Trump Tweets False Claim That ‘Highest Number in History’ Watched His ‘SOTU’ Address

Trump Tweets False Claim That ‘Highest Number in History’ Watched His ‘SOTU’ Address

Another day, a new lie from the president.

Donald Trump  made a false claim this morning about the ratings for his State of the Union address, claiming that the “highest number in history” watched the speech.

Tweeted Trump: “Thank you for all of the nice compliments and reviews on the State of the Union speech. 45.6 million people watched, the highest number in history. @FoxNews beat every other Network, for the first time ever, with 11.7 million people tuning in. Delivered from the heart!”

Thank you for all of the nice compliments and reviews on the State of the Union speech. 45.6 million people watched, the highest number in history. @FoxNews beat every other Network, for the first time ever, with 11.7 million people tuning in. Delivered from the heart!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 1, 2018

NBC News reveals that’s a lie:

The Nielsen company said former President Barack Obama drew 48 million people for his first State of the Union in 2010. And presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton both gave two addresses that reached more viewers, Bush’s 2003 speech before the Iraq war getting the most ever: 62 million.

Trump’s audience was down from the 47.7 million people who watched his address to the joint session of Congress last February.

Fox News Channel earned the top spot among the individual networks, with 11.5 million viewers during the speech. It was the first time that Fox News, home of Trump-friendly opinion hosts like Sean Hannity, beat all of the networks for the State of the Union, although Fox also was the network of choice for Trump’s address to Congress last February.

NBC (7.1 million) and CBS (7 million) fought for second place. The Fox broadcast network had 3.6 million, CNN had 3.1 million and MSNBC had 2.7 million, Nielsen said.

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Trump Tweets False Claim That ‘Highest Number in History’ Watched His ‘SOTU’ Address

Wiernsheim: 5-Jährige hat schwere Meningokokken-Infektion – nun wird gehandelt

Wiernsheim: 5-Jährige hat schwere Meningokokken-Infektion – nun wird gehandelt

  • Schwere Meningokokken-Fällen sind sehr selten – trotzdem ist nun ein fünfjähriges Mädchen erkrankt
  • Menschen aus ihrem Umfeld sollen nun Antibiotika nehmen, um Schlimmeres zu verhindern

Ein Mädchen ist in Baden-Württemberg an einer schweren Meningokokken-Infektion erkrankt. Die Fünfjährige besucht den Kindergarten Regenbogen in Wiernsheim.

Um die Gefahr weiterer Erkrankungen zu minimieren, hat das Gesundheitsamt im Enzkreis Eltern und Beschäftigten informiert. Sie können vorbeugend Antibiotika zu sich nehmen.

Damit können weitere Erkrankungen im engen Umfeld des Mädchens und der Kindergarten-Angestellten verhindert werden.

Der Fall wird knapp zwei Wochen nach dem ein kleiner Junge in Hessen an einer Meningokokken-Infektion gestorben ist. Auch bei ihm wurden seine Freund und Angestellte seines Kindergartens aufgerufen, Antibiotika zu nehmen.

► Denn: Meningokokken können eine eitrige Hirnhautentzündung verursachen, die sogenannte Meningitis, sehr selten auch eine Blutvergiftung.

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Meningokokken-Infektionen sind selten

“In Deutschland kommen Meningokokken-Erkrankungen glücklicherweise ausgesprochen selten vor – es gibt jährlich nur etwa fünf Fälle auf eine Million Menschen, meist in den Wintermonaten”, sagt Facharzt Michael Junius vom Gesundheitsamt Enzkreis.

►  Eine schnelle und rasch durchgeführte Antibiotikagabe könne jedoch Schlimmeres verhindern. 

Warum nur ganz wenige einzelne Personen erkranken und andere nicht, sei nicht bekannt.

Jeder Dritte hat diese Bakterien – und merkt es nicht

Denn die Bakterien sind laut Gesundheitsamt weit verbreitet: Nahezu jeder dritte Mensch hat Meningokokken im Nasen-Rachenraum. Allerdings führen sie nur in sehr seltenen Fällen zu einer Erkrankung.

Übertragen werden sie meist als sogenannte Tröpfcheninfektion: Sie gelangen beim Sprechen, Husten oder Niesen in kleinsten Speichel-Tröpfchen in die Luft und können eingeatmet werden.

Da sie außerhalb des Körpers schnell absterben, ist für eine Ansteckung normalerweise ein sehr enger Kontakt notwendig.

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Wichtig ist daher die Symptome zu kennen. 

Das sind die Symptome einer schweren Erkrankung

► Auf eine Meningokokken-Hirnhautentzündung können Fieber, Kopf- und Gliederschmerzen, Lichtempfindlichkeit und eine getrübte Bewusstseinslage hindeuten.

“Ein typisches Zeichen ist die schmerzhafte Nackensteifigkeit, oft kombiniert mit morgendlichem Erbrechen oder Zeichen eines Kreislaufversagens“, sagt Fachärztin Angelika Edwards.

► Bei der Meningokokken-Blutvergiftung werden die Bakterien in den gesamten Körper ausgeschwemmt und dadurch die Blutgerinnung gestört. Punktförmige oder flächige Einblutungen auf der Haut und den Schleimhäuten können auf eine solche Erkrankung hindeuten.

►  “Bei Erkrankung auf jeden Fall zum Arzt gehen“, sagt Edwards.

Impfung ist möglich

Es sei möglich, sich gegen Meningokokken Typ C impfen zu lassen, was von der Ständigen Impfkommission am Robert-Koch-Institut auch empfohlen werde.

Ob das bei dem Fall in Baden-Württemberg geholfen hätte, ist noch nicht klar. “Allerdings ist der Bakterientyp, der die akute Erkrankung bei der Fünfjährigen verursacht hat, noch nicht bekannt“, sagt Edwards.


‘세월호특조위 방해’ 朴정권 해수부 장·차관 구속…”범죄소명·도주염려”

‘세월호특조위 방해’ 朴정권 해수부 장·차관 구속…”범죄소명·도주염려”
'4·16세월호참사 특별조사위원회'(세월호 특조위)의 활동을 조직적으로 방해한 혐의를 받는 김영석 전 해양수산부 장관과 윤학배 전 해양수산부 차관이 1일 서울 송파구 동부지방법원에서 열린 구속 전 피의자심문(영장실질심사)에 출석하고 있다. 

박근혜정부 당시 ‘4·16세월호참사 특별조사위원회’(세월호 특조위)의 활동을 조직적으로 방해한 혐의를 받는 김영석 전 해양수산부 장관과 윤학배 전 차관이 구속됐다.

서울동부지법 양철한 영장전담 부장판사는 1일 오전 10시30분부터 이들에 대한 구속 전 피의자 심문(영장실질심사)을 진행한 뒤 같은 날 오후 9시25분쯤 모두 구속영장을 발부했다.

양 부장판사는 ”범죄혐의가 소명되고 도망 및 증거인멸의 우려가 있다”며 사유를 밝혔다.

앞서 서울동부지검 형사6부(부장검사 박진원)는 지난달 30일 직권남용 권리행사방해 혐의로 김 전 장관과 윤 전 차관의 구속영장을 청구했다.

검찰에 따르면 이들은 해수부 직원과 세월호특조위 파견 공무원들에게 ‘특조위 내부 상황 및 활동 동향’을 확인해 보고하도록 하고, 해수부 직원들에게 특조위 활동을 방해하기 위한 대응방안을 마련해 이를 실행하도록 지시한 혐의를 받고 있다.

검찰은 지난달 28일에는 윤 전 차관을, 29일에는 김 전 장관을 각각 피의자 신분으로 소환해 한 차례씩 조사를 마쳤다. 이들의 자택에 대한 압수수색도 병행했다.

김 전 장관은 2014년 세월호참사 당시 대통령비서실 해양수산비서관으로 근무하다가 그해 8월부터 해양수산부 차관으로 일했다. 이후 2015년 11월부터 지난해 6월까지 해수부 장관으로 재임했다.

박근혜 정부 해수부 책임자 두명이 나란히 구속되면서 검찰 수사도 탄력을 받을 전망이다. 검찰은 김 전 장관과 윤 전 차관을 상대로 세월호 특조위 방해 의혹을 둘러싼 청와대와 정치권 등 개입 여부를 추궁할 것으로 보인다.

'4·16세월호참사 특별조사위원회'(세월호 특조위)의 활동을 조직적으로 방해한 혐의를 받는 김영석 전 해양수산부 장관(왼쪽)과 윤학배 전 해양수산부 차관

東京都心で大雪の恐れ、通勤・通学ラッシュ直撃か 転ばないように歩くコツは?

東京都心で大雪の恐れ、通勤・通学ラッシュ直撃か 転ばないように歩くコツは?



【2/1 17:30現在】
国道1号 箱根新道は積雪のため、引き続きタイヤチェックを行っております。

— 国土交通省 横浜国道事務所 (@mlit_yokokoku) 2018年2月1日


















The UK’s Most Complained About Adverts Of 2017

The UK’s Most Complained About Adverts Of 2017
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has released their list of the most controversial ads of the past year. A total of 29,997 complaints were received.

All of the adverts in the top ten had one common thread – they were all challenged on the grounds of offence.

In response to complaints reported in the media, two ads were quickly removed by the advertisers (Dove and McDonald’s) without the need for further ASA action.

HRC Endorses New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand for Re-Election

HRC Endorses New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand for Re-Election

Today, HRC announced its endorsement of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) for re-election to the U.S. Senate. Senator Gillibrand will speak this Saturday at the 2018 HRC Greater New York Gala — one of organization’s largest events of the year, attracting more than 1,000 of HRC’s most active leaders, supporters and members.

“Senator Gillibrand has spent her career fighting for equality — for LGBTQ people, for workers, for women and for families,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “From fighting back against Donald Trump’s transgender military ban to pushing for LGBTQ non-discrimination protections through the Equality Act, she fights for what’s right and she never backs down. New Yorkers and all Americans need her leadership now more than ever before as we pull the emergency brake on the Trump-Pence administration’s hate-fueled agenda.”

A leader for LGBTQ equality in Congress, Senator Gillibrand has consistently scored a perfect 100 percent on the HRC Congressional Scorecard throughout her time in the Senate. In response to President Trump’s discriminatory attempt to implement a transgender military ban, Gillibrand announced bipartisan legislation to protect currently serving transgender troops from being discharged. She also recently spoke out against violence targeting LGBTQ Americans and the critical need for equality voters to make their voices heard at the ballot box.

HRC recently announced a bold, proactive grassroots expansion with the launch of HRC Rising — a campaign to accelerate progress in states from coast-to-coast, resist the politics of hate, fight anti-LGBTQ legislation, and fuel pro-equality candidates and initiatives. The expansion is the biggest strategic investment in the organization’s 37-year history. HRC has identified more than 5 million New Yorkers as likely Equality Voters, meaning they are strong supporters of progressive LGBTQ policies including same-sex marriage, adoption by LGBTQ people, and laws that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Paid for by Human Rights Campaign PAC and authorized by Gillibrand for Senate

The Ariadne Getty Foundation Pledges $15M to GLAAD and Brings LGBTQ Inclusion to the World Stage at the World Economic Forum in Davos

The Ariadne Getty Foundation Pledges $15M to GLAAD and Brings LGBTQ Inclusion to the World Stage at the World Economic Forum in Davos


Forward progress is a pendulum and last week GLAAD and The Harris Poll released an alarming poll that showed LGBTQ acceptance is beginning to swing in the wrong direction.

But The Ariadne Getty Foundation is not going to let that happen.

The Foundation’s President, Ari Getty, announced a $15M lead gift to fund GLAAD’s work to stop the rollback of LGBTQ acceptance and move the global LGBTQ community forward.

The gift was announced during a LGBTQ panel discussion during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The annual meeting welcomes the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. The mission of the World Economic Forum is simple: “improve the state of the world.”

GLAAD and The Ariadne Getty Foundation’s panel “Progress in Peril: How Business, Philanthropy and Media Can Lead to Achieving 100% Acceptance for LGBTQ People” included notable panelists and speakers:

  • Beth Brooke-Marciniak: Global Vice Chair, Public Policy, EY
  • Serge Dumont: Vice Chairman, Omnicom Group Inc., Chairman, Omnicom Asia Pacific
  • Jim Fitterling: President and Chief Operating Officer, Dow Chemical Company
  • Franz Paasche: Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Paypal
  • Bozoma Saint John, Chief Brand Officer, Uber
  • Brad Smith, President and Chief Legal Officer, Microsoft

Check out the panel here:


This panel was one of the few LGBTQ-inclusive events during the World Economic Forum and is hopefully the start of broader inclusion.

GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis introduced the event and reviewed the findings of GLAAD and The Harris Poll’s Accelerating Acceptance report and the rollback of LGBTQ acceptance.

CNN International’s intrepid reporter and human rights advocate in his own right, Richard Quest moderated the panel.

During the panel he asked Ari Getty about her gift to fund the newly launched GLAAD Media Institute. The GLAAD Media Institute is a training, consulting, and research venture that builds upon and furthers GLAAD’s successful legacy of leveraging media, business, social media and cultural institutions to effect positive change with advocates around the world. GLAAD aims to put 10,000 advocates around the world through the GLAAD Media Institute training over the next three years with the goal of increasing coverage of LGBTQ people and issues and hold elected officials accountable.

The Ariadne Getty Foundation, under the leadership of Ari Getty, improves the lived experiences of marginalized individuals and communities through large-scale investments and hands-on advocacy. The $15 million lead gift will be dedicated to building the Institute as well as advance GLAAD’s work to invest in LGBTQ ventures, including media and small businesses, that have social impact worldwide.

Ari received a standing ovation in the room after the gift was announced. Quest asked about her inspiration for the gift and Ari cited her two out children, August and Nats. Her daughter Nats was in the room and got called onstage to thank her mom.

“We cannot go backwards. With LGBTQ acceptance slipping, I have no choice but to use my power to create a better world for LGBTQ youth. The time is now to stand by marginalized communities and promote a better world for all. GLAAD has always been the leader in creating a better world for LGBTQ people. This lead gift will not only ensure that work continues, but will hopefully inspire others to join us in our pursuit of 100 percent acceptance.”

The panelists discussed their company’s varied initiatives to push for LGBTQ equality. Quest also made a poignant point around broader LGBTQ inclusion in the World Economic Forum.

“This important lead gift continues Ari’s legacy of strategic philanthropy to improve the lives of countless people around the world,” said GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis. “We will not stop until 100 percent LGBTQ acceptance is the norm everywhere. Though this White House is trying to turn the tide against LGBTQ people, this critical lead gift will enable GLAAD to both leverage the media to change the world, and invest in the best storytelling to bring to life the importance and value of achieving 100 percent LGBTQ acceptance.”

February 1, 2018