박찬호 추신수로 재미 못본 TEX, 오승환과 궁합은?

박찬호 추신수로 재미 못본 TEX, 오승환과 궁합은?

텍사스가 품은 세 번째 코리안 메이저리거가 등장했다. 주인공은 오승환(36)이다. 앞선 두 차례 대형 계약에서 재미를 못본 텍사스가 오승환으로 이를 달랠 수 있을까.

미 언론들은 7일(한국시간) 일제히 오승환과 텍사스의 계약 소식을 전했다. 양 측은 메디컬 테스트만 남겨두고 있는 상황이다. 보도에 따르면, 텍사스는 1+1년 최대 725만 달러를 제시해 오승환의 사인을 받아냈다. 첫 해인 2018년 연봉은 275만 달러. 2년차 옵션은 클럽에게 있으며, 발효시 450만 달러 연봉으로 계약하게 된다. 이 경우 2년 총액 725만 달러 계약이 성립한다. 매년 100만 달러 옵션까지 달성한다면 총액은 925만 달러까지 뛴다. 

아메리칸리그 서부지구 소속 텍사스는 1961년 창단, 1972년부터 현재 이름을 쓰고 있다. 미국 텍사스주 알링턴의 글로브라이프파크를 홈구장으로 사용한다. 메이저리그를 대표하는 인기 구단 중 하나로 손꼽힌다.

텍사스는 한국 팬들에게도 친숙하다. 박찬호가 뛰었고, 추신수가 뛰고 있는 팀이기 때문이다. LA 다저스에 입단한 박찬호는 ‘코리안특급’이라는 별명에 걸맞게 1997년부터 2001년까지 5년간 75승을 쓸어담았다. FA 자격을 얻자 러브콜이 빗발쳤고, 텍사스와 5년 6500만 달러 계약을 맺었다. 당시 기준 초고액 계약이었다.

하지만 텍사스에서는 냉정히 말해 성공보다 실패에 가까웠다. 부상 탓에 번번이 제 기량을 선보이지 못했다. 2002년 첫 시즌 9승8패, 평균자책점 5.75를 기록한 게 그 시작이었다. 2005시즌 트레이드로 샌디에이고 이적할 때까지 한 차례도 10승 고지에 오르지 못했다. 텍사스에서 기록한 성적은 4시즌 68경기 선발등판, 22승23패, 평균자책점 5.79가 전부였다.

 텍사스는 이후 또 한 번 한국인을 영입한다. 이번에는 추신수였다. 추신수는 2013시즌 종료 후 텍사스와 7년 1억3000만 달러(약 1515억 원) 규모의 대형 FA(자유계약선수) 계약을 맺었다. 국내, 혹은 아시아 선수는 물론 그 당시 전체 FA 시장을 살펴봐도 눈에 띄는 고액이었다. 그만큼 기대가 컸다.

그러나 추신수는 계약 첫해인 2014시즌 123경기 타율 2할4푼2리, 13홈런, 40타점으로 부진했다. 2015년에는 149경기서 22홈런, 82타점을 기록하며 어느 정도 체면 치레했으나 2016년은 부상에 울었다. 네 차례나 부상자명단(DL)에 이름을 올렸고, 48경기 출장에 그쳤다. 

이적 3년간 320경기 출장이 고작이었다. 이때부터 텍사스 현지 언론을 비롯한 미 여론이 싸늘하게 돌아섰다. 추신수는 지난해 149경기서 타율 2할6푼1리, 22홈런, 78타점에 그쳤다. 큰 부상 없이 시즌을 완주했음에도 기대에 못 미친 것. 추신수의 4년간 WAR(대체선수대비승리기여도)은 4.9에 그친다. 연 평균 1.2승 정도 기여한 데 그친 셈이다. 

텍사스로서는 박찬호와 추신수에게 기대만큼의 성과를 뽑아내지 못했다. 그런 가운데 오승환을 품었다. 텍사스의 세 번째 메이저리거 오승환은 과연 어떤 모습일까. 



保育園の“使用済みオムツ” フランスは持ち帰らないのが当たり前。なのに日本は…

保育園の“使用済みオムツ” フランスは持ち帰らないのが当たり前。なのに日本は…












フランスも日本も、保育園の運用ルールには国や自治体の指針があるはずだ。それなのにどうして、このような違いが発生するのだろう? 特に「排泄物の処理」という、公衆衛生の基本であるべき部分で。


























・ 糞便処理の手順の徹底

・ 交換場所の特定(手洗い場がある場所を設定し、食事の場等との交差を避ける)

・ 交換後の手洗いの徹底

・ 使用後のおむつの衛生管理(蓋つきの容器に保管)及び保管場所の消毒





















「トイレ対応は各園で安全・衛生のルール統一がなされていないのですが、『保育』の教育や、自治体主体の研修等である程度『常識』ができているため、ふつうの園で『危険だ・不衛生だ』と感じることはありません。この点で行政がマニュアルを与えることは却って保育士や現場に負担が増えるように思います。 ただ、『オムツは園で廃棄。回収費用はすべて国の負担』など、事業所と保護者の負担が共に減るルールなら歓迎です」 









(文:髙崎順子 編集:笹川かおり)


Poundland’s #NSFW Teabagging Elf Advert Banned For ‘Demeaning Women’

Poundland’s #NSFW Teabagging Elf Advert Banned For ‘Demeaning Women’
Poundland has been banned from reusing a series of ads created for its 2017 Christmas campaign, one of which included a nod to the sexual act of teabagging.

The ad, which divided the internet when it was posted on Poundland’s Twitter and Facebook pages on 21 December, featured an image of a toy elf holding a tea bag between its legs with a female doll lying beneath it.

The NSFW advert originally included a box of Twinings tea in the background along with the caption: “How do you take your tea, one lump or two?” But after the tea manufacturer complained about the “misuse” of its product, Poundland posted a second edited image, along with the caption: “Spot the difference”.

The teabagging ad is just one from Poundland’s #ElfBehavingBad campaign that has now been banned by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), after the regulator received 85 complaints about the “sexualised” depictions of toys.

Another now-banned ad from the campaign showed a toy elf and a bottle of de-icer placed in front of a car windscreen. The elf appeared to have drawn a pair of breasts in the ice and the ad was accompanied by the caption: “Oh Elf, we know it’s nippy outside but not that kind of nippy! #ElfBehavingBad”.

Another ad featured a moving graphic of the toy elf with a toothbrush placed between its legs whilst motioning back and forth. The caption stated: “That’s one way to scratch that itch. That’s not Santa’s toothbrush is it?!”.

Other banned ads from the campaign included:

:: An ad that featured a toy elf in a sink filled with bubbles sitting with two female dolls, taking a selfie. The caption stated: “Rub-a-dub-dub, three in a tub. A night of ‘Selfies and chill’. #ElfBehavingBad.”

:: An ad that featured an elf sitting on a toy donkey’s back with the caption: “Don’t tell Rudolph I’ve found a new piece of ass.”

:: An ad that featured an elf playing a game of cards with three unclothed dolls. The caption stated: “Joker, joker. I really want to poker.”

:: An ad that featured an image of the toy elf next to a drawing of a phallic-shaped tree with the caption: “That’s one very prickly Christmas tree.”

In response to complaints, Poundland said the elf campaign was “based on humour and double entendres” and was not intended to offend anyone. A spokesperson stated a large number of people found the campaign to be humorous, engaging, and “in line with what it meant to be British”.

They also stated Twitter and Facebook have policies which prevent under-13s from creating accounts, saying Poundland had “never sought to encourage anyone other than adults to follow Poundland on these social networks”.

But the ASA ruled the ads were “irresponsible and were likely to cause serious or widespread offence”, banning them from appearing again. “We noted the ads had been shared widely on social media and therefore would have been seen by a large number of people, including some children, who did not actively follow Poundland on social media,” the ASA said.

“We considered the depiction of a child’s toy in relation to such sexual references and acts in a medium which could also be accessed by children was irresponsible and likely to cause serious or widespread offence, therefore breaching the Code.”

The ASA added some of the ads, including the teabagging ad, “presented the female dolls in a manner which could be seen as demeaning to women”.

“The ads must not appear again in their current form,” it concluded. “We told Poundland Ltd to ensure that their advertising was presented with a sense of responsibility and did not cause serious or widespread offence.”


Illinois GOP Lawmaker Says She’s ‘a Little Bit Surprised’ by ‘Hysteria’ Around Her Transphobic Ad

Illinois GOP Lawmaker Says She’s ‘a Little Bit Surprised’ by ‘Hysteria’ Around Her Transphobic Ad
jeanne ives ad

CHICAGO — Illinois Republican state Rep. Jeanne Ives defended a controversial TV ad she’s airing in her primary campaign against Gov. Bruce Rauner, saying Monday that its message was “edgy” but that she was “a little bit surprised at some of the hysteria.” The ad is a parody of a spot by Rauner that features Midwest…

The post Illinois GOP Lawmaker Says She’s ‘a Little Bit Surprised’ by ‘Hysteria’ Around Her Transphobic Ad appeared first on Towleroad.


Elon Musk’s Car Is Currently Livestreaming Its Journey To Mars

Elon Musk’s Car Is Currently Livestreaming Its Journey To Mars
Having successfully tested its Falcon Heavy rocket, SpaceX is now livestreaming the incredible journey of the rocket’s payload: Elon Musk’s Tesla sports car.

The Tesla Roadster, complete with SpaceX’s astronaut suit for a driver, is now beginning its 400 million kilometre journey towards Mars as part of a heliocentric orbit that could potentially see it float through the solar system for up to a billion years.

The car is currently still attached to the Falcon Heavy’s upper stage and is currently undergoing a six hour epic journey through the radiation belts that surround our planet.

If the rocket and car can make it through the belts then a second burn will take place pushing the car into its final resting place, a vast heliocentric orbit around the Sun.

Just a few hours earlier the car had been atop SpaceX’s brand-new Falcon Heavy rocket, the most powerful rocket to be launched since the Space Shuttle.

With only a 50/50 chance of success during the test flight there was no guarantee that the rocket would even make it off the ground let alone deliver its electric car payload.

Despite early concerns about the weather, the launch was a success with the rocket not only delivering the car into space but both side boosters then returned to Earth and landed themselves.


Civil Rights, Labor, Women’s Groups, LGBTQ Organizations Oppose Dangerous Attack on Local Control

Civil Rights, Labor, Women’s Groups, LGBTQ Organizations Oppose Dangerous Attack on Local Control

Today, HRC, Fair Wisconsin, the statewide group working to advance equality for LGBTQ Wisconsinites, the Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce and Freedom for All Americans, a bipartisan campaign to secure full nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people nationwide, announced their opposition to two pieces of legislation moving through the Wisconsin State Legislature. Companion bills AB748 and SB634 would prevent local governments from enacting their own policies for local communities and strip away existing citywide employment non-discrimination protections. AB748 will be heard in the Assembly Committee on Local Government on Wednesday, while SB634 advanced out of committee last week.

“This legislation is a dangerous and blatant attack on local control.” said Wendy Strout, HRC Wisconsin State Manager. “It would bar local governments from passing and enforcing hard-won protections for workers,​ including​ the LGBTQ community. Constituents’ right to demand change and accountability from their leaders is one of the hallmarks of an effective democratic process, and local elected officials remain best equipped to respond to the needs of those they serve. We urge the legislature to honor cities’ right to self determination and reject any bill that would take away this ability.”

Said Megin McDonell, Executive Director of Fair Wisconsin:“Not only would Wisconsin be putting itself out of step with the rest of the country, it would be prohibiting its local communities from being able to compete for the best jobs and pass inclusive ordinances that will protect members of the LGBTQ community from discrimination. Passing this legislation would make Wisconsin one of the more hostile states in the nation to LGBTQ people.”

“These bills are not only bad for the people of Wisconsin, but they are bad for business,” said Jason Rae, President & CEO of the Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce. “Preventing local municipalities from protecting LGBTQ individuals from discrimination is wrong — plain and simple. Wisconsin is competing for talent in a global economy and we stand to lose out on truly qualified individuals if these bills pass. People want to live and work in a place that is fully welcoming and inclusive, and these bills are the opposite. They will have a severe negative impact on the business community in Wisconsin.”

“Preemption is a power grab, and irresponsibly broad legislation like this puts growing economies at risk,” said Masen Davis, CEO of Freedom for All Americans. “When state lawmakers prevent communities from passing economic policies that work for them, including ordinances that protect LGBTQ people from discrimination, they hinder economic growth and development. Not only would this bill put Wisconsin out of step with the rest of the country, it would prohibit its cities from being able to compete for the best jobs and retain the best talent. We urge the Wisconsin legislature to avoid turning the clock back on Wisconsin and to reject this dangerous legislation.”

Similar in part to language in North Carolina’s discriminatory HB2, AB748 and SB634 would render local communities powerless in regulating critical local issues including unfair labor practices, minimum wage increases, anti-LGBTQ employment discrimination legislation and more. The dangerous proposals would also void parts of existing LGBTQ non-discrimination protections in cities like Madison and Milwaukee, and strip cities’ ability to implement their own employment protections — such as minimum wage increases — in the future. Bills restricting local governments from protecting their own citizens are notoriously bad for business — North Carolina’s HB2 cost the state more than $329 billion in revenue.

The attack on fairness and equality in Wisconsin is part of an onslaught of anti-LGBTQ bills being pushed in 2018 by anti-equality activists around the country. HRC is currently tracking more than 85 anti-LGBTQ legislative proposals in 22 states. For more information, and a preview of the 2018 pro-equality and anti-LGBTQ legislation that HRC expects in state legislatures, click here.
