Chat Logs Reveal How Neo-Nazi Group Celebrated Killing of Gay Jewish College Student

Chat Logs Reveal How Neo-Nazi Group Celebrated Killing of Gay Jewish College Student
Blaze Bernstein

Blaze Bernstein

Late last month, ProPublica reported that the California man accused of killing a gay and Jewish University of Pennsylvania student was an avowed neo-Nazi and a member of Atomwaffen Division, one of the country’s most notorious extremist groups. The news about the murder suspect, Samuel Woodward, spread quickly throughout the U.S., and abroad. Woodward was accused…

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Human Rights Campaign Endorses Steve Dettelbach for Ohio Attorney General

Human Rights Campaign Endorses Steve Dettelbach for Ohio Attorney General

HRC announced its endorsement of Steve Dettelbach for Ohio Attorney General. HRC will work to mobilize the more than 1.5 million like “Equality Voters” in the state.

“Steve Dettelbach’s commitment to equality and years of service to the people of Ohio make him the clear choice for fair-minded voters,” said HRC Ohio State Manager Shawn Copeland. As Ohio Attorney General, he will stand up for justice under the law and help to move equality forward in the Buckeye State. We look forward to working with him to ensure that the civil rights of all Ohioans are protected.”

“As a longtime a partner in the fight for justice and supporter of LGBTQ rights, I’m honored to be endorsed by the Human Rights Campaign. From announcing the DOJ would no longer defend DOMA, to establishing a dedicated Civil Rights Unit that prosecuted hate crimes under the Shepard-Byrd Hate Crimes Act, some of my proudest moments as a career federal prosecutor were times we took a stand for justice and held people accountable who violated others’ civil rights. I’m excited to continue that fight as the Ohio Attorney General.” said Steve Dettelbach.

As a 20 year career federal prosecutor, Steve Dettelbach has spent his career working to make Ohio safer and protect the rights of every Ohioan. Dettelbach fought for the civil rights of all Americans as U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio, where he created a dedicated Civil Rights Unit, in part to prosecute hate crimes under the Matthew Shepard-James Byrd Hate Crimes Act. Dettelbach’s Republican challenger is Ohio State Auditor Dave Yost, who has stood with opponents of equality who continue to fail the LGBTQ community.

HRC recently announced a bold, proactive grassroots expansion with the launch of HRC Rising — a campaign to accelerate progress in states from coast-to-coast, resist the politics of hate, fight anti-LGBTQ legislation, and fuel pro-equality candidates and initiatives. The expansion is the biggest strategic investment in the organization’s 38-year history and will include significant investments in Ohio. HRC has identified more than 1,550,000 Ohioans as likely Equality Voters, meaning they are strong supporters of progressive LGBTQ policies including marriage equality, adoption by LGBTQ people, and laws that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Paid for by Human Rights Campaign PAC and authorized by Dettelbach for Ohio

Congratulations to Jae and Teejay from San Diego, California!

Congratulations to Jae and Teejay from San Diego, California!

Jane Austin famously wrote, “To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love.” This was certainly the case for Jae. She writes: “I saw an ad for Zoosk on Facebook and decided to sign up. On my birthday weekend, Teejay sent me a message asking me if I was doing anything that

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Watch LIVE: Trump Speaks at CPAC

Watch LIVE: Trump Speaks at CPAC
cpac trump

Donald Trump is scheduled to deliver remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Trump is expected to announce a massive new package of sanctions against North Korea.

CNBC reports:

“Today I am announcing that we are launching the largest-ever set of new sanctions on the North Korean regime,” Trump will say, according to excerpts from his scheduled speech during the Conservative Political Action Conference. “The Treasury Department will soon be taking new action to further cut off sources of revenue and fuel that the regime uses to fund its nuclear program and sustain its military by targeting 56 vessels, shipping companies, and trade businesses that are assisting North Korea in evading sanctions.”

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Watch LIVE: Trump Speaks at CPAC

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: February 23, 2018

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: February 23, 2018

MIKE PENCE PROMOTES DANGEROUS, ANTI-LGBTQ AGENDA AT CPAC: Yesterday at CPAC, Mike Pence claimed that the U.S. stands up to dictatorships — however, the Trump-Pence administration has consistently ignored state-sponsored anti-LGBTQ violence in Chechnya, Egypt and around the globe. He also proudly promoted his tax scam that was carefully crafted to undermine the Affordable Care Act and other vital health care programs.

  • The worst of the worst on the agenda for today: Donald Trump, Laura Ingraham, David Clarke and various representatives of the hate-fueled Heritage Foundation
  • And this weekend: Confirmed neo-Nazi Sebastian Gorka and Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA), whose recent GOP intelligence memo showed more loyalty to Trump than the Constitution or rule of law

“They are doing everything they can to win back Congress this year.”- Mike Pence at CPAC.

How’d you know, Mike Pence?! What was your first clue? We’re doing everything we can to mobilize pro-equality voters in 2018. ����️

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) February 22, 2018

HRC PRESIDENT CHAD GRIFFIN (@ChadHGriffin) AND LAWYERS COMMITTEE PRESIDENT KRISTEN CLARKE (@KristenClarkeJD) CALL FOR ACTION ON SURGING HATE VIOLENCE: “Understandably, many across our country feel fear right now. But fearfulness does not have to mean powerlessness. Fighting back will take courage and cooperation—but it is essential if we want to preserve the values that make our country great. […] Those of us with power and privilege must use our platform fearlessly. Lives are at stake and the growing list of those killed by hate violence is a sobering reminder of the urgency of this cause.” More from the Philadelphia Inquirer.

STATE DEPARTMENT ORDERED TO ROLL BACK SECTIONS ON WOMEN’S RIGHTS AND ANTI-LGBTQ DISCRIMINATION IN ANNUAL REPORT: Said HRC Global Director Ty Cobb (@TyWesleyCobb): “As LGBTQ people are under attack in Chechnya, Egypt, Indonesia, and many other places, it’s unconscionable that Trump-Pence political appointees are ordering State Department officials to roll back language on anti-LGBTQ discrimination and women’s rights in the annual human rights report. This shameful move is yet another indication of Secretary Tillerson’s dangerously negligent indifference toward LGBTQ people around the globe.” More from Politico.

  • Also out of the Trump-Pence administration, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will remove “nation of immigrants” from its mission statement. No matter how much this administration tries to erase it, it will never not be true. More from The Intercept.
  • New report from Amnesty International: Trump “wasted little time putting his anti-rights rhetoric of discrimination and xenophobia into action” since taking office at the start of last year. More from CNN.

FEEL GOOD FRIDAY — A SMALL TOWN’S BIG SUPPORT OF A TRANS CHILD: When Luchina Fisher’s daughter, Gia, came out as trans, she worried her child wouldn’t have the support she needed from her school or community. However, Gia’s school was determined to get it right, and the family received an outpouring of support from the community — even down to the local Starbucks. Read this powerful story, which ran on the one-year anniversary of the Trump administration rescinding critical guidance regarding trans students from ABC.

On the one-year anniversary of the Trump administration reversing federal guidance for transgender youth in schools, my 14-year-old daughter is thriving. Read our story at ABC News – via @ABC #GenderCoolChampion

— Luchina Fisher (@luchina) February 22, 2018

HRC’S MARY BETH MAXWELL ON JANUS V. AFSCME: “Unions have played a critical role in strengthening and protecting so many American families, including LGBTQ families… At the end of the day, Janus v. AFSCME is about whether we weaken or hold firm to the freedoms Martin Luther King Jr., Bayard Rustin, and the sanitation workers fought for so bravely 50 years ago.” More from The Advocate.

ONE YEAR OF ATTACKS ON TRANSGENDER AND OTHER MARGINALIZED YOUNG PEOPLE: One year ago yesterday, the Trump-Pence Administration rescinded protective guidance for transgender students. Said HRC National Press Secretary Sarah McBride (@SarahEMcBride): “In the past year, we have seen attack after attack on transgender young people, sexual assault survivors and Dreamers from the Trump-Pence administration. This administration has made it clear that they do not care about the safety or well-being of America’s most vulnerable youth. Instead, they have sided with a dangerous agenda that attacks them.”

CHECK OUT JUST SOME OF THE ANTI-LGBTQ STATE INITATIVES HRC IS FIGHTING: From Massachusetts to Alaska, ballot initiatives and bills targeting the LGBTQ community are making their way through state legislatures across the country. Additionally, HRC is fighting proposals in statehouses that would repeal laws protecting transgender people, degrade marriage equality and give child welfare agencies a license to discriminate against LGBTQ prospective parents. More from NBC.

HRC OPPOSES KENNETH MARCUS’ NOMINATION AS ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR CIVIL RIGHTS AT THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: HRC joined 60 other civil rights groups in a letter to the U.S. Senate urging senators to vote against Marcus. More from The Leadership Conference.


  • Also, check out these heartbreaking and heartwarming images from Al Jazeera of Parkland survivors uniting with Pulse survivors to demand action.

Students who survived the Florida school shooting met survivors of the Pulse Nightclub shooting before boarding buses to head to the state capitol to demand action on gun reform.

— AJ+ (@ajplus) February 20, 2018

HRC ENDORSES MARK PHARISS FOR TEXAS STATE SENATE: “Mark Phariss will fight for all of his constituents — no matter who they are or whom they love — if he is elected to the Texas State Senate,” said HRC National Field Director Marty Rouse. “We are proud to endorse Mark’s candidacy and look forward to working with him in the Texas Legislature, where he would be the first openly gay state senator in the Lone Star State.” More from HRC.



READING RAINBOWBookmark now to read on your lunch break!

The Bay Area Reporter shares San Francisco’s journey to protect its LGBTQ history; Healthline explores anti-LGBTQ discrimination in the health care system

Armed Deputy on Duty at Parkland HS Stood Outside, ‘Never Went In’ as Massacre Took Place

Armed Deputy on Duty at Parkland HS Stood Outside, ‘Never Went In’ as Massacre Took Place
scot peterson

Scot Peterson, the Florida police officer assigned to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School where 17 people were killed in a mass shooting last week, has resigned amid an investigation into his actions during the massacre. Peterson, 54, resigned Thursday from Broward County Sheriff’s Office, the Sun Sentinel reported, as it emerged that although he was the…

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Devocionario de Cuaresma: En el nombre de Dios, el más compasivo, el más misericordioso

Devocionario de Cuaresma: En el nombre de Dios, el más compasivo, el más misericordioso

La gente considera su fe como una fuente de orientación e inspiración; esto no es diferente para las personas LGBTQ y sus familias o amigos. Durante la temporada de Cuaresma, HRC compartirá devocionarios de líderes religiosos, personas LGBTQ y aliados. La campaña busca crear un ambiente en el que las personas LGBTQ de fe y sus aliados puedan practicar las tradiciones espirituales de su fe en un ambiente acogedor e inclusivo.

La temporada de Cuaresma marca los días que conducen a la crucifixión de Jesús y la posterior resurrección. Para los cristianos, la resurrección es tanto una celebración de la vida como un recordatorio de que las personas continúan sufriendo, incluidos los miembros de la comunidad LGBTQ.

Es importante notar que el tiempo de Cuaresma es una práctica de muchas denominaciones cristianas y puede no tener un impacto en todos los lectores. A lo largo de esta serie, HRC busca ampliar y honrar las voces de los líderes de fe que afirman ser LGBTQ en muchas tradiciones religiosas.

La publicación de hoy se presenta a continuación en inglés y español y fue escrita por Khizr Khan, estadounidense musulmán y patriota de Charlottesville, Virginia. Para obtener más información sobre la campaña devocional de Cuaresma, visite  

Fuimos creados para la comunidad. Un Dios, una familia, un propósito: compartir la experiencia espiritual de la conexión humana. Una de las muchas formas de plétora en las que podemos conectarnos y sentir empatía por este santo período cristiano de la Cuaresma es a través del ayuno. Reflexionando sobre las similitudes entre la Cuaresma y el Ramadán, el ayuno, como disciplina religiosa, nos vincula a todos como una sola familia humana y un solo propósito: aumentar nuestro conocimiento acerca Dios.

Dios no espera que naveguemos solos por la vida. Estar vivo significa amar y aprender, amar y cuidar, cuidar y apoyar, apoyar y animarse mutuamente; pero el amor por los demás debe estar arraigado en el amor de Dios. Tal como se narra en 1 Samuel 16: 7, Abu Hurairah, un prolífico narrador y compañero del profeta Mahoma, dijo lo siguiente: “Dios mira tus corazones [y obras]”.

Sin embargo, nuestro mundo actual está basado en las diferencias que existen entre nosotros. Estamos divididos por el miedo, miedo que puede ser erradicado a través de una relación. Seamos personas LGBTQ, heterosexuales o cisgénero…cristianos, musulmanes o judíos, todos estamos llamados a vivir en una comunidad, en armonía y unidad. No debemos permitir que la intolerancia, las políticas injustas, prohibiciones inmorales o muros divisorios cambien nuestro enfoque. No debemos permitir que interpretaciones equivocadas sobre religión y fe nos hagan agachar la cabeza avergonzados, que escondamos la verdad de quienes somos o que nos satanice por nuestras creencias. Debemos unirnos en solidaridad ya que tanto el Corán como la Biblia mejoran y defienden la santidad y dignidad de la vida humana.

Mientras que muchos oran, ayunan y reflexionan por la Cuaresma, incluso en los días más oscuros, sepan que nunca caminan solos. Dios está con ustedes. Dios está presente en las palabras amables de un desconocido. Dios está presente en los ojos sin prejuicio de un niño. Dios está presente en el afecto de un amante. Y Dios está presente fuera de las instituciones religiosas.   

Que Alá, Dios de Abraham, les bendiga y nos una con lazos inquebrantables. Ayúdanos a ser uno en Tu nombre. Amén.

La Campaña Devocional de Cuaresma es un recurso basado en la fe que recopila meditaciones escritas por 47 líderes de fe alrededor de EE. UU. Este proyecto conjuntamente con el trabajo de educación pública con líderes religiosos en los estados de la iniciativa Project One America de HRC y el Programa de Religión y Fe de HRC es posible en parte gracias al apoyo de la Fundación E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter.