HRC’s Municipal Equality Index Works to Make Communities LGBTQ-Inclusive

HRC’s Municipal Equality Index Works to Make Communities LGBTQ-Inclusive

Post submitted by Collen Kutney, HRC State & Municipal Program Senior Manager

Municipalities across the country are using HRC’s Municipal Equality Index (MEI) as a roadmap to make their communities more inclusive of the LGBTQ people who live, work and travel there.

I had the opportunity to meet recently with the Human Rights Commission of Arlington County, Virginia to discuss how the county can achieve a perfect 100-point score in the 2018 MEI. In 2017, it received a laudable score of 93. Arlington County and Alexandria were the highest-scoring Virginia communities in last year’s MEI, each earning more than 85 points — despite being located in a state without LGBTQ-inclusive statewide non-discrimination laws.

The 2017 MEI, released last October, rated 506 cities across the country on their LGBTQ-inclusive laws, policies and services. The MEI scorecard assesses cities in five categories: non-discrimination laws, the municipality as an employer, municipal services, law enforcement and the city leadership’s public position on LGBTQ equality.

Scoring criteria for the MEI will undergo significant changes in 2018. For the first time, points will be deducted if religious exemptions in non-discrimination protections specifically target the LGBTQ community. More emphasis will be placed on city employee nondiscrimination protections. Two new criteria—committing to all-gender single-occupancy facilities and protecting youth from conversion therapy—will be added as bonus points.

Other changes that will be incorporated into the 2018 MEI:

  • The “Inclusive Workplace” and “Enforcement of the Non-Discrimination Ordinance by the Human Rights Commission” categories will be moved from bonus to standard points.
  • Domestic partner benefits for city employees will be added back into the MEI scorecard for same- and different-sex couples.
  • Anti-bullying policies in school districts has been removed from the MEI scorecard and replaced with a youth bullying prevention policy for city programs and services.
  • Finally, cities that push back against restrictive state laws will receive 3 points, rather than 4, for their efforts.

In total, the MEI will reflect 100 standard points and 22 bonus points.

Cities that don’t fall within the MEI’s city selection criteria are welcome to complete the self-submit process. Cities are also encouraged to email [email protected] to learn more about the MEI scorecard and how to improve their score ahead of the 2018 publication release.

Jim Parsons, Trey Gowdy, 42,000 Matches, Dakota Meyer, Zac Efron, Chris Mazdzer, Julie Chen: HOT LINKS

Jim Parsons, Trey Gowdy, 42,000 Matches, Dakota Meyer, Zac Efron, Chris Mazdzer, Julie Chen: HOT LINKS
Chris Kinney

MILITARY PARADE. It has a $30 million price tag, according to Mick Mulvaney.

Sarah Palin signs production dealMESSY DIVORCE. Dakota Meyer files for divorce from Bristol Palin.

TREY GOWDY. Chair of House Oversight Committee says investigation of Rob Porter has begun: “Gowdy sent a letter on Wednesday to the White House demanding to know how Rob Porter was allowed to work without an interim security clearance, despite being accused of domestic violence. Gowdy also sent a letter on Wednesday to FBI Director Christopher Wray seeking clarity on how the bureau investigates and issues interim security clearances. Gowdy also asked when the FBI notified the White House of any underlying issues with Porter’s background check, which has become a source of controversy.”

Chairman Trey Gowdy says the House Oversight Committee is “directing inquiries” to the FBI about Rob Porter

— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) February 14, 2018

GEORGIA MCBRIDE. Jim Parsons to star in adaptation of the stage play The Legend of Georgia McBride. “The Matthew Lopez-penned play, which enjoyed a run at the Geffen Playhouse, follows Casey, an Elvis impersonator in a run-down, small-town Florida bar who is broke and has a baby on the way. When the bar owner brings in a B-level drag show to replace his act, Casey finds that he has a lot to learn about show business and himself. Parsons will play Miss Tracy Mills, a veteran drag queen who coaches Casey in the art of performing, helping him transform from a washed-up Elvis impersonator to a show-stopping drag queen. Lopez will adapt his play for the screen.”

BACK IN MEXICO. The story of a gay HIV-positive asylum seeker: “When Carlos Alberto Bringas-Rodriguez went in for his routine check-in with Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Kansas City on December 20, he expected to be in and out, as on previous visits. A 27-year-old gay asylum seeker from Mexico, Bringas had been in the United States for 13 years, and was living “a calm life” with his husband in a suburb of Kansas City. Together, he and his husband were raising Bringas’s 12-year-old cousin, whom Bringas referred to as his daughter. Bringas was “by the book,” as his husband put it, about complying with government demands. But at his December check-in, something went wrong, and Bringas was taken into custody.”

JULIE CHEN. Omarosa “played up” her asthma attack.

ILLINOIS. City of Aurora plans first Gay Pride parade this June: “embers of the Aurora City Council’s Government Operations committee voted Tuesday to allow the parade. The (Arlington Heights) Daily Herald reports that city procedures specify that the committee makes the final determination on parade permits. The parade will be 1 p.m. June 17.”

CHRIS MAZDZER. “Don’t be stupid” like Ryan Lochte.


.@ZacEfron in Harmony Korine’s stoner comedy The Beach Bum – I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS!

— Angie (@nyefrongirls) February 10, 2018

SCARIEST FLIGHT. Engine comes apart on United flight 1175 traveling to Honolulu from San Francisco. “United flight 1175 traveling to Honolulu from San Francisco landed safely after the pilots called for an emergency landing because of a loss of the engine cowling (the covering of the engine). Our pilots followed all necessary protocols to safely land the aircraft. The aircraft taxied to the gate and passengers deplaned normally.”

that looks bad, plane and simple ✈#ua1175

— Erik Haddad (@erikhaddad) February 13, 2018

LIT OBJECT OF THE DAY. A ball made of 42,000 matches.

INVISIBLE DOG SHOW OF THE DAY. The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, without dogs.

HUMP DAY HOTTIE. U.S. Olympic bobsledder Chris Kinney.

Instagram Photo

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Jim Parsons, Trey Gowdy, 42,000 Matches, Dakota Meyer, Zac Efron, Chris Mazdzer, Julie Chen: HOT LINKS

Studie: Wie Facebook-Fans von CDU und SPD auf die GroKo-Verhandlungen reagierten

Studie: Wie Facebook-Fans von CDU und SPD auf die GroKo-Verhandlungen reagierten
Kanzlerin Angela Merkel und SPD-Politikerin Andrea Nahles. 

  • Eine Studie vergleicht, welche Inhalte Facebook-Fans von CDU und SPD während der GroKo-Verhandlungen geteilt und kommentiert haben

  • Die Ergebnisse geben einen einen spannenden Einblick in die Interessen der Partei-Gefolgschaft

Fassungslosigkeit in der SPD, Ärger in der CDU: Das GroKo-Chaos sorgt bei den Anhängern der zwei größten Parteien für großen Unmut.

Sie laden ihren Zorn nicht nur Interviews und Mails ab, sondern auch in sozialen Netzwerken – in öffentlichen Posts, Kommentaren, Likes und Shares.

Das Münchner Startup Crowdalzyer hat ausgewertet, was Anhänger von CDU und SPD in der Zeit der GroKo-Verhandlungen auf Facebook tatsächlich beschäftigte.

1879 analysierte Posts

Ein Algorithmus analysierte in 1879 öffentlich geteilte Posts vom 7. und 8. Februar, welche Textkombinationen mehr als einmal auftauchten.

Die Untersuchung ist nicht repräsentativ, gibt jedoch einen spannenden Einblick in die Interessen der Facebook-Gefolgschaft der beiden größten Parteien

Vor allem bei den Konservativen brach sich der Unmut Bahn – sie teilten Merkel-Kritik, Beiträge führender AfD-Politiker und Inhalte von Verschwörungstheorien.

Verschwörungstheorien und Merkel-Kritik

Die folgende Grafik zeigt, welche Themen an den zwei Tagen in der Facebook Community der CDU im Trend lag:

► Top-Inhalt über Kanzlerin Angela Merkel war etwa ein Kommentar des Sat.1-Moderators Claus Strunz mit dem Titel: “So rot war schwarz noch nie”.

► Interessant ist, wie stark AfD-Spitzenpolitiker wie Alice Weidel und Jörg Meuthen diskutiert wurden.

► Auch die AfD-Kampagne “Unser Land” wurde in der CDU-Community rege kommentiert, geteilt und gelikt.

► Zu SPD-Chef Martin Schulz war ein Beitrag der Satireseite “Der Postillon” beliebt: “Martin Schulz wird Minister für Verarsche, Wortbruch und Wählerbetrug”.

Dieser Beitrag war auch in der SPD-Community beliebt.

Die Wortwolke zeigt, welche Begriffe bei den SPD-Fans auf Facebook beliebt waren. 

► Über Schulz machte ein Video des ZDF die Runde, in dem er sein Versprechen abgab, nicht in die GroKo einzutreten. 

Ein Vorgeschmack darauf, was in den folgenden Tagen passieren sollte: Schulz musste wegen seines Wortbruches sein Ministeramt zurückgeben, weil der Ärger in der SPD darüber zu groß wurde.

► Auch das Thema NoGroko nahm einen beachtlichen Raum ein. Unter diesem Stichwort teilten die Genossen vor allem die Terminliste der von den Jusos angeführten Bewegung.

► Ebenfalls beliebt: Linken-Fraktionschefin Sarah Wagenknecht, die derzeit kräftig unter enttäuschten SPD-Mitgliedern für ihre neue linke Bewegung trommelt.

Keine Fake- und Hass-Inhalte in der SPD-Community

In der SPD-Community fanden sich allerdings – im Gegensatz zur CDU-Gefolgschaft – keine Beiträge von Seiten, die Verschwörungstheorien oder Hass verbreiten.

Eine Auswahl an Meldungen, die von CDU-Fans in dem untersuchten Zeitraum verbreitet und kommentiert wurden:

► Die Warnung einer Flüchtlingsbetreuerin auf der deutschsprachigen Seite des russischen Propagandakanals“Sputnik”, die sagt: “Es ist schon fast zu spät für Deutschland.”

► Ein Facebook-Bild der Gruppe “Bürger sagen Nein”, auf dem eine Massenschlägerei zu sehen ist. Darauf steht: “Bist du dafür, kriminelle Flüchtlinge sofort abzuschieben? Gefällt mir und teilen für Ja!”

► Immer wieder tauchten auch Inhalte der Facebook-Seite “Freie Medien” auf, die Verschwörungstheorien verbreitet. So erfährt man dort von Shampoos als “trojanische Pferde mit gefährlichen Invasoren” oder von der schleichenden Lebensmittelvergiftung der UNO.

Spannend ist, dass keine Inhalte mit direktem Bezug zur GroKo im beobachteten Zeitraum im Trend lagen, die von Fake- und Hass-Seiten publiziert wurden.

“Ventil für Kritik”

“Ich vermute, dass die meisten User dieser Community sich in diesem Fall auf die Beiträge seriöser Medien konzentriert haben, da auch dort die mögliche Neuauflage der Großen Koalition stark kritisiert wurde”, sagt Johanna Wild von Crowdalyzer dazu.

“Sie scheinen die unseriösen Seiten als Ventil für Kritik und negative Gefühle nicht mehr zu ‘brauchen’, wenn sie das Gefühl haben, dass seriöse Medien ihre Ängste und Kritikpunkte aufgreifen.”


Lord Adonis Has Picked A Fight With The BBC And He Is Losing Badly

Lord Adonis Has Picked A Fight With The BBC And He Is Losing Badly
On Wednesday morning, ‘Arch-Remainer’ Lord Adonis appeared on the BBC and seemed to be pleasantly pleased about being given the opportunity to stick it to John Redwood over Brexit live on air.
About to out John Redwood as supporter of 2nd referendum on @vicderbyshire. Have discovered pre-2016 article where Redwood said 2nd referendum on Brexit terms democratically essential! So much for Boris telling us all to shut up & fall in line.

February 14, 2018
Then, just a few hours later, the ex-Labour Minister appeared to change his tune dramatically.
BBC on ropes. Sport largely gone to Sky. Quality drama gone to Netflix. BBC news increasingly Brexit, weak & simply Govt press releases. If Netflix set up a sharp, balanced News service, what would be left besides local radio, a desert island & a few good foreign correspondents?

February 14, 2018
Adonis, an ardent and vocal Remainer, appears to have been upset by the BBC’s extensive coverage of Boris Johnson’s big Brexit speech, a long and rambling monologue that was widely panned but received much airtime.

A rhetorical, occasionally gently amusing, but entirely vacuous speech from Boris Johnson, then under questions he gibbered,waffled and time and again demonstrated his ignorance of the complexities of Brexit. How tragic that our future should be in the hands of such simpletons!

February 14, 2018
Regardless, a stream of BBC personalities soon leapt at the opportunity to take issue with Adonis’s statement.
Nonsense. For a start: Hey Duggee, Blue Planet, 6radio, inside No. 9, Strictly and a load of other stuff that maybe you don’t enjoy but millions of others do. 6M still get their football from Match of the Day, btw, rather than Sky/ BT. Throw in Netflix, and now compare £142.50?

February 14, 2018
And now on Twitter, Julius Nicholson Talks Bollocks.
Dear me. You read some guff on twitter but this just about takes the top spot today. Misinformed garbage.
You are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts. BBC are undeniably making quality drama, comedy and factual programmes – critical and commercial successes watched all over the world.

February 14, 2018
I loved it when Netflix made Detectorists, and Horrible Histories, and Inside Number 9, and Panorama, and Horizon, and Exodus, and The A Word, and Line of Duty, and Peaky Blinders, and Sherlock, and Doctor Who, and Taboo, and Wolf Hall, and Motherland, and Doctor Foster, and…

February 14, 2018
Yes, sport on BBC largely gone… that is if you exclude Premier League, 6 Nations, Summer and Winter Olympics, Wimbledon, World Cup, FA Cup, women’s super league, return of cricket in 2020 plus live streaming of 1000 hours a year for sports such as swimming, hockey + basketball.

February 14, 2018
*cracks knuckles* even if that were true, we’d still be left with world-renowned radio services, R&D dept, Children’s programming, foreign-language services, “digital output” across a range of media types, training and skills development, knowledge and learning for all ages…

February 14, 2018
Siri, give me the worst possible take on UK broadcasting
Radio 3 but I largely agree. Facilitated Farage and a shadow of its pre-Savile self
In December, Adonis quit as the Government’s infrastructure tsar, delivering a scathing verdict on the Prime Minister’s approach to Brexit.

The Labour peer resigned as chairman of the National Infrastructure Commission, claiming Theresa May had become the “voice of Ukip” and the “extreme” right-wing of her party.

He said he was “duty bound” to oppose the Government’s ‘Brexit Bill’ when it comes to the House of Lords