Pastor caught in a car with a tied-up, naked man claims he was administering ‘counseling’
He said the man undressed himself, but offered no explanation for how he got tied-up.
Monthly Archives: February 2018
Wie ein Skandal um häusliche Gewalt droht die US-Regierung zu sprengen
Wie ein Skandal um häusliche Gewalt droht die US-Regierung zu sprengen
Ein Jahr lang hat Rob Porter als hochrangiger Angestellter im Weißen Haus für Donald Trump gearbeitet. Dann kam heraus, dass er beschuldigt wird, seine zwei Ex-Frauen verprügelt zu haben – und die US-Regierung davon wusste.
Der Skandal, der nun Trumps Stabschef John Kelly den Job kosten könnte, auf den Punkt gebracht.
Die Situation: 
► Rob Porter war seit Beginn von Donald Trumps Amtszeit als “Assistent für politische Koordination” im Weißen Haus tätig.
► Vergangene Woche wurde nun bekannt: Porter wird von seinen zwei Ex-Ehefrauen beschuldigt, ihnen Gewalt angetan zu haben.
Colbie Holderness, the ex-wife of Rob Porter: “Being strong — with excellent instincts and loyalty and smarts — does not inoculate a person against abuse”
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) February 13, 2018
► Porter musste das Weiße Haus – zum öffentlichen Bedauern von US-Präsident Trump – verlassen. Längst aber ist der Wirbel um seine Person zu einem Skandal für die ganze US-Regierung geworden.
Die Ursachen: 
► Bei diesem rückt vor allem der Stabschef des Weißen Hauses, John Kelly, in den Mittelpunkt.
► Denn diesen Montag gab FBI-Direktor Christopher Wray bekannt, dass seine Behörde das Weiße Haus schon im vergangenen März über die Anschuldigungen gegen Porter unterrichtet hatte.
FBI Director Christopher Wray makes clear that White House was informed about red flags in Rob Porter’s security clearance process at least as far back as last March
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) February 13, 2018
► Damals war Kelly noch nicht Stabschef von Donald Trump. Doch soll auch er schon seit Sommer von Porters mutmaßlichen Vergehen gewusst und ihn sogar intern vor deren Konsequenzen geschützt haben.
Mehr zum Thema: Wie Donald Trump versucht, dem Einfluss seiner Berater zu entkommen
Die Folgen: 
► Zunächst: Rücktrittsforderungen gegen John Kelly, dem vorgeworfen wird, einen mutmaßlichen Verbrecher im Weißen Haus gedeckt zu haben.
► Doch der Skandal hat noch eine weitere Dimension. Denn Porter bekam wegen der Anschuldigungen gegen ihn keine Sicherheitsfreigabe durch das FBI – und arbeitete dennoch mit hochsensiblen Geheimdokumenten.
► Und Porter ist kein Einzelfall: Noch immer haben zwischen 30 und 40 Mitarbeiter des Weißen Hauses keine Sicherheitsfreigabe. Unter ihnen ist auch Trumps Schwiegersohn Jared Kushner.
Mehr zum Thema: Neue Enthüllungen zeigen, wie Donald Trump Jr. und Jared Kushner heimlich Kontakte nach Russland knüpften
Auf den Punkt gebracht: 
► Das Weiße Haus hat Anschuldigungen über Gewaltverbrechen gegen einen hochrangigen Mitarbeiter Donald Trumps aktiv vertuscht, beschäftigt dutzende Personen ohne Sicherheitsfreigabe und könnte bald seinen Stabschef los sein.
Bonus: Bei einer Pressekonferenz am Montag ignorierte Donald Trump jegliche Fragen zu dem Fall.
Pres. Trump was asked twice today by @ABC about domestic violence following staffer’s resignation. He did not respond.
— Evan McMurry (@evanmcmurry) February 13, 2018
Gavin Newsom’s First Ad in California Governor’s Race Highlights Marriage Equality
Electric Blue
Electric Blue
Julie Bracken posted a video:
My first ‘movie’!
Clip taken at a photo/makeover session on 9th February 2018, at Kelayla’s boudoir in Bournemouth, UK
Recently unearthed quote from Marlon Brando confirms “I have had homosexual experiences”
Recently unearthed quote from Marlon Brando confirms “I have had homosexual experiences”
“Like a large number of men, I, too, have had homosexual experiences.”
Rob Porter, Britney Spears, Gavin Newsom, Chris Mazdzer, Boston Dynamics, Netanyahu: HOT LINKS
Rob Porter, Britney Spears, Gavin Newsom, Chris Mazdzer, Boston Dynamics, Netanyahu: HOT LINKS
AD OF THE DAY. P&G “Thank You Mom”.
FBI VS WHITE HOUSE. FBI Director Christopher Wray contradicts White House version of events in Rob Porter controversy: “Wray, in testimony on Capitol Hill, said the agency in late July completed a background check for security clearance for former White House staff secretary Rob Porter, who resigned a week ago amid allegations of abuse from two former wives. Wray’s comments conflict with the White House assertion that the Federal Bureau of Investigation and intelligence agencies had not completed investigations into Porter. White House officials had no immediate explanation.”
PETER RABBIT. Folks are complaining about the allergies but nobody’s talking about the ass crack.
ISRAEL. Police recommend bribery and corruption charges for Benjamin Netanyahu. “The two cases are the so-called Case 1000 – in which Netanyahu is suspected of accepting lavish gifts from wealthy benefactors in return for advancing their interests – and Case 2000, which alleges that Netanyahu tried to strike a deal that would have provided him with positive coverage in Israel’s second largest newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, in exchange for hurting its free rival, Israel Hayom.”
VANGUARD AWARD. GLAAD to honor Britney Spears at Beverly Hills gala in April: “The GLAAD Vanguard Award is given to media personalities who have promoted equality and acceptance of LGBTQ people, GLAAD said. Previous winners include Jennifer Lopez, Elizabeth Taylor and Whoopi Goldberg.”
OVERBOARD. Here’s the trailer for the remake of the Goldie Hawn/Kurt Russell film, with Anna Faris and Eugenio Derbez.
MILITARY PARADE. Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley offers to host Trump’s parade. “We would love to host the military parade in Missouri,” Hawley said. “The politicians in D.C are wrong. Our military and veterans deserve to be honored.”
.@realDonaldTrump, we would love to host the military parade in Missouri. The politicians in D.C. are wrong. Our military and veterans deserve to be honored.
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) February 12, 2018
No way this was on TV this morning! How does this happen?
— David Kaplan (@thekapman) February 11, 2018
FLASHBACK. 14 years ago this week, an extraordinary gay rights moment in California.
AFRICA. Poacher eaten by lions: “It seems the victim was poaching in the game park when he was attacked and killed by lions. They ate his body, nearly all of it, and just left his head and some remains,” Limpopo police spokesman Moatshe Ngoepe told AFP.
FITNESS ROUTINE OF THE DAY. U.S. Olympic luger Chris Mazdzer.
“I’m really into fitness… fitness whole pizza into my mouth.” – Chris @mazdzer, probably
: @lagibbs84)
— NBC Olympics (@NBCOlympics) February 13, 2018
PANTS-ON OF THE DAY. Norway’s curling team.
SCARY ROBOT OF THE DAY. The Boston Dynamics door opening dog.
SLO MO CLIP OF THE DAY. Getting blasted with a fire hose.
COVER OF THE DAY. The Killers do The Cure’s “Push”. Brandon Flowers said it “baptized” him.
TOO HOT FOR TUESDAY. U.S. Olympic bobsledder Hakeem Abdul-Saboor.
The post Rob Porter, Britney Spears, Gavin Newsom, Chris Mazdzer, Boston Dynamics, Netanyahu: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.
Rob Porter, Britney Spears, Gavin Newsom, Chris Mazdzer, Boston Dynamics, Netanyahu: HOT LINKS
DWP’s ‘Unpleasant’ Valentine’s Day Tweet Is Exceptionally Mis-Judged, People Think
DWP’s ‘Unpleasant’ Valentine’s Day Tweet Is Exceptionally Mis-Judged, People Think
Love is in the air, but what you can smell right now is the Department for Work and Pensions stinking out the room.
At least that’s the collective view on social media after the Whitehall department in charge of benefits decided to mark Valentine’s Day with a welfare crackdown.
Here’s the gift the Esther McVey-run DWP offered less than loved-up couples: the prospect of jail-time.
Claiming to be living alone is one of the most common types of benefit fraud – don’t ruin #ValentinesDay by failing to declare your true circumstances
— DWP Press Office (@dwppressoffice) February 13, 2018
Against the backdrop of a huge pink heart, a video reads: “Declaring your true love tomorrow? Don’t forget to declare your true living arrangements too.
“Don’t get separated from your Valentine. Tell us of a change now.”
The tweet links to a story run on the Daily Express’s website under the headline: “Valentine’s fraud WARNING: Crackdown issued on couples who pose as single to cheat taxman”.
Among a series of examples, the piece points to a married Leicester woman who “raked in” £83,370 in benefits by falsely claiming she was a single, unemployed mother-of-two while still living with her husband for one or two nights-a-week. She was handed a 15-month suspended sentence.
It quotes James Blake, of the DWP’s Counter Fraud and Compliance Directorate, saying: “Relationships have their ups and downs but not telling us when your circumstances change is a crime and the shameless few involved are deliberating diverting money away from those who really need it.
“True love may be hard to come-by but benefits cheats aren’t difficult to track down.
“Our fraud investigators are committed to bringing criminals to justice.”
But commentators suggested the Valentine-themed campaign was perhaps a little tone-deaf.
A strong entry here from the DWP for the most ill-judged Valentine-related social media campaign award.
— Adam Bienkov (@AdamBienkov) February 13, 2018
Exceptionally cynical and unpleasant tweet. Truly a nadir in DWP comms. What on earth were they thinking?
— Rachel Clarke (@doctor_oxford) February 13, 2018
“Happy Valentines Day you lonely, lawbreaking shits”
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) February 13, 2018
Others took to a familiar verse to sound their disquiet.
Roses are red
violets are blue
There’s literally nothing
that the DWP won’t do— Ross Colquhoun (@rosscolquhoun) February 13, 2018
Roses are red
Violets are blue
We fell into my bed
But I didn’t declare— Nearly Legal (@nearlylegal) February 13, 2018
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Tell us the truth
Or we’ll prosecute you ️— Tom Freeman (@SnoozeInBrief) February 13, 2018
Politicians from across the spectrum raised eyebrows.
Don’t forget that if you are alone on #ValentinesDay you can always get screwed by the DWP…
— Jonathan Bartley (@jon_bartley) February 13, 2018
Aaah. This is so sweet. They’ve really, you know..entered into the spirit of the thing
— Karen Buck (@KarenPBuckMP) February 13, 2018
Apparently there is no celebration that @DWP won’t try to ruin…
— Alison Thewliss (@alisonthewliss) February 13, 2018
On behalf of everyone who ever rang me in tears because you were threatening them with prosecution for spending the night at their partner’s house, please do one.
— Grace Fletcher-Hackwood (@msgracefh) February 13, 2018
Some offered sympathy to whoever had to write the words that are unlikely to be picked up by Hallmark any time soon.
No matter what is going wrong in your life, at least you’re not the guy who wrote this tweet.
— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) February 13, 2018
please collect ur dwp social media creator, they’re being a party pooper
— Mollie Goodfellow (@hansmollman) February 13, 2018
And, well, … quite
And they say romance is dead.
— Tim Stanley (@timothy_stanley) February 13, 2018
who said romance is dead?
— Mhairi Hunter (@MhairiHunter) February 13, 2018
Who said romance is
— Ashley Cowburn (@ashcowburn) February 13, 2018
Omarosa: Pence Believes Jesus Talks to Him, Would Be Worse Than Trump
Omarosa: Pence Believes Jesus Talks to Him, Would Be Worse Than Trump
Ominous warnings from the former White House staffer and current Big Brother castmate.
Minneapolis Pride, 2015
These hilarious Obama presidential portrait memes will have you ROTFLOL
These hilarious Obama presidential portrait memes will have you ROTFLOL
The National Portrait Gallery has unveiled the official portraits of former president Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama.