Winterspiele im Live-Stream: Olympia 2018 am Sonntag online sehen

Winterspiele im Live-Stream: Olympia 2018 am Sonntag online sehen

  • Skirennläufer Thomas Dreßen hofft, am Sonntag im Ski Alpin für Deutschland eine Medaille zu holen
  • Im Video oben seht ihr, wie ihr die Olympischen Spiele im Live-Stream verfolgen könnt

Die Olympischen Winterspiele in Südkorea im Live-Stream: Am Sonntag startet Deutschlands neuer Ski-Liebling Thomas Dreßen im Ski Alpin.

Im Interview mit der Deutschen Presse-Agentur gab er sich selbstbewusst: “Ich traue mir selbst schon was zu. Hätte ich am Anfang der Saison gesagt, dass ich mich zu den Außenseiter-Favoriten zähle, dann hätte jeder gesagt, jetzt spinnt er komplett. Mittlerweile ist es aber nicht mehr so unrealistisch.”

Eine Medaille am Sonntag wäre keine Überraschung

Alpinchef Wolfgang Maier hofft auf eine gute Kombination aus Dreßens Stärken und den Eigenschaften der mit vielen langgezogenen Kurven versehenen gut drei Kilometer langen Strecke. “Die fährt er von seinem Naturell her genial. Da ist er bei den richtig Großen dabei”, prophezeite der Alpin-Direktor.

Allerdings: Im ersten und zweiten Training war Dreßen noch ein gutes Stück von der Bestzeit entfernt. Doch seit er die Abfahrt auf der Streif in Kitzbühel gewonnen hat, haben ihn alle auf dem Schirm.

“Es ist logisch, dass das Selbstvertrauen groß ist. Ich bin auch lockerer geworden”, sagte Dreßen über die Erfolge im Olympia-Winter. “Ich habe im Rennen keinen Stress mehr. Seit dem Sieg weiß ich einfach: Das, was ich kann, ist gut. Wenn ich das abrufe, dann passt das.”

Die Botschaft: Eine Medaille am Sonntag ist keine Überraschung.

Die Olympia-Termine für Sonntag, 11. Februar, im Überblick:

SNOWBOARD: Slopestyle, Herren (02.00 Uhr)

Deutsche Starter: keine

SKI ALPIN: Abfahrt, Herren (3.00 Uhr)

Deutsche Starter: Thomas Dreßen (Mittenwald), Josef Ferstl (Hammer), Andreas Sander (Ennepetal)

SKILANGLAUF: Skiathlon, Herren (07.15 Uhr)

Deutsche Starter: Thomas Bing (Dermbach), Andreas Katz (Baiersbronn), Lucas Bögl (Gaißach), Jonas Dobler (Traunstein) 

EISSCHNELLLAUF: 5000 Meter, Herren (08.00 Uhr)

Deutsche Starter: Patrick Beckert (Erfurt), Moritz Geisreiter (Inzell) 

RODELN: Einsitzer, Herren (12.00 Uhr)

Deutsche Starter: Felix Loch (Berchtesgaden), Johannes Ludwig (Oberhof), Andi Langenhan (Zella-Mehlis)

BIATHLON: Sprint, Herren (12.15 Uhr)

Deutsche Starter: Simon Schempp (Uhingen), Arnd Peiffer (Clausthal-Zellerfeld), Erik Lesser (Frankenhain), Benedikt Doll (Breitnau)

SKI-FREESTYLE: Buckelpiste, Damen (13.00 Uhr)

Deutsche Starterinnen: Lea Bouard (Wiesloch), Katharina Förster (Simmerberg)

Die Olympischen Winterspiele 2018 im TV und im Live-Stream

Die TV-Rechte für Olympia liegen bei den Spielen in Pyeongchang erstmals bei der Eurosport-Mutter Discovery.

► Im Fernsehen laufen Live-Übertragungen von allen Wettbewerben bei Eurosport sowie beim Spartensender TLC und beim Pay-TV-Kanal Eurosport 2.

► Dazu kommen bis zu 18 parallel laufende Live-Streams im Eurosport-Player.

► Die Zuschauer können aber auch viele Entscheidungen live bei ARD und ZDF verfolgen.

Nur in den Sportarten Snowboard, Shorttrack, Eiskunstlauf und Eishockey zeigen die öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender nicht alle Entscheidungen.

Die Live-Übertragungen von ARD und ZDF sind auch in den Mediatheken der Sender zu finden.

Die Olympia Live-Streams 2018 im Überblick:

 Alle Live-Streams gibt es im Eurosport Player (kostenpflichtiges Abo)

► Den kostenlosen Live-Stream der ARD findet ihr hier

► Der kostenlose Live-Stream des ZDF ist hier zu finden

‘Hard Sun’ Episode 6 Review: 7 Reasons Why The Final Was A Total Let Down

‘Hard Sun’ Episode 6 Review: 7 Reasons Why The Final Was A Total Let Down
While the entire series of ‘Hard Sun’ has been available on BBC iPlayer for some time now, the finale has only just aired on normal TV.

And if you’d been watching along at normal pace, you’d be forgiven for being a little disappointed for investing six weeks of your life in it, given what a damp squib the ending turned out to be.

Having shown great promise in its earlier episodes, the finale delivered so little it terms of closure for those who had followed it, with Hard Sun seemingly arriving early to wipe out the world.

While there could be a second series (although we’re not really sure how), if there’s not, those loose ends it has left will remain just that.

With that in mind, here are just seven things that totally frustrated us about the ‘Hard Sun’ finale…

We never found out why Hicks killed Butler

In a flashback, we saw a scene were Hicks shot Butler in the head at point blank range while on a bridge. However, it was not at all clear why he did it.

“I saw you, Alex. I saw what you did… in a video, on that laptop you just lied about, reflected in a mirror, in that horrible bedroom.” Hicks raged. “We can’t ever let them find out about this. Alex, no-one can ever find out about this. No-one.”

After Butler said he was “out of control” and swore “it’s over”, Hicks then pulled a gun on him – but what on earth had Butler supposedly done? Was it to do with the Nicholson or something more sinister?

Hicks was never avenged for any of his crimes

Throughout the series, we’ve been in a constant state of conflict about how to feel about Hicks. We were totally on his side in the battle against MI5, but he was also a cheat and a murderer.

Not only did he kill Butler, but if you cast your mind back to episode one, you’ll remember how a balaclava-clad Hicks robbed Nicholson at gunpoint and made off with the money. However, his part in the gang and his other crimes were left up in the air. Plus we saw no evidence of what he did with the £300,000 he stole.

There was no resolution to Daniel’s story

Renko’s son was pretty key to the series, and while the last episode saw him take centre stage, he only featured at marginally in the series finale.

Although the scene appeared to suggest there could be light at the end of the tunnel for him, we still felt a bit short changed given how problematic his relationship with his mother has been.

It seemed very convenient that right at the end of the episode, with so many loose threads still hanging, Hard Sun arrives to wipe everyone out, meaning there will never be answers to all the remaining questions the series created.

Not only that, but we’d also like to know why it arrived early, and why the documents on the flash drive got it so wrong.

The wooden acting as Hard Sun arrived

We don’t like to be critical, but the way Nikki Amuka-Bird delivered the line as Morrigan realised that Hard Sun had come early was so underwhelming for someone who had just discovered she had seconds to live.

Morrigan getting away with everything

The MI5 agent was the one we all loved to hate throughout the series, and when it finally looked like Hicks and Renko had her up against a wall, Hard Sun meant we never saw the ‘baddie’ get what she really deserved.

The fact we didn’t actually get to see the end of the world

Call us sadastic, but for a drama based upon the premise of an apocalypse, it would have been good to see the actual apocalypse happen when the moment finally came. Perhaps the BBC ran out of budget?

‘Hard Sun’ is available to watch in its entirety on BBC iPlayer.

Israels Premier Netanjahu poltert nach Kampfjet-Abschuss gegen den Iran

Israels Premier Netanjahu poltert nach Kampfjet-Abschuss gegen den Iran
Israels Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu (rechts) schüttelt Wladimir Putin, Präsident von Russland, die Hand.

Israels Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu hat Syrien und den Iran nach dem Abschuss eines israelischen Kampfjets vor einer neuen Eskalation an der israelischen Nordgrenze gewarnt.

Das ist passiert:

► Israel strebe nach Frieden, werde sich aber gegen jeden Angriff und jeden Versuch verteidigen, “seine Souveränität zu verletzen”, sagte Netanjahu am Samstagabend.

► Er hatte sich zuvor mit Verteidigungsminister Avigdor Lieberman und Generalstabschef Gadi Eisenkot beraten.

► Netanjahu erklärte zudem, er habe angesichts der Eskalation mit dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin und US-Außenminister Rex Tillerson telefoniert.

Darum ist es wichtig:

Die Situation zwischen Israel und seinem vom Bürgerkrieg geplagten Nachbarland Syrien droht zu eskalieren. Denn der Vorfall hat auch die Spannungen zwischen Israel mit seinem Erzfeind Iran verschärft.

“Israel hält den Iran und seine syrischen Gäste für die heutige Aggression verantwortlich”, betonte Netanjahu. “Wir werden weiterhin alles Notwendige tun, um unsere Souveränität und Sicherheit zu schützen.”

Die syrische Luftabwehr hatte zuvor nahe der gemeinsamen Grenze ein israelisches Kampfflugzeug abgeschossen. Die israelischen Piloten konnten sich mit einem Schleudersitz retten, einer von ihnen wurde jedoch schwer verletzt.

Das Flugzeug zerschellte auf israelischem Gebiet. 

Was ihr noch wissen müsst:


Netanjahu habe mit Putin vereinbart, dass die militärische Koordinierung Israels mit Russland weitergehen werde. 

Russland unterstützt den syrischen Präsidenten Baschar al-Assad, spricht sich aber regelmäßig mit Israel ab.

Zudem hat Israels Regierung den UN-Sicherheitsrat angerufen. Das Gremium soll nach dem Willen des Israel die mutmaßliche Entsendung einer iranischen Drohne in seinen Luftraum verurteilen, die dem Abschuss vorausgegangen war. Der Iran dementiert jedoch, eine solche Drohne eingesetzt zu haben.

“Der Iran will syrisches Gebiet dazu benutzen, Israel anzugreifen, mit dem erklärten Ziel, Israel zu zerstören”, erklärte Netanjahu nach Angaben seines Büros.

Body Of Missing Hillwalker, Alan Gibson, Found As Search For Brother Neil Continues

Body Of Missing Hillwalker, Alan Gibson, Found As Search For Brother Neil Continues
The body of a missing hillwalker has been found as rescue teams continue to search for his brother.

Police said on Saturday that the body of Alan Gibson, 56, has been found.

His brother, Neil, 63, still hasn’t been located after the pair went missing on Thursday.

The pair, who had a black Pointer dog called Archie with them, had set off on a walk at around 7.45am in Strathcarron, Wester Ross, that day.

A Police Scotland spokesman said: “Mountain rescue teams searching in the area of Achnashellach for two missing hillwalkers have sadly recovered the body of a man.

“He has been formally identified as Alan Gibson who was reported missing with his brother after failing to return from a walk in the area on Thursday.”

Mr Gibson’s family has been informed while searches are ongoing for his brother and will continue into Sunday.

Paar findet Umschlag mit tausenden Euro im Zug – und tut das einzig richtige

Paar findet Umschlag mit tausenden Euro im Zug – und tut das einzig richtige

  • Ehrlich währt am längsten
  • Diesen Spruch hat auch ein Paar in Berlin befolgt – und so einen 71-Jährigen sehr glücklich gemacht

Ein Paar hat auf einer Zugtoilette einen Umschlag mit 7200 Euro gefunden – und ihn zurückgegeben.

“Der 71-Jährige Eigentümer meldete sich bereits bei uns, atmete auf und freut sich über so viel Ehrlichkeit”, teilte die Berliner Bundespolizei am Freitag per Twitter mit.

► Und: “Gute Tat – gutes Gefühl – gutes Karma.” 

Pärchen findet 7.200 € in einem Umschlag auf der Zugtoilette und gibt das Geld ab. Der 71-jährige Eigentümer meldete sich bereits bei uns, atmete auf und freut sich über so viel Ehrlichkeit. Gute Tat – gutes Gefühl – gutes Karma

— Bundespolizei Berlin (@bpol_b) February 9, 2018

Das Paar entdeckte den Umschlag am Freitagmorgen in einem Interregio-Express zwischen Berlin-Zoo und Berlin-Ostbahnhof und übergab ihn der Zugbegleiterin.

► Die beiden haben nun Anspruch auf Finderlohn. Wie hoch dieser ist, konnte der Sprecher der Bundespolizei nicht sagen – und auch nicht, warum der Besitzer des Geldes solch eine hohe Summe in bar bei sich hatte.

Mehr zum Thema: Eine Frau findet 20.000 Euro im Bus – die Reaktion der Stadt Hamburg ist eine Frechheit

Donald Trump Calls For ‘Due Process’, Conveniently Forgets All The Times He’s Ignored It

Donald Trump Calls For ‘Due Process’, Conveniently Forgets All The Times He’s Ignored It
Donald Trump has been slammed for his hypocrisy after calling for “due process” in the wake of allegations that have surfaced about two members of his staff.

The US president said on Saturday that people’s lives “are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation”.

“Some are true and some are false,” he tweeted. “Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused.”

Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused – life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?

February 10, 2018
His comments come following the departure of two White House staff over allegations of domestic abuse.

White House staff secretary Rob Porter resigned on Wednesday after allegations from his two ex-wives that he was abusive to them surfaced. Colbie Holderness, Porter’s first wife, alleged that he punched her in 2005 and provided photos of bruises she says were inflicted by him.

Senior White House aide Rob Porter physically assaulted two ex-wives, they tell @theintercept. Full story to come in the morning. His first wife, Colbie Holderness, provided these photos from a vacation they took together in Florence, Italy:— Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) February 7, 2018
Trump has stressed that Porter maintains his innocence, telling reporters: “He says he’s innocent, and I think you have to remember that. He said very strongly yesterday that he’s innocent.”

“It’s obviously a tough time for him. He did a very good job in the White House. And we hope he has a wonderful career,” Trump added, Reuters reports. “But we absolutely wish him well.”

Later on Friday, the White House said a second Trump administration official had resigned over allegations of domestic abuse.

David Sorensen, a speechwriter who worked at the Council on Environmental Quality, resigned after being confronted by White House officials, spokesman Raj Shah said.

The Washington Post reported on Friday that Sorensen’s former wife claimed he was violent and emotionally abusive during their two-and-a-half-year marriage, accusations that he denied, saying that she had in fact victimised him.

Trump famously bragged about being able to grab women “by the pussy,” and has been accused by more than 20 women of sexual misconduct and abuse, accusations which he denies.

His push for “due process”, which allows for fair treatment through the normal judicial system, sparked outrage on Saturday, with many pointing to the multiple times the 71-year-old had jumped – and stuck to – conclusions even after they had been proven false.

Donald Trump called for the Central Park Five to be executed, started Birtherism without evidence, led banana republic “lock her up” chants, & implied that Ted Cruz’s dad helped kill JFK. His favorite way to start a sentence is “people are saying.” He can STFU about due process.

February 10, 2018
TRUMP: False allegations are dangerous ALSO TRUMP: Obama is a foreigner. Central Park Five are guilty. Rafael Cruz killed JFK. Judge Curiel can’t be fair because he’s Mexican. Gold Star widow Myeshia Johnson lied about our phone call. People who didn’t applaud committed treason.

February 10, 2018
Let’s just talk about the elephant in the room… Donald Trump thinks if you are male, white, and Republican then you are always innocent… And that’s sick.

February 10, 2018
In 1989, a group of black and Hispanic men were convicted but later exonerated of the rape of a female jogger in Central Park, in New York City.

Trump spent $85,000 on newspaper ads demanding the men be killed.

At the time, Trump wrote: “Muggers and murderers should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes.”

He has never apologised, even after serial rapist Matias Reyes confessed to the crime.

Trump has gone a step further and doubled down on his earlier comments, saying in a statement to CNN in 2016: “They admitted they were guilty.

“The police doing the original investigation say they were guilty. The fact that that case was settled with so much evidence against them is outrageous.”

This is the full-page advertisement Donald Trump took out calling for the execution of the Central Park Five. They were later exonerated by DNA evidence, although President Trump maintains that they are guilty.— Scott Bixby (@scottbix) February 10, 2018
Donald Trump, due process fan, once called for the execution of five suspects who turned out to be wrongfully convicted. He has never apologized.

February 10, 2018
Trump promoted the conspiracy that Barack Obama was not born in the US.

He insisted that his predecessor was born in Kenya, questioning the legitimacy of Obama’s birth certificate.

It was only during his bid to become president that Trump retracted his false accusation.

“I say nothing,” Trump said during a 2016 debate with candidate Hillary Clinton regarding Obama’s long-form birth certificate. “I say nothing because I was able to get him to produce it.”
Last year, Trump falsely accused Obama of having ”wires tapped” in Trump Tower. The Department of Justice flatly denied the claim.
Trump’s rules of evidence: Central Park Five: guilty despite DNA evidence exonerating Obama: Possibly born in Kenya. Worth investigating. Raphael Cruz. Might have killed JFK. Worth investigating Rob Porter: “He says he’s innocent.”

February 9, 2018
Trump coined the term “crooked Hillary” during his US election campaign, frequently referring using it at rallies and in social media posts.

He has also repeatedly claimed that Clinton lied to the FBI regarding her private email server.

Meanwhile, former Trump administration official Flynn pleaded guilty last December to misleading the FBI about talks he had with Russian officials.

“Hillary Clinton lied many times to the FBI, nothing happened to her,” Trump said last December. “Flynn lied and they’ve destroyed his life. I think it’s a shame.”
Former head of the FBI James Comey, who Trump fired, told Congress there was “no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI.” 
During the 2016 presidential campaign, Ted Cruz was Trump’s closest rival for the GOP nomination.

Trump promoted a bizarre conspiracy theory at the time that Cruz’s father, Rafael, was somehow involved in President John F Kennedy’s 1963 assassination.

The theory that Cruz’s father was involved in the murder plot was first reported  in March 2016, and included a photo supposedly taken in 1963 showing a man it identified as Cruz’s father helping JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald distribute pro-Fidel Castro literature in New Orleans.

Cruz denied that the story was true and Trump refused to apologise for repeating the claim.

Q: Are you confident that the release of the JFK files will vindicate your father? CRUZ: “Haha, I look forward to seeing what’s in the files,” says the idea that his father had links to Oswald is a claim “that (goes) beyond ludicrous”

October 26, 2017
During his presidential bid, Trump attacked US District Judge Gonzalo Curiel on national television, saying the “Mexican” justice could not impartially rule on lawsuits against Trump University because of Trump’s promise to build “a wall between here and Mexico”.

Trump told CNN’s Jake Tapper in 2016: “We are building a wall. He’s a Mexican. We’re building a wall between here and Mexico.”

Curiel is an American who was born in Indiana.

Trump’s comments drew widespread criticism at the time, with House Speaker Paul Ryan saying the criticism was the “the textbook definition of a racist comment.”