Dow Jones Plunge, Eagles White House Boycott, Spice Girls, Chicago, Jennifer Lawrence, Sam Smith: HOT LINKS

Dow Jones Plunge, Eagles White House Boycott, Spice Girls, Chicago, Jennifer Lawrence, Sam Smith: HOT LINKS
Dana Scully

DOW JONES PLUNGE. Dow drops 1,178 points, the largest point drop in history.

TORONTO. Vigil held for victims of alleged serial killer.

SUPER BOWL CHAMPS. Some Eagles planning to boycott White House visit: “Wide receiver Torrey Smith, defensive end Chris Long, and safety Malcolm Jenkins are among the players planing to boycott visiting President Donald J. Trump.”

THE SUPER BOWL ADS. A wrap-up from Dlisted.

CHICAGO. Knife-wielding robber targets two men after meeting them on Grindr: “The attacks happened at two apartments, one in the Ravenswood neighborhood and the other in the Buena Park neighborhood, according to Chicago police. Chicago police said a man’s finger was cut off during an argument in the city’s Buena Park neighborhood.”

ALL SPICE. The Spice Girls came together for a new photo.

NORTH CAROLINA. “Architect of HB2” gets primary challenger: ‘Sen. Dan Bishop, the man called the “Architect of HB2,” for crafting and sponsoring the anti-LGBTQ law that nulified non-discrimination ordinances in North Carolina, will face a primary challenger. Beth Monaghan is running against him explicitly in opposition to House Bill 2, and its replacement, the so-called repeal law House Bill 142, that maintains that anti-LGBTQ status quo in place. Cities and municipalities still have to run non-discrimination ordinances and bathroom and locker room policies past the state’s Republican controlled General Assembly.’

FLY EAGLES FLY. Jennifer Lawrence annoys everyone aboard her Delta airlines flight.

MONTANA. Billings church hit with anti-gay graffiti, again: “That is a sign of some seriously dark stuff,” she said. “We’re going to pray for those people.”

TOLEDO. Anti-LGBTQ Christian group buys gay nightclub to use as its house of worship: “Bretz nightclub, one of Ohio’s oldest gay bars and a popular gathering place for young gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, and transgender people, closed abruptly in late December. The Greater Toledo House of Prayer statements of belief on its website show it views LGBTQ people as immoral, stating that it considers homosexuality, bisexuality, and having a gender identity different than the birth sex chromosomal level are against the group’s values.”

SPEAKING OUT. Uma Thurman is spilling about her sexual assault by Harvey Weinstein.

HACKING DANGERS? How Grindr and Jack’d can put your privacy at risk.

GAY VACATION NEWS OF THE DAY. Sam Smith reveals what happened on his Australian vacation. “I eat a lot of cheese. I drink a lot of alcohol. And then get very burnt in the sun because I don’t tan.”

AD OF THE DAY. Cyprus Air Heating, Cooling and Fireplaces.


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The post Dow Jones Plunge, Eagles White House Boycott, Spice Girls, Chicago, Jennifer Lawrence, Sam Smith: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Dow Jones Plunge, Eagles White House Boycott, Spice Girls, Chicago, Jennifer Lawrence, Sam Smith: HOT LINKS

Wall Street In Turmoil As Dow Jones Plummets 1,150 Points – Its Largest Single-Day Drop Ever

Wall Street In Turmoil As Dow Jones Plummets 1,150 Points – Its Largest Single-Day Drop Ever
US stocks plunged during a highly volatile day of Wall Street trading with the Dow Jones falling by more than 1,150 points, erasing all the gains it has made for the year.

At the end of a rollercoaster day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by 1,175.21 points, or 4.6%, to 24,345.75.

At one point, the Dow fell 6.3 percent or 1,597 points, as it breached both the 25,000 and 24,000 levels during trading.

Fears of interest rate rises in the US in an effort to keep inflation under control  are making markets nervous.

The S&P 500 and Nasdaq indices, both key benchmarks of Wall Street, were also down considerably.

Stocks close down more than 4 percent, the biggest drop since 2011; Dow falls 1,179 points
The decline followed months of market increases, which had fuelled concerns that share prices were over valued.

The Dow’s biggest point loss until now was a 777-point drop in the global economic crisis of September 2008.

The stock market has climbed to record peaks since President Donald Trump’s election and remains up 23.8% since his victory.

Unlike many if his predecessors, Trump has frequently touted the rise of the stock market during his presidency.

As the stock market fell on Monday, the White House said the fundamentals of the US economy are strong.

London’s main share index, the FTSE 100, had earlier closed down 1.46%, and the biggest markets in Asia fell between 1% and 2.5%.

Many investors have been bracing fora backdraft for months, as the stock market has reached record high after record high with investors encouraged by solid economic data and prospects of corporate profits, the latter bolstered by recently passed tax cuts.

Friday’s January jobs report sparked worries over inflation and a surge in bond yields, as well as concerns that the Federal Reserve will raise rates at a faster pace than expected.

Trump Accuses ‘Un-American’ Democrats of ‘Treason’ for Not Clapping During His State of the Union Address

Trump Accuses ‘Un-American’ Democrats of ‘Treason’ for Not Clapping During His State of the Union Address
trump treason

Donald Trump, whose campaign is under investigation for colluding with Russia during the 2016 election, accused Democrats of “treasonous” behavior for not clapping during his State of the Union address.

“You have the [Democrats] – even on positive news…they were like death. And un-American. Somebody said ‘treasonous.’ I mean, yeah, I guess. Why not? Can we call that treason? Why not?”

Trump likens the reaction of Democrats during State of the Union to “treason,” says it’s “un-American.” (via ABC)

— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) February 5, 2018

No. Treason is colluding with Russians to win an election.

Earlier, in the spit take tweet of the day, Trump followed up his attacks on Congressman Adam Schiff by piling praise on “Great American Hero” Rep. Devin Nunes (above, right), who prepared the GOP memo which Trump wrongly declared “totally vindicates” him in the Russia investigation.

Tweeted Trump: “Representative Devin Nunes, a man of tremendous courage and grit, may someday be recognized as a Great American Hero for what he has exposed and what he has had to endure!”

Representative Devin Nunes, a man of tremendous courage and grit, may someday be recognized as a Great American Hero for what he has exposed and what he has had to endure!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 5, 2018

Trump also attacked Nunes’ fellow House Intel Committee member Schiff.

Tweeted Trump: “Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper! Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information. Must be stopped!”

Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper! Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information. Must be stopped!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 5, 2018

Schiff has consistently called out the nonsense tactics of the House Intel Committee Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA), so it makes sense Trump would come for him.

Schiff responded on Twitter: ‘Mr. President, I see you’ve had a busy morning of “Executive Time.” Instead of tweeting false smears, the American people would appreciate it if you turned off the TV and helped solve the funding crisis, protected Dreamers or…really anything else.’

Mr. President, I see you’ve had a busy morning of “Executive Time.” Instead of tweeting false smears, the American people would appreciate it if you turned off the TV and helped solve the funding crisis, protected Dreamers or…really anything else.

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) February 5, 2018

Schiff rebutted Trump’s claim over the weekend that the Nunes memo “totally vindicates” him in the Russia investigation.

Said Schiff to George Stephanopoulos on ABC News’ This Week: “Of course not at all. What the memo indicates is the investigation didn’t begin with Carter Page, it actually began with George Papadopoulos, someone who was a foreign policy adviser for candidate Trump and someone who was meeting secretly with the Russians and talking about the stolen Clinton e-mails. So quite to the contrary, even this very flawed memo demonstrates what the origin of the investigation was and that origin involved the issue of collusion.”

Trump also praised state TV news channel: “Thank you to @foxandfriends for exposing the truth. Perhaps that’s why your ratings are soooo much better than your untruthful competition!”

Thank you to @foxandfriends for exposing the truth. Perhaps that’s why your ratings are soooo much better than your untruthful competition!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 5, 2018

And attacked the Democrats on healthcare: “The Democrats are pushing for Universal HealthCare while thousands of people are marching in the UK because their U system is going broke and not working. Dems want to greatly raise taxes for really bad and non-personal medical care. No thanks!”

The Democrats are pushing for Universal HealthCare while thousands of people are marching in the UK because their U system is going broke and not working. Dems want to greatly raise taxes for really bad and non-personal medical care. No thanks!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 5, 2018

The post Trump Accuses ‘Un-American’ Democrats of ‘Treason’ for Not Clapping During His State of the Union Address appeared first on Towleroad.

Trump Accuses ‘Un-American’ Democrats of ‘Treason’ for Not Clapping During His State of the Union Address

Trump lobt im TV seine Steuer-Reform – plötzlich bricht der Dow Jones ein

Trump lobt im TV seine Steuer-Reform – plötzlich bricht der Dow Jones ein
Donald Trump jauchzt, die Börse crasht.

  • Die US-Börse hat einen historischen Einknick erlebt
  • Ausgerechnet als US-Präsident Trump seine Steuerpolitik pries, brach Panik am Markt aus

“Wir haben richtig was geschafft”, jubelt US-Präsident Donald Trump. Die Menschen hinter ihm tragen Bart und Kappe, manche von ihnen mit “Make America Great Again”-Schriftzug. Sie applaudieren. 

Plötzlich schaltet der konservative Sender Fox News in der Live-Übertragung um. Für eine Sondermeldung. Donald Trump, der gerade im TV seine große Steuerreform anpreisen darf, wird zur Nebensache.

► Denn: Die US-Börse hat gerade einen historischen Abrutscher erlebt.

Der Sender @FoxNews unterbricht gerade die Liveübertragung einer Rede von Präsident #Trump, in der er den Effekt seiner Steuerreform auf die Börse rühmt, um als #BreakingNews über einen Kursrutsch des #DowJones zu berichten.

— Jan Philipp Burgard (@JPBurgard) February 5, 2018

Der Investor Christian W. Röhl analysiert bei Twitter: Es war der größte Verlust binnen 5 Minuten, den der Dow Jones je erlitten hat.

Und so sieht das aus, wenn die Trading-Computer einfach mal ‘ne Runde freidrehen. #DowJones binnen 5 Minuten mit dem größten (Intraday-)Verlust der Historie… Vielleicht wär ‘ne globale #Finanztransaktionssteuer doch nicht so schlecht!?

— Christian W. Röhl (@CWRoehl) February 5, 2018

Wie kam es zu dem Abfall?

Zeitweise rutscht der Index gar um über 1500 Punkte ab. Das ist höchst ungewöhnlich. Das “Handelsblatt” spricht von einem “freien Fall”.

Starke Konjunkturdaten heizen die Sorge an, dass die Zinsen schneller als erwartet steigen. Am 26. Januar hatte der Dow bei 26.616 Punkten noch ein Rekordhoch erreicht.

Nun fiel er kurzzeitig unter 24.000 Punkte.

Was hat das mit Trump zu tun?

Die “Zeit” analysiert, dass Trumps Steuergeschenke an Superreiche und die hohen Kreditaufnahmen der US-Regierung in Zeiten der guten Konjunktur höchst problematisch sein können.

Denn: Viele Unternehmen haben bereits Schwierigkeiten, offene Stellen zu besetzen. Es drohen Lohnsteigerungen. Die wiederum werden die Preise in die Höhe treiben, die Inflation steigt.

“Darauf dürfte die Notenbank mit höheren Zinsen reagieren – und höhere Zinsen sind Gift für die Börsen”, beschreibt die “Zeit” das Dilemma. Durch Donald Trumps konjunkturpolitisch “extrem schlecht getimtes milliardenschweres Steuergeschenk” steige das Risiko einer ungeordneten Kurskorrektur.

► ”Es ist nicht mehr auszuschließen, dass der Crash kommt”, so die “Zeit” am Montagmorgen.

Vielleicht hat er heute Abend bereits begonnen. Ausgerechnet, als Trump sich für seine Steuerpolitik feiern lassen will.

Skurrile Situation: In den USA rauscht der Dow Jones grad richtig massiv ins Minus. Zeitgleich lässt sich Donald Trump für seine Tax Reform feiern.

— Martin Hoffmann (@martinhoffmann) February 5, 2018