice’: Antony Cotton Suffers Fractured Ribs After Falling During Training

‘Dancing On Ice’: Antony Cotton Suffers Fractured Ribs After Falling During Training

‘Dancing On Ice’ contestant Antony Cotton has revealed he fractured “a couple of ribs” after suffering an injury while training.

On Wednesday (31 January), Antony fell on the ice while rehearsing for this weekend’s live show, and was taken to a nearby hospital.

couple of ribs, front and back.

“I’d like to thank the staff at Silver Blades ice rink in Widnes, the doctor and nurse at The Alexandra Hospital in Cheadle, and Brandee, who never left my side throughout.”

Despite his injury, Antony will go ahead with his performance on Sunday night (4 February), where he and Brandee will be performing to ‘I Am What I Am’.

‘Coronation Street’ actor joked: “The show must go on and as such, we are going to do our best to continue in the Dancing On Ice competition this Sunday.

“Hopefully the painkillers and sequins will see us through.”

A ‘Dancing On Ice’ spokesperson said: “Antony fell on the ice during training and as a precaution was taken to a nearby hospital. He has since been released and is now resting ahead of the live show this weekend.”

This year’s series saw its celebrity contestants enduring injuries before live shows had even begun, with cricketer Monty Panesar being forced out of the competition by an injury, eventually being replaced by singer Lemar.

‘Dancing On Ice’ airs on Sunday nights on ITV.

SPD-Chef Martin Schulz will laut Medienbericht Außenminister werden

SPD-Chef Martin Schulz will laut Medienbericht Außenminister werden

Im Falle einer Neuauflage der Großen Koalition soll sich SPD-Chef Martin Schulz bereits darauf festgelegt haben, Außenminister zu werden. Das berichtet die “Passauer Neue Presse” (“PNP”).

Das ist passiert: 

► Schulz würde damit SPD-Politiker Sigmar Gabriel beerben.

► Gabriel, der vor Schulz den Parteivorsitz inne hatte, soll laut “PNP” wieder Wirtschaftsminister werden.

► Das sei zumindest der Wunsch zahlreicher SPD-Anhänger.

Darum ist es wichtig: 


Sowohl Teile der SPD als auch eine deutliche Mehrheit der Bürger lehnt Schulz als Minister in einem Kabinett unter Kanzlerin Angela Merkel ab. 

Vor der Bundestagswahl hatte der SPD-Chef eine solche Option kategorisch ausgeschlossen, weichte sein hartes “Nein” in der vergangenen Woche aber auf.

Eine endgültige Antwort will Schulz hingegen erst nach dem Mitgliedervotum zur möglichen neuen schwarz-roten Regierung geben.

Mehr zum Thema: Minister unter Merkel? Martin Schulz steht vor einem Dilemma

Was ihr noch wissen müsst:


Für Schulz steht dessen Glaubwürdigkeit auf dem Spiel. Laut einer neuen Umfrage sind nur noch 25 Prozent der Deutschen mit Schulz’ Arbeit einverstanden. Ein Rekordtief.

► Klar ist: Schulz müsste den nächsten Wortbruch begehen, wenn er als Außenminister sein Herzensthema “Mehr Europa” voranbringen wollte.

Mehr zum Thema:SPD fällt auf schlechtesten jemals gemessenen Wert in ARD-Umfrage

Mit Material von dpa.
