Must-See LGBTQ TV: Groundbreaking ‘This Close’ premieres, and Constantine debuts on ‘Legends of Tomorrow’!

Must-See LGBTQ TV: Groundbreaking ‘This Close’ premieres, and Constantine debuts on ‘Legends of Tomorrow’!

Photo Credit: The CW

Grab the remote, set your DVR or queue up your streaming service of choice! GLAAD is bringing you the highlights LGBTQ on TV this week. Check back every Sunday for up-to-date coverage in LGBTQ-inclusive programming on TV.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is back from their winter hiatus on Monday, and the team of superheroes will be joined by a new member, John Constantine. Constantine is a figure in DC Comics, as “an alienated, chain-smoking, bisexual, world-weary demonologist,” and will have an arc on Legends before moving to his own digital animated show on the CW Seed. Constantine will join Sara Lance (aka White Canary), the bisexual leader of the time-traveling team as they fight this season’s big bad. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: Monday, 8pm on The CW.

Sundance Now’s first streaming series, This Close, debuts on Wednesday. The new dramedy hails from co-creators, actors, and best friends Shoshanna Stern and Josh Feldman. Both creators are deaf, and Feldman is gay, and their characters within the show reflect these facets of their identity. This Close explores the codependent friendship between their two characters, their struggles at work and different romantic entanglements. A show having a gay deaf lead is a huge and overdue step in representation, and This Close will break new barriers with these characters. This Close: Wednesday on Sundance Now.

Sunday, February 11th: Here and Now (9pm, HBO); Counterpart (Starz); The Chi (10pm, Showtime)

Monday: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (8pm, The CW)

Tuesday: The Fosters (8pm, Freeform); Black Lightning (9pm, The CW); I Am Jazz (9pm, TLC)

Wednesday: This Close (Sundance Now) grown-ish (8pm, Freeform); Schitt’s Creek (8pm, Pop TV); The Amazing Race (9pm, CBS); Dynasty (9pm, The CW); The Magicians (9pm, SyFy); The Assassination Gianni Versace: American Crime Story (10pm, FX)

Thursday: Beyond (8pm, Freeform); 9-1-1 (9pm, Fox); Nashville (9pm, CMT);

Friday: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (8pm, The CW); Andi Mack (7:30pm, Disney Channel);

February 11, 2018

ZDF-Interview: Merkel torpediert die GroKo mit einem Halbsatz

ZDF-Interview: Merkel torpediert die GroKo mit einem Halbsatz
Merkel im ZDF.

  • Merkel erklärt im ZDF, sie stehe auch für eine Minderheitsregierung zur Verfügung
  • Das ist brisant: Bisher hat die SPD-Spitze behauptet, ein “Nein” der Genossen zur GroKo würde für Neuwahlen sorgen

Rund drei Wochen ist es her, da warb die SPD-Führung auf dem Parteitag in Bonn bei der Basis für den Beginn der GroKo-Verhandlungen.

Ihr einhelliges Totschlag-Argument: “Wenn ihr gegen die GroKo stimmt, gibt es Neuwahlen.” Angela Merkel stünde für eine Minderheitsregierung nicht zur Verfügung, verkündeten gleich mehrere SPD-Politiker ihren Genossen.

Die Abstimmung gewannen die Schwarz-Rot Befürworter – knapp.

Nun steht auch ein Koalitionsvertrag mitsamt Verteilung der Ministerien. Bis Anfang März dürfen die SPD-Mitglieder über diesen abstimmen.

► Erneut droht eine knappe Kiste. Zumal ein Satz, den Merkel am Sonntagabend im Interview mit “ZDF Direkt” sagte, die Argumente der GroKo-Freunde nicht gerade stärken dürfte.

Mehr zum Thema: So erklärt Merkel im ZDF-Interview das GroKo-Debakel der CDU

Merkel steht zur Verfügung

Auf die Frage, was die CDU-Chefin bei einem “Nein” der SPD-Basis tun würde, wich Merkel zunächst aus. Sie hoffe auf ein “Ja” erklärte sie diplomatisch – “ich glaube wir haben durch faire Verhandlungen auch die Grundlage dafür gelegt”. 

Dann kam sie im ZDF doch noch zum Punkt. Wenn die Abstimmung mit einem “Nein” ende, “dann gehe ich zum Bundespräsidenten und dann kommt wieder Artikel 63 der Verfassung ins Spiel und dann muss er jemanden vorschlagen.”

► “Und dafür stehe ich zur Verfügung”, sagte Merkel. Das sind entscheidende Worte.

Denn die CDU-Vorsitzende erklärt damit: Scheitert die GroKo, stellt sie sich zur Not ohne eine Regierungskoalition zur Wahl. Findet die CDU also eine Mehrheit für Merkel, will die Parteichefin eine Minderheitsregierung ins Auge fassen.

Schnell wird der CDU-Chefin im ZDF-Gespräch die Brisanz ihrer Worte bewusst. Denn sie hat der SPD-Führung gerade ein wichtiges Argument vor dem Mitgliedsentscheid genommen, der noch rund drei Wochen läuft.

“Stünde ich zur Verfügung”, bessert sie noch einmal nach. Merkels Stimme ist jetzt aufgeregt, ein bisschen lauter als sonst. “Wir haben jetzt gerade gearbeitet, um eine Regierung zu bilden.”

Westminster Council To Ask Wealthy Residents For Voluntary Tax To Help Homeless

Westminster Council To Ask Wealthy Residents For Voluntary Tax To Help Homeless

The wealthiest residents in one of the country’s richest boroughs will be asked to pay a voluntary ‘tax’ to help the young, homeless and lonely.

Westminster Council will write to those living in the area’s most expensive properties to make an extra voluntary contribution on top of their council tax to help pay for local projects.

The scheme is expected to be given the green light after a consultation in which more than 400 people said they would support the initiative.

Council tax rates, which are among the lowest in the country, have been frozen.

But letters will be sent to homeowners in the highest council tax bracket – Band H – asking them to pay an extra £833.

Our voluntary community contribution scheme asks those in highest value homes to pay £833 on top of council tax. This money will help some of the most vulnerable in our community, including rough sleepers with complex needs

— Westminster Council (@CityWestminster) February 10, 2018

The money raised is earmarked for projects aimed at helping young people, rough-sleepers and the lonely.

Council leader Nickie Aiken said the scheme was developed after wealthy residents said they wanted to pay more.

“The outcome of our consultation reflects the kind and generous spirit of Westminster residents,” she said.

“It also confirmed what I had heard from people I had met on the doorstep that those in the more expensive homes are willing to contribute more to community projects.

“The scheme is most popular among residents of the most expensive homes.”

Homelessness charity Shelter last year exposed the worst boroughs around the UK for rough sleeping and people being housed in temporary accommodation. and found most of the worst performing boroughs were in London – with some of the richest coming out as the worst.

Westminster, which has an average income of £104,000, has a total of 8,054 people homeless, equivalent to one in 31 people. It’s national ranking was 3rd worst.

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, congratulated the council on its “imaginative initiative”.

“May all of us who are willing to do this be given the facility to do so,” he said. “Thank you, Thank you! – You are fantabulous!”

Some of the borough’s well-known residents have also voiced their support.

DJ Tim Westwood said: “Asking people who have done well to contribute a little extra seems a very good idea to me.

“I also like the fact that young people will be among those who benefit from any money raised.”

Margaret Mountford, who appears in BBC reality TV show The Apprentice, added: “In principle this is a very good idea, but obviously we need to see the detail.

“There are clearly areas of need in the borough where money raised could be spent.”

Soldier recounts violent sexual assault at the hands of another male soldier in dramatic testimony

Soldier recounts violent sexual assault at the hands of another male soldier in dramatic testimony
The soldier say he felt “a sharp, penetrating pain” before discovering a two-inch-long tear in his underwear.

FleshJack Removes Topher DiMaggio and All His Products from its Site

FleshJack Removes Topher DiMaggio and All His Products from its Site

FleshJack has removed Topher DiMaggio and all his products from their site following five sexual assault allegations against the gay adult performer and model.

The scrubbing was noticed by, which opined that (wk-unfriendly link)”a line of sex toys molded from the body of someone who’s been accused of rape is not something that anyone wants anything to do with.”

The Andrew Christian fashion label this week suspended DiMaggio, who models as a “trophy boy” for the company, following five sexual assault allegations (two more since our original reports) within the past month.

The post FleshJack Removes Topher DiMaggio and All His Products from its Site appeared first on Towleroad.

FleshJack Removes Topher DiMaggio and All His Products from its Site

Andrew Marr’s Editor Explains On-Air Thumbs-Up To Minister Penny Mordaunt Was ‘Polite And Human’

Andrew Marr’s Editor Explains On-Air Thumbs-Up To Minister Penny Mordaunt Was ‘Polite And Human’

Andrew Marr was “being polite” to Conservative minister Penny Mordaunt because he is an “actual human”, the editor of the BBC’s flagship politics programme has said after an unguarded on-air thumbs-up prompted a rash of online conspiracy theories.

Mordaunt, the International Development Secretary, was appearing on the Sunday morning programme to discuss the sexual misconduct allegations against Oxfam workers.

As the interview turned to Brexit at its conclusion, the Cabinet minister insisted she was still “chipper” about the process.

As he handed over to Nick Campbell for a preview of the next show, Marr appeared to give Mordaunt a thumbs-up and tell her “that was very good”.

The gaffe was picked up by many watching on Twitter.

Did Andrew Marr just turn to @PennyMordaunt at the end of this interview on @MarrShow and whisper “that was very good”!!!!!!

— Peter Stefanovic (@PeterStefanovi2) February 11, 2018

What looked to be an unfortunate error was swiftly ramped up to something more conspiratorial.

Some suggested it showed senior BBC journalists were being soft with the Conservative government over Brexit.

The ‘alt-left’ blog The Skwawkbox, which has made repeated claims of BBC bias, was at the vanguard of the criticism.  

Journalists who don’t work for the BBC made clear Marr was engaging in fairly standard practice.

Oh god. This is normal. It’s normal for a presenter to say “that was very good” to ANY guest, even if they’ve just worked them over. He’s being polite.

— Mark Di Stefano ?? (@MarkDiStef) February 11, 2018

We appear to have reached the point at which people are willing to believe that an unremarkable display of elementary courtesy is evidence of conspiracy.

— Andrew Mueller (@andrew_mueller) February 11, 2018

Those who are saying this is a “sign” the BBC and Tories are too close – it doesn’t confirm anything of the sort. It’s just basic courtesy. I’ve done plenty of media and interviewers often say something like that to thank you – even if they haven’t met you before.

— Louise Ridley (@LouiseRidley) February 11, 2018

As did existing and former senior BBC broadcasters. 

Just to be clear about Marr giving Penny Mordaunt a thumbs up after her interview “v good” this is NOT unusual or a sign of bias. I’ve done it myself to politicians of left & right loads of times and it is simply like shaking hands at the end of a match. Means zilch politically

— Giles Dilnot (@reporterboy) February 11, 2018

Glad to see you’ve almost got as many conspiracy theorists on your side of the Atlantic….

— Jon Sopel (@BBCJonSopel) February 11, 2018

You can’t reason people out of something they haven’t reasoned themselves into in the first place

— Gavin Esler (@gavinesler) February 11, 2018

But it was the Editor of The Andrew Marr Show, Rob Burley, who went to greatest effort to explain – throughout Sunday – what had happened.

Burley has previously spoken to HuffPost UK about the repeated accusations of ‘#BBCbias’ politics shows face.

He argues that licence fee payers are “absolutely entitled to express opinions, express a view, question or criticise”, but that he won’t ignore a mis-characterisation.

This appeared to be the case on Sunday as Burley tweeted repeatedly about how Marr was acting “suspiciously like a human being”. 

Well, first up judge the interview itself which was very firm. Second, because of the orthodoxy of all this you wouldn’t ideally do that on air. But it’s a bit silly though I understand why. Third, AM thought off air so just being nice, he thought, off air.

— Rob Burley (@RobBurl) February 11, 2018

Caught being a human. Pleasant, friendly, normal. Give it a go!

— Rob Burley (@RobBurl) February 11, 2018

Watch as people hate on someone just being nice and friendly and human (as AM is to all guests). It’s tragic.

— Rob Burley (@RobBurl) February 11, 2018

Not only is @AndrewMarr9 acting suspiciously like a normal person being friendly, he also has “jug ears”.

— Rob Burley (@RobBurl) February 11, 2018

It’s called being polite and human and warm and decent Phil. C’mon, give it a go!

— Rob Burley (@RobBurl) February 11, 2018

At one stage, he wrote:

“I hate to spoil what you see as the final, clinching evidence of a high level conspiracy, but he was just being nice like an actual human as he is to everyone he interviews, regardless of party.

“It’s the truth – though less exciting than your own version, I grant you.”

I hate to spoil what you see as the final, clinching evidence of a high level conspiracy, but he was just being nice like an actual human as he is to everyone he interviews, regardless of party. It’s the truth though less exciting than your own version I grant you.

— Rob Burley (@RobBurl) February 11, 2018

He was just being nice and friendly, as he is to all his guests. Give it a go! It’s fun!

— Rob Burley (@RobBurl) February 11, 2018

Yes, hard for you to understand I know, but he’s nice to people wherever they are on the political spectrum. He was just being an actual human.

— Rob Burley (@RobBurl) February 11, 2018

Well there isn’t any such footage because obviously it’s the vast majority of the time off camera. Anyway, I’m off to gnaw my arm off in sheer bewilderment and frustration. . .

— Rob Burley (@RobBurl) February 11, 2018

‘The Four’ Finalist VINCINT Gets Deep into Your Marrow with His New Single: WATCH

‘The Four’ Finalist VINCINT Gets Deep into Your Marrow with His New Single: WATCH
vincint marrow

VINCINT, a finalist on Fox’s The Four music competition show this season, has just released the video for his debut single “Marrow”.

The clip was directed by Jake Wilson.

Said VINCINT to Billboard of the decision to film the clip in a church: “I went to Catholic school all of my life, and sexuality isn’t talked about at all. It’s a no-no kind of zone, and for me, this was an expression of being able to celebrate all different kinds of love that are not accepted in the confines of the church. Like, in this video we have people that are transgender, gay, straight, lesbian, and it’s such an eclectic mix of different races of people just pouring out love for each other. I’m just saying that the relationship that is love has no cost to it. It has no binds or confines.”

The post ‘The Four’ Finalist VINCINT Gets Deep into Your Marrow with His New Single: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

‘The Four’ Finalist VINCINT Gets Deep into Your Marrow with His New Single: WATCH