Omarosa Tells Ross Mathews to Be Very Worried About Trump’s Presidency: ‘It’s So Bad’ – WATCH

Omarosa Tells Ross Mathews to Be Very Worried About Trump’s Presidency: ‘It’s So Bad’ – WATCH
Omarosa Big Brother hosue

Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault entered the Big Brother house last night as Celebrity Big Brother got underway.

In a preview clip from tonight’s episode, Omarosa tells Ross Mathews about her time in the White House after he tells her that he “never got” why she went there.

Omarosa tells him that she felt it was a “call to duty” to her country, not Trump.

She says she was “haunted” by the president’s tweets “every single day” and “tried to be that person” to tell him to stop tweeting but that every time she tried “all of the people around him attacked me.”

“It was like, ‘keep her away from him, don’t get her access, don’t let her talk to him,’” she explains. “And Ivanka’s there, Jared’s there.”

Asks Mathews: “Who has that power to say ‘what’s going on?’”

“I don’t know. I’m not there,” replies Omarosa. “It’s not my circus, not my monkeys, I’d like to say not my problem but I can’t say that because — it’s bad.”

“Should we be worried?”, Mathews asks, to which Omarosa nods.

“It’s going to not be okay, it’s not. It’s so bad.”

Omarosa joined Shannon Elizabeth, Sugar Ray’s Mark McGrath, Keshia Knight Pulliam, Real Housewife Brandi Glanville, former NBA star Metta World Peace, UFC light heavyweight champ Chuck Liddell, actors James Maslow and Marissa Winokur, TV personality Ross Matthews and Miss Colombia Ariadna Gutierrez on the show, which is set to run for 13 nights.

RECENTLY: Omarosa Lawyering Up, May Have Secretly Taped Confidential WH Conversations

In December, Omarosa said that reports she was fired and escorted from the White House after tripping alarms and trying to gain access to the Trump residence were “100 percent false.”

“I resigned and I didn’t do that in the residence, as is being reported. John Kelly and I sat down in the Situation Room, which is a very secure, very quiet room in the White house and we had a very candid conversation…I like to hear all these interesting tales but I have to tell you that they are 100 percent false. Where are the pictures or videos? If I had confronted John Kelly, who is a very formidable person, it would garner enough attention for anyone in the room to at least take a picture or a video or something.”

Omarosa also denied she tried to gain access to the residence or was escorted off:

“The White House is the most secure place in the world. It is ridiculous to assert that anyone would be able to violate the security parameters that is outlined in the most secure building in the world. Not only it is ridiculous but it is also absurd…I wouldn’t want anyone nonetheless myself, to be able to run around or cause a disruption because it is secure for that reason.”

When asked about the deactivation of her pass by the Secret Service, she claimed that her access was changed and restricted after she said she was resigning.

The post Omarosa Tells Ross Mathews to Be Very Worried About Trump’s Presidency: ‘It’s So Bad’ – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Omarosa Tells Ross Mathews to Be Very Worried About Trump’s Presidency: ‘It’s So Bad’ – WATCH

Gabriel rechnet mit SPD-Führung ab: “Respektloser Umgang”

Gabriel rechnet mit SPD-Führung ab: “Respektloser Umgang”
Sigmar Gabriel ist durch mit Martin Schulz.

  • Sigmar Gabriel tritt in einem Interview gegen die SPD-Spitze nach
  • Er beklagt nach seinem Ende als Minister einen “respektlosen” Umgang 

Es begann mit einem Grummeln. Erst wurde am Donnerstagmittag bekannt, dass der scheidende SPD-Außenminister Sigmar Gabriel mehrere Termine abgesagt hat.

Er wird unter anderem seinen wichtigen geplanten Auftritt bei der Münchener Sicherheitskonferenz nicht bestreiten.

Spätestens am Abend wurde klar, wie tief der Zwist zwischen Gabriel und der restlichen Parteiführung um Noch-SPD-Chef Martin Schulz ist.

Gabriel scheint Schulz die Nicht-Nominierung als Minister nicht zu verzeihen.

Gabriel sagte den Zeitungen der “Funke”-Mediengruppe: “Ich habe das Amt des Außenministers gern und in den Augen der Bevölkerung offenbar auch ganz gut und erfolgreich gemacht. Und da ist es ja klar, dass ich bedauere, dass diese öffentliche Wertschätzung meiner Arbeit der neuen SPD-Führung herzlich egal war.“

“Respektloser Umgang”

Er fügte hinzu: “Was bleibt, ist eigentlich nur das Bedauern darüber, wie respektlos bei uns in der SPD der Umgang miteinander geworden ist und wie wenig ein gegebenes Wort noch zählt.“

Gabriel warf der SPD-Spitze indirekt Unehrlichkeit vor: “Ich komme wohl noch zu sehr aus einer analogen Welt, in der man sich nicht immer nur umschleicht, sondern sich einfach mal in die Augen schaut und die Wahrheit sagt. Das ist scheinbar aus der Mode gekommen.“

Er wisse, dass in der Politik auch schon mal mit harten Bandagen gestritten werde. “Aber es sollte mit offenem Visier erfolgen.“ 

Etwas Gutes hat sein Abgang aus dem Regierungskabinett für Gabriel, wie er berichtet. Seine Tochter habe zu ihm gesagt: “Du musst nicht traurig sein, Papa, jetzt hast Du doch mehr Zeit mit uns. Das ist doch besser als mit dem Mann mit den Haaren im Gesicht.”

15년 만에 남쪽에서 공연한 북한 예술단은 “평화”와 “통일”을 노래했다

15년 만에 남쪽에서 공연한 북한 예술단은 “평화”와 “통일”을 노래했다

″여러분 반갑습니다. 평창동계올림픽을 민족의 경사로 축하하기 위해 강릉을 먼저 찾았습니다.”

8일 오후 8시 강원 강릉시 강릉아트센터 사임당홀에서는 2002년 8월 서울에서 열린 8·15 민족통일대회 이후 15년6개월 만에 북한 예술단의 방남 공연이 열렸다. 공연에 참여하는 북한 예술단은 관계자를 포함해 총 140여명으로 역대 최대 규모다.

객석 입장은 오후 7시30분부터 이뤄졌다. 공개된 무대는 가로 14m 세로 16m 규모였다. 특히 무대와 관객석 사이의 거리가 3m에 불과해 아주 가까웠다. 사임당홀 하우스매니저는 무대 앞 좌석인 70석을 비우고 무대공간을 넓혔다고 밝혔다.

이에 총 좌석 998석인 사임당홀은 방송장비를 배치한 객석공간을 제외하고 902석으로 줄어들었다. 여기에 일반 응모관객 560명과 초청관객 252명 등 총 812명이 관람했다. 무대는 지휘자를 중심으로 전자음악 연주단체인 모란봉악단이 중앙에 배치됐고, 관현악단이 좌우로 나눠 앉았다. 맨 뒤에는 타악기들이 몰려 앉았다. 지휘자는 삼지연악단 지휘자로 추정됐다.

객석에서는 추미애 더불어민주당 대표, 최문순 강원도지사, 최명희 강릉시장, 유은혜 의원, 강수진 국립발레단 예술감독, 진옥섭 한국문화재단이사장 등 정계와 문화계 인사들이 다수 눈에 띄었다. 이들은 공연 시작 전 삼지연관현악단의 현송월 단장과 함께 등장해 객석 중앙에 자리했다. 

예정보다 10분 늦게 시작한 공연에서 북한예술단은 첫곡으로 북측 가수 리경숙이 부른 ‘반갑습니다‘를 골랐다. 두번째 곡은 여성 8중창단이 ‘흰눈아 내려가‘를 불렀다. 이곡은 북측에서 지난 2018년 1월1일 북한 동평양대극장에서 열린 신년경축공연 ‘조선의 모습’에서의 대표곡이었다.

특별공연 관객인 남한 관객의 정서에 맞게 ‘설눈‘이란 단어를 ‘흰눈’으로 개사해 불렀다. 특히, 겨울 소나무 위의 잔설이 쏟아지는 영상과 함께 천장에서 은색가루가 쏟아지며 무대를 수놓았다.

세번째 곡은 ″평화의 노래‘였다. 또 모란봉악단 소속 전자악기 4중주단이 ‘내 나라 제일로 좋아’를 경쾌한 리듬으로 연주했다. 이들은 무대 밖으로 퇴장하지 않고 관현악단 안으로 자리를 잡았다.

한국 노래 ‘J에게‘를 여성 2중창으로 선보였고, 왁스의 ‘여정’ 등 다양한 등 우리 가요도 연주했다. 짧은 운동복을 입은 여성 6명이 ‘달려가자 미래로’에 맞춰 경쾌한 율동을 선보이기도 했다. 

이후 ‘백조의호수’ ‘스케트 타는 사람들의 왈쯔’ ‘라데쯔키 행진곡’ ‘카르멘 서곡’ ‘윌리엄텔 서곡’ 등 널리 알려진 클래식 음악과 뮤지컬 ‘오페라의 유령’ 등을 연주했고 합창단이 ‘남자는 배, 여자는 항구‘를 여성 4중창으로 불렀다. 이어 ‘이별’ ‘당신은 모르실거야’ ‘다함께 차차차’ 등 한국 가요를 이어 선보여 관객의 호응을 얻었다

공연 사회자는 ”이렇게 만나니 헤어졌던 부모 형제들과 상봉한 것처럼 감격스럽고 기쁘다”며 ”우리 모두는 하나의 겨레, 하나의 민족이라는 혈연의 뜨거운 정을 안고 이 자리를 같이 하고 있다”고 말했다. 이어 ”저희가 성의껏 마련한 소박한 축하의 노래로 이번 축제가 더욱 빛이 나고 통일의 새시대가 이루어지기를 소망한다”고 했다. 

공연 전 만난 관객들은 15년만의 북한 예술단 공연을 흥미로워하는 분위기였다. 인천에서 온 권영(76)·이근숙(70) 부부는 ”주변 지인 중에서 우리 부부만 됐다”며 ”완전히 로또 당첨된 기분”이라고 소감을 밝혔다.

대전에 사는 실향민 이건삼(74)씨는 새벽차를 타고 강릉에 도착했다고 했다. 이 씨는 ”황해도 사리원이 고향인 실향민이며 6살때 이남으로 내려왔다. 이번 공연에 대해선 기대감이 크다”고 말했다.

이어 ”퇴직후 여행을 좋아해 세계를 일주했는데 태국이나 중국에서 이북식당에서 공연하는 것을 보면 재주도 좋고 끼도 많더라”며 ”만약에 생전에 통일이 된다면 고향에 가서 묻히고 싶다”고 덧붙였다. 

이날 공연에 나선 140여 명 규모의 삼지연관현악단은 이번 공연을 위해 조직된 일종의 ‘프로젝트 악단’으로 오케스트라가 80명 정도고, 나머지는 합창단원과 가수, 무용수다. 삼지연관현악단은 삼지연악단, 모란봉악단, 청봉악단, 조선국립교향악단, 만수대예술단, 국가공훈합창단 등 6~7개의 북한 예술단에서 최정예 연주자와 가수, 무용수를 뽑아 구성한 것으로 알려졌다.

삼지연관현악단은 지난 6일 여객선인 만경봉 92호를 타고 원산항을 출발해 동해 해상경계선을 넘어 동해 묵호항에 도착했다. 이번 강릉 공연 후 서울로 이동해 11일 오후 7시 국립중앙극장 해오름극장에서 두 번째 공연을 하고서 육로로 귀환할 예정이다.

How James Bulger’s Mother Has Been Campaigning In The 25 Years Since His Murder

How James Bulger’s Mother Has Been Campaigning In The 25 Years Since His Murder
Denise Fergus’s toddler son fell victim to a crime that shocked Britain 25 years ago.

Two-year-old James Bulger was abducted from a shopping centre in Liverpool and murdered by two 10-year-old boys.

Fergus had let go of his hand momentarily to pay the butcher for some pork chops.

Jon Venables and Robert Thompson lured the boy away from his mother to torture and eventually kill him.

Throughout this time, Fergus has fiercely campaigned to achieve justice for her son, protesting his killers’ anonymity and the tax payer funds spent on their new identities.

In her book I Let Him Go, she writes: “I will continue to do all I can for James until there is no breath left in my body – he will always be my son and I will protect him and his memory forever. The fight continues, it just changes as the years go on.”

On Thursday night, Fergus will go on ITV to tell the story of her life, which changed forever when she let go of her son’s hand on 12 February 1993.

12 February 1993

James Bulger is abducted from the Strand Shopping Centre in Bootle, Merseyside, by Jon Venables and Robert Thompson. It is the first time his mother Denise Fergus had left the buggy at home, taking him out on foot. His body is found on a railway line two days later.

Venables and Thompson, both aged 10, are found guilty of abduction and murder and sentenced to minimum of eight years in prison. The verdict makes them the youngest convicted murderers in Britain for 250 years.

Two weeks after trial, Lord Chief of Justice Lord Taylor of Gosforth, increased the tariff by a further two years.

Fergus bitterly fought the lenient sentence. With the support of The Sun, around 280,000 signed a petition supporting her bid, including 4,400 letters of support agreeing Venables and Thompson should remain in detention for life and nearly 6,000 asking for a minimum period of detention of 25 years.

The Sun petition is handed to government. Home Secretary Michael Howard increases their sentence to 15 years – meaning they would be at least 25 when they were released and would have served seven years in adult prison.

The House of Lords overturns the decision, ruling it unlawful for the Home Secretary to decide on minimum sentences for young offenders.

The European Court of Human Rights rules Venables and Thompson did not receive a fair trial. Fergus protests: “The British government should not allow the European court to decide how we operate our legal system.”

James’ parents apply to European court arguing victims of crime should be involved in sentencing. They lose.

New Lord Chief Justice Lord Woolf recommends the tariff be reduced back to eight years.

The killers are granted lifelong anonymity and new identities by an unprecedented court order from High Court judge Dame Elizabeth Butler-Sloss. Anyone revealing their new identities can be be jailed for two years.

June 2001

Venables and Thompson are released on licence from secure children’s homes. They are both 18.

November 2004

Fergus tells The News Of The World she has tracked down Thompson via a letter from an anonymous “well-wisher”. She said: “I wanted to rush up to him and scream, ‘Why did you kill my child?’ Yet I was turned to stone – paralysed with hatred… In the end I just stared after him as he wandered down the street, turned a corner – and was gone.”

Venables is arrested for affray and possession of cocaine. He receives a formal warning from the Probation Service.

Fergus launches For James: The James Bulger Memorial Trust. The charity benefits and supports young people who are disadvantaged by bereavement, being victims of crime, hatred or bullying. It provides cost-free travel and accommodation for such children and their families.

Venables is jailed for two years after admitting downloading the distributing indecent images of children.

Fergus had earlier met with Justice Secretary Jack Straw and called on the government to force Venables to appear in court under his own name. She also demanded that Venables’ probation officer be sacked.

Venables is freed after the Parole Board recommends his release.

Three months earlier, Fergus had earlier urged the authorities to keep him in prison. She said: “I still believe Venables is a danger to the public. He has proven that his rehabilitation didn’t work by the offences he has committed since he murdered James.”

Two men who posted images they claimed to be of Venables and Thompson are given nine-month prison sentences, suspended for 15 months.

Venables breaches the terms of his Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO), which requires he not go online. The CPS decides not to prosecute and the Probation Service decide the crime is not serious enough to warrant a return to prison. Fergus will later learn of this and accuse the authorities of “hushing up” his behaviour.

November 2017

Venables is recalled to prison after being caught with child abuse images. As he was led away by police, he said: “This is my own fault. I have let people down again.

“I have had stupid urges, inquisitive. I’m not going to be seeing this for a lot of years. It’s not going to be a slap on the wrist for me.”

In a statement, Fergus said: “Venables has now proven beyond any doubt what a vile, perverted psychopath he has always been.

“I predicted Venables would reoffend unless they kept a very tight rein on him and I pray now that someone from the UK government will finally listen to me.”

Fergus publishes I Let Him Go.

27 January 2018

Fergus calls for a public inquiry into how the police and justice system have handled Venables. Within a week more than 26,000 people have signed a petition.

My petition has reached over 11k in signatures, it would be so overwhelming if we can reach the 100k requiried Thanks to everyone who have already signed, to those who haven’t please do so & help me get some justice for my son James xx#JusticeForJames

January 27, 2018
Venables is jailed again. His 40-month sentence means he can apply for parole in October next year.

James’ father Ralph Bulger demands Venables is unmasked “for the safety of the public.”

In a statement, Fergus says: “He will be leaving the court today believing he got away with it.” She also accuses the authorities of “colluding” to cover up the extent of his “vile” behaviour.

“There should be no further collusion or attempts to cover up his offending behaviour. If re-bailed, he must be kept on a very tight leash,” a spokesman added.

James Bulger: A Mother’s Story will air on ITV at 9pm on Thursday.

White House Issues a fact sheet bragging about their extensive anti-LGBTQ record

White House Issues a fact sheet bragging about their extensive anti-LGBTQ record

Under the guise of “religious freedom,” the fact sheet highlights Trump’s close connections with fringe anti-LGBTQ activists and hate groups

NEW YORK – GLAAD, the world’s largest LGBTQ media advocacy organization, released the following statement in response to the White House’s “religious freedom” fact sheet issued this morning. The official government document cites numerous anti-LGBTQ actions including the White House’s support of a Colorado baker who denied to serve an LGBTQ couple in the Supreme Court case Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission alongside the Sothern Poverty Law Center-designated hate group Alliance Defending Freedom and Trump’s October speech to fringe anti-LGBTQ activists at the Values Voter Summit.

“Trump has assembled one of the most anti-LGBTQ administrations in recent history and has stopped at nothing to court fringe activists united around their desire to discriminate against LGBTQ Americans and erase the LGBTQ community’s hard-fought progress,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD. “Today’s document shows this is not a secret agenda, but rather something Trump proudly boasts as he continues to lead a culture war against LGBTQ Americans and other vulnerable communities.”

The White House fact sheet also cited Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ sweeping anti-LGBTQ religious exemption guidance which invited taxpayer-funded federal agencies, government employees, and government contractors to legally discriminate against LGBTQ people and the recent creation of the Department of Health and Human Services new “Conscience and Religious Freedom Division” which openly promotes healthcare discrimination against transgender patients, LGBTQ people, those living with HIV and AIDS.

For an extensive timeline of President Trump’s anti-LGBTQ record since taking office and profiles on other anti-LGBTQ activists inside the Trump Administration check out GLAAD’s Trump Accountability Project.

February 8, 2018

Melania Trump had the entire White House exorcised but they missed the most obvious demon

Melania Trump had the entire White House exorcised but they missed the most obvious demon
“I’m not going to go into that White House unless it has been completely exorcised,” the First Lady allegedly said.

Marlon Brando and Richard Pryor Were Lovers, Widow Confirms

Marlon Brando and Richard Pryor Were Lovers, Widow Confirms

Marlon Brando by Havaa (CC bY SA 4.0)

Marlon Brando and comedian Richard Pryor were lovers at one point, Pryor’s widow Jennifer has confirmed.

Quincy Jones spilled the T to Vulture in an interview published earlier this week: “[Marlon] Brando used to go cha-cha dancing with us. He could dance his ass off. He was the most charming motherf**ker you ever met. He’d f**k anything. Anything! He’d f**k a mailbox. James Baldwin. Richard Pryor. Marvin Gaye.”

TMZ reports: “Jennifer tells TMZ … Richard would have no shame about Quincy’s comments. She says the comedic legend was always very open about his bisexuality with friends, and documented it extensively in diaries. Jennifer says she’ll publish them later this year…As for Richard hooking up with Brando — she says, ‘It was the ’70s! Drugs were still good, especially quaaludes. If you did enough cocaine, you’d f*** a radiator and send it flowers in the morning.’”

The post Marlon Brando and Richard Pryor Were Lovers, Widow Confirms appeared first on Towleroad.

Marlon Brando and Richard Pryor Were Lovers, Widow Confirms

「ドラえもん募金は被災地に届かず朝鮮へ」デマがTwitterで拡散 テレ朝が全面否定

「ドラえもん募金は被災地に届かず朝鮮へ」デマがTwitterで拡散 テレ朝が全面否定



























アグネスさんは、1998年に「日本ユニセフ協会大使」に就任。これはユニセフ公認の「親善大使」のうち「国内大使(National Ambassador)」にあたる。


ユニセフ公式サイトには、アグネス・チャンさんとプロサッカー選手の長谷部誠さんの名前が「国内大使」として記されている。同サイトでは黒柳徹子さんも「国際大使(International Ambassador)」の欄で紹介されている











