Quincy Jones, Paris Snow, Steve Wynn, Wes Anderson, Katy Perry, Rex Tillerson, Mike Pence: HOT LINKS

Quincy Jones, Paris Snow, Steve Wynn, Wes Anderson, Katy Perry, Rex Tillerson, Mike Pence: HOT LINKS
tuan yee

DISGRACEFUL. Trump 2020 campaign ad attacks Democrats for not applauding dear leader.

NOT WYNNING. Steve Wynn steps down as CEO of casino company after harassment allegations: “In the last couple of weeks, I have found myself the focus of an avalanche of negative publicity. As I have reflected upon the environment this has created — one in which a rush to judgment takes precedence over everything else, including the facts — I have reached the conclusion I cannot continue to be effective in my current roles.”

KATY PERRY. I’d change “I Kissed A Girl” if I wrote it today.

QUINCY JONES. Music mogul says he used to date Ivanka Trump: ‘Yes, sir. Twelve years ago. Tommy Hilfiger, who was working with my daughter KidadaA former model and current designer, Kidada is the daughter of Jones and his ex-wife Peggy Lipton. Jones’s other daughter with Lipton is the actress Rashida Jones. Jones has five other children, with four other women., said, “Ivanka wants to have dinner with you.” I said, “No problem. She’s a fine motherfucker.” She had the most beautiful legs I ever saw in my life. Wrong father, though.’

Rex Tillerson moronRUSSIA. Sec’y of State Rex Tillerson says Russia is already interfering in 2018 midterms: “If it’s their intention to interfere, they are going to find ways to do that. We can take steps we can take but this is something that, once they decide they are going to do it, it’s very difficult to preempt it.”

CHANNELING. Amy Adams does Andy Warhol.

UNRULY PASSENGER. Sixth Sense star Haley Joel Osment in airport meltdown: ‘“A passenger on the evening of Sunday, Feb. 4, missed their flight at Las Vegas McCarran International Airport,” a representative for American Airlines told Page Six on Tuesday. “As a courtesy, they were placed on standby for another flight Monday morning from Las Vegas. Due to the passenger’s behavior toward our team members on Monday morning, law enforcement was summoned to the gate. The passenger was upset we would not confirm him on a flight, after he missed his flight the previous evening.”

PARIS. City sees biggest snow in decades and it’s gorgeous.

NORTH KOREA. Mike Pence really wants to go to war.

MEET CABLE. The Deadpool 2 trailer is here.

DESMOND. Meet the 10-year-old kid taking the drag world by storm. “My parents are not forcing me at all,” Desmond said. “This is what I wanted to do, and this is what I always want to do for the rest of my life. I just love their support, it’s fabulous.”

CLIP OF THE DAY. Wes Anderson’s Isle of Dogs.

Watch the exclusive first clip for Wes Anderson’s stop-motion #IsleofDogs t.co/8qDROBI1cM pic.twitter.com/MTqa67Afhm

— Vulture (@vulture) February 6, 2018

SIGNAL MASTER. James Corden introduces Jamie Dornan to the world of model train sets.


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The post Quincy Jones, Paris Snow, Steve Wynn, Wes Anderson, Katy Perry, Rex Tillerson, Mike Pence: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Quincy Jones, Paris Snow, Steve Wynn, Wes Anderson, Katy Perry, Rex Tillerson, Mike Pence: HOT LINKS

Wo bleibt die Jugend? Wie die GroKo die Chance auf einen Aufbruch vergibt

Wo bleibt die Jugend? Wie die GroKo die Chance auf einen Aufbruch vergibt

  • Die GroKo verspricht einen Aufbruch und Dynamik
  • Warum wagt sie dann keinen personellen Umbruch?

Schon der Name des Koalitionsvertrags ist sperrig. “Ein neuer Aufbruch für Europa. Eine neue Dynamik für Deutschland. Ein neuer Zusammenhalt für unser Land.” Das ist der Titel unter den Union und SPD ihre Zusammenarbeit in den kommenden vier Jahren stellen wollen. 

Das ist nicht nur wenig griffig, sondern auch nur bedingt glaubwürdig. Denn schaut man auf die Namen, die bislang für das künftige Bundeskabinett gehandelt werden, versprühen diese nicht gerade Fortschrittsgeist. Oder: Dynamik.

Eher macht dieses Team Merkel IV den Eindruck, als habe man sich in Berlin die solidesten Verwalter, ein paar alteingesessene Fachleute – und ein paar Nachzügler nach Wartesemestern für die weniger bedeutenden Aufgaben zusammengestellt. Eine Mannschaft eben, mit der wenig schiefgehen kann.

Eine Mannschaft, mit der viel gelingen kann, ist es auf der anderen Seite aber auch nicht. Vor allem junge Menschen kann diese Große Koalition kaum begeistern.

► Dafür hätte es ein paar frische Gesichter gebraucht. Neuen Schwung. Neue Ideen. 

Jamaika wäre hier eine Chance gewesen

Na klar: Politik ist keine Frage des Alters. Posten sollten vorrangig nach Kompetenz vergeben werden. Da ist es schon einmal eine gute Nachricht, dass Alexander Dobrindt seinen Job als Verkehrs- und Digitalminister los ist.

► Doch eine Zukunftsidee für das Land braucht auch Köpfe, die sich diese ausdenken und sie vermitteln können.

► Um Menschen, wie im Vertragstitel versprochen, in neuem “Zusammenhalt” zu einen, braucht es Charismatiker, die gemeinsame Ideen vermitteln können. Die Menschen davon überzeugen, dass sie keine vermeintlichen Heilsbringer jenseits des demokratischen Spektrums zu suchen brauchen.

► Und: Es braucht Politiker, die jungen Menschen Perspektiven eröffnen, wo sie derzeit wegbröckeln. Stichwort: Rentensystem. Stichwort: Rückstand bei der Digitalisierung.

Denkt man etwa an eine mögliche Jamaika-Regierung, fallen einem schnell ebensolche Politiker ein. Der rhetorisch brillante und mitreißende Christian Lindner (FDP) zum Beispiel, der bodenständig-raue und kluge Robert Habeck (Grüne) und der polarisierende und emotionale Jens Spahn (CDU). 

Einen neuen Typ Politiker, der weniger Schwarzbrot, denn Bagel ist.

Diese GroKo jedoch hat keinen Lindner. Keinen Habeck. Keinen Spahn. Die Zukunft Deutschlands wird von Schulz, Scholz und Seehofer gemacht. Und Merkel natürlich. Mehr Schwarzbrot geht nicht. 

Mehr zum Thema: Verteilung der Ministerien steht – so will die GroKo regieren

Ein Blick nach Frankreich lohnt sich wieder einmal 

Die heute gehandelten GroKo-Minister sind im Schnitt 54 Jahre alt. Jüngste Anwärterin auf einen Posten ist die bald 40-jährige Dorothee Bär aus der CSU, gefolgt von ihrem Parteikollegen Andi Scheuer (43).

Allein dass die konservativste Kraft unter den GroKo-Parteien die jüngsten Ressortleiter stellt, ist ein Armutszeugnis für die anderen Parteien. Besonders für die SPD, deren Parteinachwuchs erst kürzlich bewiesen hat, was in ihm steckt.

Mehr zum Thema: Die jungen Milden – wie die Jusos den SPD-Parteitag kaperten

In Frankreich – um das schon fast abgedroschene Beispiel von Emmanuel Macron und seinem Quereinsteiger-Team zu bemühen – hätte man sich Inspiration holen können.

Mit Marlène Schiappa (35) bekleidet hier eine junge Feministin den Posten der Gleichstellungsstaatssekretärin. Mit Mounir Mahjoubi (33) ist ein erfolgreicher Jungunternehmer Digitalminister. Für den Haushalt ist mit Gérald Darmanin ebenfalls ein U-40er zuständig.

All das ist noch lange kein Garant für Erfolg. Doch es war ein Aufbruchssignal, auf das es sich zu schauen lohnt. Einen Aufbruch hat schließlich auch die GroKo versprochen.



Cabinet Minister Fears ‘Wipeout’ Of Flagship Tory Councils In Local Elections

Cabinet Minister Fears ‘Wipeout’ Of Flagship Tory Councils In Local Elections
Ministers are predicting a “wipeout” of flagship Tory councils in the local elections this year amid fears that the party has failed to prepare for a fresh battle with Jeremy Corbyn.

A Cabinet source told HuffPost UK that they expected Westminster, Barnet and Wandsworth in London to fall to Labour for the first time in a generation.

A Tory peer and pollster added that Trafford in Greater Manchester – one of the Tories’ few heartlands in northern cities and the backyard of 1922 Committee chairman Sir Graham Brady – was likely to “turn red” too.

The gloomy forecasts came as a senior backbencher said that Theresa May would inevitably face intense pressure to quit if the party lost key town halls.

Labour is confident of making gains in the local elections on May 3, though it has so far played down expectations of major successes in the local elections.

But ministers are nervous that that the Conservative party is still not “battle-ready” despite the best efforts of new chairman Brandon Lewis – and worry that the lack of organisation ruthlessly exposed in the general election remains a problem.

“Things are looking really bad in London,” one Cabinet minister confided.

Asked if Barnet, Wandsworth and Westminster were seriously likely to fall to Labour, they replied: “Yes”.

“London has more Remain voters, young voters and BAME [black, Asian and minority ethnic] voters. And Labour are way ahead with each.”

Voters nationwide could also take a “free hit” at the Government, while at the same time Conservative Campaigns HQ seemed unprepared. “We haven’t yet got our campaign plans in place for the local elections,“ the minister added.

They said that one glimmer of hope on the night would be that Labour voters could stay away in Birmingham in protest at the damaging refuse bin strike.

Another minister said that the party would struggle across the country, not least because of voter uncertainty about Brexit.

Tory peer Lord Hayward, who has polled on local and national elections for decades, told HuffPost that the party’s London problems would be compounded by the likely loss of Trafford, where Labour needs a small swing to take control.

“The Conservatives have the fight of their lives on their hands to hold onto Westminster, Wandsworth and Trafford,” he said.

“They will lose seats in Labour areas too, where they used to have a strong presence. In Redbridge, Ealing, Enfield and Greenwich, they could be reduced to a rump of a few seats.”

Barnet – which includes Margaret Thatcher’s former seat of Finchley – is seen as a lost cause, with Labour just two seats behind the last time the local elections were held four years ago.

Westminster and Wandsworth have long been seen as the twin Tory star councils in the capital, setting low council taxes and fending off Labour surges no matter how unpopular the Conservative party was nationally.

The party is expected to lose seats in the areas it is most likely to retain control, in Hillingdon, Bromley, Kensington and Chelsea and Bexley.

Hayward said that Tory-run Kingston also looked likely to fall to the Liberal Democrats, but the party may struggle to regain its previous numbers in places like Haringey and Southwark.

But he added that the implications of the losses were far from clear. “This year, more so that in most years, it is likely that all politicians will interpret the results to suit their own position in each of their parties,” Hayward said.

The warnings came as a backbencher told HuffPost that May was in “serious danger” of a challenge if the local elections turned out to be disastrous.

Several ministers, including Boris Johnson, have London constituencies but if the losses were widespread, MPs will come under pressure to clamour for a change of leadership.

“She’s in serious trouble once that happens. May is the time when minds will be more focused as people realise how she could bring them down with her,” the MP said.

One party source said that the Tories were still struggling in organisational terms, with a sense that the party missed the chance after the election to hire experienced staffers for key election roles. “The recruitment process was disillusioning,” they said.

But other insiders said that there was now a dedicated ‘London Unit’ at CCHQ and individuals allocated to each of the capital’s boroughs. Sutton MP Paul Scully is helping lead the effort, and there has been an increased canvassing effort across London in recent weeks.


Trump’s Hair Got Caught in a Stiff Wind and Left Him Completely Exposed: VIDEO

Trump’s Hair Got Caught in a Stiff Wind and Left Him Completely Exposed: VIDEO
trumps hair

Trump had a really bad hair day last week. And he apparently forgot the ‘Make America Great Again’ hat he wears in a stiff wind.

And folks are making no apologies for mocking it.

New York magazine on the video, which has gone viral: “It was the worst hair day of what has been a bad hair life. And it may seem cheap and low to mock Trump’s absurd efforts to conceal his hair loss. But Trump is a man obsessed with image in ways that go beyond the normal human concern with looking presentable. Image is Trump’s moral code. He dismisses his political rivals for being short. He sees his succession of wives as visual testament to his own status. He selects his Cabinet on the basis of their looking the part. He conscripts the military as a prop to bathe himself in an aura of presidential grandeur. Trump’s absurd hair is of a piece with his lifelong attempt to market himself as a brilliant deal-maker and stable genius. So yes, it is okay to laugh when the ruse is exposed.”

The post Trump’s Hair Got Caught in a Stiff Wind and Left Him Completely Exposed: VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.

Trump’s Hair Got Caught in a Stiff Wind and Left Him Completely Exposed: VIDEO

Schalke – Wolfsburg im Live-Stream: DFB-Pokal online sehen, so geht’s

Schalke – Wolfsburg im Live-Stream: DFB-Pokal online sehen, so geht’s

  • Der VfL Wolfsburg tritt zum DFB-Viertelfinale gegen den FC Schalke 04 an 
  • Im Video erfahrt ihr, wie ihr das Spiel im Live-Stream mitverfolgen könnt

Schalke – Wolfsburg im Live-Stream: Wer folgt dem FC Bayern und Bayer Leverkusen ins Halbfinale des DFB-Pokals?

Diese Frage wird am Mittwochabend bei den beiden noch ausstehenden Viertelfinalspielen zwischen Eintracht Frankfurt und Mainz 05 sowie dem FC Schalke 04 und dem VfL Wolfsburg beantwortet.

“Wenn man im Viertelfinale steht, dann hat jeder das Finale im Auge”

Mit einem Sieg im Pokal-Viertelfinale will der VfL Wolfsburg seine letzte Chance auf eine Europacup-Teilnahme wahren. “Drei Siege, dann ist man im internationalen Fußball”, sagte VfL-Coach Martin Schmidt.

Von der Wolfsburger Anfangsformation, die 2015 das Endspiel gegen Borussia Dortmund gewann, spielen aber mittlerweile mehr Pokalhelden für den heutigen Gegner Schalke 04 (Naldo, Daniel Caligiuri) als für den VfL (Maximilian Arnold).

Diesen Erfolg wollen die beiden in diesem Jahr mit ihrem neuen Club wiederholen. “Ich brenne, die Jungs brennen darauf”, sagte Schalkes Trainer Domenico Tedesco. “Wenn man im Viertelfinale steht, dann hat jeder das Finale in Berlin im Auge.”

Mehr zum Thema: Warum der DFB eine Revolution seiner Verbandskultur braucht

Wie ihr den DFB-Pokal im Live-Stream sehen könnt

Die ARD beginnt mit ihrer Übertragung am Mittwochabend um 20.15 Uhr. Um 20.45 Uhr beginnt dann das Spiel.

Das Derby könnt ihr im Live-Stream der ARD kostenlos schauen

Sämtliche Partien des DFB-Pokals gibt es auch live bei dem Pay-TV-Sender Sky. Ab 20.30 Uhr wird das Spiel auf Sky Sport 2 HD aus der Arena in Gelsenkirchen übertragen.   

Mehr zum Thema: Helene Fischer singt beim DFB-Pokalfinale – das zeigt, wie verdorben der deutsche Fußball geworden ist



Universal Credit: New Free School Meals Threshold ‘To Hit One Million Children’

Universal Credit: New Free School Meals Threshold ‘To Hit One Million Children’
call for all children in families receiving Universal Credit to be eligible for free school meals, but instead they have chosen to make life harder for millions of parents across the country.”

Disappointing that @nadhimzahawi‘s first Ministerial action will be to remove eligibility that would enable an additional 1 million children in poverty to receive free school meals.

— The Children’s Society Policy Team (@ChildSocPol) February 7, 2018

The changes were confirmed in a statement sent out late on Wednesday afternoon. 

Zahawi said: “Academic standards are rising, with 1.9 million more children now in good or outstanding schools than in 2010 and nine out of ten schools given this rating at their latest inspection.

“It is right that we must continue to offer the most disadvantaged young people additional help and I am pleased that, following public consultations, we can extend free school meals and the free early education entitlement for disadvantaged two-year-olds.

“Tens of thousands more children will be entitled to free school meals by 2022 compared to the previous benefits system.

“I’d like to thank everyone who responded to these consultations; their views will help to ensure every child can access a world-class education and the support reaches those that need it most.”
