이 ‘수호랑 팬케이크’의 디테일은 엄청나다 (영상)

이 ‘수호랑 팬케이크’의 디테일은 엄청나다 (영상)

영국 등에서 기념하는 ‘팬케이크 데이‘를 맞이한 13일, 올림픽 공식 트위터 계정이 특별한 팬케이크를 만드는 영상을 공개했다. ‘수호랑 팬케이크’다.

이날에는 평소와는 조금 다른 형태의 팬케이크를 만들어 먹는 게 나름의 전통이다. 

팬케이크와 수호랑이 때마침 적절하게 만난 셈이다.

When #PancakeDay meets the #PyeongChang2018#Olympics. ? pic.twitter.com/4HQsPCjTfs

— Olympic Channel (@olympicchannel) February 13, 2018










How To Feel Like You’re Winning When You Are Sent On A Business Trip

How To Feel Like You’re Winning When You Are Sent On A Business Trip

If you’re often away for work, it can really take the joy out of travelling. However, there are ways to maximise your downtime when away, and make the most out of being somewhere new. So next time you’re sent to some strange city, you can head off with a spring in your step, rather than dragging your heels.

Get organised

If the thought of packing up for another trip sends you into a frenzy, print out a list of necessities you take on every trip. Then, not only do you not have to think twice about what to pack, you won’t have to worry about forgetting anything. And, if you take the list with you, you won’t have to worry about leaving anything behind when it comes to packing up your hotel room.

Go exploring

Got time to kill at the airport or train station? Then do a little research on where you’re headed to. Even if it’s a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, there’s always going to be something interesting to see, or a great restaurant to visit.

Work those expenses

Expenses can be a huge killjoy – they’re a ton of paperwork and can take forever to be processed. But, you can use them to your advantage. Get an airline credit card that rewards spending and you could be well on your way to platinum – meaning upgrades, free checked baggage, and priority boarding. Just make sure you sign up for a card which waives foreign transaction fees. And if you download an expenses manager app, then you can expense as you go along – rather than having a backlog to file when you get back.

Load up on air miles

If you make sure to sign up to frequent flier programs, then multiple work trips are going to reward you with a free (or at least extremely cheap) flight for when you’re actually going on holiday. Try to keep your miles with just one or two carriers – most airlines fall under oneworld or Star Alliance, meaning you’ll stack up on points quicker.

Ditto with hotels

Most hotel chains have loyalty programs, so sign up before you go and tell reception when you check in, as they can be more difficult to claim back afterwards. The more nights you spend away means you’ll probably end up getting a bonus night somewhere which you can use for your holiday instead.

Eat out

It’s tempting to stick with the hotel restaurant – which can often be limited – but if your company’s paying, then take the opportunity to get out and try a new restaurant. Sample local cuisine, or just enjoy a slap up meal on your boss.

Eat in

Order room service, get into a fluffy dressing gown and slippers, and watch films all night – or catch up on work from the comfort of your duvet. When else are you going to have an excuse to have dinner in bed?

Choose a hotel with great facilities

If you book your own accommodation, or you get to know the person at work who handles it, then try and request somewhere with a gym, or pool, or massage service. If you can sneak in a morning swim before that 9 o’clock meeting, then why the hell not? It’s also a great way to unwind after a long, tiring day.

Catch up on some reading – or sleep

When you’re thousands of miles up or away from the busy routine of home, there’s finally an excuse for some ‘me-time’. Pack a book you haven’t had time to read, or invest in a good eye mask and knuckle down for forty winks.

Learn something new

Learn a few words of the local language, or read up on the customs – make sure you learn something about where you’re going, so it feels less like just a business trip, and more a chance to taste a different culture.


Hamburg: Taxifahrt einer Schwangeren eskaliert – und endet in Entführung

Hamburg: Taxifahrt einer Schwangeren eskaliert – und endet in Entführung
Ein Taxi in Hamburg (Symbolbild)

  • Ein Missverständnis hat in Hamburg dazu geführt, dass ein Taxifahrer ausgerastet ist
  • Der hatte eine Mitfahrerin festgehalten – die Angst um ihr ungeborenes Baby hatte

Eine Routinefahrt mit einer Schwangeren in einem Taxi in Hamburg ist außer Kontrolle geraten. “Ich hatte Angst um mein Baby”, hatte die Medizinerin Sabina M. der Polizei nach der Horrorfahrt erklärt.

Die fand bereits Mitte September 2017 statt, doch der Taxifahrer stand jetzt wegen Freiheitsberaubung vor dem Amtsgericht St. Georg in Hamburg.

Was war passiert?

► Alles soll mit einem Missverständnis begonnen haben, wie die Hamburger “Morgenpost” (“Mopo”) berichtet. Die 34-Jährige aus Lübeck, zum Tatzeitpunkt im sechsten Monat schwanger, wollte zu einer Tagung in die Jungiusstraße, zur Bucerius Law School.

Die private Hochschule befindet sich im Stadtteil St. Pauli. Doch Taxifahrer Mohammad G. fuhr sie stattdessen in die Jungestraße nach Borgfelde.

Situation eskalliert

Als der Fehler auffiel, eskalierte die Situation. Mohammad G. bestand darauf, Sabina M. zum richtigen Ziel zu bringen – allerdings auf deren Kosten. 

► Selbst vor Gericht zeigte der 57-Jährige keine Reue: “Es war Ihre Schuld. Sie hat die falsche Straße gesagt!”, zitiert ihn die “Mopo”. 

Als sich die Frau weigerte, auch die Fahrt an die richtige Adresse zu zahlen, soll Mohammad G. sie angeschrien haben. “Ob du schwanger bist, ist mir völlig egal”, soll der Fahrer laut “Welt” gesagt haben.

Als die Medizinerin dann aussteigen wollte, habe der G. das verhindert – mit einen Griff an den Arm der Frau. 

Minutenlange Entführung

Doch G. setzte seine Fahrt fort, gegen den ausdrücklichen Willen der Frau. Selbst als die 34-Jährige die Polizei per Handy informiert hatte und der Beamte den Fahrer aufforderte, anzuhalten, stoppte G. nicht. Die Entführung dauerte mehre Minuten an.  

Das Hamburger Gericht verurteilte den Fahrer, der wegen Körperverletzung vorbestraft warm zu 1000 Euro Strafe wegen Freiheitsberaubung und versuchter Nötigung.



맥도날드가 ‘햄버거병’ 의혹을 일단 벗었다

맥도날드가 ‘햄버거병’ 의혹을 일단 벗었다

맥노날드가 ‘햄버거병’ 의혹을 일단 벗었다.

‘theL’에 따르면, 서울중앙지검 형사2부(부장검사 박종근)는 13일 피해자들이 입은 상해가 한국맥도날드의 햄버거에 의한 것이라는 점을 입증할 증거가 부족하다며 한국맥도날드 및 그 임직원들에 대해 불기소 처분을 했다고 밝혔다.

검찰 관계자는 ”혐의가 인정되기 위해선 △피해자가 섭취한 햄버거가 설익었거나 장출혈성대장균에 오염된 사실 △피해자들의 발병 원인이 그 햄버거에 의한 것임이 입증돼야 한다”면서 ”당시 역학조사가 이뤄지지 않았고 추후 유사한 역학조사를 했으나 기간이 지나 유의미한 결과를 얻지 못했다”고 말했다.

이 관계자는 또 ”장출혈성대장균에 오염된 음식물을 섭취할 수 있는 경로가 다양하고 감염 후 잠복기가 약 1~9일로 다양해 피해자들이 햄버거를 섭취한 직후 설사·복통 등의 증상이 발생했다는 사실만으로는 햄버거가 장출혈성대장균에 오염됐다고 추정하기 어렵다”고 했다.

다만 검찰은 수사 과정에서 병원성 미생물인 장출혈성대장균 오염 우려가 있는 가공육(패티) 220만Kg가 한국맥도날드 매장으로 유통됐다는 사실을 밝혀내 협력업체 A사 이사 등 3명을 불구속 기소했다.

앞서 2016년 경기도 평택의 한 맥도날드 매장에서 햄버거를 먹은 네 살 어린이가 이른바 ‘햄버거병’으로 불리는 용혈성요독증후군(HUS·Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome)에 걸려 신장 기능을 상실했다.

소와 돼지의 위나 대변에서 주로 발견되는 O-157균이 원인이었다.

이 어린이의 어머니 등 4명은 지난해 7월 한국맥도날드를 식품위생법위반 및 업무상과실치상 등의 혐의로 서울중앙지검에 고소했다.


This Couple Found Love Through Cycling And Are Still Biking Together 60 Years On

This Couple Found Love Through Cycling And Are Still Biking Together 60 Years On

“We’re still married and we’re still cycling,” says Pamela White, 84, who met her husband John at her local cycling club in 1953.

Now, 65 years later, the couple are set to celebrate their 64th wedding anniversary and many happy years of cycling together.

Pamela and John, 86, who’s better known as Jack, met after Pam’s sister introduced them at their local Cycling UK club in Buckinghamshire. Jack was quick to persuade Pamela to join him on some cycling days out and the rest, as they say, is history.

The pair married a year later and remained dedicated members of the cycling group for years afterwards.

Pam and Jack are still cycling today.

Cycling has been the subject of many happy memories for the couple. Jack enjoys the challenges, while Pamela is more interested in the social aspect.

“He’s done timetrailling, everything. He’s cycled over 250,000 miles,” says Pamela. “But for me it’s the social side of it. He’s been racing, I’ve been marshalling and making the cakes and teas. I’ve never been competitive.”

The pair now live in Ludlow, Shropshire, where they try and keep up their mileage.

“I do think it’s been incredibly beneficial; all the cycling we’ve done in the past has definitely paid off now in our general health,” says Pamela. “I’ve heard it said that cyclists appear 10 years younger than someone of a similar age.”

Jack cycled Mont Ventoux aged 73, and then went back and did it again at 83. Pamela secretly thinks he’s a bit mad, but also admires his dedication.

On their holidays, they have cycling days together, and then days apart with Pamela exploring the local village while Jack goes on more strenuous rides.

Jack and his daughters cycling in the sixties.

The couple share their love of cycling with their younger family members too.

“Our two daughters, they had no other option,” Pam says. “We went through the usual stages of a tandem, a sidecar, seats on the back of bikes.

“Then Jack bought a triplet, him on the front, the youngest, Carolyn, in the middle and Susan on the back. We even toured and hostelled with it on the Isle of Wight, taking it down to Portsmouth on the train.

“That was an adventure in itself.”

Along with their two daughters, Pamela and Jack now have four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Four-year-old Issa, Pamela’s ‘shining light’, can already peddle 10 miles. His grandma says it’s in his blood, adding: “It’s lovely to think it’s carrying on.”







その一方で、「夫婦で妊活って何から始めればいいの?」「ちょっと周りの人には聞きにくいな」と感じている方も多いはず。今回のイベントでは、ゲストに産婦人科専門医 宋美玄(ソンミヒョン)先生と、男性不妊専門医 石川智基先生、ライターで妊活経験者の村橋ゴローさんらをお招きして、男女における妊活の基礎知識や、気になる夫婦のコミュニケーションなどをテーマに、皆さまと一緒に考えていきたいと思います。





日 時:2018年3月3日(土) 14時~16時


場 所:朝日新聞社読者ホール(東京都中央区築地5-3-2)



定 員:50組100名のご夫婦または結婚予定のカップル
























竹下隆一郎(ハフポスト日本版 編集長)





妊活は「愛のリトマス紙」? これから子どもが欲しい夫婦に、経験者と産婦人科医が伝えたい5つの真実[Sponsored]
