Kentucky Governor to File Court Brief Supporting Printer Who Refused to Make Gay Pride T-Shirts

Kentucky Governor to File Court Brief Supporting Printer Who Refused to Make Gay Pride T-Shirts
gay marriage

gay marriage

Attorneys for Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin (above, center, with anti-gay clerk Kim Davis) are preparing a brief for the Kentucky Supreme Court which will side with Blaine Adamson, the owner of Hands-On Originals, who refused to print Gay Pride t-shirts because it conflicted with his religious beliefs.

The Tennessee Star reported: “In 2012, the Gay and Lesbian Services Organization (GLSO) asked Adamson’s business, Hands On Originals, to print t-shirts promoting a local gay pride festival hosted by the group. Adamson declined to make the shirts but offered to refer the GLSO to another printer. The group eventually was able to get the shirts made for free but still filed a complaint with the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission, which said Adamson had violated a fairness ordinance and ordered him to make the shirts and attend diversity training.”

Two lower courts have overturned the commission’s ruling and the case is now at the Kentucky Supreme Court.

The AP reports: “Bevin argues Kentucky should protect the right of citizens to act according to their conscience.”

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Kentucky Governor to File Court Brief Supporting Printer Who Refused to Make Gay Pride T-Shirts

Harvard-Dozent glaubt: Deutschland wird bald seinen eigenen Trump erleben

Harvard-Dozent glaubt: Deutschland wird bald seinen eigenen Trump erleben
Wird jemand wie Trump die deutsche Kanzlerin ablösen? 

  • In den USA hat ein Mann die Politik komplett auseinander genommen: Donald Trump
  • Der Harvard-Dozent Yascha Mounk glaubt: Auch in Deutschland steht ein trumpsches Politikbeben kurz bevor

Es ist eine mehr als gewagte These, die der Politikwissenschaftler Yascha Mounk für die US-Nachrichtenseite “Slate” aufstellt. Mounk glaubt: Das Chaos, das Donald Trumps Wahl zum US-Präsidenten in den Vereinigten Staaten ausgelöst hat, wird bald auch über die Bundesrepublik hereinbrechen

► Deutschland, schreibt der hier geborene Mounk, drohe ein Trump-Moment. Die politischen Institutionen im Land seien dabei, zu zerbrechen.

Und das Schlimmste sei: Niemand tue etwas dagegen

“Eine unansehnliche Zurschaustellung von kollektivem Egoismus” 

Es sei eine Apathie, wie sie auch in den USA zum Alltag geworden sei.

“Jeder von uns hat schon lange erkannt, dass nichts an unserem Präsidenten normal ist”, schreibt der Politikwissenschaftler. Doch alle würden weiter so tun, als sei Trump eben das: Normal. 

Mounk schreibt: “Wir sehen die Katastrophe am Horizont aufziehen und gehen dennoch fröhlich unsere alten Wege.”

► Und genau so sei es auch in Deutschland

Die politische Elite in der Bundesrepublik kopiere die schlechtesten Eigenschaften der politischen Klasse in den USA. Angesichts des sich ausbreitenden Populismus im Land würde es ihr nicht gelingen, sich für eine Erneuerung des Systems aufzuraffen. 

“Stattdessen hat die müde politische Elite die vergangenen Monate damit verbracht, sich über Kleinigkeiten zu streiten”, klagt Mounk. “Es war eine unansehnliche Zurschaustellung von kollektivem Egoismus.” 

Deutschland habe deshalb noch immer keine neue Regierung – und das mache die Menschen noch wütender, als sie es schon bei der Bundestagswahl gewesen seien. 

Und das, schreibt Mounk, werde gravierende Folgen haben. 

“Vorstellungslos, stümperhaft, feige”

Denn eigentlich hätte das starke Ergebnis der AfD ein Moment des Wachrüttelns für die politische Klasse in Deutschland sein müssen, schreibt der Harvard-Dozent. 

► “Doch stattdessen hat sie sich als vorstellungslos, stümperhaft und feige erwiesen.”

Sowohl die Konservativen um die CDU als auch die Sozialdemokratie sieht Mounk in Deutschland fatal geschwächt. Die SPD habe sich durch Intrigen ins Chaos gestürzt, für eine konservative Regierung mit liberalen statt rechten Tendenzen gebe es in Deutschland keine Mehrheit mehr. 

Die AfD habe so in der Bundesrepublik in den nächsten vier Jahren ein leichtes Spiel.

Es ist eine fatalistische Vision: Ein mit dem Nationalsozialismus kokettierender Björn Höcke könnte nach Mounks Vorstellungen zum Trump der Deutschen werden. 

Mehr zum Thema: Wie rechts ist Deutschland wirklich?

Und was ist mit Merkel? 

Es wäre die Aufgabe der Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, solch eine Entwicklung zu verhindern. Doch von der CDU-Politikerin, die international gerne auch als die “ewige Kanzlerin” oder “Kaiserin Europas” hochgelobt wird, hält Mounk nicht viel. 

Zwar habe Merkel es geschafft es zu verhindern, dass ihr die Schuld am politischen Niedergang des Landes gegeben wurde. “Doch auch im Angesichts so schwacher Rivalen wie Schulz, Gabriel oder Lindner gelingt ihr nicht viel”, schreibt Mounk. 

Merkel habe keine Vision für das Land, klagt der Politologe. “Wenn Deutschland jegliche Orientierung verloren hat, dann liegt das vor allem an Merkel.” 

Mehr zum Thema: “Dornröschen Europas”: So hart rechnet der “Economist” mit Kanzlerin Angela Merkel ab

Und Mounk fügt hinzu: “Ihr fehlen der Mut und die Kreativität, für ihre Werte in einer immer gefährlicher werdenden Welt einzustehen.”

Einen politische Nihilismus nennt der Wissenschaftler das. Einen, der in den USA Trump hervorgebracht habe. Und der in Deutschland kurz davor sei, einen ähnlichen politischen Teufel zu gebären. 

Unter den abgewandten Augen aller, die dies verhindern könnten.

‘Trauma’ Episode 1 Review: The 8 Burning Questions We Have As ITV’s Latest Thriller Begins

‘Trauma’ Episode 1 Review: The 8 Burning Questions We Have As ITV’s Latest Thriller Begins

We’d only had 23 hours to recover from the ‘McMafia’ finale when ITV’s latest thriller ‘Trauma’ kicked off on Monday (12 February) night. 

Penned by the writer of ‘Doctor Foster’, ‘Trauma’ introduced us to two fathers, Dan Bowker and Jon Allerton, whose lives collided when Dan’s 15 year-old son Alex was stabbed and died in the trauma department, attended by consultant Jon. 

While Jon is used to dealing with death and grieving relatives, this case will be especially tough, as Dan is intent on proving Jon was at fault during the surgical procedure in which Alex lost his life. 

As Dan attempted to get to the bottom of exactly what happened in that operating theatre, these are the questions we were left mulling over…

Why was Alex stabbed?

It’s probably safe to assume the lads on the bikes who had followed Alex to the café were the ones who stabbed him (although there could be a surprise in store), but if so, what were their reasons?

Are we to believe they were bullying Alex? Did they go there specifically to attack him? From the fleeting minutes we’d seen of Alex prior to his death, he seemed like a nice lad, but could he have been mixed up in something we (or his parents) don’t yet know about?

What was the document John had to sign again?

When Alex was being taken in for his scan, Nora called Jon back to sign some paperwork again, suggesting he had made an admin mistake before. 

It may turn out to be nothing, but as we were shown Dan explicitly witnessing this exchange, this could turn out to be an important moment – especially if Dan is trying to prove Jon was not fit to be in surgery. 

How did Dan manage to wander into a theatre so easily?

In all the times we’ve been to a hospital, we’ve never casually strolled past unattended doors to an operating theatre, so Dan managing to walk in while his son was being operated seemed implausible. 

How did Alex’s condition worsen so quickly?

Within 15 minutes, he went from being in the corridor on his way to the scan, to being cracked open in surgery, to then being pronounced dead. 

Jon claimed his stab wound had made a hole in his heart, which medics weren’t aware of, but does the short time scale of events reveal anything about mistakes that could have been made?

Why wasn’t Dan putting more effort into finding the people who killed Alex?

Grief can act in mysterious ways, but Dan’s obsession with taking Jon down seemed misplaced given Alex’s killers were still at large. 

Why did Jon decide to go to Alex’s funeral?

Guilt? Or was he simply keen to ensure Dan was OK and dropping his vendetta?

Did Jon have a drink in the night of Alex’s death?

Through some clever questioning during their earlier meeting, Dan managed to find out when Jon’s birthday was, and to discover he’d had a few drinks to celebrate. At Alex’s funeral, it was revealed Jon’s actual birthday had fallen on the night he operated on Alex, with Dan using this to accuse him of being drunk during surgery. 

Jon wasn’t exactly convincing when he tried to deny those accusations, but it could have been that he actually marked his birthday with celebrations earlier in the week – something that Dan didn’t seem to have considered. 

Did Jon make a mistake?

This is the biggie, and it’s unlikely we’ll find out the answer until the closing moments of the final episode, but – if you’re anything like us – you’re probably already starting to decide whether Jon is guilty or not. 

One thing we couldn’t help but clock was the strange movement in his eyes just before he shocked Alex for the final time, which could possibly suggest he may not have been fit to be in theatre after all. 

‘Trauma’ continues on Tuesday at 9pm on ITV.

Alexandra Grey: I Am Fearless

Alexandra Grey: I Am Fearless


To celebrate Black History Month, GLAAD is amplifying the stories and experiences of black LGBTQ content creators. In this piece, transgender actress and singer Alexandra Grey discusses her unwillingness to be defined by the beliefs of others and how black and queer history still inspires her work today.

A she-ro of mine once said “Defining myself, as opposed to being defined by others, is one of the greatest challenges I face.” I’d say this is a truth for so many of us.

For years, I was conditioned to believe that I was going to end up in prison like my father, do drugs like my mother, never make it through high school, oh and sell my body since I wanted to be “such a sissy and a fag.” These are all things that people tried to define me by throughout my life and I almost believed it.

I guess I was LUCKY (?) to learn early on about black and queer history and the leaders who helped pave the way for me to be comfortable in my own skin today. People like Dr. King who never stopped fighting and built his entire life around the freedoms we so often take for granted. Trailblazers like Marsha P. Johnson who started the Gay Liberation Front and who has been a vast influence in the community for nearly six decades. The stories of these fearless women and men who sacrificed their own lives so that I could have mine have always been an inspiration. They are why I chose to be defined by myself and what led me to the arts.

I think there’s no greater platform then music and film. We get to recreate our own narratives and portray characters that reflect who we are. Our stories are so ground-breaking and so compelling, and I just happened to fall in love with telling them. Our history plays into my work as an actress in so many ways. It has taught me to stand up for myself. It has helped me understand the characters I am portray on a much deeper level, and it allows me to follow in the same footsteps using my platform to create change. It allowed me to have a voice. It allowed me to graduate college, never touch drugs, and to never see the inside of a jail cell.

The thing is, yes we celebrate our history this month, but it should serve as a reminder of the work that still has to be done. Having allies is absolutely important, history has always shown us that. And I ask this of our LGBTQ allies and our allies from other backgrounds, if you see something, say something! Show kindness, don’t laugh, don’t judge; rather, grow with us, learn with us. Lend a helping hand, and get to know an LGBTQ person or a person of color. We are all trying to get through this thing called life. So let’s get through it together!

Seeing the headlines of another trans woman of color murdered takes me right back to the days of lynchings and how senseless it is. I am glad to see another year! Because one of us didn’t. I’d say I’m more than lucky, I am FEARLESS!


Alexandra Grey is an transgender actress and singer who has made appearances on shows like Amazon’s “Transparent”, NBC’s “Chicago Med”, Comedy Central’s “Drunk History”, ABC’s mini-series “When We Rise”, and CBS’s “Doubt” with Katherine Heigl and Laverne Cox. Her musical talents have taken her on a 10 city tour last summer and she’s opened up for names like Zara Larsson & Todrick Hall! Despite her difficult journey, Alexandra courageously continued on to reach for her goals and currently uses her platform to remind others that it’s not where you’ve come from, it’s about where you’re heading! Be sure to follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

February 12, 2018

Children Blast Widow’s Claim That Marlon Brando and Richard Pryor Were Lovers

Children Blast Widow’s Claim That Marlon Brando and Richard Pryor Were Lovers

Marlon Brando by Havaa (CC BY SA 4.0)

Marlon Brando never hooked up with Richard Pryor, according to Brando’s son Miko. While speaking to TMZ on Monday, the second of Marlon Brando’s 11 children denied claims that his father had a sexual relationship with the legendary comedian, rebuffing comments made by music mogul Quincy Jones. “The Marlon Brando family has heard the recent comments…

The post Children Blast Widow’s Claim That Marlon Brando and Richard Pryor Were Lovers appeared first on Towleroad.

Bayern: Mann wirft Hund aus dem dritten Stock – das Tier stirbt im Krankenwagen

Bayern: Mann wirft Hund aus dem dritten Stock – das Tier stirbt im Krankenwagen
Die Bulldogge Bolly im Krankenwagen, kurz vor ihrem Tod. 

  • Im bayerischen Straubing hat ein Mann einen Hund aus dem Fenster geworfen
  • Das Tier verstarb an inneren Blutungen und einem schweren Schädel-Hirn-Trauma

Es ist ein grausames Video, das die Tierrettung Niederbayern auf Facebook teilt.

Ein Hund liegt im hinteren eines Krankenwagens, regungslos. Mehrere Schläuche sind an die Bulldogge angeschlossen, sie trägt eine Beatmungsmaske. Durch die schnelle Fahrt wird der Hund hoch- und runtergerüttelt. 

► “Bonny” überlebt die Fahrt nicht. Ein Mann hat sie aus dem dritten Stock der Wohnung ihrer Besitzer geworfen. 

WG-Mitbewohner warf Hund aus dem Fenster

“Der Hund erlitt schwerste innere Verletzungen, weshalb wir ihn mit allen unseren Mitteln stabilisierten und in die Tierklinik transportierten”, schreiben die Tierschützer aus Niederbayern auf ihrer Facebook-Seite. 

► “Leider verstarb er trotz aller Mühen.”

Täter soll laut der Tierrettung Niederbayern ein aus Syrien stammender Mitbewohner der 3er-WG sein, in der “Bonny” mit ihren Besitzern lebte. Dieser sei von dem Hund in Rage gebracht worden und habe ihn kurzerhand aus dem Fenster im dritten Stock geschleudert. 

“Es wurde hier ein Tier schwerst misshandelt und musste sterben”, schreiben die Mitglieder der Tierrettung. “Dabei macht die Herkunft des Täters keinen Unterschied! Wir wollen, dass der Täter die volle Härte des Gesetztes spürt. Egal ob Deutscher, Syrer, Schwarz oder Weiss.

Die Besitzer von Bonny haben bereits Anzeige erstattet, die Polizei ermittelt laut der “Bild”-Zeitung wegen des Verstoßes gegen das Tierschutzgesetz.




Japan's Miho Takagi competes in the women's 1,500m speed skating event during the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympic Games at the Gangneung Oval in Gangneung on February 12, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS        (Photo credit should read ARIS MESSINIS/AFP/Getty Images)

GANGNEUNG, SOUTH KOREA - FEBRUARY 12:  Miho Takagi of Japan during the Ladies 1,500m Long Track Speed Skating final on day three of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games at Gangneung Oval on February 12, 2018 in Gangneung, South Korea.  (Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images)

GANGNEUNG, SOUTH KOREA - FEBRUARY 12:  Miho Takagi of Japan reacts after competing and winning the silver medal during the Ladies 1,500m Long Track Speed Skating final on day three of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games at Gangneung Oval on February 12, 2018 in Gangneung, South Korea.  (Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)



Nigel Farage: ‘Brexit Betrayal’ Will Plunge UK Into Chaos Says Man Who Helped Plunge UK Into Chaos

Nigel Farage: ‘Brexit Betrayal’ Will Plunge UK Into Chaos Says Man Who Helped Plunge UK Into Chaos

The man who helped spark one of the most politically chaotic and disruptive periods in modern British history has said a “betrayal” of what he set in motion could “see this country plunged into a constitutional crisis”.

Nigel Farage has warned leaving the EU was now in danger of being stopped by the Establishment. He said “Theresa the appeaser” is giving in to the EU on almost every part of the Brexit negotiation and Britain was being humiliated by the EU.

“The real crunch point is ultimately going to be the meaningful vote in the House of Commons on whatever deal we get and that is the point at which it is not impossible to see this country plunged into a constitutional crisis,” Farage said.

Farage blaming the PM for the current state of affairs in UK politics.

“The chances of this being the case get higher with every week that goes by.

“If the deal is rejected on a confidence motion, then you are looking at general elections or you are looking at another referendum.”

The UK held a snap General Election last year sparked almost entirely by the referendum.

In addition, since June 2016:

Speaking to Reuters in his office near – but not in – Westminster, Farage added: “The best case scenario right now under our current pathetic leadership is Brexit in name only – that is about as good as it gets.

“At worst they are going to make us fight the whole thing again.

“That is a significant betrayal of what many millions voted for.”

In the United Kingdom’s 2016 referendum, 51.9 percent, or 17.4 million people, voted to leave the EU while 48.1 percent, or 16.1 million people, voted to stay.

Farage dismissed worries from major banks such as Goldman Sachs that the City of London could lose business as a result of Brexit and cast the European Union as a doomed German-dominated experiment in European integration.

Opponents of Brexit are trying to garner enough support in the House of Commons to block any possible withdrawal deal that May comes back from Brussels with in October.

Among those who have called for halting or reversing Brexit, are former Prime Minister Tony Blair, Goldman Sachs Group Inc Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein and George Soros, the billionaire who earned fame by betting against the British pound in 1992.

When asked about the potential electoral pull of Blair, Goldman Sachs and Soros, Farage laughed: “If I was drafting a horror movie of what Remainers look like, well, here they are.”

Soros, through his foundations, donated around 400,000 pounds ($553,000) to the Best for Britain campaign group and an additional 182,000 pounds to the European Movement and 35,000 to Scientists for EU.

Farage said Soros’s participation in Western politics should be investigated and that the billionaire should come to London to publicly explain which political projects he has been involved in.

“There does need to be an investigation into the extent that George Soros is undermining politics right across the Western world,” Farage said. “This is the biggest political campaigning organization the world has ever seen and most people are in denial about it.”

A spokesman for Soros declined immediate comment.