Recapping HRC’s Fight to Protect Dreamers

Recapping HRC’s Fight to Protect Dreamers

The fight to protect Dreamers continues to intensify as the Trump administration moves further away from a bipartisan approach.

Confused by the latest developments? Let’s recap.

Dreamers are young immigrants who are unauthorized and were brought to the U.S. as children. Dreamers often do not know a home outside of the U.S. Polls show that a huge majority supports the government taking action to help Dreamers by halting all deportation proceedings and providing them with a pathway to citizenship. Dreamers came here through no fault of their own and often do not even speak the language of the country from which their families brought them.  It is estimated there are between 1.7 million and 3.6 million Dreamers currently in the U.S. and that as many as 75,000 of these immigrants could be LGBTQ.

In 2012, after years of congressional inaction, the Obama Administration took action by creating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which allowed certain qualified Dreamers to obtain temporary legal status in the U.S. and remain here to continue their studies, work and stay with their communities. HRC supported President Obama’s action on Dreamers and has also endorsed the bipartisan DREAM Act (H.R.3440/S.1615), that would explicitly authorize Dreamers to remain in the U.S. and stop their deportation. HRC has also signed on to numerous letters in support of Dreamers and made the DREAM Act  part of the organization’s lobby day on Capitol Hill this past fall.

However, despite widespread support for the Dreamers, the Trump Administration announced on Sept. 5, 2017, that it would instead end the DACA program within six months and begin to take action to put Dreamers into deportation proceedings. Many in Congress on both sides of the aisle opposed this move and sought to either pass a “clean” Dream Act that would grant legal authorization to the Dreamers or include such legislation in a Congressional spending bill. Lawmakers have attempted to come up with numerous bipartisan solutions, some of which President Trump has appeared to support, only to withdraw his support soon after. (It was during one of those meetings with Congress that Trump made his infamous comment denigrating Haitians and Africans.)

With the DACA deadline looming in late January, the White House released a document detailing their demands. In exchange for White House support for providing legal status to Dreamers:

  • Congress would need to set aside $25 billion for a “border wall system” and other border security “enhancements”;
  • The U.S. must severely curtail family reunification, which allows family members of U.S. citizens to join them in the U.S., thereby allowing families to stay together;
  • The U.S. must end the Diversity Visa Program, which makes 50,000 immigrant visas available each year for immigrants from countries that had low numbers of immigrants to the U.S. in the previous five years; and
  • The U.S. must also take a number of other steps, such as reforming immigration courts, hiring more staff and preventing synthetic drugs from entering the U.S.

This latest White House proposal lays out its wish list for immigration reform, one that would sharply curtain legal immigration while dramatically increasing spending to prevent illegal immigration. Until the White House proposal, bipartisan House and Senate discussions were focused on a “small deal” that would address the plight of Dreamers in exchange for additional border security. The White House proposal goes well beyond the scope of the many discussions that have been happening over the past few months.

Over the past year, the Human Rights Campaign has long opposed many of the White House proposals and has instead supported a “clean” Dream Act. However, in the context of earlier bipartisan legislation for Comprehensive and Inclusive Immigration Reform (CIIR), in 2013, HRC made CIIR an organizational priority, laying out a number of principles that should be included in an LGBTQ-inclusive CIIR effort, such as:

  • Creating a pathway to citizenship for all undocumented immigrants in the U.S., as many as 250,000 of whom could be LGBTQ;
  • Protecting the health and safety of LGBTQ immigrants by promoting alternatives to detention for vulnerable individuals, such as transgender immigrants, and by requiring detention facilities to provide medical care that addresses the needs of LGBTQ detainees;
  • Improving the U.S. asylum system and eliminating the arbitrary one-year filing deadline that makes it far more difficult for persecuted LGBTQ people from abroad to claim asylum in the U.S.; and
  • Keeping LGBTQ families together by reducing the backlog in family reunification visas.

Over the next few weeks, Congress will continue discussions over the fate of Dreamers. HRC continues to call for the passage of legislation to address Dreamers and allow them to stay in the U.S. legally. A short term solution for Dreamers is still achievable this year. Should the White House want a comprehensive agreement, those negotiations are worthwhile but clearly could not be completed in the near term.

It’s time to help Dreamers now.

New York Times includes supportive mom of a queer son in animated video series

New York Times includes supportive mom of a queer son in animated video series

A Mother’s Promise: You Can Be Yourself, was one of six selected story submissions for New York Time’s Conception series. A digital short, the animation brought to life Laurin Mayeno’s narration of her own journey towards accepting her queer son and raising him alone after his Salvadoran father dies during that country’s Civil War.

An LGBTQ ally, Mayeno is the founder of both Somos Familia and Out Proud Families; two organizations she created to increase acceptance for all queer youth and especially Latinxs. Both aim to nurture safe spaces and resource centers for families of LGBTQ youth as well as the youth themselves. Mayeno has shared part of her story for in her bilingual book, One of a Kind, Like Me/Único, como yo, but this inclusion allows the story to be shared in a new platform, potentially reaching new readers. The message about acceptance is important because according to the Cesar E. Chavez institute, LGBTQ adolescents that either receive rejection or negative reactions when coming out are 8.4 times more likely to commit suicide (when compared to their well-received queer peers). The study also found that queer Latinx males had higher rates of negative reactions when they came out to their families.

By including Mayeno’s story alongside hetero-narrative stories families who often feel isolated or alone had an opportunity to feel that they were part of a general narrative.

February 1, 2018

Trump Set to Release Sham Nunes Memo in Effort to Discredit Russia Investigation

Trump Set to Release Sham Nunes Memo in Effort to Discredit Russia Investigation
Trump Nunes

Trump Nunes

Donald Trump is expected to approve the release of the sham Devin Nunes memo on Thursday morning following some redactions requested by the FBI, the Washington Post reports:

The redactions were the result of a review of the memo’s classified contents by White House and intelligence community officials, including Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats. The memo, which has created a political firestorm, suggests that the early origins of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election were tainted by political bias.

Trump has been telling friends he believes the memo will discredit the Russia investigation, CNN reports:

In recent phone calls, Trump has told friends he believes the memo would expose bias within the agency’s top ranks and make it easier for him to argue the Russia investigations are prejudiced against him, according to two sources.

As the debate rages about whether the GOP memo is inaccurate and misleading — and whether it’s appropriate to reveal such classified intelligence at all — Trump appears to be more preoccupied with the political calculus. He views the memo as proof the intelligence community was unfairly targeting him and fodder for his ultimate goal of bringing an end to the Russia investigation that he has dubbed a “witch hunt,” sources said.

And Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) compared House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA), who prepared the hyper-partisan memo, to Joseph McCarthy in an interview on CNN: “The release of this memo is really reminiscent of the darkest days of the McCarthy era, with characterization assassinations.It endangers methods and sources of the intelligence community, and it reflects an effort to distract from the Mueller investigation.”

Sen. Richard Blumenthal slams the potential release of the Nunes memo: “The release of this memo is really reminiscent of the darkest days of the McCarthy era”

— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) February 1, 2018

The memo, which allegedly claims that the FBI and DOJ abused their power with regard to Trump campaign surveillance was altered by Nunes before he sent it to the White House, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said late on Wednesday.

Schiff said the document already had “profound distortions and inaccuracies” before the changes were made, and called Nunes’ actions “deeply troubling” because the White House is now reviewing a document that was not shared with nor voted on by the entire House Intelligence Committee.

Schiff called on Republicans to withdraw the document it sent to the White House and called for a new vote on the memo and on another memo, written up by the Democrats on the committee. Majority Republicans have denied Democrats the opportunity to release a memo in response to the Nunes memo.

Tweeted Schiff: “Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.”

BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) February 1, 2018

NBC News adds:

Jack Langer, a spokesman for Nunes, confirmed that the memo had been edited, but he told NBC News that the changes included “grammatical fixes and two edits requested by the FBI and by the Minority themselves,” referring to committee Democrats.

“The vote to release the memo was absolutely procedurally sound, and in accordance with House and Committee rules,” Langer said. “To suggest otherwise is a bizarre distraction from the abuses detailed in the memo, which the public will hopefully soon be able to read for themselves.”

But a senior Democratic source on the Intelligence Committee disputed that account, telling NBC News that the changes weren’t “cosmetic.”

“Instead, they try to water down some of the majority’s assertions,” the source said.

In a rare public statement yesterday, the FBI disavowed the memo.

Said the FBI in its statement: “With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it. As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray has reportedly urged the White House not to release the memo. At his State of the Union address last night, Donald Trump was overheard telling a Republican lawmaker that he’s “100 percent” going to release the memo.

The post Trump Set to Release Sham Nunes Memo in Effort to Discredit Russia Investigation appeared first on Towleroad.

Trump Set to Release Sham Nunes Memo in Effort to Discredit Russia Investigation

Beim Sex zu früh kommen: 4 Männer verraten, wie sie länger durchhalten

Beim Sex zu früh kommen: 4 Männer verraten, wie sie länger durchhalten
Wenn er beim Sex zu früh kommt, kann das für beide Partner frustrierend sein.

  • Laut einer Studie kommen 20 bis 25 Prozent aller Männer beim Sex zu früh
  • Im Podcast “Oh Baby” kommen Betroffene zu Wort und schildern, wie sie damit umgehen

Unsere Kolleginnen Isabel und Sibel sprechen in ihrem Podcast “Oh Baby” regelmäßig über ihr Sexleben – ihre Fantasien, Lieblingsstellungen, und schlimmsten Erlebnisse. In der letzten Folge ging es um Selbstbefriedigung, in ihrer aktuellen Folge beschäftigen sie sich mit dem Problem, beim Sex zu früh zu kommen.

Enttäuschend, frustrierend, assi: So beschreibt die Endzwanzigerin Sibel eines ihrer schlechtesten Sex-Erlebnissen, eine Begegnung mit einem Mann, der zu früh kam. 

Doch wie fühlen sich eigentlich Männer, wenn sie beim Geschlechtsakt etwas vorschnell zum Punkt kommen? Schließlich sind laut einer Studie des Hamburger Urologen Hartmut Porst 20 bis 25 Prozent aller Männer im Alter von 18 bis 70 Jahren von frühzeitiger Ejakulation betroffen.

Sibel und Isabel haben bei ihren Hörern nachgehakt. 

Die Angst, zu versagen

“Ich komme immer zu früh”, klagt ein Hörer. “Meine Frau sagt zwar, es störe sie nicht, aber ich ich glaube ihr nicht, dass sie das befriedigt.”

“Es ist ziemlich belastend”, gesteht ein anderer Mann. So sehr, dass man(n) sich oft gar nicht mehr traue, einen One-Night-Stand mit nach Hause zu nehmen.

Wenn es passiert, würde er sich immer fragen: “Was denkt die Gute jetzt?” Oder er denke: “Jetzt hast du dich wieder komplett blamiert.”

Von seinen weiblichen Freundinnen habe er nämlich schon öfter mitbekommen, dass diese sich abfällig über die sexuelle Leistung ihrer Eroberungen geäußert hätten. 

Das würde dazu führen, dass er sich schon vorher großen Druck mache. “Im Kopf hat man immer nur: Gleich versag ich, gleich versag ich”, berichtet der Hörer. “Man kann die Sache überhaupt nicht genießen und sich überhaupt nicht darauf freuen.”

Mehr zum Thema: “Ich bin sexsüchtig und das macht es mit mir”

Lampen als Hilfsmittel

Die Angst, zu versagen, spürt auch ein anderer Hörer.

“Als Mann muss man natürlich abliefern und will die Frau zum Orgasmus bringen”, sagt er und gibt einen Tipp, wie man gegen frühzeitige Ejakulation vorgehen kann: Wenn er merke, dass es “kritisch” wird, würde er versuchen, seine Gedanken abzulenken.

“Ich denke immer an Lampen. Die sind einfach super neutral – die Schweiz der Sexualität, sozusagen – und dann komme ich wieder ein bißchen runter.”

Ein anderer hat die Erfahrung gemacht, dass eine kleine Pause Wunder wirken kann. “Den meisten Männern gelingt es dann, wieder loszulegen”, erzählt er. Insofern sei es ganz entscheidend, wie die Frau damit umgehe, dass ihr Partner zu früh kommt.

“Am besten ist, wenn man einfach locker darüber hinweggeht und einfach nochmal von Neuem anfängt”, rät er, “dann geht’s auch in der Regel.”


Jack The Ripper Letters ‘Were Victorian Fake News’

Jack The Ripper Letters ‘Were Victorian Fake News’
Letters supposedly signed by Jack the Ripper have been analysed by a forensic linguist who has come to some surprisingly topical conclusions.

It is said that the shadowy figure who stalked the foggy alleyways of Whitechapel in 1888 murdering five women during his reign of terror was also a prolific letter writer too – or was he?

Manchester University’s Dr Andrea Nini decided to focus on two of the earliest letters supposedly sent by the serial killer (more than 200 are attributed to him) – namely the ‘Dear Boss’ letter, in which the name Jack the Ripper was first written, and the ‘Saucy Jacky’ postcard.

Most of the letters signed ‘Jack the Ripper’ were – and still are – regarded as hoaxes. After the first four were received, police decided to publish them, after which hoaxers began to send copycat letters claiming to be written by him.

Dr Nini used modern techniques to analyse the letters, uncovering certain shared distinctive linguistic constructions, such as the use of the phrasal verb to keep back (to withhold), in two of the most iconic early texts. He also found evidence that a link exists between these letters and another key text in the case, the ‘Moab and Midian’ letter.

He said: “My conclusion is that there is very strong linguistic evidence that these two texts were written by the same person. People in the past had already expressed this tentative conclusion, on the basis of similarity of handwriting, but this had not been established with certainty. I also found evidence that could link the author of these two letters to the so-called ‘Moab and Midian’ letter, which some people believe was a hoax created by the Central News Agency of London.”

The theory that at least some of the Jack the Ripper letters constituted an early, Victorian brand of fake news, is not a new one.

In fact, former Bedfordshire murder squad detective Trevor Marriot has gone so far as to suggest the very concept of the Ripper would not have existed at all, were it not for a “drunken” journalist named Thomas Bulling with the aforementioned news agency.

In 2013 during an 11-year-cold case review of the killings, Marriot said: “The reality is there was a just a series of unsolved murders and they would have sunk into oblivion many years ago, but for a reporter called Thomas Bulling.”

Bulling, Marriot says, was paid to supply crime stories to newspapers, and the writing on the letters in question was “strikingly similar” to his own hand.

He added: “Police got a letter that Bulling had written about the murders which he signed Jack the Ripper. It has kept this mystery alive. You have to ask yourself if Jack is a myth… There just isn’t a Jack the Ripper as such.”

While Dr Nini’s findings do not identify the killer, nor definitively the author of the named texts, they do constitute new forensic evidence in the Jack the Ripper case.

Last year crime author Patricia Cornwell published a second book purporting to detail “proof” of the identity of London’s most famous serial killer, pointing the finger squarely at British impressionist painter Walter Sickert.

Cornwell’s prime evidence regards scientific analysis of stationery used by Sickert, the same of which was used in some letters sent to the police.

The best-selling author’s research has found that three Sickert letters and two “Ripper” ones came from a paper run of just 24 sheets.  

The killer’s identity continues to be one of the most enduring puzzles of our time, with other suspects ranging from Alice in Wonderland author Lewis Carroll, to the wife of an eminent Victorian surgeon and renowned poet Francis Thompson.

While the accused have been investigated by sleuths throughout the years, no-one has ever been able to conclusively prove the Ripper’s identity.

Trump-Pence Administration Refuses to Sign Statement Supporting Marriage Equality and Trans Rights

Trump-Pence Administration Refuses to Sign Statement Supporting Marriage Equality and Trans Rights

HRC strongly condemned the Trump-Pence administration’s refusal to sign a statement in support of an Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ ruling on marriage equality and transgender rights.

Earlier this month, the court issued an opinion that Costa Rica is in violation of its treaty obligations under the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR) by not providing marriage equality or providing legal options for transgender people to change their gender marker on identity documents. While seven of the eight countries in the Organization of American States (OAS) LGBTI Core Group signed on to a statement supporting the court’s opinion, the United States did not.

“The Trump-Pence administration’s refusal to sign this statement in support of marriage equality and transgender rights is deeply troubling,” said Ty Cobb, director of HRC Global. “As the administration unleashes a torrent of attacks on the LGBTQ community here at home, it is also abandoning LGBTQ people around the world. We are in desperate need of leadership that will advance America’s commitment to LGBTQ human rights in the U.S. and abroad.”

The seven nations that signed the statement on January 22 are Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay. While the United States has not ratified the ACHR, Canada also has not, but that did not prevent their leadership from signing the statement.  It is also notable that Chile, which does not yet have marriage equality, and a number of countries that do not offer transgender individuals the option to legally change their official gender markers, signed the statement.

Bisexual advocate, writer Denarii Grace to receive Brenda Howard Memorial Award from PFLAG Queens

Bisexual advocate, writer Denarii Grace to receive Brenda Howard Memorial Award from PFLAG Queens

PFLAG Queens Mast Head

PFLAG Queens

This Sunday, intersectional advocate, writer, and artist Denarii Grace will be awarded at PFLAG Queens’ Annual Awards Reception and Luncheon celebrating the work of LGBTQ advocates in the greater New York City area. You can follow her on Twitter @writersdelite.

The luncheon and fundraiser highlights and honors the impact of local advocates and supports PFLAG Queens’ work advocating for the LGBTQ community. Tickets for the luncheon, held on Sunday, February 4th from 1:00 to 5:00 PM at Riccardo’s Restaurant in Astoria, Queens, are available through PFLAG Queens.Denarii Grace

PFLAG Queens will award Denarii the 13th annual Brenda Howard Memorial Award in recognition of her advocacy focusing on bi+ (plus) identity, disability, Blackness, and fat acceptance.

“Imposter syndrome has been settling in for a while so I still can’t believe that I was even considered for this!” Denarii told GLAAD in an exclusive statement. “However, I am so honored that community members thought well enough of both me and my work to bless me in this way. I look forward to honoring Brenda Howard’s legacy – and then some – in the years to come!”

The late Brenda Howard was a New York City native and a notable advocate for the bisexual+ community. A fixture in the queer community and a figurehead for the movement for LGBTQ equity, Howard earned the nickname “the Mother of Pride” after coordinating what are considered to be the first “Pride” events–the 1970 Christopher Street Liberation Day March and another rally in remembrance of the Stonewall uprising one year earlier. As the bisexual+ community in New York continued to grow and mobilize in the 1980s, Howard founded the New York Area Bisexual+ Network to coordinate resources for regional bi+ individuals, and continued to work with numerous organizations to liberate and support the bisexual+ community.

Denarii is recognized for her decade-long advocate work, rooted in student activism, with a focus on intersectional LGBTQIA2S+ (plus) issues. She contributed an op-ed to GLAAD’s site during #BiWeek last year on the importence of visibility of bi+ issues in light of the Trump administration. She writes:

“And so, as DACA and other immigration issues are under constant threat; as transgender people are under attack (in the military and elsewhere, as is ever the case); as Muslims and Jewish folks find their humanity questioned again and again based simply on their faith; as Betsy DeVos vows to rescind Title IX protections for thousands of sexual assault victims on college campuses; and as Black lives continue to be reminded that we don’t matter, I am keenly aware of the fact that bi+ (plus) people belong to every single one of these groups. 

So this week, and every week, let’s make sure that bi+ (plus) people are included in the movement building, policy making, media campaigns, and political strategizing that we do. Let’s say, “No more!” to the erasure that harms bi+ (plus) people. Let’s Denarii Grace commit to saving bi+ (plus) lives – literally.”

She also was on GLAAD’s panel of bi+ media influencers in 2016, an event organized to discuss bi+ media representation and the work that each panelist is engaged with.

Denarii is a board member of and the blog editor for the Boston-based non-profit Bisexual+ Resource Center; as well as a nonfiction editor at The Deaf Poets Society, an online journal featuring literature and art by D/deaf and disabled people. As a freelance writer, she has written for Bitch Magazine, Black Girl Dangerous, Everyday Feminism, and The Establishment, among several others. Denarii has this to say about her work; “I believe that as an artist I have a responsibility beyond entertainment, to be a truth teller (as Paul Robeson once said), to reflect the times (as Nina Simone once said), to speak with and for the people, to give marginalized groups the visibility and representation we’ve long deserved, to heal, to love, to liberate.” You can donate to her Patreon here.

Denarii has also launched a showcase, “Denarii Grace Presents: HERSELF,” in which Denarii uses various modes of artistry to explore personal and political topics, “from romantic love, sex, and Blackness to abandonment, self-love, and fear.” She will next be presenting this showcase the night before receiving the Brenda Howard Memorial Award. Get your sliding-scale tickets for her February 3 performance at the LGBT Community Center in NYC here. 

So excited about @writersdelite show this Friday night at the @LGBTCenterNYC! Hope to see you there!

— Sara Ramirez (@SaraRamirez) January 31, 2018


Alongside Denarii, PFLAG Queens will recognize The Caribbean Equality Project with the 25th annual Morty Manford Award, which recognizes LGBTQ advocacy work that exemplifies the spirit of the late Morty Manford, a visible and positive LGBTQ role model. The Caribbean Equality Project (CEP) is a Queens NY-based non-profit organization committed to strengthening the marginalized voices of lesbian, gay, bisexual+, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people of Caribbean origin and descent. To date, CEP is the only educational-based agency serving the Caribbean-American LGBTQ community in New York City and is dedicated to cultivating a supportive and progressive Caribbean community free of violence, oppression, and discrimination.

Additionally, Abby Maisonave will be awarded the 20th annual Carmel Tavadia Memorial Award in recognition of outstanding work to support true family values. PFLAG Queens will celebrate Abby Maisonave’s work as President of PFLAG Jersey Shore, a very large and community/state active chapter and was the North Atlantic Regional Director for PFLAG National, overseeing the PFLAG chapters in NJ, NY, and PA, helping with issues and concerns that face chapters, as well as guiding and start-up of new PFLAG chapters in her region. She has helped hundreds of families and individuals on their journey to acceptance and unconditional love and support and has been honored that families have entrusted their confidence in her.

GLAAD’s own Alexandra Bolles was awarded the Brenda Howard Memorial award last year for her work for the bi+community through GLAAD. Alexandra was recognized for spearheading GLAAD’s bisexual+ advocacy work: notably, co-founding the online #BiWeek campaign at GLAAD; participating in and helping coordinate groundbreaking White House policy briefings for bisexual+ advocacy leaders; and creating resources for media reporting on the LGBTQ community, including her guide “In Focus: Reporting on the Bisexual+ Community.” Alexandra was also recognized for her management of projects including Spirit Day and the Southern Stories Summer Tour, and her work to amplify diverse voices among the LGBTQ community.

The PFLAG Queens Awards Reception and Luncheon promises to be a meaningful celebration of the impactful work of New York City LGBTQ advocates both locally and nationally. Purchase forms for tickets to the event can be found on PFLAG Queens’ website, and more information about the event can be found by contacting PFLAG at 718-858-9678. You can also check out the Facebook event.


February 1, 2018