Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: Campaigners Urge UN Torture Investigation Into Jailed Mother’s Captivity

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: Campaigners Urge UN Torture Investigation Into Jailed Mother’s Captivity
The UN is being urged to investigate the case of jailed British mother Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe whose 22-month imprisonment in Iran “amounts to torture”.

Nazanin is serving a five-year sentence over allegations, which she denies, of plotting to overthrow the Tehran government, having been arrested in the country while on holiday with her daughter in April 2016.

Nazanin’s husband, Richard Ratcliffe, said on Wednesday: “I think we have passed the threshold where Nazanin’s treatment is torture.

“These ongoing games remain a kind of psychological torture of continual ups and downs, and pressures impacting on Nazanin.”

Submissions made by charity Redress, on behalf of the Free Nazanin campaign, detail for the first time the “exceptionally harsh treatment inflicted” on the 39-year-old, including “conditions of solitary confinement, the psychological pressures in the arbitrary detention and court proceedings, and her use as a tool of pressure in wider diplomatic affairs”.

The UN is being asked to request information from Iran on Nazanin’s treatment; to request the country cease “any torture and ill-treatment immediately” and to investigate the allegations with a view to prosecute those responsible. It also asks that the UN press the UK Government to “ensure that it is taking any necessary steps to fulfill its obligations to protect British citizens from torture and ill-treatment”.

The submission was delayed as Nazanin’s family had been “led to believe” she would be freed, on temporary release, in time for Iranian Independence Day on 11 February.

Independence Day is typically a day when prisoners are released in Iran, Redress said.

“Unless urgent action is taken now, the appalling treatment that Nazanin has suffered at the hands of Iranian authorities is likely to continue, with the devastating consequences that we have already seen on her physical and mental health,” said Rupert Skilbeck, director of Redress.

“The serious allegations of torture and ill-treatment in this case demand a closer and urgent examination from the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture.”

Being placed for eight and half months in solitary confinement, “suffering inhumane conditions” in a cell measuring 1.5 x 2 square meters with no window, natural air or light, has had an “extremely severe impact” on Nazanin, Redress said.

The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture has previously considered that solitary confinement amounts to torture or ill-treatment if lasting more than 15 days, the charity noted.

Redress said of Nazanin’s condition:  “Nazanin has suffered from blackouts, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, difficulty walking and moving her arms and hands, and suicidal tendencies. “She continues to report darkly negative feelings, uncontrollable bouts of anger and sometimes feeling numb, unable to join in laughter or conversation. She struggles to be in company and to put on any weight, after having suffered severe weight loss during her detention.”
Redress said it put “particular emphasis” in the submission on the “maximum psychological pressure” that Iranian authorities have exerted on Nazanin with the purpose “to demoralise her and put her in a situation of complete powerlessness”.

The submission states that Nazanin’s treatment “is based on discrimination against her for being a British citizen”, and Redress claims, the aim of it is to  force her into a confession and coerce the British government into negotiating a deal for her release.

Announcing the move, the Free Nazanin campaign detailed how “psychological games remain ongoing” with the judiciary with her family being told in January that she would “likely soon be released”, and then again last week, that the case against her was closed, yet, “there is no release date”.

Richard Ratcliffe had hoped his wife would be released on Boxing Day last year, after a judicial database listed Nazanin as being eligible for early release.

Those hopes came after fears that the mother-of-one’s sentence would be doubled after Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson falsely claimed she was in Tehran training journalists.

Later this month Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi will be travelling to London and Ratcliffe has requested a meeting to demand his wife’s release.

The UN submissions key claims are:  • The level of psychological abuse in Nazanin’s case meets the UN criteria of torture, particularly given her vulnerability as a mother of a young child. • Her abuse involves the coordinated interaction of a variety of Iranian state agencies. It is not just due to the pressures and manipulations of her interrogators, or the poor conditions of her detention. Her abuse has been coordinated with the use of the court system to arbitrarily invent and close new court cases; the state TV news to spread false and abusive information about her; and even the consular services to assert the authorities’ control over her daughter and access to her family. It constitutes torture because the whole armoury of the state is used to maximise psychological pressure. • The purpose of this abuse to exert political pressure. Nazanin is held as a bargaining chip in ongoing political battles that have nothing to do with us. Court proceedings against Nazanin, propaganda against her, promises of release or even temporary release, are used as an extension of domestic and diplomatic pressure. All these games in Nazanin’s case are used by the Iranian authorities to put pressure on others through Nazanin.
The submission, the Free Nazanin campaign said, had been prompted by a number of factors, such as the second court case, her health and the “promises and games” being played by the Judiciary.

Redress said these included threats that Nazanin’s daughter, Gabriella – who is staying with her grandparents in Iran and currently visits her mother twice a week – would be sent back to the United Kingdom, “and that she would not see her daughter again”.

The call for an urgent intervention from the UN expert on torture comes at a “moment when there has been a deterioration in the situation of a number of dual nationals in Iran”, Redress said.

It cited the cases of Canadian-Iranian professor Kavous Seyed Emami, who died in prison on 9 February 2018, after being in detention for 17 days, and 81-year-old US-Iranian citizen Baquer Namazi, who was brought back to prison on 6 February 2018, less than two weeks after he had been granted temporary leave because of potentially fatal heart problems.

Richard Ratcliffe’s full statement:  “I think we have passed the threshold where Nazanin’s treatment is torture. These ongoing games remain a kind of psychological torture of continual ups and downs, and pressures impacting on Nazanin. I have asked the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture to follow up on Nazanin’s case with both governments, to respect their obligations to protect Nazanin, and to find a way to bring her home.” “I would like to meet the Iranian Minister when he comes to the UK to ask how he plans to bring this torture to an end? What is blocking her release now she is eligible? Now that the Judiciary have approved?” “I have requested to meet the Deputy Foreign Minister. I have even invited him to Nazanin’s, Gabriella’s and my house. I have spent a long time criticising the Iranian government – but it is important to give them a chance to explain: how they are planning to bring her home. It is a point of basic respect – that I offer him the chance to see Nazanin’s home and the pictures of her and Gabriella on the wall, to affirm that Iran’s government protects its citizens.” “The question Nazanin asks: If the Judiciary is independent, as President Rouhani and Foreign Minister Zarif have told the world repeatedly, now the case has been closed by the Judiciary and IRGC, and in the hands of the MFA – why is Nazanin still in prison? What is the MFA holding on for? I promised Nazanin that is the question I will ask the Minister, and request journalists ask on our behalf.” “At Christmas it felt we were so close to a release. That is what we were told to look out for on December 28, that is what the computer said. It is what it still says now. So it is not clear why the conversation moved back to one about furlough. That is where we were back in August. Talk of temporary release feels far less than the situation merits. Now she is eligible for release. Not just a holiday from prison, but time to come home. But in truth anything that gets her out of prison this Valentines can only be a good thing.” “Three months ago the Foreign Secretary promised he would leave no stone unturned. It is almost two months since his trip to Iran. It is more than one month since our Christmas hopes did not come to pass. We can’t keep waiting in the doorway of our dreams, waiting for the governments to deliver. So that is why we have resumed campaigning. That is why we have requested to meet the visiting Minister.” “Nazanin asked me to extend her deepest sympathy to all the new prisoners and the families of those recently arrested, but particularly the family of Prof. Seyed-Emami. They remain in her prayers, and the prayers of the women’s ward.”

Wandergruppe wird von Bär überrascht – dann wird ein Hund zum tragischen Helden

Wandergruppe wird von Bär überrascht – dann wird ein Hund zum tragischen Helden

Pete ist als Held gestorben. Er hat sie alle gerettet: Seine Familie, und auch die vielen anderen Hunde, mit denen er bei dieser lebte. 

Pete, so schreiben seine Besitzer auf Instagram, hat sich alleine einem Bären in den Weg gestellt – und dafür mit dem Leben bezahlt. 

Pete und der Bär

“Heute haben wir unseren mutigen, alten Pete verloren”, schreiben die Besitzer des heldenhaften Hundes aus New Jersey in den USA.

Sie wären mit all ihren Hunden im Wald wandern gewesen und hätten dabei einen Schwarzbären überrascht. “Der Bär hatte uns nicht bemerkt und fühlte sich von uns bedroht, er wandte sich uns zu.” 

► Und in diesem Moment sei Pete vorgetreten. 

“Er hat sich dem Bären in den Weg gestellt, solange, bis ich es geschafft hatte, alle unsere Hunde in Sicherheit zu bringen”, berichtet Petes Herrchen. Als er zurückgekommen sei, um den Bären zu verscheuchen, habe er den alten Hund schwer verletzt am Boden liegend gefunden. 

Mehr zum Thema: Ein Hund legte sich schützend über seine Freundin, als der Zug anrollte – das rettete ihr das Leben

“Ich liebe dich, Petey”

Pete habe es trotz seiner Wunden noch bis ins Krankenhaus geschafft. Doch dort mussten die Besitzer ihn einschläfern lassen. 

“Lauf in Freiheit, Pete. Jetzt spürst du nicht mehr all die Schmerzen des Alters”, schreiben sie über ihren Hund, den sie vor 18 Monaten aus einem Tierheim geholt hatten. 

In emotionalen Worten nimmt Petes Herrchen Abschied von seinem heldenhaften Hund:

► “Ich liebe dich, Petey. Du hattest tolle 18 Monate mit uns. Lass mir etwas Käse über, für wenn wir uns irgendwann wiedersehen.”   

Mehr zum Thema: Schwerkranker Mann trifft Hund auf Autobahn – am Ende weinen alle

‘음주운전’ 준케이 “깊이 반성, 2PM·팬에 미안”..JYP “향후 활동중지”[종합]

‘음주운전’ 준케이 “깊이 반성, 2PM·팬에 미안”..JYP “향후 활동중지”[종합]

그룹 2PM 멤버 준케이가 음주운전으로 적발된 가운데 사과의 뜻을 전했다.

준케이는 지난 10일 오전 7시께 서울 모처에서 음주 단속에 적발됐다. 당시 혈중알코올농도는 0.074%로 면허정지 수준인 것으로 알려졌다.

경찰은 준케이를 음주운전 혐의로 불구속 입건하고, 조만간 불러 자세한 사건 경위를 조사할 예정이다.

이와 관련해 준케이는 13일 2PM 공식 사이트에 ”먼저 여러분들께 이런 일로 글을 쓰게 되어서 너무 죄송합니다. 제 자신의 순간적인 판단이 어리석었습니다”라는 글을 게재했다.

이어 ”음주운전이 얼마나 큰 잘못인지 알면서도 이런 실수를 저지른 제 자신을 돌아보고 깊이 뉘우치고 반성하겠습니다. 저를 믿고 큰 사랑을 주신 팬 여러분들께 그리고 우리 멤버들에게, 실망을 끼쳐드려 진심으로 죄송합니다”라고 밝혔다. 


준케이의 소속사 JYP엔터테인먼트 측도 이날 보도자료를 통해 “준케이의 음주운전에 대해 진심으로 사과드린다. 본인도 깊게 뉘우치고 반성하고 있다”며 “향후 모든 활동을 중지하고 해외의 파트너사들과 계약이 체결돼있는 일정에 대해서만 진행여부를 결정하도록 하겠다”고 전했다.

그러면서 “본사는 연예인들의 음주운전을 예방하기 위한 대책으로 정기교육과 함께 지난 2014년부터 5년 째 소속 모든 아티스트들을 위한 전속대리운전 업체를 지정하고 또 대리운전 비용을 회사가 전액 지불하는 제도를 시행해왔다. 그럼에도 불구하고 이런 일이 발생한 것에 대해 책임을 통감하고 더 효율적인 예방법이 무엇인지 고민하여 보완하도록 하겠다”고 사과했다.

최근 팔에 박혀있던 철심을 뺀 준케이는 JYP엔터테인먼트와 두 번째 재계약까지 맺으며 활발한 활동을 기대하게 만들었다. 당초 준케이는 일본 솔로활동을 예정하고 있었다. 그는 직접 자신의 SNS에 오는 3월 21일 일본서 미니 4집 앨범 ‘NO TIME’을 발매한다는 소식과 전국투어 ‘Jun. K (From 2PM) Solo Tour 2018 NO TIME’ 개최 사실을 알렸다.

하지만 준케이가 음주운전으로 적발되면서 팬들은 실망감을 감추지 못하고 있다. 이에 그의 향후 활동도 불투명해진 상황. 이가운데 과연 준케이가 어떤 행보를 이어나갈지 이목이 집중된다.

「ちゆ12歳」バーチャルYouTuberデビューにインターネット老人会が歓喜 現実にさよならを告げる表現のカタチ

「ちゆ12歳」バーチャルYouTuberデビューにインターネット老人会が歓喜 現実にさよならを告げる表現のカタチ



「バーチャルネットアイドル ちゆ12歳」


正式には「バーチャルネットアイドル ちゆ12歳」。同名のサイト(2001年2月14日開設)の「管理人」という設定で、時事問題から漫画やアニメ、特撮、宗教に至るまでジャンルを問わず評論している。











— 本命チョ狐は尻尾の香り (@Aratani_SS) 2018年2月13日


— 十五夜 龍雅 (@ryuhga) 2018年2月13日


— 本命チョ狐は尻尾の香り (@Aratani_SS) 2018年2月13日






















今までは「かわいくなるワケのない自分」という大前提の元に、客体としてのミクをかわいくすることが重点だったわけです。しかし自分がミクになれるなら、そのときミクは主体となり、きっと #私かわいい のタグが意味を持ち始める。これはなかなか今日的な問いかけでありますね、うむ。

— 丹治吉順 a.k.a. 朝P (@tanji_y) 2018年2月3日


— 丹治吉順 a.k.a. 朝P (@tanji_y) 2018年2月4日











なぜオッサンはかわいいに憧れるのか 「バーチャルのじゃロリ狐娘YouTuberおじさん」独占インタビュー(前編)――PANORAより)


Oxfam Scandal: Minnie Driver Quits As Oxfam Ambassador After ‘Abhorrent Mistakes’

Oxfam Scandal: Minnie Driver Quits As Oxfam Ambassador After ‘Abhorrent Mistakes’
British actor Minnie Driver has become the first celebrity ambassador of Oxfam to quit their role over the sex scandal engulfing the charity.

Driver said she was “horrified” by the mounting allegations levelled at the organisation as she condemned the leadership’s “abhorrent mistakes”.

On Twitter, the London-born star said she was “in no uncertain terms” withdrawing her support for the charity after more than 20 years working with it.

Her resignation came as:

– The UK’s biggest firms, including M&S and Visa, reportedly said they could axe donations to the charity. – The Duke of Edinburgh scheme threatened to remove teenager volunteers from Oxfam stores, saying it was “reviewing our association with Oxfam”. – 1,200 people cancelled standing orders donating to the charity.

On Twitter, she wrote: “All I can tell you about this awful revelation about Oxfam is that I am devastated.

“Devastated for the women who were used by people sent there to help them, devastated by the response of an organisation that I have been raising awareness for since I was nine-years-old.

All I can tell you about this awful revelation about Oxfam is that I am devastated.Devastated for the women who were used by people sent there to help them, devastated by the response of an organization that I have been raising awareness for since I was 9 years old #oxfamscandal

February 13, 2018
“I have worked with Oxfam almost exclusively on the rights and plight of women in developing countries.

“Women who have to supplement their factory/manual labour with sex work…There are NGOs who do not cover up the egregious abuses of their employees.”

Earlier in a statement, she said: “I am nothing short of horrified by the allegations against Oxfam International.

“In no uncertain terms do I plan to continue my support of this organization or its leaders. And though it is unfortunate that after 20 years I am no longer able to advocate and defend through this specific framework, social and economic injustice is more globally prevalent than ever.

“I certainly will not let the abhorrent mistakes of a troubling organization stop me or anyone else from working with good people in this space to support a population of human beings around the world that needs our help.”

A spokesperson for Oxfam praised Driver’s commitment to the charity and to ending global poverty, adding: “Her decision to step down as an Oxfam Ambassador saddens us deeply, but we also understand and respect her choice.”

Oxfam is facing a Charity Commission inquiry after a bombshell Times investigation first reported allegations of sexual impropriety by senior aid workers in earthquake-hit Haiti in 2010.

Its deputy chief executive, Penny Lawrence, resigned on Monday over the scandal, which grew to include allegations in other countries where Oxfam worked, including the UK.

HuffPost UK on Tuesday night revealed Oxfam was scrambling to ensure safety in its high street shops after being forced to admit thousands of volunteers work alongside children without criminal records checks.

The crisis-hit charity admitted it is reviewing the use of Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks on the 23,000 volunteers, including those who help run stores where it allows 14-year-olds to work.

Oxfam also confirmed 52 safeguarding incidents occurred within its trading retail division last year, and a former Oxfam volunteer manager told HuffPost of her fears abuse could “absolutely” take place in shops.

Other charities, including Barnardos, British Heart Foundation, and Age UK on Tuesday night confirmed to HuffPost they had also received multiple allegations relating to safeguarding in the past year.

It follows comments from Oxfam’s former global head of safeguarding, Helen Evans, who claimed on Monday there had been three incidents of child abuse in its shops within a single month in 2015.