Step Forward for Comprehensive Hate Crimes Laws in Mississippi

Step Forward for Comprehensive Hate Crimes Laws in Mississippi

Over the past year, HRC Mississippi made a determined effort to build stronger relationships with lawmakers in advance of the 2018 legislative session. We traveled across the state sharing about our work and telling lawmakers what it is like to be LGBTQ in Mississippi. Our goal was to find ways we can work together for a common mission in a bipartisan manner to advance equality. Where we found the most agreement among Republican and Democratic lawmakers was in updating our state’s hate crimes laws to include sexual orientation and gender identity, matching federal law.

Mississippi has faced a tragic, disproportionate number of anti-transgender crimes, including the highly-publicized murders of Mercedes Williamson, Mesha Caldwell and Dee Whigham. Out of those three murders, only Mercedes Williamson’s was prosecuted under existing hate crimes laws — and only  because the perpetrator crossed state lines, making it a federal crime.

This session, HRC Mississippi helped to introduce comprehensive statewide hate crimes bills in both the Mississippi House and Senate.

This week we celebrated as the Senate Judiciary A Committee unanimously passed SB 2576, a comprehensive hate crimes bill, with the support of all 10 Republicans and five Democrats on the committee. The bill, however, ran up against a procedural deadline and will not make it to the floor for a vote this session. Despite this setback, the bipartisan support for this bill was an important step forward in ensuring that all Mississippians can be protected from bias-motivated crimes, regardless of who they are or whom they might love.

The vote on SB 2576 this week is example of the progress we are making in Mississippi. We will carry this momentum into the next session, working closely with lawmakers to ensure that this important update to our hate crimes law comes to fruition.

To learn more about the work of HRC Mississippi, click here.

India’s Gay Prince Opening Palace Up as LGBT Sanctuary

India’s Gay Prince Opening Palace Up as LGBT Sanctuary
Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil

Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil

Throughout his life, Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil has broken traditions, stereotypes and taboos. Despite the stigma a divorce carries in India, he ended his marriage with his princess in 1992. A decade later, he became the first member of the Indian royal family to come out as gay and launched an LGBT rights charity shortly afterward.…

The post India’s Gay Prince Opening Palace Up as LGBT Sanctuary appeared first on Towleroad.

So bekommt eines der größten Kreuzfahrtschiffe der Welt seinen Anstrich

So bekommt eines der größten Kreuzfahrtschiffe der Welt seinen Anstrich

  • Die HuffPost begleitet den Bau eines der größten Kreuzfahrtschiffe der Welt von der Planung bis zur Jungfernfahrt
  • Dieses Mal sehen wir uns an, wie so ein riesiger Luxus-Liner bemalt wird
  • Im Video oben seht ihr, wie die “Norwegian Bliss” Farbe bekommt

Kreuzfahrten boomen. 2,5 Millionen Deutsche machten 2016 Urlaub auf einem Luxus-Schiff. 2010 waren es noch knapp 1,7 Millionen, zeigen Zahlen des Deutschen Reiseverbandes. Weltweit gab es 2017 26 Millionen Kreuzfahrtpassagiere.

So wie die Buchungszahlen steigen, überbieten sich die Reedereien auch im Bau neuer schwimmender Hotels. 29 Schiffe nehmen in diesem Jahr ihren Dienst auf. Eins größer als das andere. Und auch teurer.

Die HuffPost begleitet den Bau eines der größten Kreuzfahrtschiffe weltweit. Die “Norwegian Bliss” wird gerade in der Meyer Werft bei Papenburg fertiggestellt. Sie ist 20 Stockwerke hoch und 324 Meter lang. 4000 Passagiere haben Platz an Bord, 1700 Crewmitglieder. Kosten: schätzungsweise 650 Millionen Euro.

Bemalungsprozess in drei Schritten

Dieses Mal sehen wir uns an, wie so ein Luxus-Liner bemalt wird. Das Design der “Bliss” ist eine Spezialanfertigung des amerikanischen Künstlers Robert Wyland. 

In drei Schritten kommt das Motiv auf das Schiff: Eine Software skaliert die Zeichnungen des Künstlers und rechnet sie auf die Größe des Schiffes hoch. Mit einem Laser wird das Motiv an das Schiff projiziert.

“Dabei arbeiten wir mit einem Laser-Projektionssystem. Das kann man sich wie ein Beamer vorstellen, der die Linien auf die Außenhaut des Schiffes projiziert” sagt Jörg Drebber, bei der Meyer Werft verantwortlich für die Vermessung des Motivs. 

Im zweiten Schritt werden die Konturen aufgezeichnet, anschließend einzelne Flächen abgeklebt. Dafür benötigten die Maler insgesamt 120 Kilometer Klebeband.

“Malen nach Zahlen”

Der Anstrich selbst schließlich folgt dann einem einfachen Prinzip: Malen nach Zahlen. “Mithilfe der Pläne zeichnen wir Farbnummern auf und wissen so, welche Farbe wo hin muss”, sagt Reinhard Lind, zuständig für die Lackierung des Schiffes. “Alle Flächen werden einzeln ausgemalt. Man muss sich das wie ein großes Malbuch vorstellen.”

Zehn Mitarbeiter haben gepinselt und gewalzt. 2000 Liter Farbe und 1000 Pinsel und Walzen haben sie verbraucht. Vier Monate hat es gedauert, bis eine Fläche von 2.600 Quadratmetern nicht mehr weiß war. 


It’s Time To Call The Brexit Ultras’ Bluff

It’s Time To Call The Brexit Ultras’ Bluff
If you listen very, very carefully, you might just be able to hear the rustling in the undergrowth. It is the sound of the soft Brexiteers, advancing stealthily through Whitehall.

Pitter patter, pitter patter. They don’t want to alarm the ultras, but they are slowly making headway. Their goal: to reach the Downing Street citadel and recruit the prime minister to their cause. The prize: continuing membership of the EU customs union and ― even ― the single market.

Every so often, like a meerkat, one of them raises their head. The chancellor, Philip Hammond, dared to suggest in Davos that the UK’s exit from the EU could involve only ‘very modest’ changes. Then, entirely coincidentally (or perhaps not so coincidentally), a cross-Whitehall economic assessment study was leaked, suggesting that however modest the changes might be, they will still damage the UK’s economic prospects.

A comprehensive free trade agreement? UK growth would be 5% lower over the next 15 years compared to current forecasts. Even under the softest of options ― continued single-market access through membership of the European Economic Area ― long-term growth would still be 2% lower.

Oh look, here’s another meerkat, Labour’s former business secretary Chuka Umunna, who has emerged to lead a pro-European, grassroots umbrella group that intends to campaign for the public to have a say in any final deal. You know what meerkats are like: first, one raises its head, and then, before you know it, they are popping up everywhere.

According to the Financial Times, civil servants are ‘actively’ considering the option of a customs union deal with the EU to cover goods but not services. More rustling in the undergrowth.

If I am reading the runes correctly, the soft Brexiteers are beginning to think they have the wind in their sails. In the Labour party, there are signs that Jeremy Corbyn may soon be nudged off his Brexit fence and actually commit himself to a long-term vision. The ultras, aka ‘the swivel-eyed few’ (© climate change minister Claire Perry), have been caught napping, lulled into complacency by the Downing Street hypnotist’s irresistible mantra: ‘Brexit means Brexit.’

Only the frantic alarm calls (‘Treachery, treachery!’) from Nigel Farage and Jacob Rees-Mogg can raise them from their slumber. But they have a problem: the Downing Street hypnotist has hypnotised herself. She is comatose, inert, reduced to mumbling in her sleep: ‘I am not a quitter. I am not a quitter.’

Her foot soldiers are in despair. Whether they prefer their Brexit hard or soft, whether they are pro-Remain or pro-Leave, their anguish was pithily and effectively distilled on the front page of this week’s Spectator into a simple, primal scream aimed at Mrs May: ‘Lead or Go.’

But here’s the thing: she is incapable of carrying out the first of those commandments, and refuses to carry out the second. Result: stalemate.

Meanwhile, I hear another sound. Tick. Tock. It is the Brexit clock, ticking inexorably towards March next year, the Moment of Truth, when the UK, unless someone sticks a spanner in the works, will formally leave the EU.

It is now nearly 50 years since my undergraduate days as a Politics student, so perhaps I have forgotten everything I was taught. But I am at a total loss to understand how a prime minister, a chancellor, a home secretary, and a majority of the House of Commons can sleepwalk the nation towards an outcome that they all believe will be deeply harmful for its future.

I understand how a referendum can delegitimise an elected parliament. I also understand that some MPs in constituencies with a pro-Brexit majority feel that it is their duty to represent the majority view. Whether they would feel the same way about, for example, the restoration of capital punishment is a question best left for another day.

The ultras’ caucus is the European Research Group, currently led by Jacob Rees-Mogg and consisting of some eighty Tory MPs. If just forty-eight of them signed a letter calling for a leadership election, they could topple Mrs May and seek to instal one of their own in Downing Street. So why haven’t they?

First, because they can’t be confident that their favoured candidate would win. Second, because a leadership election could well split the party from top to bottom. But third, because ― as Rafael Behr points out in Prospect magazine ― they don’t want to be held responsible for what happens after Brexit.

What they do want, says Behr, is ‘the freedom to complain that it has been bodged; that the dream has been betrayed by Remoaners and their civil service accomplices.’ In other words, they may huff and puff mightily to persuade us that they are blowing the Euro-house down, but by their cowardice do we know them. They do not even have the courage of their own convictions.

As a definition of political cynicism, it would be hard to beat. But it does offer Mrs May a way out. True, it would be wholly out of character, but here’s what she could do.

Eat her words on ‘no membership of the customs union, no membership of the single market’. ‘I have been persuaded that staying close to, but not a member of, the EU is best for Britain.’

Put the deal to the House of Commons, where she would win with the support of the Labour party but without the support of Gove, Johnson, Davis, and ― of course ― Rees-Mogg.

Stand down as Tory leader, making way for a new leader who would then call a general election. The Brexit ultras would leave the party, and stand either as independents or as members of some new, not-very-improved version of UKIP. They would lose.

Is it unlikely? Of course it is. Is it, or something like it, impossible? Not necessarily.

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: February 2, 2018

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: February 2, 2018

NEW REPORT: A PATH TO VICTORY IN 2018 — HRC AND THE POWER OF THE EQUALITY VOTER: Today, HRC released a new report on the growing political power of the LGBTQ movement and HRC’s groundbreaking work to mobilize millions of “Equality Voters” in the 2018 elections. “It is clear that LGBTQ voters — and their allies — are one of the most reliable and highly-engaged voting blocs in the United States,” said HRC President Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin). “From Virginia to Alabama to a wave of historic victories for transgender candidates across the country, equality voters have been stepping up and making their voices heard at the ballot box. In 2018, HRC is mobilizing like never before to double down on these historic victories and pull the emergency brake on the Trump-Pence agenda of hate and discrimination.” Last July, a year after HRC significantly expanded its grassroots engagement and proved that LGBTQ voters are one of the most important and effective voting blocs in the nation, the organization launched HRC Rising — a bold, proactive grassroots campaign to accelerate progress in states from coast-to-coast, resist the politics of hate, fight anti-LGBTQ legislation, and fuel pro-equality candidates and initiatives in 2018, 2020, and beyond. The power of the equality voter was also made crystal clear in 2017 when a wave of pro-equality and openly LGBTQ candidates were elected in states across the country. Read the full report at HRC.

TRUMP-PENCE ADMINISTRATION REFUSES TO SIGN STATEMENT SUPPORTING MARRIAGE EQUALITY AND TRANS RIGHTS: The statement indicates support of an Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ ruling on marriage equality and transgender rights. Said Ty Cobb, director of HRC Global (@TyWesleyCobb). “As the administration unleashes a torrent of attacks on the LGBTQ community here at home, it is also abandoning LGBTQ people around the world.” More from HRC and Pink News.

HRC TO HONOR TEXAS PEDIATRICIAN FOR HER LIFESAVING CARE OF TRANS YOUTH: Dr. Ximena Lopez, who founded the only clinic in the Southwest specializing in trans youth, will be honored at the Time to THRIVE Conference on February 16-18 in Orlando. Said Vincent Pompei, Director of HRC’s Youth Well-Being Project and Time to THRIVE Conference chair: “Dr. Lopez’s groundbreaking health care work continues to literally save the lives of countless transgender and gender expansive youth in a state where anti-equality politicians routinely target transgender people for discrimination.” More from HRC.

FEEL GOOD FRIDAY: The LGBTQ community is as diverse as the fabric of this nation, which is captured in this beautiful, inclusive Coca-Cola ad that will air Sunday during the Super Bowl.



— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) February 1, 2018

HRC JOINS #NoBorderWall ACTION IN TEXAS: HRC Field Organizer Sissi Yado (@SissiYado) joined local activists and Dreamers to rally against Trump’s plan to build a wall through Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge in Texas. More from Telemundo.

HRC SE UNE A LA ACCIÓN #NoBorderWall EN TEXAS: Sissi Yado (@SissiYado), Organizadora Comunitaria de HRC, participó junto a activistas locales y Soñadores para manifestarse contra los planes de Trump de contruir un muro fronterizo en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Santa Ana en Texas. Más de Telemundo.



TRANS WOMAN VIOLENTLY ATTACKED IN GEORGIA’S CAPITAL: Miranda Pagava’s attacker hit her with an iron bar while shouting transphobic slurs. More from Gay Star News.

READING RAINBOWBookmark now to read on your lunch break!

Benefits Pro reports on findings about LGBTQ workers and retirement readiness; HRC recaps the fight to protect Dreamers; National Geographic’s groundbreaking “Gender Revolution” was nominated for an Ellie Award

Congratulations @NatGeoMag for the #Ellies nomination of “Gender Revolution” in the single-topic issue category! Well deserved!

— Sarah McBride (@SarahEMcBride) February 1, 2018