[어저께TV] ‘어서와’ 데이비드, 고령에도 모험 멈추지 않는 사연

[어저께TV] ‘어서와’ 데이비드, 고령에도 모험 멈추지 않는 사연

데이비드가 66살의 나이에도 모험을 멈추지 않는 이유가 밝혀졌다. ‘어서와 한국은 처음이지’ 사상 가장 고령인 데이비드. 하지만 나이가 무색하게 스키, 패러글라이딩, 산행을 즐겼고, 특히 아들 뻘 되는 친구들과 스스럼없이 지내는 모습이 인상적이었다. 하지만 그 이면에 아들의 죽음이 있다는 것이 밝혀져 가슴을 아프게 만들었다.

1일 방송된 MBC 에브리원 ‘어서와 한국은 처음이지’에서 제임스가 절친이었던 롭의 이야기를 꺼내는 모습이 담겼다. 여행 내내 영국 친구들의 대화에서 빠지지 않았던 이름인 만큼, 그에 대한 궁금증이 일었다.

제임스는 ”나를 모험으로 이끈 친구다. 같이 에베레스트도 등반했고, 2008년에는 정부에서 주는 모험가상도 받았다. 그는 2009년 몽블랑을 등반하던 중 사망했다. 롭은 데이비드의 아들이다”고 말했다.

친구들은 처음으로 롭의 사망 소식을 들은 때를 회상하며 눈물을 글썽였다. 데이비드는 ”매일 아들의 사진을 본다”며 아들을 여전히 그리워하는 모습을 보였다.

이날 친구들은 제임스와 롭이 만든 자전거 자선단체 이름으로 한 병원에 기부했다. 기부금을 직접 전하기 위해 병원을 찾았고, 병원에서는 감사의 표시로 롭의 이름이 새겨진 기념비를 만들었다. 이를 보던 데이비드는 사진을 찍으며 눈물을 흘렸다.

데이비드는 ”아들의 영향으로 모험하는 일을 좋아하게 됐다. 아들은 늘 카리스마가 넘쳤다”고 말했다. 이날 데이비드는 버킷리스트였던 패러글라이딩에도 성공하는 모습을 보였다.


Tory Activist Are ‘Downtrodden’ And Need ‘Hope’ To Beat Momentum, Conservative MP Warns

Tory Activist Are ‘Downtrodden’ And Need ‘Hope’ To Beat Momentum, Conservative MP Warns
Theresa May has been warned that Tory activists in the country are “downtrodden” and need to see “some vision” if they are to be motivated enough to take on Jeremy Corbyn’s Momentum campaigners at the next election.

Tory MP George Freeman, who used to head the party’s policy forum and campaigned for Remain at the referendum, said Brexit should be exploited by the liberal Conservatives to “re-turbo” the One Nation tradition in the party.

“So downtrodden are our Conservative activists up and down the country. They need some hope, they need some vision, they need some thanks, they need some support and they need to believe this movement has more than enough heritage, roots, vision, ambition and energy to take on the other Momentum and leave it for dust,” the former minister said.

Last year, Freeman warned Brexit could turn Britain into an “old people’s home that can’t pay for itself”. He quit as chair of the party’s policy forum in November 2017.

Speaking to members of the One Nation Tory Reform Group [TRG] earlier this week, Freeman, who described himself as an “avowed Cameronite loyalist”, said the quality of the Tory MPs elected since 2010 was was a tribute to the former prime minister’s leadership.

“I am old enough to have seen a burnt out Conservative party in government. That is not what I see at the moment. I see a Conservative Party bursting with ideas, energy with, talent,” he said.

“The biggest tribute to David Cameron’s modernisation, the energy of those who come in in 2010, 2015 and 2017. A total change in the zeitgeist of the Conservative movement in parliament.”

He added: “If Brexit didn’t exist, honestly I think we would be sitting here tonight thinking, if only seven-years in, we could find an event so transformational, so challenging, so change demanding, so reforming, it would create a moment to come together and re-turbo our commitment to One Nation reform.

“Brexit isn’t the distraction. It’s the moment we stop blaming others, took responsibility, and redoubled our commitment to domestic reform. The exhaustion out there, the yearning for change, can be our greatest ally.

“This is the moment we stop blaming others and grip a 21st century NHS, grip proper policy for housing and a proper policy for the environment – as Michael [Gove] has done.”


Amazon Told to Keep HQ Out of 9 U.S. Cities That Don’t Protect LGBT People

Amazon Told to Keep HQ Out of 9 U.S. Cities That Don’t Protect LGBT People
Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos Amazon LGBT

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos

LGBT rights advocates have launched a “No Gay? No Way!” campaign pressuring Amazon to keep its second headquarters out of 9 American cities which don’t have LGBT nondiscrimination laws.

Those cities: Austin, Dallas, Nashville, Atlanta, Columbus, Indianapolis, Miami, Raleigh , and the D.C. suburbs of northern Virginia.

There are 11 other cities on Amazon’s list which do protect LGBT citizens.

USA Today reports: “The group, which includes the executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights and a gay-rights activist and author, plans a demonstration near Amazon’s headquarters in Seattle on Thursday as Amazon prepares to issue its fourth-quarter earnings. It has also hired a plane to fly overhead trailing a ‘No gay? No way!’ banner. It also plans billboards on trucks driving through Seattle and online ads saying ‘Hey, Alexa? Why would Amazon even consider HQ2 in a state that discriminates against LGBT people?,’ according to the organizers, who shared copies of the ads with USA TODAY.”

The post Amazon Told to Keep HQ Out of 9 U.S. Cities That Don’t Protect LGBT People appeared first on Towleroad.

Amazon Told to Keep HQ Out of 9 U.S. States That Don’t Protect LGBT People

SPD fällt auf schlechtesten jemals gemessenen Wert in ARD-Umfrage

SPD fällt auf schlechtesten jemals gemessenen Wert in ARD-Umfrage

  • Die SPD ist in einer Umfrage auf ein Rekordtief abgestürzt
  • Auch SPD-Chef Martin Schulz verliert weiter an Zustimmung

Kurz vor Ende der Verhandlungen über eine große Koalition ist die SPD im neuen ARD-“Deutschlandtrend” auf 18 Prozent gefallen. Das ist der schlechteste in dieser Umfrage jemals gemessenen Wert.

In einer Forsa-Umfrage war die SPD im Januar sogar nur auf 17 Prozent gekommen.

Hier die weiteren Umfragewerte:

► Union: 33 Prozent (unverändert)

► AfD: 14 Prozent (plus 1)

► FDP: 10 Prozent (plus 1)

 Linke: 11 Prozent (plus 2)

Grünen: 11 Prozent (unverändert). 

Angst vor dem Absturz in der SPD

In der Partei fürchten gerade die Jusos einen beschleunigten Absturz, wenn die Sozialdemokraten erneut eine große Koalition eingehen und zum dritten Mal seit 2005 CDU-Chefin Angela Merkel zur Kanzlerin wählen.

Im drittgrößten Bundesland Baden-Württemberg ist die SPD nach einer Umfrage des Instituts Infratest dimap im Auftrag des SWR und der “Stuttgarter Zeitung” sogar auf 12 Prozent abgestürzt.

Sie liegt damit im Südwesten gleichauf mit der Alternative für Deutschland (AfD).

Schulz rutscht auf schlechtesten Wert ab

SPD-Chef Martin Schulz rutscht im neuen “Deutschlandtrend” nach seinem Schlingerkurs der vergangenen Wochen auf seinen schlechtesten Wert in dieser Umfrage – er verliert fünf Punkte und landet nur noch bei 25 Prozent Zustimmung.

SPD-Fraktionschefin Andrea Nahles kann dagegen nach ihrer kämpferischen Rede beim SPD-Sonderparteitag deutlich zulegen. Sie gewinnt fünf Punkte dazu und erreicht 38 Prozent.

Der bundesweit beliebteste Politiker ist weiter der geschäftsführende Außenminister und Schulz’ Vorgänger als SPD-Chef, Sigmar Gabriel, mit 57 Prozent Zustimmung (minus 5 Punkte).

Nach Reibereien zwischen ihm und Schulz könnte Gabriel nicht mehr dem nächsten Bundeskabinett angehören.


Car Firms Who Cheat Diesel Emissions Rules To Face ‘Unlimited’ Fines

Car Firms Who Cheat Diesel Emissions Rules To Face ‘Unlimited’ Fines
Car makers who try to cheat diesel emissions rules could face unlimited fines under tough new measures unveiled by ministers.

In a bid to prevent a repeat of the Volkswagen scandal that affected 1.2 million cars in the UK, firms that fit ‘defeat devices’ will be hit with criminal charges and substantial financial penalties.

Under the proposals, which would go further than current EU rules, manufacturers who deployed the specialist software to avoid pollution tests would face the full force of the law.

Volkswagen was hit with a massive £16bn in civil and criminal fines in the United States after it was found to have been systematically avoiding disclosure of the true levels of diesel emission from 11 million of its vehicles worldwide.

But in Britain, the firm faced no similar penalty, although the Department of Transport persuaded the German car giant to instead pay £1m towards the Government’s new Vehicles Emissions Testing Programme.

Former Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin told MPs in 2015 that VW “deserves” to “suffer very substantial damage” in the wake of the revelations about its conduct.

Transport Minister Jesse Norman said the new crackdown would be put out for consultation with the public and others, but signalled the Government wanted change.

“We continue to take the unacceptable actions of Volkswagen extremely seriously, and we are framing new measures to crack down on emissions cheats in future,” he said.

“Those who cheat should be held to proper account in this country, legally and financially, for their actions.”

The new scheme would also extend to any importer who brings a “non-compliant” product to the UK.

Department for Transport is also announced on Thursday night further proposals designed to improve air quality, reduce carbon emissions and enhance road safety.

They included new requirements to give car-buyers full information from new more stringent emissions tests and fresh moves to tighten up the rules on cars previously held as ‘stock’.

The proposals are part of a wider attempt by Theresa May and Environment Secretary Michael Gove to pitch the Tories as a “green” government.

May and Gove vowed late last year to end the sale of all new diesel and petrol cars and vans in the UK by 2040.
