Are We Missing The Bigger Picture?

Are We Missing The Bigger Picture?
The plastic-free debate that has been gaining momentum in the UK is hugely encouraging. Not only since Blue Planet do we know that plastic pollution is a massive problem for our environment. We see plastic bags on beaches, mountains of plastic in landfill and are reading horror stories on micro-plastics in fish.

Many pubs and bars are now avoiding plastic straws and there has been an outcry over increasingly ridiculous plastic packaging in supermarkets.

And with good reason. Conventional plastics are derived from petroleum and biodegrade extremely slowly – estimates range from 20 to 1,000 years for plastic bags.

The success of the bag charge in reducing plastic bag usage is encouraging – in only a few months after its introduction in October 2015, usage dropped by an estimated 85%. This bodes well for further, carefully considered regulation to nudge us as consumers to live more sustainably.

The ‘Latte Levy’ currently being considered would seem like a big step forward. Given the impact of the bag charge, could the levy help reduce our daily usage of seven million disposable, and often hard to recycle, coffee cups down to ‘just’ one million?

It would certainly be good news in terms of greenhouse gases. Number one sustainable lifestyle authority Lucy Siegle has a regular slot on reducing plastic on the One Show and an excellent column at the Observer – great resources if you need more ideas on how to reduce your carbon footprint without taking the fun out of life.

But, as useful as the debate around packaging is, two things stand out to me.

First – why only plastic bags and coffee cups? By all means, if you wait until you get to the office to make yourself a cup of coffee or shop with reusable bags, that’s fantastic and I applaud you. But why not think about waste and plastics more generally?

What about our wardrobes?

In the UK we discard around one million tonnes of clothing each year according to WRAP figures, so fashion is an important area of consumption to consider. According to government figures 2.5billion coffee cups are thrown away in the UK every year. Similarly, last year a study by Sainsburys and Oxfam estimated that consumers threw away 235million items of clothing in one month alone.

This would suggest that we are throwing away very roughly as many items of clothing a month as coffee cups.

Although some fashion brands have lowered their prices so radically over the past decade that the price of some garments are indeed within reaching distance of that of your morning coffee, on the whole this would strike most people as a staggering waste of money at the very least.

But on environmental grounds, this is also hugely problematic, not only because the amount of resources going into making a garment is most likely far larger than that of a disposable cup.

More importantly, so much of the clothing on the high street – ranging from cut price fast fashion all the way to the most premium labels – is made partly or completely of polyester, acrylic and the like, which is, you guessed it, essentially plastic. The majority of all sportswear is made of it, as is a lot of lingerie, and it is even sometimes mixed into premium price knitwear.

The issue is that so much of this ends up in landfill – an estimated 300,000 tonnes each year, or about a third of what we discard – and this plastic contained in clothing does not biodegrade easily either. Being petroleum-based, it is also highly flammable. Alex James demonstrates vividly with a blow torch in his insightful documentary ‘Slowing down fast fashion’.

Synthetic fabrics do have a place in clothing, such as in tights, sportswear, and it can also be nice in some other garments. But this need not mean new fabrics anymore. More and more fashion brands, such as those we stock at Sheer Apparel, use recycled synthetics in an intelligent way or use end of line fabric, if they don’t stay away from synthetics altogether.

If we are to take the plastic-free debate seriously, we must also look at our wardrobes. This includes considering fabric composition when we shop and buying quality that lasts.

Secondly – let’s consider the bigger picture of reducing waste overall.

As the owner of a growing business, I can’t help but feel for the poor team behind those unfortunately plastic-wrapped coconuts at Waitrose.

I am no expert on food waste in general, and coconut longevity in particular, but might it not be the case that, done sensibly, wrapping food in plastic (preferably recycled as well as recyclable) actually prevents food waste? And that the team behind those coconuts has thought this all through?

For most businesses, just like for households, plastic is not entirely avoidable, and should be used where it makes sense. For our business, for instance, that means using plastic to protect products that are of a high quality, are meant to last, and have taken a considerable amount of resources to make. And it means reusing as much of this plastic as is possible or recycling it. We share a video of a behind the scenes look at how we approach plastic packaging on our sustainability page.

Patagonia, the clothing company that places huge emphasis on sustainable practices, commissioned an interesting study into its own use of plastic in 2014. It concluded that using plastic wrapping in some areas of the business is essential, because, by protecting a garment, plastic can prevent the resources that went into making that garment from going to waste.

By all means let’s continue to talk about ridiculous plastic packaging.

But let’s also apply common sense and look at the overall aim – reducing waste across all areas of our daily lives.

52. Super Bowl im Live-Stream: NFL-Finale 2018 online sehen, so geht’s

52. Super Bowl im Live-Stream: NFL-Finale 2018 online sehen, so geht’s

  • Am 5. Februar um 0.30 Uhr unserer Zeit ist Anpfiff des 52. NFL Super Bowl
  • Den Live-Stream gibt es auch auf Dazn und “”
  • Das Video oben zeigt, wie ihr die Übertragung auf ProSieben im Internet sehen könnt

Der NFL Super Bowl 2018 im Live-Stream: Das größte Ereignis des Jahres der National Football League steht in der Nacht von Sonntag auf Montag bevor: der “Game Day”. Auch in Deutschland fiebern die Fans dem Mega-Event entgegen.

Beim diesjährigen NFL-Finale treffen die New England Patriots auf die Philadelphia Eagles.

Die Patriots sind klarer Favorit

Die New England Patriots mit Quarterback-Legende Tom Brady wollen beim 52. Super Bowl die Krone des American Football verteidigen.

► Das Team steht zum achten Mal im Finale, insgesamt ist es ihre zehnte Teilnahme. Als einziger Quarterback hat Brady (40) schon fünf Mal den Super Bowl gewonnen.

► Der Favorit wird herausgefordert von den Philadelphia Eagles. Für sie ist es die dritte Teilnahme. Ihr Sieg wäre eine Premiere.

Aber im Halbfinale konnten sich die Eagles deutlich gegen die Minnesota Vikings durchsetzen.

Wie ihr den Super Bowl im Internet sehen könnt

Fans können das Spiel im U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis verfolgen. Im deutschen Fernsehen läuft der Super Bowl am 5. Februar um 0.30 Uhr unserer Zeit auf ProSieben. Die Vorberichterstattung beginnt um 22.50 Uhr.

Wer das Mega-Event im Internet verfolgen will, wird gleich auf mehreren Seiten fündig.

So überträgt ProSieben auf der seiner Homepage das Spiel auch online. Der Live-Stream ist nach einer Anmeldung kostenlos abrufbar.

► ProSieben im Live-Stream

Auf dem Portal Dazn könnt ihr das Spiel mit dem englischen Original-Kommentar streamen. Das Abo ist für 9,99 Euro im Monat zu haben. Es gibt allerdings einen kostenlosen Probe-Monat.

► Sport auf Dazn online sehen

Kostenlos gibt es den Live-Stream zum Super Bowl auf dem Sportportal “” – jedoch mit deutschen Kommentaren.

► NFL im Live-Stream von “”

Die NFL selbst bietet zudem einen “Game Pass” an. Wer nur das Final-Spiel sehen möchte, bezahlt dafür 8,99 Euro – inklusive der Halbzeitshow und aller US-Werbespots.

► Super-Bowl-Übertragung auf der NFL-Seite abrufen

Weltweit werden fast eine Milliarde Menschen zusehen. In den USA sind es alleine etwa 110 Millionen vor den Fernsehgeräten, im Stadion sind etwa 73.000 Besucher. 

Die Show-Acts beim 52. Super Bowl

Die Nationalhymne vor dem Anpfiff singt in diesem Jahr Pink. Justin Timberlake tritt in der Halbzeitpause auf. Er performt bereits zum dritten Mal beim Finalspiel der US-amerikanischen Football-Liga.

► Bei seinem letzten Aufritt im Jahr 2004 sorgte er für den größten Skandal in der Geschichte des Super Bowl: Er entblößte die Brust von Janet Jackson.

Seitdem wird der Super Bowl mit einer Verzögerung von fünf Sekunden übertragen.

Das Finale in der US Bank Arena in Minneapolis

Das Finale selbst wird in Minneapolis im Bundesstaat Minnesota ausgetragen: Die US Bank Arena wurde 2016 als eines der modernsten Stadien der Welt für 1,1 Milliarden US-Dollar fertiggestellt.

Mit Außentemperaturen von 20 Grad unter Null dürfte der Super Bowl der kälteste der NFL-Geschichte werden.

Zu Minneapolis

Mit rund 382.000 Einwohnern ist Minneapolis für US-Verhältnisse eine eher kleine Stadt und etwas größer als Bochum. Zusammen mit der Zwillingsstadt St. Paul kommt die Region auf 3,5 Millionen Einwohner. Popstar Prince kam aus Minneapolis.

Donald Trump Jr. Calls Memo ‘Sweet Revenge’ for Him and His Family: WATCH

Donald Trump Jr. Calls Memo ‘Sweet Revenge’ for Him and His Family: WATCH
Donald Trump Jr. sweet revenge

Appearing on FOX News Sunday, Donald Trump Jr. called the release of the Nunes memo “sweet revenge” for him and his family.

Said Trump: “There is a little bit of sweet revenge in it for me and certainly probably the family in a sense that if they wouldn’t have done this, this stuff would be going on. This would be going on at the highest levels of government. They’d be continuing doing it to my father, trying to undermine his actions.”

.@DonaldJTrumpJr on the memo: “Imagine how effective [@realDonaldTrump] can be, given the year he’s had, without this cloud over his head.”

— Fox News (@FoxNews) February 4, 2018

Unfortunately for Trump Jr., what has been revealed by the memo is that George Papadopoulos, not the Steele dossier, triggered the investigation into the Trump campaign:

A four-page memo released by the House Intelligence Committee on Friday alleges that the FBI and the Department of Justice used politically motivated intelligence to obtain surveillance warrants for former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. But the memo’s final paragraph admits that federal law enforcement’s probe into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia was triggered by a different loud-mouthed campaign adviser rather than the controversial Steele dossier.

“The Page FISA application also mentions information regarding fellow Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, but there is no evidence of any cooperation or conspiracy between Page and Papadopoulos,” the Nunes memo reads. “The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok.”

The memo also reveals that the FBI was already on former Trump adviser Carter Page, who bragged that he was an adviser to the Kremlin in 2013.

The post Donald Trump Jr. Calls Memo ‘Sweet Revenge’ for Him and His Family: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Donald Trump Jr. Calls Memo ‘Sweet Revenge’ for Him and His Family: WATCH

Hamburger SV – Hannover 96 im Live-Stream: Bundesliga online sehen

Hamburger SV – Hannover 96 im Live-Stream: Bundesliga online sehen

  • Der Hamburger SV empfängt um 18 Uhr Hannover 96
  • Das Video zeigt, wie ihr die Erste Bundesliga im Internet sehen könnt

Hamburger SV – Hannover 96 im Live-Stream: Der 21. Spieltag endet. Der HSV braucht im Abstiegskampf gegen Hannover dringend einen Sieg.

►  Trainer Hollerbach hat wieder neuen Schwung reingebracht – und lässt nach sieben Spielen ohne Sieg hoffen. Und: Der HSV ist seit sieben Spielen ohne Sieg. Drei seiner vier Siege hat der HSV zu Hause geholt.

►  Hannover schwächelt. In den jüngsten zehn Spielen gab es nur zwei Siege.

Beim HSV droht Jung wegen eines Hexenschusses auszufallen. Dafür steht Ekdal wieder bereit. Bei Hannover hat sich Torjäger Füllkrug zurückgemeldet.

Hamburger SV – Hannover 96 im Live-Stream

► Am Sonntag überträgt Sky Sport 1 überträgt ab 17.30 Uhr die Begegnung von HSV und 96

Sky-Abonnenten können die beiden Angebote auch im Live-Stream sehen – und zwar auf Sky Go.

► Bundesliga auf Sky Go (Abo)

Sunday Shows Round-Up: ‘Snake Oil Salesmen’, Ministers’ Rift Over Customs Deal And Katie Price

Sunday Shows Round-Up: ‘Snake Oil Salesmen’, Ministers’ Rift Over Customs Deal And Katie Price
As reports emerge that Theresa May is set to face a Brexiteer challenge to her premiership, her ministers went before the cameras to do battle – with each other.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd and Housing Minister Dominic Raab offered opposing views on what the UK would reach a customs deal with the EU within minutes of one another.

Rudd insisted Theresa May was “open minded” on a deal “within the customs framework”, on the Andrew Marr Show, while Raab told Robert Peston later the UK would not be staying in a customs union of “any form”.

It comes ahead of ministerial crunch talks on Brexit this week and as reports emerged that Brexiteers were lining up a “dream team” – Boris Johnson as PM, Michael Gove as Deputy PM and Jacob Rees-Mogg as Chancellor – to replace May should she try to keep Britain in the customs union with the EU.

But it was a day of divisions on the Sunday shows, with Labour big hitters also at loggerheads.

The Andrew Marr Show

Former leader of Labour-run Haringey Council, Clare Kober, who resigned last week citing bullying and sexism from members of her own party was first up on the BBC Andrew Marr Show.

Significantly, she told Marr that she had not raised complaints about bullying with he party’s ruling body, the National Executive Committee, as she had no faith its members would act on the complaints.

Her controversial plan for a public-private housing deal, the Haringey Development Vehicle – which Jeremy Corbyn hinted he viewed as a form of “social cleansing” – now looks to be dead in the water after the NEC intervened to pause it.

Leader of @haringeycouncil@ClaireKober tells #marr that in the last two years, she has experienced “threats, bullying, intimidation and sexism” “I don’t believe a man would have been treated the same way”— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) February 4, 2018
Kober also recounted some disturbing incidents.

“In the last two years, my experience has been that I have experienced more threats, more bullying, more intimidation than in the previous eight years put together,” she said.

“It’s absolutely sexist and that runs from the way I was treated by the National Executive Committee just last week, and I don’t believe a man would have been treated the same way, through to examples in council meetings where party members have shouted at me and sung a Police song ‘Every Breath You Take’ as a means of intimidating me – that is a song about stalking. A man would not have been treated that way.”

Former NEC member and Shadow Health Secretary Jonathan Ashworth, speaking later on the BBC Sunday Politics show, said it sounded to him like Kober has legitimate complaints.

.@JonAshworth suggests @ClaireKober should report her complaints to the NEC. “But you’ve reached a point where a senior member in the party doesn’t trust the NEC to sort this out because she thinks they’re part of the problem, not the answer” says— BBC Daily Politics and Sunday Politics (@daily_politics) February 4, 2018
Ashworth, who until 18 months ago was a member of the NEC, said the body “would look at that very seriously”.

He said, however, that “a substantial number of councillors on Haringey asked the NEC to intervene” and “it’s clear that there’s two sides of the story and both feel extremely strongly.”

He added anyone found to have expressed anti-semitic views would be thrown out of the Labour Party.

Next up was former Business Secretary Vince Cable.

The Lib Dems are one of the only parties united on Brexit, said Cable, who insisted he is enjoying his job as party leader, reminding Andrew Marr that a year ago, he was not even an elected politician.

“We are winning the public argument which is having a vote on the final deal” @vincecable says he is urging Labour and Jeremy Corbyn to support this position too— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) February 4, 2018
“We are winning the public argument, which is essentially that we have a vote on the final deal and I am very comfortable that we are in the right place.

″I’m currently trying to press the Labour Party and Jeremy Corbyn in particular to come out and support this position, which most of his supporters wished he had.”

Cable said that the Government was “making a terrible mess of the negotiations” but admitted there had been little movement in public support for Brexit.

Marr put it to Cable that unless Corbyn’s Labour Party was supportive of backing a vote on the final deal, the policy was a “dead duck”.

Cable disagreed and claimed Corbyn will eventually come under “enormous pressure” to change his position as there was a “simmering anger” among pro-Remain Labour MPs and members.

Outgoing Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams described Corbyn as an “outstanding politician” and backed the Labour leader as the next PM.

Brexit was “disastrous” for all of the island of Ireland, said Adams, and he still believes a deal can be reached to restore devolution at Stormont.

Corbyn and Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell have previously faced criticism over their past dealings with Sinn Fein, including an occasion when they met the party at Westminster in the 1990s, before the IRA ceasefire.

Adams said Corbyn and former mayor Ken Livingstone were among the politicians who “kept faith” in peace talks.

He told Marr: “I would like to see Jeremy in that position [as PM] for the benefit of people in Britain, leaving Ireland out of it.

“I think Jeremy is an outstanding politician and I hope my endorsement of him is not used against him in the time ahead.

“He and (former London Mayor) Ken Livingstone and others kept faith and they were the people who said, when others said no, talk.”

Asked why he had not joined the IRA in the past, Adams said: “I have never distanced myself from the IRA.”

Next up was Home Secretary Amber Rudd, who insisted to Marr the Government was “not intimidated” by Brexiteers in her party.

.@AmberRuddHR says Britain will “absolutely grow” after Brexit “depending on the actions we take” “The wealth of a country is not made entirely by trade”— The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) February 4, 2018
Amid reports of a plot brewing against the PM, she said: “I have surprise for the Brexiteers which is the (Cabinet) sub committee that meets in order to help make these decisions is more united than they think. 

“We meet in the committee. We meet privately for discussions. I think that we will arrive at something which suits us all.

“There will be choices to be made within that but we all want the same thing which is to arrive at a deal which works for the UK.”

She also said that the Government would back staying in a kind of customs arrangement – something later strongly refuted by her colleague Dominic Raab – the housing minister.

Rudd said: “She [the PM] has an open mind on it. We published a document last year saying how we would do it and we proposed either a customs arrangement or a customs partnership. Those are both alternatives we could look at.”

Former speeches on Brexit made by the PM were put to Rudd, and she said: “I think what she is highlighting there is we do not want to have tariffs at the border so that is a form of customs agreement, arrangement, partnership.”

Rees-Mogg has said he is “suspicious” of how Treasury officials operate, and that their economic models, which show the UK will be worse off in every Brexit scenario bar remaining in the Customs Union, amount to “fiddling the figures” in favour of Remain.

But Rudd came out in defence of civil servants, saying they had her “complete confidence”, before adding: “I’m very surprised at Jacob because he is famously courteous, famously thoughtful, famously articulate so I’m very surprised that he has used that language.

“They are wrong, he is wrong here.”

She also responded to criticism of Brexit minister Steve Baker, who last week aired a false claim in the House of Commons about a think tank’s boss claiming Treasury officials were pro-Remain.

Rudd said: I think that Steve Baker has had an interesting week this week, when he also, over the whole debate about what was said when, was gracious enough to issue an apology.”

One particular report in the Sunday papers said that Rudd would become Chancellor in a Government led by Boris Johnson.

Replying to whether Rudd could serve under Johnson, she said: “That is such a difficult question on so many different levels, I’m going to pass.”

Peston on Sunday

After a bruising week for Treasury officials, Robert Peston’s first interview was with Lord Gus O’Donnell, the former head of the UK Civil Service.

Former Cabinet Secretary @Gus_ODonnell unimpressed by Brexiteer attacks on the civil service: “if you’re selling snake oil you don’t like the experts testing your product”— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) February 4, 2018
He labelled claims civil servants were working to sabotage Brexit “completely crazy”, comparing Brexiteers to “snake oil salesmen” who, instead of accepting objective analysis on the economy, were trying to “shoot the messenger”.

“The truth is civil servants operate by the civil service code,” he said. “The values are honesty, objectivity, integrity, impartiality.

“Their job is to look at the evidence and present it as best they can, analyse the uncertainties … but that’s what they do, they’re objective and impartial.

“And I think what you find is that tends to get accepted very nicely when it agrees with someone’s prior beliefs, but actually, when someone doesn’t like the answer, quite often they decide to shoot the messenger.”

“It would be like you and I negotiating with you knowing exactly what you want and I haven’t got a clue. You’re going to win.” .@Gus_ODonnell urges Theresa May and the Government to soon decide what they want from Brexit.— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) February 4, 2018
He said the civil service seemed to be facing “one of the most sustained attacks” on its integrity in living memory by serving ministers, before adding: “We look at the evidence and we go where it is.

“Of course if you are selling snake oil, you don’t like the idea of experts testing your products.

“And I think that’s what we’ve got, this backlash against evidence and experts is because they know where the experts will go.”

Next up was Shadow Attorney General Shami Chakrabarti who, after hearing Kober’s remarks on the Andrew Marr Show, admitted the Labour Party must do more to shift sexism and antisemitism from the party.

She insisted, however, that any report made to the NEC would be investigated.

On the weekend marking 100 years since women got the vote, Chakbrabarti was also asked about the gender pay gap at the BBC.

Asked if she thought the Director General Tony Hall should resign, she said: “I don’t think he has done enough [to tackle the pay gap], I will say that, but I don’t feel like calling for anyone’s demise today.”

Peston then interviewed Dominic Raab, Housing Minister.

Responding to speculation about a post-Brexit customs union with the EU, @DominicRaab insists the government have been clear: we are leaving.— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) February 4, 2018
He was categorical that the PM would not support the UK remaining in a customs union – directly contradicting government colleague Rudd.

“I don’t think we’ll be in any form of customs union, at least as conceived in international trade practice,” he said.

“Because if we were we would have our hands tied in negotiating free trade deals with other parts of the world, whether it’s Brazil, whether it’s China or India.

“The Prime Minister has been very clear we want to be able to grasp those opportunities.”

.@DominicRaab says there is not a “fag paper” between members of the Cabinet on the matter of negotiating third party trade deals.— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) February 4, 2018
He also insisted there were no divisions within the party on trade.

″I’m pretty sure I haven’t said anything about resignation to anyone in the media or otherwise, and I’m not talking about that.”

“One of the reasons, one of the key advantages, one of the opportunities from leaving the EU is to have a more energetic approach to free trade.

“The PM has been in favour of that all along.”

He pointed to May’s journey to China and creating a Department for International Trade as evidence, adding: “There is absolutely not a fag paper between anyone on that issue.”

Reacting to Kober’s interview on Marr, Labour MP Stella Creasy said: “I think a lot of us have concerns.”

She added: “I myself know how difficult it is to complain when you are a target for this stuff. I’ve seen it in my local community. I’ve seen it nationally.”

.@stellacreasy reacts to the resignation of @ClaireKober and insists it is time for @UKLabour to act more strongly on anti-semitism and misogyny.— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) February 4, 2018
 Reality TV star Katie Price also spoke to Peston.

She revealed how internet trolls made “sex videos” of her disabled son Harvey.

Price is campaigning to make online abuse a specific criminal offence and will this week give evidence to a Commons committee.

Her 15-year-old son Harvey – who is partially blind, autistic and has Prader-Willi syndrome – was hit with abuse on Twitter last year by an unnamed 19-year-old who received a caution from Sussex Police.

After her son suffered trolling on social media @KatiePrice explains why she thinks we don’t do enough to cut out online abuse.— Peston on Sunday (@pestononsunday) February 4, 2018
Price won the backing of MPs Stella Creasy and John Whittingdale for her campaign as she opened up in a TV interview about some of the disturbing abuse her son was subjected to.

Labour MP Creasy said: “What happened to Katie’s son is horrific and completely unacceptable.

“My frustration as somebody who has always experienced this is all too often it seems an issue about malicious communications, actually there is legislation around harassment.”

BBC Sunday Politics

“We cannot allow the hard-left to create a situation where people feel so intimidated that they’re not prepared to come forward and have their say” – @BrandonLewis tells— BBC Daily Politics and Sunday Politics (@daily_politics) February 4, 2018
Sarah Smith’s first interviewee was Conservative Party Chairman Brandon Lewis.

He is calling for members of all political parties to sign up to a ‘respect pledge’, which stipulates that people standing for Parliament to “behave responsibly and show respect” to others.

Conservative candidates who insult rivals will be suspended, he has previously said.

Lewis is also drawing up plans to tackle intimidation in public life. His appearance comes after a week in which Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg was involved in a scuffle with political opponents at a speaking engagement.

Conservative Party Chairman @BrandonLewis tells #bbcsp that negotiating Brexit “is a very serious and complicated piece of work” after arch Brexiteer@bernardjenkin accused the government of being “vague” and “divided” over Brexit.— BBC Daily Politics and Sunday Politics (@daily_politics) February 4, 2018
Lewis attempted to blame the hard left for the majority of the abuse, but when told by Smith that bad behaviour came from across the political spectrum he said: “I do agree with you, that people with views on the centre, right and left should have the freedom and the knowledge that they can come forward as a candidate.”

The Conservatives will also strengthen electoral law to stop candidates facing intimidation at their home, the former Housing Minister said.

Smith also picked out criticism in the Sunday papers from Bernard Jenkin, which accused the Government of being “vague” and “divided” over Brexit.

Lewis said withdrawal was a “serious and complicated piece of work” and said ministers would be thrashing out detail during meetings this week.