Trulia Now Reveals State-by-State Legal LGBT Protections for House Hunters

Trulia Now Reveals State-by-State Legal LGBT Protections for House Hunters
trulia lgbt

trulia lgbt

Real estate listing platform Trulia now provides information on legal LGBT protections for house hunters.

The company reports on a new feature:

The Local Legal Protections feature, an employee-led idea, helps homebuyers understand the non-discrimination laws that exist for the LGBT community in the jurisdiction of any prospective home.

Currently, national housing and employment non-discrimination laws only protect some classes, such as sex, race, age, color, religion, and national origin. That means explicit protections for people who identify as LGBT do not exist at the federal level and are inconsistent at the state and local levels. With the Local Legal Protections feature available on all property details pages on Trulia, homebuyers will know if their prospective new home is in a place where there are laws to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the areas of housing, employment, and public accommodations…

…This feature underscores Trulia’s culture of diversity, inclusion, and innovation. Not only was the Local Legal Protections feature born from a recent Innovation Week at Trulia, it was also conceived and built by the members of our internal Pride Network.

Read more at Trulia.

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Trulia Now Reveals State-by-State Legal LGBT Protections for House Hunters

‘Flatpack Empire’ : 20 Moments That Make The Ikea Documentary Must-See Viewing

‘Flatpack Empire’ : 20 Moments That Make The Ikea Documentary Must-See Viewing

Love it or hate it, Ikea is one of the most intriguing businesses on the planet. 

With its endless amounts of meatballs, super-frustrating helpful arrows on the floor and flatpacks aplenty, the furniture retailer has become of the UK’s most-loved brands and on Tuesday (6 February) the BBC gave viewers a look behind the scenes. 

Here are 20 moments that made it must-see viewing… 

1. When it started with this guy’s frank take on Ikea 

It was clear that from this point on, we’d be in for a no-holds-barred look at the furniture shop. 

2. This shot of a designer, who clearly hadn’t done her homework so tried to pull this off 

The cushion-coat, coming to a store near you! 

3. Tom Dixon’s introduction set the tone for his scenes 

Funny, that. 

4. And his determination to avoid calling a bed, ‘a bed’

5. Paul’s enthusiasm for the 80s-themed party

In his defence, the shell suit really was something.

6. “Platform for living”

7. This fact about the catalogue knocked us for six 


The Ikea catalogue’s print run is bigger than the Bible’s, and the Quran’s. 

8. “Bed sofa”

Definitely not a bed, people. No beds to see here. 

9. The Catalogue Council

Sarah, the catalogue designer, works tirelessly on the design each year. Then if the council don’t like her work, they just bin it. They’re terrifying. 

10. When this Ikea employee shared our flatpack struggles

Smug grins all round, it’s not just us who end up in floods of tears every time.

11. Tom’s second passion was making sure his design wasn’t called a “sofa bed”

His colleague deserves a raise for putting up with this. 

12. This detail about “the Ikea way” 

Even the top bosses usually take buses, in order to cut costs. 

13. When we found out what happens if you call Tom’s design a sofa, while he’s in the room 

So just to make things clear: Beds are “primary living unit”, unless Tom is bickering with Ikea over his design, in which case “bed” shall be shouted from the rooftops. Got that? 

14. And how he got his own back on stage at a fancy furniture fair

This guy’s face also deserves 10 points. 

15. This return to Warrington gave us a real insight into the future 

Whatever Paul’s having, we want one. 

16. Simon’s desire to visit Ikea HQ was one of the purest things on television 

Until he questioned why a colleague should get to go twice and tried to get her thrown off the shortlist, that is. 

17. His face when he got there was even better 

It’s like Disneyland but even more amazing, basically. 

18. Everyone’s joy at discovering what Ikea almost named one of their products

It was rejected for the obvious reason.  

19. Paul’s verdict on the catalogue


20. Finally, we’ll never forget the image of Tom’s sofa bed going up in flames

Just redo the safety tests, they said! It’ll be easy, they said!

Don’t worry though, they got there in the end. 

Watch ‘Flatpack Empire’ on BBC iPlayer.

Proprioception & 10 insanely hot fitness tips from Instagrammers who would know

Proprioception & 10 insanely hot fitness tips from Instagrammers who would know
Poke around for the social network and you’ll find a never-ending stream of athletes and trainers, only too happy to divulge the secrets of their physical fitness journey.

Vistaprint CEO Explains ‘Satan Pamphlets’ Mix-Up, Makes Amends with LGBTQ Community

Vistaprint CEO Explains ‘Satan Pamphlets’ Mix-Up, Makes Amends with LGBTQ Community

(Photo: Courtesy of Stephen Heasley and Andrew Borg)

Vistaprint’s CEO and Founder Trynka Shineman and Robert Keane released a long statement yesterday apologizing for the mix-up that made headlines last month in which anti-gay religious pamphlets were sent to a gay couple instead of the wedding programs they had ordered.

Shineman and Keane first apologized and released an explanation of how the error occurred:

Thank you for your patience as we have been working to investigate the recent incident surrounding the incorrect delivery that was made to one of our customers. We want to reiterate how sorry we are for the pain this caused Andrew and Stephen, and anyone else who has been hurt by this event. We would never intentionally cause any of our customers or partners harm, and we have never been more disappointed to let a customer down.

We want to provide an update on our completed internal investigation. In short, our investigation revealed that this was an unintentional order mix up at one of our third-party partners, not a targeted act by an employee or partner. Two separate orders were printed simultaneously, placed in separate boxes, sealed, and then after sealing were unfortunately mislabeled. Our findings determined that this incident was due to human error, and was without malicious intent or even knowledge that it had occurred. While a fulfillment error like this happens in a minute fraction of customer orders, there is room for improvement and we are working with our partner to make changes. Ultimately, we are responsible for this error and feel strongly that we should be the ones to take accountability for the mistake, and for creating a better experience for our customers.

We would also like to clarify that the content our customers received in error was not hate speech, as it has been characterized. It was a flyer for a religious program, with no references that single out any group or organization.

We have reiterated to Andrew and Stephen how sorry we are about this event and discussed what we, in partnership, can do to help use this incident as an opportunity to make a positive impact on important LGBTQ issues. Andrew and Stephen join us in expressing a desire to move forward and turn this into a positive opportunity for the LGBTQ community and shared the following comments:

“This has been an incredibly difficult experience for both of us. After we filed our case, Vistaprint engaged us in a dialogue and invited us to their offices to apologize and share the results of their investigation. We have always wanted to use this as an opportunity to create greater understanding and acceptance of the LGBTQ community. We’ve accepted Vistaprint’s apology, and will work with them to select U.S. and Australian-based organizations that they will be making donations to in order to further achieve this mission.”

They also said they are taking steps to make amends and show that they support the LGBTQ community:

Vistaprint will make three donations in partnership with Andrew and Stephen to organizations that support LGBTQ causes, two to organizations from the U.S. and one from Australia. One of these organizations is GLSEN, the leading educational organization working on LGBTQ issues in K-12 schools in the U.S. As part of this donation, Vistaprint will create an engagement program with GLSEN, spearheaded by the senior leadership team and our Vistaprint Pride group.

They also said that they’ll form an internal diversity program to open a dialogue with employees about how to best implement policies of equality internally and externally.

They said they’ll also conduct an internal policy review:

We are committed to providing all of our employees with equal opportunities and benefits and took this opportunity to re-look at our policies. To that end, we have committed to participating in the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index for 2019, to ensure we meet the national benchmarks on corporate policies and practices. We are also evaluating our global policies with a focus on meeting the same standards.

The post Vistaprint CEO Explains ‘Satan Pamphlets’ Mix-Up, Makes Amends with LGBTQ Community appeared first on Towleroad.

Vistaprint CEO Explains ‘Satan Pamphlets’ Mix-Up, Makes Amends with LGBTQ Community

10+1 zeitlose Herausforderungen und Wahrheiten zu “Führung”

10+1 zeitlose Herausforderungen und Wahrheiten zu “Führung”

Es ist manchmal erschreckend, welche Ergebnisse zu finden sind, wenn die Kollegen der großen Beratungen Zeit finden, in Ihren Datenbanken zu stöbern. 

Ende letzter Woche habe ich in einen Podcast von McKinsey reingehört. Thema: “What every leader needs to know about organizational management.“ Das war beruhigend, aber es war vor allem auch ernüchternd!

Beruhigend (wenn auch nicht neu) war, dass auch “die großen” meiner Zunft an den gleichen Problemen arbeiten, wie wir kleinen. Beruhigend war auch, dass sie im Allgemeinen keine besseren Lösungen haben – und im Speziellen hängt es ohnehin von der jeweiligen Konstellation, der Chemie zwischen Berater und Kunden ab… soweit so gut. 

Ernüchternd (wenn auch nicht neu) war, dass auch “die großen” meiner Zunft an den gleichen Problemen arbeiten, wie wir kleinen…. 

Der Vorteil, den eine Beratung die seit 1926 im Markt ist nutzen kann, ist der Umfang der vorhandenen Datenbasis. Das bei einem solchen „data mining“ zutage getretene dramatische Element ist, dass sich in dieser langen Zeit so unglaublich wenig getan hat. 

“10 zeitlose Wahrheiten” in Buchform

Die Autoren Mary Meaney und Scott Kelle des im Podcast thematisierten Buches haben „10 zeitlose Wahrheiten“ in Bezug auf Führungsthemen in Organisationen identifiziert und in drei Themenbereichen kategorisiert: 

  1. Talente und Teams
  2. Entscheidungsfindung
  3. Kultur und Wandel

Im ersten Teil geht es darum, die “richtigen” Talente zu finden, fördern und die Teams so zusammenzusetzen und ihnen Rahmenbedingungen zu ermöglichen, dass ergebnisorientierte und zugleich gute Zusammenarbeit ermöglicht wird. (“1. How do I attract and retain the right talent? 2. How do I develop the talent we need to win?3. How do I manage performance to unlock our full potential? 4. How do I create a high-performing leadership team?“)

Im zweiten geht es um die Rahmenbedingungen für gute und zeitgemäß schnelle Entscheidungen (“5. How do I improve the quality and speed of decision-making? 6. How do I reorganize to capture maximum value quickly? 7. How do I reduce overhead costs sustainably?“) und im dritten darum, wie die Basis für eine Kultur geschaffen werden kann, die intern wie extern als Attraktor für das Unternehmen wirkt und den heutzutage notwendigen kontinuierlichen Entwicklungsprozesse bestmöglich unterstützt – auf der organisationalen, wie auf der individuellen Ebene (“8. How do I make culture a competitive advantage? 9. How do I lead organization-wide transformational change? 10. How do I successfully transition into a new leadership role?“).

Zeitloses Beharrungsvermögen

Was man daran erkennt ist tatsächlich echte, wahre, ungeschminkte Zeitlosigkeit – bzw. ein unglaubliches Beharrungsvermögen in alten Zuständen. Die Themen spiegeln die Herausforderungen, nach deren Lösungen Generationen von Führungskräften bereits gesucht haben. Und heute sind wir von den Lösungen genauso weit weg, wie schon immer und zugleich ihnen heute so nah wie nie zuvor.

Mein Eindruck, der sich beim Blick in das Buch „Leading Organizations: Ten Timeless Truths“, dass den Aufhänger für den Podcast lieferte, bestätigt. Wir scheitern noch immer an dem in der Industrialisierung richtigen, jetzt aber gefährlichen Glaubenssatz, der verbietet, die Fähigkeiten und das Wissen hierarchisch Untergeordneter als werthaltig und wertvoll zuzulassen. Ganz banal tun wir uns noch immer schwer damit, Zusammenarbeit mit gesundem Menschenverstand UND gesundem Menschengefühl anzugehen. Immer noch treibt uns die Angst zu unterliegen, blicken wir neidvoll und/oder mit Ablehnung auf andere. Noch immer lernen wir von klein auf, dass wir alleine für uns kämpfen müssen. 

Eine neue Abhängigkeit

Doch zugleich verlangt das, was wir als technologische Entwicklungen in die Welt gebracht haben, einen anderen Ansatz. Wir sind heute nicht mehr abhängig von dem Wissen von Führung. Wir haben diese Abhängigkeit gegen die Notwendigkeit eingetauscht gemeinsame gute Arbeit zu leisten. Niemand kann heute mehr im Elfenbeinturm sitzen und sich seine eigene Welt malen. Wir alle wollen, wenn wir können und den Raum dafür erhalten, als (reflektierte) Erwachsene sinnvoll gemeinsam mit anderen etwas Wichtiges, Sinnvolles, Großes, „Richtiges“ erreichen.

Ob wir dies „digital“ oder „agil“ tun ist dabei zunächst Nebensache. Manchmal müssen wir die Ansätze vermischen, manchmal separieren. Immer muss “die Führung” sich allerdings klar werden, was sie will, dass Sie noch immer mit entscheidet, wohin die Reise guter (Zusammen)Arbeit geht. Wie viel Rahmen sie (frei)geben will. Wie sie sich selbst versteht.

Vorausschauende Führungen, die neuen „Colaborative Leader“ entlasten sich dabei, indem sie sich und anderen Raum geben, sich mit Menschenverstand und Menschengefühl, mit IQ, EQ und WeQ einzubringen. Andere wissen, dass sie den Weg bewusst gestalten müssen, um möglichst viele mitzunehmen, wieder andere schränken sich ein und die übrig gebliebenen, weniger offenen, werden (so meine Prognose) bald mit den Folgen leben müssen.

Die neue Wahrheit

Die zusätzliche „neue“ Wahrheit, die ich wahrnehme ist, dass es bei dem, was wir in Zukunft im Bezug auf Arbeit vor uns haben, immer mehr um immer weniger geht. Es geht um mehr Qualität und weniger Masse. Es geht darum gemeinsam optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen, idealerweise in weniger Arbeitszeit. Es geht um mehr Top-Produkte und begeisterte Kunden und weniger Verschwendung von Ressourcen wie (Lebens)Zeit.

Um das zu erreichen, geht es um mehr Zufriedenheit und mehr Sinn und um weniger Stress und Belastung. Es geht um mehr besseres Arbeiten und nicht um bessere Mehrarbeit. 

Damit schließt wieder der Kreis, denn auch hier geht es „ganz einfach“ um die Verbindung von IQ, EQ und WeQ. 

Das Management, die Führung ist dabei der Motor, der die (Zahn)räder in Bewegung und zugleich den Rahmen setzt, im Positiven wie im Negativen. Bei allen Bottom-up Aktivitäten wie dem WOL, das enorme Auswirkungen auf den WeQ, das Gemein(schafts)verständnis hat, braucht es diesen Rahmen, um zukunftsgerichtet – und dann auch mehr miteinander – agieren zu können. 

Die Kollegen von McKinsey haben dazu in den letzten Jahren den Organizational Health Check entwickelt – der natürlich auch Thema im Podcast ist. Ein Tool, dass stark an die Reflexionsinstrumente erinnert, die ich seit Jahren in meinem Portfolio habe und die seit 10 Jahren in über 150 Unternehmen weltweit hervorragende Einblicken liefern: Die Management- und Organisation-Design Checks von AgilityInsigts. 

Wenn Sie herausfinden wollen, wie die Chancen für die Nutzung von IQ, EQ und WeQ bei Ihnen stehen, können Sie also entweder die Kollegen von McKinsey bemühen, oder einfach auch bei mir oder meinen Verbundpartnern bei AgilityInsights anfragen. Denn nur Sie als Führungskraft entscheiden, wann und wie sie zu Ihren zeitlosen Wahrheiten langfristig erfolgreiche Antworten und die besten Lösungen für Ihre Organisation finden. 

Meine Tipps

  • Versuchen Sie den Kollegen und Mitarbeitern Raum für IQ, EQ und WeQ zu geben. Selbst wenn eines der Elemente mal weniger oder mal mehr vorhanden ist, in der Summe der Gemeinschaft ist meist alles ausreichend vorhanden. Und gehen Sie als Beispiel voran. 
  • Werfen Sie einen Blick in die Zukunft und versuchen in mehr Qualität bei gleichzeitig weniger Quantität zu denken. Wie können Sie Ihr Geschäft hochwertiger positionieren, um dem Massenanbietern eine Schritt voraus zu sein.
  • Machen Sie sich bewusst, welchen Einfluss die Arbeitsstrukturen, Prozesse und eben auch die Führung hat. Betrachten Sie alle Elemente in ihrem Zusammenspiel und beseitigen Sie alle Hemmnisse für gute Zusammenarbeit.  

Und der letzte Tipp ist nach diesem Artikel ohnehin klar. Wenn Sie Unterstützung suchen, dann nehmen Sie Kontakt zu mir oder einem meiner Verbundpartner auf. Sie an dieser Stelle optimal beraten können auch wir „ganz kleinen“ – vielleicht sogar besser und persönlicher.  

Ich wünsche Ihnen einen entspannte und erfolgreiche Weg in die Zukunft Ihrer (Zusammen)Arbeit!

SBS가 ‘리턴’ 주연배우 교체를 검토 중이다

SBS가 ‘리턴’ 주연배우 교체를 검토 중이다

고현정이 결국 SBS 수목드라마 ‘리턴’에서 하차할 전망이다.

SBS 측은 7일 오후 ‘리턴’ 제작진과 주연 배우인 고현정의 불화로 배우 교체를 검토 중이라고 밝혔다.

OSEN에 따르면 ‘리턴’ 측 관계자는 7일 ”현재 고현정씨와 ‘리턴’ 제작진 간의 갈등이 커서 더 이상 같이 작업을 진행할 수 없게 됐다”며 ”이에 따라 주연배우 교체를 검토 중”이라고 말했다. 

이어서 한 SBS 관계자 역시 서울경제에 ”화해가 불가능한 상황”이라며 ”아무리 스타 캐스팅이 중요하다지만 제작진을 무시하는 상황은 용납하기 힘들다”고 전했다. 

이날 스포츠서울은 고현정이 ‘리턴’ 감독과 다툼을 벌인 이후 촬영을 거부해 다른 출연진과 제작진이 촬영을 접고 복귀했다고 보도했다. 또한, PD 폭행설도 제기된 바 있다.

한편, 오는 8일 방송되는 ‘리턴’ 15, 16회는 2018 평창동계올림픽 경기 중계로 결방된다.

Sadiq Khan Is Right To Ensure Community Support For His Housing Plans

Sadiq Khan Is Right To Ensure Community Support For His Housing Plans

When I worked at Shelter 18 years ago, rough sleeping and homelessness were at an all-time high. The Labour government brought those numbers right down, but the crisis has returned under the Conservatives.

Under their watch, it’s harder for councils to build new social housing and invest in crucial estate regeneration projects. With many housing estates in desperate need of improvement, and thousands of new homes required to meet the needs of London’s growing population, we must adopt a new approach to housing.

No Londoners doubt the scale of the housing crisis, nor the need for action. But it’s clear that winning Londoners’ trust and support for building new homes is crucial if we are going to substantially boost the number of properties we build in the capital.

In cases of estate regeneration, the support and involvement of residents is more crucial than ever. That is why I welcome the introduction of mandatory ballots by Labour’s Mayor, Sadiq Khan, ahead of big estate regeneration schemes in London seeking his funding.

Many councils already do a great job consulting residents, developing their trust, and involving them in plans for estate regeneration. But having a ballot makes sure current and future residents will be at the heart of decisions about the future of their estates, and, crucially, can give everyone involved the confidence to proceed with plans.

Estate regeneration across the capital will get harder, not easier, if distrust sets in between residents and landlords. Rather than hampering ambitious plans, successful ballots, as a key milestone in a longer and wider consultation process, can help avoid projects running aground, by securing clear community support at an earlier stage. Put simply, forcing developments through against the will of local communities is not the way to get houses built in the long run.

Of course, on their own, ballots are not enough to make sure residents are involved in plans for their estate. And the Mayor can only directly influence the balloting requirement for those schemes where his funding is involved. But they are part of the Mayor’s wider approach to use his powers to fix the housing crisis and win Londoners’ support for his ambitious homebuilding plans.

London’s diversity is one of its greatest assets and social housing forms the foundation of our city’s mixed communities. It is vital that we protect it.

However, regeneration of social housing should always benefit local communities. too often in the past this has not been the case.

In London, with his introduction of City Hall’s first ever good practice guide to estate regeneration and mandatory ballots of residents, Sadiq is showing what Labour can do in office. But beyond the capital, as Jeremy Corbyn says, Labour is committed to giving residents the right to a ballot across the country.

When we are in Government, we will be able to put local people first, not property speculators. We will deliver real regeneration for the many, not the few.

Sarah Jones is the Labour MP for Croydon Central

#AM_Equality: February 7, 2018

#AM_Equality: February 7, 2018

ON SEC. DEVOS’S ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY, MORE THAN 700 PARENTS OF TRANS CHILDREN CONDEMN HER FAILURE TO PROTECT STUDENTS: In a letter to DeVos, the parents, speaking for the thousands of families of transgender children across the country, write, “Our children are at a significantly increased risk for depression, anxiety and suicide. Sadly, the discrimination that causes this distress emerges even among professionals who are tasked with educating the next generation and preparing them for the world. We will not have our children left behind and their lives put at risk as a result of this bigotry.” The letter, signed by parents from 47 states and Washington, D.C., was organized by HRC and its Parents for Transgender Equality Council, a coalition of the nation’s leading parent-advocates working for equality and fairness for transgender people. More from HRC — and read Greg Toppo’s (@gtoppo) report at USA Today.

“My son, Max, is not a political pawn. @realDonaldTrump @mike_pence @BetsyDeVosED have chosen to target him and other transgender children for discrimination.” – @mrsbriggle

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) February 7, 2018

HRC RESPONDS TO PUBLIX’S DECISION TO ADD COVERAGE FOR PrEP TO EMPLOYEE HEALTH PLANS: Said Mary Beth Maxwell, Senior Vice President for Programs, Research and Training at the Human Rights Campaign: “It is a positive step forward that an employer as large as Publix will now offer PrEP to its employees as part of their health care coverage. Publix has locations predominantly in the South, where HIV disproportionately affects the population, making this decision all the more impactful and necessary.” Publix reversed its decision to deny PrEP coverage after pressure from HRC, other advocates and elected officials including Florida State Rep. Carlos Smith. More from The Miami Herald and HuffPost.

After urging from @HRC and advocates, @Publix will now offer PrEP, a once-daily pill regimen that can help you stay HIV-negative, to its employees as part of their health care coverage.

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) February 6, 2018

WHAT WE’RE WATCHING WEDNESDAY — TRANS FATHER LOSES JOB AFTER TAKING TIME TO CARE FOR NEWBORN: After their daughter was born, Brett and Chad didn’t have any paid family leave, and one dad lost his job for taking time off to care for their baby. It’s time for paid leave for all families. More from NewNowNext.

CALL YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS – State bills to keep on your radar!

  • The Indiana Senate passed a bill that would make it more difficult for students to receive LGBTQ-inclusive sex education. More from Pink News.


TODAY IS NATIONAL BLACK HIV & AIDS AWARENESS DAY: According the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Black/African Americans are disproportionately affected by the HIV and AIDS epidemic. If trends continue, one in two Black gay and bisexual men will contract HIV in their lifetimes. Black transgender women have the highest percentage of new HIV-positive test results when compared to other transgender women. More at HRC.

  • HRC Foundation’s HIV 360° Fellowship Program affirms HRC’s commitment to end the HIV epidemic by training and supporting the next generation of HIV community leaders.

OPENLY GAY OLYMPIC SKIER GUS KENWORTHY CALLS OUT PENCE: On The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Kenworthy (@guskenworthy) said this about Mike Pence leading the U.S. Olympic delegation: “So many people have paved the way, but then to have someone leading the delegation that’s directly attacked the LGBT community… It just seems like a bad fit, and I feel like the Olympics is all about inclusion and people coming together, and it seems like it’s not really doing that.” More from Pink News.

  • The Advocate calls the 2018 Winter Olympics “the queerest Winter Olympics in history.” More from Advocate.

THREE TRANSGENDER PEOPLE SUE ALABAMA FOR RIGHT TO CHANGE GENDER MARKER ON DRIVER’S LICENSES: The suit, filed by the ACLU, challenges an Alabama policy that forces transgender people to prove they’ve undergone gender affirmation surgery before changing their gender markers. More from BuzzFeed.

7TH CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS HEARS ARGUMENTS IN LGBTQ HOUSING DISCRIMIATION CASE: Marsha Wetzel, 70, alleges she was harassed and assaulted at her Chicago-area senior living center because of her sexual orientation. The 7th Circuit previously determined that sexual orientation discrimination is a form of sex discrimination under Title VII. More from The Associated Press.


This report by the @AntiViolence Project is truly sobering. In 2017, there was one homicide of an LGBTQ person in the U.S. each week.

— Sarah McBride (@SarahEMcBride) February 6, 2018

ARREST MADE IN 2015 MURDER OF TRANSGENDER WOMAN: Richard Joseph Lopez, 37, has been charged with the murder of 66-year-old K.C. Haggard. More from The Fresno Bee.


LGBTQ COMMUNITY IN SENEGAL UNDER ATTACK: President Obama raised this issue during a visit in 2013, but the Sengali government has continued arresting and attacking LGBTQ people. More from The Daily Beast.

READING RAINBOWBookmark now to read on your lunch break!

Quartz interviews HRC Chief Operating Officer and Chief of Staff Joni Madison; Los Angeles Blade reports that an LA couple raised $300,000 to support the University of Tennessee’s defunded LGBTQ center; The Daily Beast speaks about the significance of Coca-Cola’s non-binary-inclusive Super Bowl ad; The Local SE highlights transgender YouTube star Viktoria Harrysson’s powerful journey; Quartz interviews transgender trailblazer Janet Mock (@janetmock)