SNL ‘Weekend Update’ Rips Illiterate Liar Trump and ’40-Year-Old Virgin’ Devin Nunes Over Memo

SNL ‘Weekend Update’ Rips Illiterate Liar Trump and ’40-Year-Old Virgin’ Devin Nunes Over Memo
Donald Trump Colin Jost

SNL’s Weekend Update ripped House Intelligence Committee chair Devin Nunes and the “cherry-picked” memo he prepared for lying president Donald Trump.

WATCH THIS NEXT: Alec Baldwin’s Trump Calls in to ‘FOX & Friends’ for a Morning Ego Boost in SNL’s Cold Open: WATCH

“President Trump authorized the release of a memo that claims the FBI improperly spied on his campaign despite warnings from the FBI and the DOJ that the memo was inaccurate,” reported Colin Jost, showing a well-known photo of fat Trump playing tennis. “Because if anyone’s concerned with accuracy, it’s Mr. 239 pounds.”

Jost continued:

“This memo came from 40-year-old virgin Devin Nunes, who is chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. I’ve got to say, I don’t really trust this guy to untangle a vast conspiracy. I wouldn’t really trust him to untangle a pair of headphones. Now I’m trying to put myself in his shoes, and it’s pretty easy because his shoes are Velcro. But I don’t really understand how any of this is important, so I’m just going to treat this memo like every other memo I’ve received at work and completely ignore it. At this point, if you actually want to get my attention, the bar is set at ‘Porn star spanks president with magazine.’ Also, this is a four-page memo that just cherry-picks information from a FISA document that’s like 50 or 60 pages long. It’s like when you see a blurb for Transformers 5, and it says, ‘It blew my mind,’ when the full quote is, ‘It blew my mind that God allowed this.’”

Michael Che interjected: “First of all, you know damn well Donald Trump didn’t read this memo. It’s four pages long. And the only time Donald Trump reads four pages in a row is when he’s ordering breakfast.”

Later the hosts, were joined by Brigitte Bardot (Kate McKinnon) and Catherine Deneuve (Cecily Strong) to discuss the #MeToo movement.

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SNL ‘Weekend Update’ Rips Illiterate Liar Trump and ’40-Year-Old Virgin’ Devin Nunes Over Memo

USA: Frau ernährt sich eine Woche nur von Nudeln – das ist mit ihrem Körper passiert

USA: Frau ernährt sich eine Woche nur von Nudeln – das ist mit ihrem Körper passiert

  • Die Amerikanerin Charlotte Palermino hat ein Experiment gewagt
  • Die Frau hat sich eine Woche lang nur von Nudeln ernährt – mit außergewöhnlichen Folgen für ihren Körper
  • Im Video oben seht ihr, was sie sich eine Woche lang gekocht hat

Charlotte Palermino hat sich dazu entschieden, mit einem mutigen Selbstversuch ins Jahr 2018 zu starten: Die Amerikanerin wollte wissen, was mit ihrem Körper passiert, wenn sie sich eine Woche lang nur noch von Nudeln ernährt. Morgens, mittags, abends.

Dem Experiment ging eine erschreckende Erkenntnis voraus: Sie hat in den Sozialen Medien den Eindruck gewonnen, dass 2018 zum Jahr des intermittierenden Fastens oder der glutenfreien Ernährung werden könnte. Immer mehr Menschen schienen plötzlich auf das sogenannte Cleaning, also die Körperreinigung zu setzen.

“Essen hat für mich nichts mit Kalorienzählen zutun” 

Charlotte Palermino kann diesen ganzen Diät-Methoden nicht wirklich viel abgewinnen: “Essen hat für mich etwas mit Gesellschaft und feiern zutun, nicht mit Ängsten und Kalorienzählen”, schreibt sie in einem Blog-Beitrag für die amerikanische “Elle”.

Also entschied sie, den Spieß einfach umzudrehen: Anstatt die schlechten Lebensmittel aus ihrer Ernährung zu streichen, würde sie eine Woche lang nur vermeintlich schlechte Lebensmittel zu sich nehmen. Und zwar in Form von Nudeln. 

Für den Selbstversuch stellte sie allerdings einige Regeln auf – so ein bisschen wollte sie ihren Körper ja trotz allem reinigen.

► Zoodles sind keine Nudeln, es sind Zoodles. Zoodles sind nudelähnliche Streifen, die aus Gemüse wie Zucchini oder Karotten gewonnen werden.

► Kein Alkohol und kein Kaffee.

► Kein lästiges Kalorienzählen.

► Keine zusätzlichen Sporteinheiten. Palermino trainiert im Durchschnitt an drei bis vier Tagen die Woche.

► Nur Pasta! 

Jetzt konnte das Experiment beginnen

Gleich an Tag 1 ließ sie es sich richtig gutgehen und kochte “Frühstückspasta”. Die bestand aus Orecchiette mit Grünkohl-Pesto. 

An Tag 2 ging Palermino morgens 60 Minuten laufen. “Das habe ich noch nie gemacht”, schreibt sie. Und das sollte sich an Tag 3 auch rächen. 

“Ich bin gereizt, müde und unter Schmerzen aufgewacht. Der erste Schritt einer Wiederherstellung ist es, zuzugeben, dass man ein Problem hat. An diesem Punkt angekommen, änderte ich den Plan.” Sie sündigte und trank drei Tassen Kaffee. Eigentlich besagten die Regeln, dass Alkohol und Kaffee Tabu ist. Sie gesteht: “Die Niederlage schmeckte großartig.”

Trotzdem: Sie hatte noch vier weitere Tage vor sich. 

Mehr zum Thema: Wenn ihr eurem Kaffee diese Zutat beifügt, hat er eine überraschende Wirkung

An Tag 4 wachte sie Palermino unglaublich durstig auf. Sie schob das auf den ganzen Parmesan, den sie die letzten Tage verputzte. Also trank sie erst einmal fünf Glas Wasser. Untertags merkte sie, wie viel Energie sie plötzlich hatte. 

“Ob es daran lag, dass ich wieder Kaffee trank oder an den vielen Kohlenhydraten, kann ich nicht sagen. Aber klar war: Ich wollte lieber laufen statt gehen.” Das tat sie auch: Sie drehte eine Runde im Freien, die über 40 Blocks weit ging.

Auch an Tag 5 sprudelte sie nur so vor Energie. Der Durst ging aber immer noch nicht weg und sie sah ein: “30 Glas Wasser am Tag haben gar nichts gebracht.”

Ihr fiel auf, dass sie diese Woche kaum Sport getrieben hatte und ging ins Yoga-Studio. Dort absolvierte sie sogar zwei Kurse am Stück. “Ich fühlte mich wie eine Athletin”, schreibt sie in dem “Elle”-Blog. 

An Tag 6 war Palermino immer noch voller Energie, aß erneut den ganzen Tag nur Pasta und ging bis in die Nacht mit ihren Freundinnen tanzen. 

Dann brach der letzte Tag des Selbstversuches an. Die junge Amerikanerin aß wieder nur Pasta, aber langsam konnte sie die Teigwaren nicht mehr sehen. Zumindest für einige Stunden. Immerhin sind Nudeln – nach wie vor – ihr Leibgericht

Durch den einwöchigen Selbstversuch hat sie einige Erkenntnisse gewonnen. 

Das hat die Amerikanerin gelernt

► Der Körper reinigt sich selbst, ganz ohne Detoxing. Das ließ sie sich auch von einer Ärztin bestätigen.

► Jeder Mensch ist unterschiedlich. Und so auch die Körper. Das heißt: Wenn High Carb für den einen sinnvoll sein mag, muss es das noch lange nicht für alle Menschen sein.

► Auch durch Pasta kann man abnehmen. Palermino hat in dieser einen Woche 2,5 Kilo abgenommen. Ohne auf ihr Lieblingslebensmittel zu verzichten. 

Und dann hat sie noch einen Rat, den sich nicht nur ihre 18.000 Instagram-Follower zu Herzen nehmen sollten:

Hört endlich auf, so viel Wert auf die Meinung in Sozialen Netzwerken zu legen und konzentriert euch mehr darauf, wie ihr euch nach dem Essen fühlt. Nur weil sich ein Freund nach einem Baguette aufgebläht fühlt, heißt das nicht, dass ihr das auch tun müsst.”

Mehr zum Thema: Ein Mann ernährt sich 34 Tage lang nur von Kartoffeln – das ist mit ihm passiert

‘효리네민박2’ 이효리♥이상순 겨울민박, 윤아 손잡고 본격시작

‘효리네민박2’ 이효리♥이상순 겨울민박, 윤아 손잡고 본격시작

‘효리네민박2’ 이효리 이상순 부부가 소녀시대 윤아와 함께 겨울 민박을 본격 시작했다.

4일 첫 방송된 JTBC ‘효리네 민박2’에서는 가수 이효리 이상순 부부가 실제 거주하는 제주 집에서 소녀시대 윤아를 알바생을 맞아 민박을 시작하는 모습이 그려졌다.

 겨울을 맞은 이효리 이상순 부부의 집은 눈으로 소복히 쌓여 있었다. 집 지붕에는 고드름이 매달려 있었고 이효리는 내리는 눈을 맞으며 겨울을 만끽했다. 이상순은 기타를 연주하며 눈밭으로 나와 이효리와 다정한 한때를 보냈다.  

이효리는 ”방송을 오랜만에 해서 어색하다”고 말하면서도 이상순과 함께 티격태격하는 결혼생활을 스스럼 없이 공개했다. 이효리는 ”이번에는 되게 잘 먹이고 잘 재우고 싶은 마음에 시즌2를 결정했다. 채식만 주지 말고 아침부터 고기를 주겠다”고 말하며 영양 가득한 요리를 예고했다. 포근한 토퍼, 온기를 잃지 않기 위한 땔감준비도 완벽했다.  

새로운 알바생 윤아의 등장도 시선을 사로잡았다. 윤아는 밝은 모습으로 소길리에 모습을 드러냈고, 이효리 이상순은 윤아를 위해 명란 달걀말이와 감자볶음을 준비하며 반갑게 그녀를 맞았다.

이효리는 윤아를 만나 ”아는 사람이 와서 다행이다. 아예 모르는 사람이 올 줄 알았는데”라고 말하며 미소지었다. 윤아 역시 ‘패밀리가 떴다’ 이후 약 9년 만에 이효리를 만나 반가움을 감추지 못했다.

이후 세 사람은 민박 손님 웰컴 드링크 준비를 위해 귤밭에서 귤을 따고, 마트와 빵집을 돌아다닌 뒤 겨울 이불을 준비했다.  

윤아가 직원 숙소로 돌아간 뒤 이상순은 ”윤아는 밝다, 밝아. 그런데 좀 어색해하는 것 같다”라고 말했고, 이효리는 ”당연하지. 내가 선배고 오빠는 처음 봤는데. 뭘 열심히 하려고 하는 것 같긴 한데”라고 말하며 애정을 드러냈다. 

다음 날 민박 오픈의 아침이 밝았다. 윤아는 서울에서 공수해온 와플기계로 이효리 이상순 부부와 함께 조식을 즐겼다. 이후 이들은 첫번째 손님을 맞았다.

Another Carter Page Revelation Has Further Undermined The Russia Memo

Another Carter Page Revelation Has Further Undermined The Russia Memo
The controversial Republican-authored memo, declassified by Donald Trump on Friday, has been thrown into further doubt after it was revealed the man at the centre of it bragged about being an adviser to the Kremlin as far back as 2013.

According to Time, former Trump campaign official Carter Page told a book editor he had had the “privilege” of working “informally” for Russia “over the past half year”.

The claims were made in a letter he wrote during a dispute over edits to a manuscript he had submitted for publication.

The revelation appears to undermine the central premise of the Republican-authored memo, that law enforcement officials misled a secretive court that approves surveillance (FISA) warrants when they applied for permission to spy on Page in 2016.

The memo claims top FBI and DOJ officials signed off on the applications without disclosing that they were based on the infamous “pee-tapes” dossier compiled by a biased source – former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele.

But the latest revelation shows a FISA warrant would likely have been granted with or without the Steele dossier – a point conveniently left out of the memo and just one in a growing list.

Over the past half year, I have had the privilege to serve as an informal advisor to the staff of the Kremlin in preparation for their Presidency of the G-20 Summit next month, where energy issues will be a prominent point on the agenda. Carter Page, 2013.
In 2013, Page met with a Russian spy who was later charged by the Justice Department for acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign government.

That spy had tried to recruit him but later described him as an “idiot”.

Page, 46, is an oil industry consultant and served as a foreign-policy adviser to Trump during the 2016 Presidential election campaign.

The memo has already been widely scrutinised and found to be a “misleading dud” but that hasn’t stopped Donald Trump from claiming it “totally vindicates” him in the Special Counsel Russia probe.

This memo totally vindicates “Trump” in probe. But the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on. Their was no Collusion and there was no Obstruction (the word now used because, after one year of looking endlessly and finding NOTHING, collusion is dead). This is an American disgrace!

February 3, 2018
The memo, written by Republicans on the US House of Representatives Intelligence Committee chaired by Devin Nunes, argues the federal investigation of potential collusion betweenTrump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia was a product of political bias against Trump at the FBI and Justice Department.

Trump approved the release of the formerly classified memo without redactions, despite objections from the FBI in a move that deepens tension between the White House and senior law enforcement that has existed since Trump first took office.

A Republican line has grown louder over the last few days, propounding the idea that the FBI cannot be trusted as an institution.

1) I respect the men and women of the FBI and DOJ; 2) I respect both former Director Mueller and current Director Wray; and 3) I believe an impartial ethics investigation of leadership of both organizations during last administration is essential to restore public confidence

February 3, 2018
Jerrold Nadler, the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, said in a statement that Trump’s decision to allow the release of the memo was “part of a coordinated propaganda effort to discredit, disable and defeat the Russia investigation”.

The US now finds itself in a situation where the White House is at war with its own justice department and the FBI.

Appears @realDonaldTrump didn’t even read the #NunesMemo. Anyone who has read it knows it has nothing to do with what the @FBI surveillance of Carter Page actually uncovered. The desperation we are seeing from @POTUS in grasping at straws shows, again, CONSCIOUSNESS OF GUILT.

February 3, 2018
Trump’s fervent embrace of the memo on Saturday raised again the prospect that he may use it as justification to fire special counsel Robert Mueller, who is conducting the probe, or Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller, Reuters reported.

Asked by reporters on Friday whether the memo made him more likely to fire Rosenstein or whether he had confidence in him, Trump replied, “You figure it out”.

Dismissing Rosenstein or Mueller would trigger a political firestorm much like the sacking of FBI Director James Comey by Trump last year.

Mueller also is examining whether Trump has obstructed justice in trying to thwart the Russia investigation.

On Saturday, Nadler circulated a memo to House Democrats disputing the conclusions of the Nunes memo and arguing that Page was a lawful target of surveillance, according to NBC News.

“Carter Page was, more likely than not, an agent of a foreign power. The Department of Justice thought so. A federal judge agreed,” Nadler wrote in the memo.

Steve Vladeck, a professor of constitutional law at the University of Texas-Austin, said it was unprecedented for the president to feud so publicly with leaders of the U.S. intelligence agencies.

“You do long-term damage to these institutions if you convince a large swath of the American public that they can’t be trusted,” Vladeck said.

Trump’s decision to release the memo has also backfired to a certain extent as the apparent new-found desire for transparency is being selectively applied.

John Kelly: Trump wants “everything out” EXCEPT: Trump’s tax returns Trump interview with Mueller Democrats’ rebuttal memo The other FISA warrants White House visitor logs Bannon’s House testimony Stormy Daniels’ story The list of foreign customers at Trump properties

February 1, 2018

Während Schulz auf die GroKo zusteuert, machen Genossen im TV ihrem Ärger Luft

Während Schulz auf die GroKo zusteuert, machen Genossen im TV ihrem Ärger Luft
Der Presseclub auf Phoenix.

  • Martin Schulz führt die SPD in die GroKo
  • Doch vorher müssen die SPD-Mitglieder über Schwarz-Rot abstimmen – und die sind wütend

Martin Schulz steht kurz vor dem Ziel. Die Koalitionsgespräche zwischen Union und SPD gehen in die entscheidende Phase.

Die 15er-Runde der wichtigsten Unterhändler von CDU, CSU und SPD hat am Sonntagnachmittag ihre Beratungen aufgenommen. In diesem Kreis sollten letzte Arbeitsgruppen wie “Wohnungsbau, Mieten, Stadtentwicklung”, “Digitales” oder “Kommunen, ländlicher Raum” ihre Ergebnisse vortragen.

Noch in der Nacht auf Montag könnte der Koalitionsvertrag der neuen GroKo stehen. Während im Konrad-Adenauer-Haus dann wohl die Korken knallen, steht den Sozialdemokraten noch mächtig Arbeit bevor. 

Schulz trifft am Sonntag zu den Gesprächen ein.

Denn: Geplant ist, den Vertrag den rund 440.000 SPD-Mitgliedern zur Abstimmung vorzulegen. An der SPD-Basis gibt es Vorbehalte gegen eine Neuauflage des Bündnisses. Hinzu kommt, dass die Partei zuletzt in Umfragen absackte.

 “Würde ihnen keinen Staubsauger abkaufen”

Wie heikel die Situation ist, wurde am Mittag auch in der Phoenix-Sendung “Presseclub” deutlich. Moderator Jörg Schönenborn hatte das Thema “GroKo 3.0″ ausgegeben – und nahm mehrere Zuschauer-Anrufe entgegen.

Darunter auch wütende SPD-Genossen wie der Siegener Nikolai Edinger.  Edinger begann: “Ich bin Genosse und uns wurde so viel versprochen 2013. Solidarrente, Rückkehrrecht von Teilzeit in Vollzeit. (…) All diese Versprechen wurden gebrochen. Was mich anbelangt, ist die Vertrauensbasis völlig zerstört.”

Und der Sozialdemokrat wütete weiter gegen die Parteispitze: “Das ist so unseriös, dass ich meiner Partei-Führung nicht mal mehr einen Staubsauger abkaufen würde. Geschweige denn einen GroKo-Vertrag.”

Die Konsequenz: Er werde gegen die Koalition stimmen.

Mehr zum Thema: Am Sonntag soll die GroKo-Einigung stehen – doch in beiden Parteien gibt es Zoff

“Ich fühle mich vorgeführt”

Andrea Dernbach vom “Tagesspiegel” antwortete Edinger. Sie erklärte, sie könne die Wut verstehen, glaube aber, die GroKo-Gegner werden in der Abstimmung “in einer knappen Minderheit” sein.

Doch auch der nächste Anrufer, Frank Eberling, war Sozialdemokrat und GroKo-Gegner. “Ich habe das Gefühl, wir sind in den letzten Jahren vorgeführt worden”, polterte er.

Tina Hidebrandt von der “Zeit” stimmte ihm zu: “Dieses Hin und Her war nicht überzeugend.”  


[올림픽] 첫 선 보인 남북 단일팀, 강호 스웨덴에 1-3 패배

[올림픽] 첫 선 보인 남북 단일팀, 강호 스웨덴에 1-3 패배

첫 선을 보인 여자 아이스하키 남북 단일팀이 강호 스웨덴(세계랭킹 5위)에 완패했다.

새러 머리(캐나다) 감독이 지휘하는 단일팀은 4일 인천 선학링크에서 열린 평가전에서 1-3(1-3, 0-0, 0-0)으로 졌다.

평창 동계올림픽을 앞두고 처음이자 마지막 실전을 가졌던 단일팀은 세계의 높은 벽을 절감해야 했다. 유효 슈팅 숫자에서 14대 35를 기록했을 정도로 스웨덴의 공격에 어려움을 겪었다.

머리 감독은 이날 4명의 북한 선수를 22인 게임 라인업에 포함시켰다. 북한 공격수 정수현이 한수진, 이은지, 김세린, 박윤정과 함께 2라인에 배치됐고 북한 포워드 려송희도 김희원, 최지연, 조수지, 박예은과 3라인에 이름을 올렸다.

4라인에는 북한 공격수 김은향과 수비수 황충금이 고혜인, 임대넬, 조미환 등과 함께 포함됐다.

단일팀은 한반도기가 새겨진 파란 유니폼을 입고 이날 경기장에 모습을 드러냈다. 이전에 봤던 한국 대표팀 유니폼과 큰 차이는 없었지만, 태극기 대신에 한반도기가 전면에 자리한 것이 눈에 띄었다.

단일팀은 1피리어드 시작과 동시에 한수진, 최지연이 잇달아 페널티로 2분간 퇴장을 당하며 위기에 놓였다. 골리 신소정의 계속된 선방쇼로 위기를 넘긴 단일팀은 1피리어드 10분쯤 박종아가 첫 슈팅으로 포문을 열었다.

잘 버티던 단일팀은 1피리어드 막판 패스 미스가 빌미가 돼 선제골을 허용했다.

1피리어드 16분 16초에 링크 중앙에서 패스가 차단됐고, 페닐라 빈베리의 패스를 받은 레베카 스텐베리가 득점으로 연결시켰다. 링크 중앙에서 우리 패스가 차단됐고 페닐라 빈베리의 패스를 받은 레베카 스텐베리가 득점으로 연결했다. 

1피리어드 2분 10초를 남겨두고 사라 올손에게 추가골을 내주며 0-2까지 끌려가던 단일팀은 막판 주장 박종아의 만회골로 체면을 세웠다. 18분 15초에 박채린의 패스를 받은 박종아가 빠른 돌파 이후 강력한 슬랩샷으로 1-2를 만들었다.

하지만 상승세는 오래가지 않았다. 단일팀은 순간적으로 집중력이 무너지며 추가골을 허용했다. 1피리어드 종료 12초를 남겨두고 아나 보리퀴스트의 패스를 받은 에리카 그람이 절묘한 원타이머(패스를 받아서 논스톱으로 슈팅으로 연결)로 골네트를 갈랐다. 1피리어드 슈팅 숫자가 5-12로 밀릴 정도로 스웨덴의 공세에 어려움을 겪었다.

2피리어드에서도 단일팀은 스웨덴의 일방적인 공세에 시달렸다. 간간히 이진규의 역습이 나왔지만 위력은 떨어졌다.

계속 수세에 몰린 단일팀은 중반 이후 서서히 힘을 냈다. 2피리어드 13분에 박채린의 슈팅을 시작으로 곧바로 이진규가 역습 이후 강력한 슬랩샷을 날렸지만 골문을 빗나갔다.

곧바로 조미환의 날카로운 슈팅도 상대 골리의 선방에 막혔다. 이 정도를 제외하고는 스웨덴이 공격을 주도했다. 

단일팀은 2피리어드 유효 슈팅 숫자가 2-13을 기록했을 정도로 스웨덴의 맹공을 막아내는 데 급급했다.

홈 팬들의 응원에 힘입은 단일팀은 3피리어드 막판 반격에 나섰지만 득점까지 이어지진 못했다. 3피리어드 3분 30여 초를 남기고 파워플레이 기회를 잡고, 강하게 스웨덴 골문을 두드렸지만 상대의 벽은 높았다. 

박종아를 중심으로 한 단일팀의 슛은 번번이 스웨덴 수비벽에 막혔다. 결국 단일팀은 2골 차를 극복하지 못하고 1-3으로 패했다.

경기 후 스웨덴 아니 스베딘이 MVP에 뽑혔고, 박종아는 단일팀의 MVP에 이름을 올렸다. MVP는 승자와 패자 모두 선정한다.

Jack Whitehall Reveals Regret Over Crude Joke About The Queen Which Upset His Family

Jack Whitehall Reveals Regret Over Crude Joke About The Queen Which Upset His Family
Jack Whitehall has said he regrets making a crude joke about the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh.

The comedian said the remark about The Queen catching a urinary infection from the Duke Of Edinburgh on 2012’s Big Fat Quiz Of The Year had upset his family.

Appearing on BBC Radio 4′s ‘Desert Island Discs’ he admitted he is now a “lot more careful” about what he says and “self-censor[s] more”.

He said: “I have a relatively thick skin but I never wanted to drag them into it”.

After he made the joke on the Channel 4 quiz show a number of viewers made complaints to broadcast regulators OfCom, resulting in headlines “every day for a week”, which he admits caused friction with his family.

“That was not nice, because it was something I’d said that caused them upset and that was the bit that hurt the most,” he added.

The 29-year-old also admitted that that in the early stages of his career he did not give his family the “best version” of himself.

He said: “I got very bad at it. I’d come to life when on a show and I’d be upbeat and fun, and when I was with [my family], I was kind of twitchy and on edge and anxious about work.

“And then I took a conscious effort, I was like, I need to spend more time with them and be careful that I never do that and never take them for advantage, because I’m so close to my family, and they’re so supportive.”

‘Desert Island Discs’ is on BBC Radio 4 at 11.15am on Sundays, or listen later on iPlayer