Zusammenstöße mit der Polizei: Rechtsextreme Unruhen in Italien

Zusammenstöße mit der Polizei: Rechtsextreme Unruhen in Italien
Anhänger der rechtsradikalen Partei Forza Nuova stoßen mit der Polizei in Italien zusammen. 

In der mittelitalienischen Stadt Macerata sind am Donnerstagabend Rechtsextreme aufmarschiert und haben sich Gefechte mit der Polizei geliefert.

Das ist passiert: 

► Wie italienische Medien berichten, hätten etwa 40 Anhänger der neofaschistischen Partei Forza Nuova auf einen zentralen Platz in Macerata vordringen wollen.

Die Polizei habe die Rechtsextremen daran gehindert, 15 Anhänger der Partei sollen laut deren Angaben festgenommen worden sein. 

► Zuvor hatten Bürgermeister und Präfektur dazu aufgerufen, keine Demonstrationen zu organisieren, um die Spannung in der Stadt nicht noch weiter anzuheizen.

Darum ist es wichtig: 

Ein Schütze hatte am Samstag offensichtlich aus rassistischen Motiven in Macerata das Feuer auf mehrere Afrikaner eröffnet. Sechs Menschen wurden verletzt.

Auslöser für die Tat soll ein Mord an einer jungen Frau gewesen sein, der fälschlicherweise einem Nigerianer angelastet wurde. 

Seit dem Vorfall ist im italienischen Wahlkampf eine bittere Debatte über Migration entbrannt. Vor allem rechte Parteien erhoffen sich dadurch mehr Zuspruch bei der Parlamentswahl am 4. März.

Mehr zum Thema: Wenn Europa scheitert, scheitert es in Italien

Was ihr noch wissen müsst: 

Die Bürger in Macerata sind davon und von den Unruhen in ihrer Stadt wenig begeistert. 

► Eine Bewohnerin der Stadt sagte der Deutschen Presse-Agentur: “Es scheint alles ein Zustand der Belagerung, und alles ist Ergebnis einer politischen Instrumentalisierung.”

Mehr zum Thema: Der rechte Hetzwahlkampf in Italien – und was er bedeutet



‘바른미래당’ 정당 이미지 공개…이견으로 ‘잡음’도

‘바른미래당’ 정당 이미지 공개…이견으로 ‘잡음’도

국민의당과 바른정당의 통합추진위원회는 9일 전체회의를 열고 당 정체성을 보여줄 로고와 색깔(PI·Party Identity)을 확정해 공개했다. 로고는 오는 13일 출범 예정인 통합 신당의 당명 ‘바른미래당’을 그대로 담되 청록색 밑줄을 그었다. 다른 글자는 검은색으로 적되 ‘당’ 자의 받침 ‘ㅇ(이응)’만 청록색으로 바꿔 밑줄과 이어지게 했다. 박인춘 국민의당 홍보위원장은 브리핑에서 “직선은 뻗어나가는 미래를 상징하며 동시에 아래에 있어 국민을 섬기는 정당으로 거듭나겠다는 표현”이라고 말했다. 박 위원장은 “색깔은 청색과 녹색을 융합한 청록색 계열로 흔히 요즘 민트 계열이라고 한다. 젊고 신선한 색깔이다”라고 밝혔다. 기존 국민의당 상징색은 녹색, 바른정당은 하늘색이었다. 

이날 결정 과정에서 두 당은 이견을 보인 것으로 전해졌다. 유승민 바른정당 대표는 발표 뒤 기자들과 만나 “제 개인적인 의견을 밝히면 문제가 될 것 같다”며 “의견 차이가 있어 오락가락했던 모양인데 최종안으로 올라온 4개 중 하나로 결정했다”고 말했다. 안철수 국민의당 대표는 “기존 안 중에서 선택했다”며 “마음에 든다”고 말했다.


Boy Gets Stuck In Arcade Machine While Trying To Nab A Cuddly Toy

Boy Gets Stuck In Arcade Machine While Trying To Nab A Cuddly Toy

boy who was desperate to get a cuddly toy from an arcade machine decided to bypass the element of chance by climbing in to get one, and then got stuck.

Mason was in an arcade in Titusville, Florida, when the incident took place. Exactly how he got into the machine is unknown, but luckily there was an off-duty firefighter in the area, who managed to free him.

“Often times we say to ourselves that you never know what the next shift will bring,” the local fire and emergency services wrote on Facebook on 7 February. “Well today was no exception.”

“This evening little Mason was enjoying some food and decided he wanted a stuffed animal,” the Facebook status continued. “He wanted it so bad, he climbed into the game to get that toy. 

“Thankfully he was never in any distress as one of our own firefighters happened to be there off duty and assessed the situation.”

The firefighters were able to get Mason out with minimal damage to the game and said after the incident Maso happily went back to eating his dinner with his mum and friends.

Mason got to leave with his sought-after cuddly toy, too. Win, win. 





東京でも2016年から「TOKYO MODEST FASHION SHOW 」が開催されており、露出を控えたムスリムファッションの魅力を伝える動きが国内でも広がっている。






Hazra Ngahさん(@hazrangah)がシェアした投稿







(1) 顔と手以外を覆う

(2) 体のラインを見せない

(3) 透けない



ハフポスト日本版は慶應義塾大学・野中葉専任講師に聞いた。現代東南アジアの専門家で、ムスリムファッションに詳しいことで知られている。 野中さんは「彼女たちは自発的にヴェールを着用し、自由に活動している」と話す。「抑圧」や「強制」は、そこにないのだという。



一方で、ユニクロが日本国内でムスリム女性(ムスリマ)向けのコレクション「UNIQLO×HANA YAJIMA」を発表した事例もある。コレクションには、伝統的なムスリムの衣装だけでなく、チュニック風トップスやロング・フレアスカート、快適なリラックスパンツなどのアイテムも充実しており、イスラム教徒以外の人でも楽しめるデザインだ。




‘Emmerdale’: Ross Barton’s Acid Attack Storyline Attracts Over 200 Ofcom Complaints After Dividing Viewers

‘Emmerdale’: Ross Barton’s Acid Attack Storyline Attracts Over 200 Ofcom Complaints After Dividing Viewers

‘Emmerdale’ has attracted over 200 Ofcom complaints, after airing a controversial acid attack storyline. 

The ITV soap split fans right down the middle after Ross Barton became a victim of a horrific attack during Thursday’s (8 February) episode. 

A spokesperson for broadcasting regulator Ofcom confirmed to HuffPost UK they had received 228 complaints in just over 12 hours. 

Seriously cannot believe Emmerdale just did that tbh. Feels a bit too ‘soon’ for an acid attack in a 7pm soap.

— Ryan Love (@RyanJL) February 8, 2018

Is it just me or does anyone else think an acid attack shouldn’t be shown on emmerdale? #Emmerdale

— Tyler Sandalls (@SandallsTyler) February 8, 2018

#Emmerdale awful of you to film the acid attack. What’s the world coming to when you are showing this type of material – before 7.30pm. You do know some people tend to copy things they see on TV. Producers, remember people see, people copy. Everything what’s wrong with society.

— John Clayton (@PinnaclePrac) February 8, 2018

This might sound like I’m a soap Saddo but sat here at my pals with his Mrs watching “Emmerdale”
What the hell were the script writers thinking with a scene showing an Acid attack on a guy and whats even worse its well before the 9.00pm watershed.
What utter stupidity???

— Rob Mason (@FrogManRob) February 8, 2018

I’m appalled to know the acid attack on Ross was shown before the 9pm watershed. #Emmerdale

— Lorna Thomas (@LornaTh79645414) February 8, 2018

Totally irresponsible of #emmerdale@ITV to show an acid attack. Why give it air time? We know it goes on and we need to do all we can to stop it. There are many impressionable people out there #unbelievable

— Liz H (@Manxmaid1) February 8, 2018

However, many people praised the soap for raising awareness of an issue that is currently on the rise, with many also responding to accusations it was irresponsible to air the scenes: 

Such an important storyline for #emmerdale to show, raises awareness for acid attack victims. It’s a reality for some people that could happen to anyone. Well done Emmerdale for tackling it and raising awareness of the devastating consequences an attack like this has on someone

— Dave (@DavidMackayy) February 8, 2018

To everyone complaining about the watershed: do you complain about shootings, or murders or physical violence or even verbal violence? This SL has the potential to raise awareness and highlight the growing issue of acid attacks in the UK. #Emmerdale

— Jess (@iamjess7) February 8, 2018

the fact that emmerdale spoke to so many acid attack victims and they supported this storyline tells you everything! the general audience can piss off bc frankly their opinion is beyond irrelevant in comparison.

— dani (@jaredshawley) February 8, 2018

I think people’s reactions to the acid attack in #Emmerdale tonight just proves a huge point about how we view these things. As much as you don’t want to see it, sadly, it happens, & I think it’s good that they’ve addressed it & are bringing attention to a growing violence trend.

— Leah ? (@leahjadethomas1) February 8, 2018

Kudos to #Emmerdale for raising the acid attack subject. A hard hitting topic that is at the forefront of modern society. Awareness should be raised on the soap platform. Story lines like this are why emmerdale is in a league of its own.

— Harry (@irelandharry7) February 8, 2018

the GA complaining is the reason emmerdale dont do issue sls & we’re stuck with the same cheating, affairs, & baby plots acid attacks are something very relevant to society right now & im glad emmerdale thought outside of the box & decided to raise awareness

— B (@holydingles) February 8, 2018

Others shared concerns about the lasting impact of the plot going forwards: 

I don’t know about anyone else but I’m more interested/concerned with how #Emmerdale move forward with this Ross acid attack SL. They can’t half ass this and have a miracle recovery. But I just don’t see them doing hours of make up day in/day out for the long haul!

— Brokenspell (@brokenspell77) February 8, 2018

If emmerdale have to use acid attacks as a storyline,I hope they give it the sensitivity it deserves #Emmerdale

— rachey77 (@Cooper1Racheal) February 8, 2018

HuffPost UK has contacted an ‘Emmerdale’ spokesperson for comment and is awaiting a response. 

Actor Michael Parr recently insisted the storyline will be portrayed sensitively, claiming bosses had been committed to doing it justice. 

He told Digital Spy: “It’s a big responsibility and one that I was very nervous about taking on. I know it’s a reality for some people and it’s so important to get it right and do the story justice.

“The ‘Emmerdale’ team have done extensive research and we really want to raise awareness of the devastating consequences an attack like this has on a person’s life.”

The storyline comes after the London’s Metropolitan Police released statistics in November last year that revealed the number of acid attacks in the UK had surged by more than 500% between 2012 and 2016.

Just 73 were recorded in 2012; four years later, they hit a high of 469.
