김여정 등 북한 고위급 대표단이 평양으로 돌아갔다

김여정 등 북한 고위급 대표단이 평양으로 돌아갔다

평창 동계올림픽 개막식 참석 등을 위해 한국을 찾은 김정은 북한 노동당 위원장의 여동생 김여정 노동당 중앙위원회 제1부부장과 김영남 최고인민회의 상임위원회 위원장 등 북한 고위급 대표단이 11일 밤 평양으로 돌아갔다. 

김 부부장 등 북한 고위급 대표단은 이날 저녁 서울 국립중앙극장 해오름극장에서 열린 삼지연 관현악단의 공연 관람을 끝으로 2박3일 동안의 방남 일정을 마치고 인천국제공항으로 출발했다. 

밤 10시 무렵 인천국제공항에 모습을 드러낸 대표단은 9일 낮 한국을 찾을 때 타고 온 김정은 노동당 위원장의 전용기인 ‘참매 1호’를 타고 평양으로 출발했다. 

앞서 이날 삼지연 관현악단 공연은 문재인 대통령과 부인 김정숙 여사가 김정은 노동당 위원장의 특사 자격으로 방남한 김여정 부부장 등 북한 고위급대표단과 함께 관람했다. 

연합뉴스에 따르면 관람에 앞서 김 상임위원장은 ”대통령과 함께 의견을 교환하고 자주 상봉할 수 있는 계기와 기회를 마련했으니 다시 만날 희망을 안고 돌아간다”고 말했다.

그러자 문 대통령은 ”우리가 만난 것이 소중하다”면서 ”이 만남의 불씨를 키워서 횃불이 될 수 있게 남북이 협력하자”고 제안했다.

이 자리에서 김여정 부부장은 김정숙 여사를 향해 ”늘 건강하시라, 문 대통령과 꼭 평양을 찾아오시라”고 말했다.

또 청와대는 이날 오후 서울 중국 반얀트리 클럽 앤 스파 서울에서 임종석 대통령 비서실장의 초청으로 김여정 부부장 등 북한 고위급대표단과 1시간 30분 동안 비공식 환송만찬을 진행했다고도 밝혔다.

이 자리에서 임 실장으로부터 건배사를 제안 받은 김 부부장은 ”제가 원래 말을 잘 못 한다. 솔직히 이렇게 갑자기 오게 되리라 생각 못 했고 생소하고 많이 다를 것이라고 생각했는데 비슷하고 같은 것도 많더라”고 말했다고 알려졌다. 

김 특사는 ”하나 되는 그 날을 앞당겨 평양에서 반가운 분들을 다시 만나기를 바란다”고 건배사를 했다.


クアッガは、なぜ絶滅したのか? 図鑑から消えた動物の物語

クアッガは、なぜ絶滅したのか? 図鑑から消えた動物の物語





アフリカ大陸の南端部にある喜望峰。この地名は、ポルトガル王のジョアン2世が15世紀に命名した。インドから香辛料を船で輸入するルートの誕生を祈って、Cabo da Boa Esperança(希望の岬)と名付けたのだ。














クアッガ・プロジェクトで生み出されたクアッガによく似たシマウマ。下半身の縞模様が薄い (Photo credit should read ANNA ZIEMINSKI/AFP/Getty Images)







学名:Equus quagga quagga 分類:奇蹄目ウマ科 体長:約250cm 生息域:南アフリカ 絶滅:1883年 画像の出典:[African scenery and animals] – Biodiversity Heritage Library , [Extinct animals] – E. Ray Lankester


William John Burchell “Travels in the interior of southern Africa”(London,1822)
William Cornwallis Harris “Portraits of the Game and Wild Animals of Southern Africa”(London,1840)
John.D.Skinner “The Mammals of the Southern African Subregion”(Cambridge University Press)

レナード・トンプソン「新版 南アフリカの歴史」(明石書店)
ロバート・ロス「南アフリカの歴史 (ケンブリッジ版世界各国史) 」(創土社)
更科功「化石の分子生物学――生命進化の謎を解く」 (講談社現代新書)


Time To Put The Spotlight On Pancreatic Cancer Again

Time To Put The Spotlight On Pancreatic Cancer Again

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most fatal cancers in the world. In the UK, only one in 20 people diagnosed live to see another five years and one in 100 people survive beyond ten years. These figures have not changed significantly in 50 years.

Being the poor relation among cancers is something we are used to, but data published in the Lancet last week highlighted that the UK comes 47th out of the 56 countries surveyed for pancreatic cancer five-year survival, with the USA, Canada and Australia having survival rates more than double the UK’s and most EU nations far outperform the UK.

There are several reasons for the low survival rate of pancreatic cancer in the UK and these include a lack of public awareness, no effective screening test and both GPs and members of the public dismissing initial symptoms as something less serious, such as indigestion or irritable bowel syndrome.    

The only potential cure for pancreatic cancer is surgery and, this is only viable when the illness is caught early enough.  

Taking the plunge to put the spotlight on the ‘Cinderella’ cancer

While no early detection test exists, raising awareness of pancreatic cancer is the first step towards early diagnosis and, ultimately, to save lives.   

This is why, in 2014, we took the decision to run with an advertising campaign that promptly put pancreatic cancer into people’s consciousness across the globe. We knew it was going to be hard hitting and we thought long and hard about running it at all.

The campaign depicted Andy, Kerry and Penny, three real sufferers of pancreatic cancer, saying that they wished they had another, more survivable form cancer.  Right from the start, the three of them enthusiastically volunteered to take part. It was very important to us that we had real patients and not actors in the advert to give it reality, but also the integrity such a bold advert would need.

The insight was so accurate that all three patients thought the campaign had come directly from something they had said themselves. It was something that I too had wished for in the early days following my own diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in 2007.

From backlash to the most successful pancreatic cancer awareness campaign ever

With a budget of just £15,000, we launched the adverts in regional papers in Manchester and London, along with a video on YouTube.  The initial launch of the campaign didn’t attract much attention surprisingly.   

It was an ‘outraged’ commuter on the tube who snapped an image of the advert in The Metro on their phone and shared it on social media that sent the campaign global.  The response to the commuter’s tweet was remarkable as it quickly went viral.

While the initial response to the campaign was negative and our team of five (at the time) were overwhelmed with hundreds of phone calls, emails and social media messages from angry members of the public from across the world, it didn’t take long for the tide to turn when people started to read beyond the shocking headline, and when our brave campaigners began to share their stories and feelings.

The backlash itself got the media’s attention.  In one day, I attended 12 national TV and radio interviews, and the following day spoke to local radio across the UK.  Our brave patients also took part in numerous press interviews.  

A post campaign evaluation confirmed that it was extraordinary success – beyond our wildest dreams: 

  • Prompted awareness was 27% for all UK adults  that’s around 12 million people
  • Over £1 million of highest quality earned media from a £15,000 phase 1 spend
  • 43% of people who recognised the campaign were more aware of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer
  • Traffic on explanatory page of Pancreatic Cancer Action website up 963%

While the direct criticisms of the campaign we have received were in their hundreds, millions of people have become more aware of pancreatic cancer.

It is still early days to see the full impact that greater awareness created by the campaign has had on saving lives, however, we know that in the last few years, both the five-year survival and one-year survival rate has begun to increase. From 2010 to 2015, almost 1,000 more people were diagnosed by their GP or via the two-week wait.

Do we regret our decision to launch the campaign?

Any diagnosis of cancer is life-changing, but what’s particularly horrific about pancreatic cancer is its survival rate.  Every year, 10,000 people will be diagnosed and most will be dead within 4-6 months.   

The UK five-year survival of 5% is the worst survival rate of any of the 22 common cancersand compares with 97%, 85%, and 66% survival for testicular, breast and cervical cancers respectively.  

This graph is shocking but does not highlight the real impact of a disease in the way three real sufferers of the disease did.  

At the start of the campaign, both Andy and Kerry had a terminal prognosis and Penny had luckily been down staged to operable. Sadly, the lovely Kerry passed away only two weeks following the launch of the campaign but not before she defended the campaign and reproached the social media trolls on TV, newspaper and radio interviews, even though she was so unwell. Andy passed away the following August and thankfully Penny, the only one of the three, is still very much with us and doing very well.

It was thanks to them that many of the objectors to the campaign did a U-turn and understood what it was we were trying to achieve. Having won two IPA Gold Effectiveness Awards, the I Wish I Had campaign is to date, the most successful pancreatic cancer advertising campaign EVER, and one could argue it is one of the most successful cancer campaigns to date too. It is the campaign that keeps on giving as people still talk about it four years later.

While it was a bold decision, I believe it was right to run the adverts and I am very proud of its success. I am prouder though of the amazing Andy, Kerry and Penny, without whom we couldn’t have achieved what we have done. But, while we know that awareness of pancreatic cancer is increasing and there has been a modest uplift in funding, there is still so very much we need to do to “change the numbers’ for pancreatic cancer and have more people surviving than dying from this horrible disease.

We are still facing an uphill struggle to improve survival rates

While one year and five-year survival rates are starting to increase, and more people are being diagnosed in primary care, pancreatic cancer is still always diagnosed too late for any curative treatment as only one in ten people are diagnosed in time for surgery (the only potential we have for a cure).  

In fact, recent statistics revealed that nearly half of pancreatic cancer patients don’t know they have pancreatic cancer until they end up in Accident & Emergency.  90% of those will be dead within a year.  Your chances of surviving a year are three times greater should you be referred to a specialist from primary care.

To significantly improve survival rates for pancreatic cancer, we need:

To Improve awareness of pancreatic cancer symptoms

Data for 2015 has shown that the number of people newly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer is just under 10,000 per annum; an increase of 17% compared to 2010 and, in the same period, mortality has increased by 13%.

The rate of incidence growth has surpassed predictions made by Globocan. There are some regional variations in these numbers and overall, and possibly not surprisingly, these increases tend to be highest in areas with greatest ageing population and those that are more deprived.

We urgently need pancreatic cancer to be included in a Department of Health cancer awareness campaign and for more GPs to be aware of early symptoms of the disease.

To Campaign for the government to increase funding

What is also a factor, and why we need to put pancreatic cancer on the map, is the decades of chronic underfunding of the disease. Research spend in comparison to other cancers is pitiful. In 2015, pancreatic cancer received £8 million – and in case you think that is a lot, it makes up only 3% of overall cancer research spending.

While acknowledging there has been an increase in funding over the past two years, it is not nearly enough to make up for the decades of neglect and enormous investment still needs to be made if we are to ‘change the numbers’ for pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer charities are too small to heavily invest in research funding (although we do what we can) so we need help from government to reduce the inequalities of funding between cancer types

A pancreatic cancer audit is needed

There is variation in incidence and survival rates across the UK.  We need an audit to understand where best practice is happening so we can emulate this across the UK improving standards and outcomes for patients.

While Scotland and Northern Ireland have had an audit, there has never been one carried out in England where 83% of pancreatic cancer patients in the UK reside.  

While we continue to campaign for the government to support us, we will also continue to fund research into early diagnosis, launch awareness campaigns and provide accredited e-learning to medical professionals.  

Quite simply, as long as we are here, and continued to be supported, we will do everything we can to get closer to the day when more people survive pancreatic cancer than die from it.  

You can find out more about how you can support us by visiting www.panact.org.


Russisches Passagierflugzeug mit 71 Menschen an Bord abgestürzt

Russisches Passagierflugzeug mit 71 Menschen an Bord abgestürzt

  • Eine russische Passagiermaschine ist vom Radar verschwunden und offenbar abgestürzt
  • An Bord waren mehr als 70 Menschen

Eine Maschine der Saratow Airlines mit 65 Passagieren und sechs Besatzungsmitgliedern ist im Gebiet Moskau nach vorläufigen Erkenntnissen der Behörden abgestürzt.

Die Maschine vom Typ An-148 sei nach dem Start vom Flughafen Domodedowo vom Radar verschwunden, ein Team sei zum möglichen Absturzort unterwegs, teilte der Zivilschutz am Sonntag der Agentur Tass zufolge mit.

Die Seite “Flightradar24” meldet, das Flugzeug sei um 11.22 Uhr UTC in Moskau gestartet. Fünf Minuten später habe es noch eine Flughöhe von 3300 Fuß gehabt. Danach sei das Signal nicht mehr zu empfangen gewesen.

Flight #6W703 took off from Moscow at 11:22 UTC time and 5 minutes later we tracked it descenting with 3300 feet per minute before the signal was lost. pic.twitter.com/6Bt5rCiKlm

— Flightradar24 (@flightradar24) February 11, 2018

Der Flug 6W703 sei mit einer sieben Jahre alten Maschine des Typs Antonov An-148 mit der Nummer RA-61704 durchgeführt worden. 

Saratov Airlines flight #6W703 was performed with a 7 years old Antonov An-148 aircraft with registration number RA-61704 pic.twitter.com/2KS4UJ1ow9

— Flightradar24 (@flightradar24) February 11, 2018

Der private Wetterdienst Kachelmannwetter meldet, zum Zeitpunkt des mutmaßlichen Absturzes habe es Schneeschauer und nur schwachen Wind über Moskau gehabt – “also keine Auffälligkeiten”. 

#Wetter Region #Moskau bei vermutlichem Absturz Flug #6W703 Ah-148 Schneeschauer:t.co/qH9p2dHXXP
und nur schwacher Wind:t.co/59xK3Gamu6
Also keine Auffälligkeiten. /FR

— Kachelmannwetter (@Kachelmannwettr) February 11, 2018

Das Flugzeug war unterwegs in die Stadt Orsk nahe der Grenze zu Kasachstan.

Flugzeugabstürze sind in Russland keine Seltenheit. Insgesamt gab es seit 2010 mindestens vier schwere Unglücke ziviler Verkehrsmaschinen mit zusammen mehr als 240 Todesopfern. Der letzte Absturz ereignete sich im März 2016. Damals stürzte eine Boeing 737-800 aus Dubai bei Sturm auf den Flughafen der Millionenstadt Rostow am Don. Die Maschine des Billigfliegers FlyDubai zerschellte in einem Feuerball. Alle 62 Menschen an Bord starben.

Zweieinhalb Jahre zuvor war eine Boeing 737-500 beim Anflug auf die russische Stadt Kasan hart auf der Landebahn aufgeschlagen und in Flammen aufgegangen. Es gibt keine Überlebenden, 50 Menschen sterben. 


Penny Mordaunt Says Voters Want Theresa May To Put ‘Meat On The Bones’ Of Her Brexit Plan

Penny Mordaunt Says Voters Want Theresa May To Put ‘Meat On The Bones’ Of Her Brexit Plan
Voters want to see Theresa May show “vision” and put “some meat on the bones” of her Brexit plans, a cabinet minister has said.

The government will bid to regain the initiative with a series of top level speeches by the prime minister and senior cabinet colleagues in the coming weeks.

May is set to make two key note addresses and arch Brexiteers, Boris Johnson, David Davis and Liam Fox will also set out their agendas.

However Chancellor Philip Hammond is not slated to take part leading to accusations he has been silenced by Downing Street.

It comes as one senior Tory MP told May to “go down fighting” rather than cave to pressure from so-called hard Brexiteers including Jacob Rees-Mogg.

International Development secretary Penny Mordaunt, who campaigned for Brexit, denied on Sunday morning the Conservative Party was not being ripped apart by divisions over Brexit

“No one thought it was going to be a walk in the park,” she told the Andrew Marr programme. “The parliamentary party and the cabinet are behind the prime minister. We are tying to get the best deal possible for the UK.”

She added: “What the public want, is they want the vision and they want some meat on the bones, and this what they are going to get.”

Asked if she was still “chipper” about Brexit given its difficulties, Mordaunt said: “I am.”

David Gauke meanwhile has rejected accusations that Hammond had been gagged. “The chancellor has hardly been silent on this matter,” the justice secretary secretary  told ITV’s Peston on Sunday.

“He’s not part of the set of speeches that have been outlined today, but that doesn’t mean the chancellor is not expressing his views both internally in the cabinet conversations but also externally. He is setting out his views.

“I don’t think there’s anything in this, that there is any kind of plot to gag a particular faction of ministers. I don’t think that’s a fair characterisation at all.”

Sarah Wollaston, the Conservative chair of the Commons health committee, this morning that May should “set out the case for alignment & a close relationship with EU in the National interest.

“Better for PM to go down fighting the case for what is the best for the economy of all parts of the UK. The indecision is no longer acceptable,” she tweeted.

“The Mogglodytes plotting to oust the PM unless she bows to their demands need to face the reality that there is no Parliamentary majority for their disruptive, disastrous hard Brexit.”

In the first of the speeches on Wednesday, Boris Johnson will call for national unity over withdrawal.

This will be followed on Saturday by May detailing the “security partnership” the UK wants to maintain with the EU.

Brexit Secretary David Davis and International Trade Secretary Liam Fox will also set out their agendas,

Cabinet Office Minister David Lidington, who backed Remain in the referendum, will also deliver a speech.

May will then round off the process in an address setting out how she sees the overall relationship between Britain and Brussels after withdrawal.


Die Betreuung eines jungen Flüchtlings ohne Eltern kostet 50.000 Euro pro Jahr

Die Betreuung eines jungen Flüchtlings ohne Eltern kostet 50.000 Euro pro Jahr

  • Die Betreuung eines unbegleiteten minderjährigen Flüchtlings in Deutschland kostet etwa 50.000 Euro pro Jahr
  • Die neuen Zahlen könnten eine hitzige Debatte wieder anfachen – und die AfD nutzt sie zur Hetze
  • Weitere Details erfahrt ihr im Video oben

Unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge genießen in Deutschland besonderen Schutz, besondere Betreuung.

Die Kinder und Jugendlichen sollen nach dem Schlimmen, das sie erlebt haben, ein sicheres Umfeld bekommen. Abschiebungen ins Herkunftsland sind kaum möglich. Sie haben einen Rechtsanspruch auf sofortigen Schulbesuch und Ausbildung.

Das ist richtig so. Und es kostet.

Die “Welt am Sonntag” hat bei den Ländern nachgefragt, wie viel. Die Ländern nannten Summen zwischen 40.000 Euro (Brandenburg) und 58.600 Euro (Schleswig-Holstein). Im Schnitt, so die Redaktion, hätten die Länder pro Jugendlichem 50.000 Euro aufgewendet.

Hilfe auch für junge Erwachsene

Insgesamt seien im Oktober 2017 etwa 32.700 Jugendliche und 24.000 junge Erwachsene von der Jugendhilfe betreut worden.

In Deutschland haben auch junge Volljährige, die noch kein eigenständiges Leben führen, können, Anspruch auf Unterstützung bis zum 27. Lebensjahr. In der Praxis, so heißt es, gebe es Hilfe aber meiste nur bis zum Alter von 21 Jahren.

Einige Länder allerdings konnten der “Wams” keine oder nur veraltete Angaben zu den Kosten machen. Was erstaunlich ist, weil die Finanzminister der Länder erst Mitte Januar gefordert hatten, dass sich der Bund dringend zur Hälfte an den Kosten beteiligen solle.

Fürsorge für einen Erwachsenen deutlich billiger

Einen Vergleich mit den Kosten für erwachsene Flüchtlinge liefert der Bericht nicht. Anfang 2016 ging die Bundesregierung von etwa 11.800 Euro pro Person und Jahr aus. Das hatte die “Bild”-Zeitung unter Berufung auf eine Antwort der Regierung auf eine Anfrage der Linken berichtet. 

Die neuen Zahlen aus der “Welt” könnten damit die Diskussion um die Altersfeststellung bei jungen Flüchtlingen wieder anfachen.

Zuletzt war in Deutschland eine heftige Diskussion entbrannt, ob medizinische Alterstests vorgeschrieben werden sollen, weil die Behörden viele nach eigenen Angaben minderjährige Flüchtlinge nach genauerer Untersuchung als volljährig eingestuft hatten.

Rechte nutzen Zahlen für sich

Die AfD Bayern nutzte die Zahlen sofort, um zu fragen, wie viel eine deutsche Durchschnittsfamilie für ihre Kinder zur Verfügung habe. 

Die Aufnahme unbegleiteter Flüchtlinge (bei Ausnahmen bis zum 27. Lebensjahr?) hat im vergangenen Jahr im Durchschnitt rund 50.000 Euro pro Fall gekostet. Was hat die ??Durchschnittsfamilien für ihre Kinder zur Verfügung? #Altersfeststellung#AfD#MUFLt.co/ryqAqXRwuo

— AfD Bayern (@AfD_Bayern) February 11, 2018

AfD-Politikerin Beatrix von Storch fühlte sich am Sonntagmittag sogar bemüßigt, die Erkenntnisse “skandalös” und “ungerecht” zu nennen, eine “Frechheit gegenüber deutschen Familien”.

50.000 Euro pro Jahr und Fall. Im Schnitt. Das ist skandalös. Das ist ungerecht gegenüber deutschen Familien. Eine echte Frechheit. Das allein ist ein Grund, nie wieder CDU, CSU oder SPD oder eine der anderen Willkommensparteien zu wählen. 50.000 €! t.co/8l6PWPgyg1pic.twitter.com/XvYAttkUgV

— Beatrix von Storch (@Beatrix_vStorch) February 11, 2018

Die Tweets belegen einmal wieder, dass die Partei selbst auf dem Rücken von Kriegsopfern Politik macht.

Schließlich geht es nicht darum, wie viel Eltern für ein Kind aufwenden können, sondern in den 50.000 Euro sind etwa die Betreuung in einem Kinderheim oder einer vergleichbaren Einrichtung enthalten.


이승훈이 스피드 5000m를 5위로 마무리했다

이승훈이 스피드 5000m를 5위로 마무리했다

스피드스케이팅의 맏형 이승훈(30)이 2018 평창 동계올림픽 스피드스케이팅 남자 5000m에서 5위에 올랐다. 

이승훈은 11일 강릉 스피드스케이팅경기장에서 열린 2018 평창 동계올림픽 남자 5000m에서 6분14초15로 결승선을 통과했다. 올 시즌 최고 기록인 6분12초41보다는 1.74초 부족했지만 22명 가운데 5위를 기록, 비교적 준수한 성적을 냈다. 

금메달은 스벤 크라머(네덜란드)가 차지했다. 크라머는 6분09초76으로 4년 전 소치 올림픽에서 자신이 세운 올림픽 기록(6분10초76)을 4년 만에 갈아치웠다. 

이로써 크라머는 2010 밴쿠버, 2014 소치 올림픽에 이어 대회 3연패를 달성했다. 남자 선수로 동계 올림픽 스피드스케이팅 단일 종목에서 3연패를 이룬 것은 크라머가 처음이다.

세계최고기록 보유자 테드-얀 브로멘(캐나다)은 6분11초616을 기록, 스베레 룬데 페데르센(노르웨이·6분11초618)을 0.002초 차로 제치고 은메달을 획득했다.

이날 벨기에의 바트 스윙스와 함께 5조에서 레이스를 펼친 이승훈은 인코스에서 출발, 초반 200m 구간을 18초92에 통과했다. 

이승훈은 경기 후 “6분 15~16초를 예상했는데 기록이 잘 나왔다. 특히 마지막 스퍼트가 잘됐다. 전체적인 기록도 중요한데 마지막에 페이스가 떨어지지 않는 것을 목표로 뒀다. 90점을 주고 싶다”면서 ”만족스럽다. 많은 관중들의 응원 덕분”이라고 밝혔다. 

크라머는 레이스 초반에는 여유 있게 경기를 진행하다가 3400m구간부터 속도를 높이더니 전체 기록 1위로 올라섰다. 제대로 탄력 받은 크라머는 자신의 기록을 유지하면서 결승선을 통과, 올림픽 5000m 최다 금메달(3개)의 주인공이 됐다. 


スノボ女子スロープスタイル、全員が決勝進出「一発勝負」に 強風で予選中止(平昌オリンピック)

スノボ女子スロープスタイル、全員が決勝進出「一発勝負」に 強風で予選中止(平昌オリンピック)







UK Weather Forecast: Heavy Snow Showers Cause ‘Numerous’ Accidents

UK Weather Forecast: Heavy Snow Showers Cause ‘Numerous’ Accidents
Snow showers are causing disruption on the roads on Sunday morning as forecasters warn of a frosty start to the half-term holidays.

The wintry weather arrived in parts of western England, western Scotland and Northern Ireland overnight, as the Met Office issued warnings for snow and ice across large swathes of the country.

The North West Motorway Police tweeted there had already been “numerous reports” of accidents on the roads due to the conditions, and urged drivers to slow down, the Press Association reported.

Frequent and heavy hail and show showers are expected throughout the day, with up to 10cm of snow predicted to fall on higher ground, particularly across western Scotland.

The Met Office has warned of the potential for power cuts, as well as vehicles becoming stranded on the roads.

The weather warnings – which mostly affect the western side of the UK – remain in place until just before midnight on Sunday, although forecasters said further warnings were likely to be put in place over the next two days.

The latest snowdar image shows plenty of wintry showers moving into northern and western parts of the UK. #Snow and #Ice warnings are in force for parts of the UK this morning, so take care and stay #weatheraware pic.twitter.com/cIkmOe3t0p

February 11, 2018
Met Office forecaster Craig Snell said: “It’s going to be a very cold day, wherever you are, with temperatures feeling sub-zero in many places.

“Many of us will see at least a few snow showers. You’ll need to wrap up warm and make sure you take a bit of extra time, especially in the north west where there will be icy patches forming.”

Temperatures will then plummet on Monday, when many children are starting their half-term holiday.

The mercury is predicted to dip below freezing for many parts, with possible lows of minus 5C (23F) in Scotland and a widespread frost in the morning.

More snow is also expected in western parts during the day.

There could be a some respite, however, with milder temperatures set to return mid-week.
