HRC Responds to Republican National Committee’s Attack on Transgender Service Members

HRC Responds to Republican National Committee’s Attack on Transgender Service Members

HRC responded to a vote on Friday by the Republican National Committee to support Donald Trump’s unconstitutional ban on transgender service members in the military.

“Transgender members of the military are serving their country with effectiveness and honor,” said David Stacy, HRC Government Affairs Director. “The RNC’s statement is a disgusting attack on thousands of brave transgender service members and the armed services as a whole. It goes against the expert opinions of the medical and military communities in addition to flying in the face of supportive statements offered by at least 20 Republican lawmakers. As every federal court ruling to date has confirmed: this ban is unconstitutional. We will continue to fight for, and win, the right of every qualified person to serve the country they love.”

The RNC’s statement conflicts with the overwhelming evidence supporting transgender service members.

In July, the American Medical Association said: “There is no medically valid reason to exclude transgender individuals from military service. Transgender individuals are serving their country with honor, and they should be allowed to continue doing so.”

The American Psychological Association concurred: “We’ve seen no scientific evidence that allowing transgender people to serve in the armed forces has had an adverse impact on our military readiness or unit cohesion. Therefore, we ask that transgender individuals continue to be allowed to serve their country.”

In August, a group of 56 retired generals and admirals in a letter released by The Palm Center condemned the Trump-Pence ban on transgender service members, stating: “The proposed ban would degrade readiness even more than the failed ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy. Patriotic transgender Americans who are serving—and who want to serve—must not be dismissed, deprived of medically necessary health care, or forced to compromise their integrity or hide their identity.”

Last year, 20 Republican members of Congress expressed support for transgender service members. Their statements include the following:

“When less than one percent of Americans are volunteering to join the military, we should welcome all those who are willing and able to serve our country. Any member of the military who meets the medical and readiness standards should be allowed to serve—including those who are transgender.” — Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, retired Naval officer, and former POW​ 

“I don’t think we should be discriminating against anyone. Transgender people are people, and deserve the best we can do for them.” — Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)

“Our armed forces should welcome the service of any qualified individual who is willing and capable of serving our country,” said Senator Collins. “If individuals are willing to put on the uniform of our country, be deployed in war zones, and risk their lives for our freedoms, then we should be expressing our gratitude to them, not trying to kick them out of the military.” — Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)

“She believes what is most important is making sure service members can meet the physical training standards, and the willingness to defend our freedoms and way of life,’ Ernst spokeswoman Brook Hougesen wrote in an email to the Register.” — Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA), retired Army officer

“Removing thousands of men and women from admirably and honorably serving is counterintuitive to strengthening our military. I have serious concerns about what this new directive means for current active duty and reserve transgender members of our Armed Forces and National Guard. I expect Defense Secretary Mattis to provide clarity on this issue and determine what is in the best interest of military readiness to protect our nation.” — Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ)

The Human Rights Campaign has always fought for the right of LGBTQ people to serve in our Armed Forces and will continue that fight.

Boys Don’t

Boys Don’t

Kyle J. Letendre posted a photo:

Boys Don't

Growing up I was always softer than the other boys — swishier, quieter, more expressive — and I was warned that this was not the way boys behave. “Boys don’t draw, and boys don’t sew. Boys don’t care about handwriting or flowers.” It took some time, but eventually I built a life out of all the things “boys don’t” do. So in between projects, I’ve been hand sewing a couple sequins here and there to make my own sissy punk jacket. Because boys like me don’t care anymore. ✨

Boys Don't

FDP-Vize Kubicki legt Martin Schulz nahe, die GroKo platzen zu lassen

FDP-Vize Kubicki legt Martin Schulz nahe, die GroKo platzen zu lassen
Wolfgang Kubicki

  • FDP-Vize Wolfgang Kubicki hat im Interview mit der HuffPost seine Bedenken gegen eine Fortführung der Großen Koalition geäußert
  • Er sprach sich für Neuwahlen aus

Die Koalitionsverhandlungen nähern sich dem Ende. Vor allem für einen Beteiligten steht viel auf dem Spiel: SPD-Chef Martin Schulz.

Der 62-Jährige hoffe, sich einen Ministerposten in der GroKo-Neuauflage und so sein Überleben als Parteichef sichern zu können, glaubten man verschiedenen Medienberichten.

FDP-Vize Wolfgang Kubicki äußert im Live-Interview mit der HuffPost jedoch große Bedenken vor einem Eintritt Schulz’ in ein Kabinett von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. Vielmehr legt er ihm nahe, die Große Koalition platzen zu lassen.

Das ganze Interview könnt ihr hier sehen:

“Martin Schulz tut mir mittlerweile leid”

“Ich erwarte von dieser Großen Koalition überhaupt nichts, außer das Weiter-so”, stellt der Politiker klar. “Und ich erwarte, dass die Sozialdemokraten darunter mehr leiden werden als die Union.” Kubicki geht von einem weiteren Absturz der SPD in den Umfragen aus.

Besonders heftige Worte bekommt der SPD-Chef ab: “Martin Schulz tut mir mittlerweile leid. Er hat keine politische Orientierung mehr.”

Schulz müsse aufpassen, überhaupt noch einen “politischen Wirkungskreis” zu haben. “Von einem Hoffnungsträger, von dem man glaubte, der kann übers Wasser gehen, zu einem Ertrinkenden zu werden, so ist das Bild”, sagt Kubicki.

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Sollte die SPD die GroKo platzen lassen?

Auf Nachfrage, ob er Schulz einen Rücktritt nahe legen würde, sagte Kubicki, er müsse Schulz nichts empfehlen.

“Aber bevor er jetzt zur Lachnummer der deutschen Politik wird, und dabei ist er gerade, wenn er jetzt noch in ein Kabinett Merkel eintreten will, dann muss er irgendwann einmal Konsequenz zeigen”, stellt der FDP-Politiker klar.

Denn: Im Prinzip habe die SPD alles in der Hand. “Wenn diese Große Koalition nun scheitert an inhaltlichen Überlegungen, die die SPD für unverzichtbar hält, dann wird es nicht zu ihren Lasten gehen, sondern zulasten der Kanzlerin.”

Eine mögliche Lösung aus der Zwickmühle: Neuwahlen.

“Ich glaube nicht, dass sich die Meinungsumfragen wirklich im Wahlergebnis widerspiegeln. Ich denke, die Menschen haben ein Gefühl dafür entwickelt, dass es etwas Neues geben muss”, betonte der FDP-Mann.

Mehr zum Thema: Bisher ist die SPD in den GroKo-Verhandlungen gescheitert – mit einer Ausnahme

Piers Morgan In Furious Tirade After BBC Airs Graphic Cartoon Of Him With Trump

Piers Morgan In Furious Tirade After BBC Airs Graphic Cartoon Of Him With Trump
Piers Morgan responded with fury after BBC satire ‘The Mash Report’ broadcast a cartoon image of him pleasuring US President Donald Trump.

The ‘Good Morning Britain’ presenter, who was granted Trump’s first international broadcast interview last week, tweeted the image on Friday night.

He wrote: “The BBC thinks this is OK to broadcast. But if it depicted high profile women, there would be outrage. Why the double standard?”

The BBC thinks this is OK to broadcast. But if it depicted high profile women, there would be outrage. Why the double standard?
‘The Mash Report’, which plays with a parental guidance lock on the BBC iPlayer and airs on Thursday nights after the 9pm watershed, is labelled a “satirical and surreal news show” and is presented by Nish Kumar.

The programme used the cartoon after criticism of Morgan’s interviewing style and accusations he “brown nosed” Trump during the groundbreaking Q and A.

But this did little to appease Morgan who claimed the image would not have aired had it involved two prominent women or gay men.

So if it was a famous female politician & female interviewer, you’d be fine with it? If not, you’re as two-faced as the BBC.
Sure, but if was two famous women being depicted that way you would be screaming blue murder about it.
Would you be so gleeful if the BBC had done it to two high profile women or two high profile gay men?
In the process of rallying against the image, however, Morgan’s tweet went viral, racking up thousands of shares on Twitter.

The cartoon featured on ‘The Mash Report’ as part of a segment analysing the differences between body language of legendary interviewer David Frost and his subject Richard Nixon with that of Morgan and Trump.

“In the Trump interview, the staging hinted at a greater intimacy between the two men,” the correspondent says before the cartoon is revealed.

Je suis prest (I am ready)

Je suis prest (I am ready)
70579_mediumMy name is Alec Frazier . I am currently 31, and I have known I was gay for a little over 10 years now. I have been fortunate enough to have an extremely accepting family and group of friends . In community college, I was surrounded by a number of students and staff who tried to make my life hell. In part it was because I am gay, yes, but also because I have a number of disabilities

RNC votes in favor of Trump’s bigoted trans military ban

RNC votes in favor of Trump’s bigoted trans military ban

The Republican National Committee adopts Trump’s anti-trans stance despite the fact that it is opposed by the majority of Americans in all 50 states

NEW YORK – GLAAD, the world’s largest LGBTQ media advocacy organization released the following statement in response to the Republican National Committee passed a resolution in support of President Trump’s discriminatory transgender military ban.

“President Trump’s bigoted proposal to purge qualified military personnel is in direct contradiction to the will of the American people and what’s best for our nation’s security,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD. “The fact that the RNC is siding with blatant discrimination over supporting the rights of brave Americans to serve our nation displays how toxic and deeply rooted the Trump Administration’s anti-LGBTQ ideology has become.”

Polling has shown that Trump’s proposed transgender military ban is opposed by the majority of Americans in all 50 states who believe transgender people should be allowed to openly serve their country. This month GLAAD released our annual Accelerating Acceptance report, a national survey conducted on GLAAD’s behalf by The Harris Poll, which found that LGBTQ acceptance is dropping at a time when anti-LGBTQ violence and discrimination are on the rise in our current political climate.

Trump’s policy to ban transgender soldiers from openly serving in any capacity with the U.S. military summarizes the full-scale attack on LGBTQ Americans by the Trump Administration. Since President Trump’s inauguration, the administration has stopped at nothing to erase LGBTQ acceptance from the federal government. This includes appointing the most anti-LGBTQ administration in recent memory, aggressively pushing religious exemptions that promote LGBTQ discrimination, and rescinding guidance that protects transgender students at their schools. GLAAD has cataloged every anti-LGBTQ action by the Trump Administration via our Trump Accountability Project.


February 2, 2018