Eiskunstlauf im Live-Stream: Olympia 2018 online sehen, so geht’s

Eiskunstlauf im Live-Stream: Olympia 2018 online sehen, so geht’s
Aljona Savchenko und Bruno Massot aus Deutschland in Aktion.

  • Im Eiskunstlauf gibt es Pyeongchang fünf Entscheidungen
  • Wir zeigen euch, wie ihr Eiskunstlauf im Live-Stream verfolgen könnt

Eiskunstlauf im Live-Stream bei den Olympischen Winterspielen 2018 in Südkorea: Beim Paarlauf kann Deutschland auf eine Medaille hoffen.

Acht Eiskunstläufer nehmen für Deutschland teil. Eine besondere Begründung für seinen olympischen Ehrgeiz fand Eiskunstläufer Paul Fentz: “Ich habe mir gesagt, ich möchte zu den zwei Prozent der Weltbevölkerung gehören, die bei Olympia dabei sind”, erklärte der Berliner Bundeswehrsoldat, nachdem er das einzige Herren-Ticket in der Tasche hatte.

Außer Paarlauf-Gold-Anwärterin Aljona Savchenko hat im deutschen Eiskunstlauf-Aufgebot aber noch niemand Olympia-Erfahrung.

Eiskunstlauf im Überblick

  • Entscheidungen in Pyeongchang: 5

  • Austragungsort: Gangneung-Eisarena

  • Deutsche Medaillen-Erwartung: 1

  • Medaillen in Sotschi 2014: 1

  • Deutsche Medaillenkandidaten: Aljona Savchenko/Bruno Massot (Oberstdorf/Paarlauf)

Eiskunstlauf-Termine bei Olympia 2018:

  • Montag, 12. Februar, 2.00 Uhr MEZ: Finale im Team Event
  • Donnerstag, 15. Februar, 2.30 Uhr MEZ: Paarwettbewerb
  • Samstag, 17. Februar, 2.00 Uhr MEZ: Einzelfinale der Herren
  • Dienstag, 20. Februar, 2.00 Uhr MEZ: Finale Eistanz
  • Freitag, 23. Februar, 2.00 Uhr MEZ: Einzelfinale der Damen

Die Olympischen Spiele im TV und im Live-Stream

Die TV-Rechte für Olympia liegen bei den Spielen in Pyeongchang erstmals bei der Eurosport-Mutter Discovery.

► Im Fernsehen laufen Live-Übertragungen von allen Wettbewerben bei Eurosport sowie beim Spartensender TLC und beim Pay-TV-Kanal Eurosport 2.

► Dazu kommen bis zu 18 parallel laufende Live-Streams im Eurosport-Player.

Nach einer späten Einigung für Sublizenzen sind aber auch ARD und ZDF weiter im Spiel und haben viele Entscheidungen live im Programm.

Doch beim Eiskunstlauf zeigen die öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender nicht alle Entscheidungen.

Die Olympia Live-Streams 2018 im Überblick:

 Alle Live-Streams gibt es im Eurosport Player (kostenpflichtiges Abo)

► Den kostenlosen Live-Stream der ARD findet ihr hier

► Der kostenlose Live-Stream des ZDF ist hier zu finden 


얼굴 바꾸기 어플을 이효리 부부에게 적용해 본 충격적 결과 (영상)

얼굴 바꾸기 어플을 이효리 부부에게 적용해 본 충격적 결과 (영상)

또다시 돌아온 월요일에 우울했다면, 이 영상을 보실 것을 추천한다.

얼굴 바꾸기 어플을 이효리-이상순 부부의 사진에 적용해본 결과를 담은 영상인데, 웃다가 결국 울게 되는 충격적 사진이 나왔다.



Grand Canyon Helicopter Crash: Three British People Killed

Grand Canyon Helicopter Crash: Three British People Killed

Three British people have died in a helicopter accident at the Grand Canyon, the Foreign Office said.

The helicopter was on a tour of the canyon, one of the top US tourist destinations and more than a mile deep, when it went down on Saturday at around 5.20pm.

It is not clear what caused the crash.

Six passengers and a pilot were on board the helicopter when it crashed into jagged rocks by the Grand Canyon’s West Rim, according to the Associated Press. 

Of the six British people involved, three have been killed and three are injured.

A Foreign Office spokesperson said: “We are providing support to the families of six British visitors involved in a helicopter accident at the Grand Canyon on 10 February, and we are in close contact with the US emergency services.”

The helicopter, an Eurocopter EC130 from Airbus, “crashed under unknown circumstances in the Grand Canyon” and suffered substantial damage, Allen Kenitzer, a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration, said in an email, according to Reuters.

Police chief Francis Bradley told CNN: “We are having difficulties getting the four people out of the crash site area to the hospital.

“It is too windy and it’s dark and the area is very rugged.”

The helicopter was operated by tour company Papillon Airways, according to the BBC.

The Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board will investigate the incident.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated. Check back for the fullest version. Follow HuffPost UK on Twitter here, and on Facebook here.


George Soros Commits Extra £100,000 To Anti-Brexit Group In Wake Of Attacks Led By Right-Wing Press

George Soros Commits Extra £100,000 To Anti-Brexit Group In Wake Of Attacks Led By Right-Wing Press
Billionaire philanthropist Soros was accused of leading a “secret plot” to undermine Brexit in a front-page article in the Telegraph.

The Daily Mail’s front page the next day told Soros to “butt out” of Brexit, saying: “You can keep your tainted money.”

Now Soros and his foundations have offered to match-fund further small donations up to £100,000 to the Best for Britain group, which wants to keep Britain in the European Union. Soros has already spent £400,000 on the campaign.

He told The Guardian: “I am happy to take the fight to those who have tried to use a smear campaign, not arguments, to prop up their failing case.”

The crowdfunding push has raised £59,625 so far. Best for Britain’s CEO Eloise Todd said: “We live in a democracy, and the right to freedom of speech is precious. Elements of the right-wing press don’t seem to agree.

“The UK’s future with the EU is not a done deal, there is still a vote to come and people across the country deserve to know the truth about the options on the table: one of which is staying and leading in the EU.

“George Soros and his foundations is kindly offering to help match-fund to give Best for Britain more support so we can make sure this message gets out: the biggest decision on Brexit is yet to come.”

The front page of tomorrow’s Daily Telegraph: ‘Man who ‘broke the Bank of England’ backing secret plot to thwart Brexit’ #tomorrowspaperstodaypic.twitter.com/oXXm1i9rQZ

— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) February 7, 2018

The Telegraph piece, penned by Theresa May’s former chief of staff, Nick Timothy, claimed Soros’s foundation was trying to bring down her government

It provoked a huge backlash as Soros is often the target of far-right conspiracy theorists who accuse him of being part of a Jewish plot to establish a New World Order, amongst other things.

European Parliament’s Brexit chief, Guy Verhofstadt, accused Timothy of spreading “Kremlin-sponsored conspiracy theories”.


Must-See LGBTQ TV: Groundbreaking ‘This Close’ premieres, and Constantine debuts on ‘Legends of Tomorrow’!

Must-See LGBTQ TV: Groundbreaking ‘This Close’ premieres, and Constantine debuts on ‘Legends of Tomorrow’!

Photo Credit: The CW

Grab the remote, set your DVR or queue up your streaming service of choice! GLAAD is bringing you the highlights LGBTQ on TV this week. Check back every Sunday for up-to-date coverage in LGBTQ-inclusive programming on TV.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is back from their winter hiatus on Monday, and the team of superheroes will be joined by a new member, John Constantine. Constantine is a figure in DC Comics, as “an alienated, chain-smoking, bisexual, world-weary demonologist,” and will have an arc on Legends before moving to his own digital animated show on the CW Seed. Constantine will join Sara Lance (aka White Canary), the bisexual leader of the time-traveling team as they fight this season’s big bad. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: Monday, 8pm on The CW.

Sundance Now’s first streaming series, This Close, debuts on Wednesday. The new dramedy hails from co-creators, actors, and best friends Shoshanna Stern and Josh Feldman. Both creators are deaf, and Feldman is gay, and their characters within the show reflect these facets of their identity. This Close explores the codependent friendship between their two characters, their struggles at work and different romantic entanglements. A show having a gay deaf lead is a huge and overdue step in representation, and This Close will break new barriers with these characters. This Close: Wednesday on Sundance Now.

Sunday, February 11th: Here and Now (9pm, HBO); Counterpart (Starz); The Chi (10pm, Showtime)

Monday: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (8pm, The CW)

Tuesday: The Fosters (8pm, Freeform); Black Lightning (9pm, The CW); I Am Jazz (9pm, TLC)

Wednesday: This Close (Sundance Now) grown-ish (8pm, Freeform); Schitt’s Creek (8pm, Pop TV); The Amazing Race (9pm, CBS); Dynasty (9pm, The CW); The Magicians (9pm, SyFy); The Assassination Gianni Versace: American Crime Story (10pm, FX)

Thursday: Beyond (8pm, Freeform); 9-1-1 (9pm, Fox); Nashville (9pm, CMT);

Friday: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (8pm, The CW); Andi Mack (7:30pm, Disney Channel);

February 11, 2018


ZDF-Interview: Merkel torpediert die GroKo mit einem Halbsatz

ZDF-Interview: Merkel torpediert die GroKo mit einem Halbsatz
Merkel im ZDF.

  • Merkel erklärt im ZDF, sie stehe auch für eine Minderheitsregierung zur Verfügung
  • Das ist brisant: Bisher hat die SPD-Spitze behauptet, ein “Nein” der Genossen zur GroKo würde für Neuwahlen sorgen

Rund drei Wochen ist es her, da warb die SPD-Führung auf dem Parteitag in Bonn bei der Basis für den Beginn der GroKo-Verhandlungen.

Ihr einhelliges Totschlag-Argument: “Wenn ihr gegen die GroKo stimmt, gibt es Neuwahlen.” Angela Merkel stünde für eine Minderheitsregierung nicht zur Verfügung, verkündeten gleich mehrere SPD-Politiker ihren Genossen.

Die Abstimmung gewannen die Schwarz-Rot Befürworter – knapp.

Nun steht auch ein Koalitionsvertrag mitsamt Verteilung der Ministerien. Bis Anfang März dürfen die SPD-Mitglieder über diesen abstimmen.

► Erneut droht eine knappe Kiste. Zumal ein Satz, den Merkel am Sonntagabend im Interview mit “ZDF Direkt” sagte, die Argumente der GroKo-Freunde nicht gerade stärken dürfte.

Mehr zum Thema: So erklärt Merkel im ZDF-Interview das GroKo-Debakel der CDU

Merkel steht zur Verfügung

Auf die Frage, was die CDU-Chefin bei einem “Nein” der SPD-Basis tun würde, wich Merkel zunächst aus. Sie hoffe auf ein “Ja” erklärte sie diplomatisch – “ich glaube wir haben durch faire Verhandlungen auch die Grundlage dafür gelegt”. 

Dann kam sie im ZDF doch noch zum Punkt. Wenn die Abstimmung mit einem “Nein” ende, “dann gehe ich zum Bundespräsidenten und dann kommt wieder Artikel 63 der Verfassung ins Spiel und dann muss er jemanden vorschlagen.”

► “Und dafür stehe ich zur Verfügung”, sagte Merkel. Das sind entscheidende Worte.

Denn die CDU-Vorsitzende erklärt damit: Scheitert die GroKo, stellt sie sich zur Not ohne eine Regierungskoalition zur Wahl. Findet die CDU also eine Mehrheit für Merkel, will die Parteichefin eine Minderheitsregierung ins Auge fassen.

Schnell wird der CDU-Chefin im ZDF-Gespräch die Brisanz ihrer Worte bewusst. Denn sie hat der SPD-Führung gerade ein wichtiges Argument vor dem Mitgliedsentscheid genommen, der noch rund drei Wochen läuft.

“Stünde ich zur Verfügung”, bessert sie noch einmal nach. Merkels Stimme ist jetzt aufgeregt, ein bisschen lauter als sonst. “Wir haben jetzt gerade gearbeitet, um eine Regierung zu bilden.”


Westminster Council To Ask Wealthy Residents For Voluntary Tax To Help Homeless

Westminster Council To Ask Wealthy Residents For Voluntary Tax To Help Homeless

The wealthiest residents in one of the country’s richest boroughs will be asked to pay a voluntary ‘tax’ to help the young, homeless and lonely.

Westminster Council will write to those living in the area’s most expensive properties to make an extra voluntary contribution on top of their council tax to help pay for local projects.

The scheme is expected to be given the green light after a consultation in which more than 400 people said they would support the initiative.

Council tax rates, which are among the lowest in the country, have been frozen.

But letters will be sent to homeowners in the highest council tax bracket – Band H – asking them to pay an extra £833.

Our voluntary community contribution scheme asks those in highest value homes to pay £833 on top of council tax. This money will help some of the most vulnerable in our community, including rough sleepers with complex needs t.co/V63ejNbjSD

— Westminster Council (@CityWestminster) February 10, 2018

The money raised is earmarked for projects aimed at helping young people, rough-sleepers and the lonely.

Council leader Nickie Aiken said the scheme was developed after wealthy residents said they wanted to pay more.

“The outcome of our consultation reflects the kind and generous spirit of Westminster residents,” she said.

“It also confirmed what I had heard from people I had met on the doorstep that those in the more expensive homes are willing to contribute more to community projects.

“The scheme is most popular among residents of the most expensive homes.”

Homelessness charity Shelter last year exposed the worst boroughs around the UK for rough sleeping and people being housed in temporary accommodation. and found most of the worst performing boroughs were in London – with some of the richest coming out as the worst.

Westminster, which has an average income of £104,000, has a total of 8,054 people homeless, equivalent to one in 31 people. It’s national ranking was 3rd worst.

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, congratulated the council on its “imaginative initiative”.

“May all of us who are willing to do this be given the facility to do so,” he said. “Thank you, Thank you! – You are fantabulous!”

Some of the borough’s well-known residents have also voiced their support.

DJ Tim Westwood said: “Asking people who have done well to contribute a little extra seems a very good idea to me.

“I also like the fact that young people will be among those who benefit from any money raised.”

Margaret Mountford, who appears in BBC reality TV show The Apprentice, added: “In principle this is a very good idea, but obviously we need to see the detail.

“There are clearly areas of need in the borough where money raised could be spent.”


Soldier recounts violent sexual assault at the hands of another male soldier in dramatic testimony

Soldier recounts violent sexual assault at the hands of another male soldier in dramatic testimony
The soldier say he felt “a sharp, penetrating pain” before discovering a two-inch-long tear in his underwear.
