Olympic Thirst Trap: 12 Hot Shots of U.S. Luge Silver Medalist Chris Mazdzer

Olympic Thirst Trap: 12 Hot Shots of U.S. Luge Silver Medalist Chris Mazdzer

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Folks watching the Olympics on Sunday saw 29-year-old U.S. Olympic luger Chris Mazdzer hurtle down the ice chute at silver medal speed, making him the first American luger to win a medal at any Winter Games.

They may have also noticed that he’s uh, insanely smokin’ hot. He’s a great cliff diver. And just look at the fit of that body suit.

You may have already noticed him taking off that uniform this week for Cosmo. Video HERE.

men team usa

Here’s a shameless round-up of your future husband from his own Instagram.

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The post Olympic Thirst Trap: 12 Hot Shots of U.S. Luge Silver Medalist Chris Mazdzer appeared first on Towleroad.


평창 맥도날드에 햄버거 없는 이유는?

평창 맥도날드에 햄버거 없는 이유는?

“마스터카드밖에 없는데, 현금 찾으러 가야겠네요.”

11일 낮 케이티엑스(KTX) 경강선 강릉역 내 평창겨울올림픽 공식 스토어. 이곳에서 6000원짜리 ‘수호랑 배지’를 사려고 지갑을 꺼냈던 원아무개(27)씨는 계산대 앞에서 발길을 돌려야 했다. 공식 스토어에선 현금과 비자(VISA)카드 결제만 가능하기 때문이다. 10만원가량의 기념품을 구입한 박아무개(48)씨도 “평소 거의 쓰지 않는 비자카드를 찾느라 혼났다”며 불만을 토로했다. 비자카드는 국제올림픽위원회(IOC)로부터 결제 서비스 독점권을 인정받은 월드와이드 올림픽 파트너다.

올림픽 공식 후원사는 후원금 규모에 따라 등급이 나뉜다. 비자, 코카콜라, 삼성 등 월드와이드 올림픽 파트너는 전세계에서 올림픽 마케팅을 펼칠 수 있는 독점 권한을 보장받는 대가로 아이오시에 1000억원 이상을 후원하는 것으로 알려졌다. 이번 대회에 500억원 이상을 지원한 현대기아차, 케이티(KT), 대한항공 등 공식 파트너는 개최국인 우리나라에서만 올림픽 마케팅을 벌일 수 있다.

공식 후원사들의 독점 공급에 따른 황당한 일도 있다. 평창군 대관령면 횡계리의 대회 조직위원회 건물에 있는 올림픽 공식 후원사 맥도날드는 주력 제품인 햄버거를 팔지 않는다. 커피와 맥모닝 메뉴 일부만 판매할 뿐이다. 맥도날드는 “조직위의 요청으로 햄버거 대신 간단한 메뉴만 판매하게 된 것”이라고 설명했다. 이에 대해 조직위 관계자는 “좁은 건물에 들어온 맥도날드 매장에 햄버거 패티를 굽는 오븐 등이 들어올 자리가 없어 메뉴를 줄인 것으로 안다”고 전했다.

공식 후원사가 아닌 업체들이 올림픽을 활용해 자사 제품과 브랜드를 홍보했다가 제지를 받는 경우도 있다. 대회 공식 파트너사인 롯데와 주문자위탁생산(OEM) 계약을 맺고 ‘평창 롱패딩’을 생산했던 신성통상은 홍보권이 없음에도 제품과 관련한 보도자료를 배포했다가 조직위로부터 경고 조치를 받았다. 앰부시 마케팅(매복 마케팅) 논란이 일었던 에스케이텔레콤(SKT)의 ‘평창 응원 캠페인’ 광고도 지난달 아이오시로부터 ‘시 유 인 평창’(See you in Pyeongchang) 등 일부 광고 내용을 수정하라는 통보를 받았다.


12日は全国的に真冬の寒さ、風も強まる 北陸では再び大雪のおそれ

12日は全国的に真冬の寒さ、風も強まる 北陸では再び大雪のおそれ















(2018年2月12日 6時21分)



[日本気象協会本社]気象予報士  熱中症予防指導員








Eiskunstlauf im Live-Stream: Olympia 2018 online sehen, so geht’s

Eiskunstlauf im Live-Stream: Olympia 2018 online sehen, so geht’s
Aljona Savchenko und Bruno Massot aus Deutschland in Aktion.

  • Im Eiskunstlauf gibt es Pyeongchang fünf Entscheidungen
  • Wir zeigen euch, wie ihr Eiskunstlauf im Live-Stream verfolgen könnt

Eiskunstlauf im Live-Stream bei den Olympischen Winterspielen 2018 in Südkorea: Beim Paarlauf kann Deutschland auf eine Medaille hoffen.

Acht Eiskunstläufer nehmen für Deutschland teil. Eine besondere Begründung für seinen olympischen Ehrgeiz fand Eiskunstläufer Paul Fentz: “Ich habe mir gesagt, ich möchte zu den zwei Prozent der Weltbevölkerung gehören, die bei Olympia dabei sind”, erklärte der Berliner Bundeswehrsoldat, nachdem er das einzige Herren-Ticket in der Tasche hatte.

Außer Paarlauf-Gold-Anwärterin Aljona Savchenko hat im deutschen Eiskunstlauf-Aufgebot aber noch niemand Olympia-Erfahrung.

Eiskunstlauf im Überblick

  • Entscheidungen in Pyeongchang: 5

  • Austragungsort: Gangneung-Eisarena

  • Deutsche Medaillen-Erwartung: 1

  • Medaillen in Sotschi 2014: 1

  • Deutsche Medaillenkandidaten: Aljona Savchenko/Bruno Massot (Oberstdorf/Paarlauf)

Eiskunstlauf-Termine bei Olympia 2018:

  • Montag, 12. Februar, 2.00 Uhr MEZ: Finale im Team Event
  • Donnerstag, 15. Februar, 2.30 Uhr MEZ: Paarwettbewerb
  • Samstag, 17. Februar, 2.00 Uhr MEZ: Einzelfinale der Herren
  • Dienstag, 20. Februar, 2.00 Uhr MEZ: Finale Eistanz
  • Freitag, 23. Februar, 2.00 Uhr MEZ: Einzelfinale der Damen

Die Olympischen Spiele im TV und im Live-Stream

Die TV-Rechte für Olympia liegen bei den Spielen in Pyeongchang erstmals bei der Eurosport-Mutter Discovery.

► Im Fernsehen laufen Live-Übertragungen von allen Wettbewerben bei Eurosport sowie beim Spartensender TLC und beim Pay-TV-Kanal Eurosport 2.

► Dazu kommen bis zu 18 parallel laufende Live-Streams im Eurosport-Player.

Nach einer späten Einigung für Sublizenzen sind aber auch ARD und ZDF weiter im Spiel und haben viele Entscheidungen live im Programm.

Doch beim Eiskunstlauf zeigen die öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender nicht alle Entscheidungen.

Die Olympia Live-Streams 2018 im Überblick:

 Alle Live-Streams gibt es im Eurosport Player (kostenpflichtiges Abo)

► Den kostenlosen Live-Stream der ARD findet ihr hier

► Der kostenlose Live-Stream des ZDF ist hier zu finden 


얼굴 바꾸기 어플을 이효리 부부에게 적용해 본 충격적 결과 (영상)

얼굴 바꾸기 어플을 이효리 부부에게 적용해 본 충격적 결과 (영상)

또다시 돌아온 월요일에 우울했다면, 이 영상을 보실 것을 추천한다.

얼굴 바꾸기 어플을 이효리-이상순 부부의 사진에 적용해본 결과를 담은 영상인데, 웃다가 결국 울게 되는 충격적 사진이 나왔다.



Grand Canyon Helicopter Crash: Three British People Killed

Grand Canyon Helicopter Crash: Three British People Killed

Three British people have died in a helicopter accident at the Grand Canyon, the Foreign Office said.

The helicopter was on a tour of the canyon, one of the top US tourist destinations and more than a mile deep, when it went down on Saturday at around 5.20pm.

It is not clear what caused the crash.

Six passengers and a pilot were on board the helicopter when it crashed into jagged rocks by the Grand Canyon’s West Rim, according to the Associated Press. 

Of the six British people involved, three have been killed and three are injured.

A Foreign Office spokesperson said: “We are providing support to the families of six British visitors involved in a helicopter accident at the Grand Canyon on 10 February, and we are in close contact with the US emergency services.”

The helicopter, an Eurocopter EC130 from Airbus, “crashed under unknown circumstances in the Grand Canyon” and suffered substantial damage, Allen Kenitzer, a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration, said in an email, according to Reuters.

Police chief Francis Bradley told CNN: “We are having difficulties getting the four people out of the crash site area to the hospital.

“It is too windy and it’s dark and the area is very rugged.”

The helicopter was operated by tour company Papillon Airways, according to the BBC.

The Federal Aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board will investigate the incident.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated. Check back for the fullest version. Follow HuffPost UK on Twitter here, and on Facebook here.


George Soros Commits Extra £100,000 To Anti-Brexit Group In Wake Of Attacks Led By Right-Wing Press

George Soros Commits Extra £100,000 To Anti-Brexit Group In Wake Of Attacks Led By Right-Wing Press
Billionaire philanthropist Soros was accused of leading a “secret plot” to undermine Brexit in a front-page article in the Telegraph.

The Daily Mail’s front page the next day told Soros to “butt out” of Brexit, saying: “You can keep your tainted money.”

Now Soros and his foundations have offered to match-fund further small donations up to £100,000 to the Best for Britain group, which wants to keep Britain in the European Union. Soros has already spent £400,000 on the campaign.

He told The Guardian: “I am happy to take the fight to those who have tried to use a smear campaign, not arguments, to prop up their failing case.”

The crowdfunding push has raised £59,625 so far. Best for Britain’s CEO Eloise Todd said: “We live in a democracy, and the right to freedom of speech is precious. Elements of the right-wing press don’t seem to agree.

“The UK’s future with the EU is not a done deal, there is still a vote to come and people across the country deserve to know the truth about the options on the table: one of which is staying and leading in the EU.

“George Soros and his foundations is kindly offering to help match-fund to give Best for Britain more support so we can make sure this message gets out: the biggest decision on Brexit is yet to come.”

The front page of tomorrow’s Daily Telegraph: ‘Man who ‘broke the Bank of England’ backing secret plot to thwart Brexit’ #tomorrowspaperstodaypic.twitter.com/oXXm1i9rQZ

— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) February 7, 2018

The Telegraph piece, penned by Theresa May’s former chief of staff, Nick Timothy, claimed Soros’s foundation was trying to bring down her government

It provoked a huge backlash as Soros is often the target of far-right conspiracy theorists who accuse him of being part of a Jewish plot to establish a New World Order, amongst other things.

European Parliament’s Brexit chief, Guy Verhofstadt, accused Timothy of spreading “Kremlin-sponsored conspiracy theories”.
